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Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 ER 60-252-a 1 MAR 1960 Mr. 1&0 Cherr Executive Director The Research Institute of America, L=. 5a9 F tth Aveze Nov Fort 1 7,, N. T. I an awry for the del in piyiug to yam: Letter of January 12 but I have be attempting to auk schedule that I m i g h t t a k e sdvautNp or your kind invitation to att*ad the dinner a: Jresentation of the 'Living Rim of" the Critical T:-,: 1935)-960." to y 1Z letter of December 19, 1 the county- the latter A i1. tb torbmately, r an. =able to rearrange co t but I can Join yvu at, the Waldorf an April 27th much as I voulA lifer to do so. t-bitle I regret that I will unable to be pretest, I eer%MUL3.y vet t` take thia o p p o r t u n i t y to wiah y o u every ae : c* in a it program. er..Ly SIGNED Allen W. "-- es Dim ' t-:ir 0I/== rad 30 Mar 60 Distribution: Orig - Addressee 1 - DCI I - Col. Grogcn 1 - F) ~--i~ - ER v/basic (EXECUTIVE I EC!STV FIB E, G . Oproved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676l 004100010086-4 -4100irc" COM ti DIRECT REPLY I _ PREPARE REPLY DISPATCH I RECOMMENDATION The Director wonders if you know of any others who are attending this dinner besides those named in Mr. Cherne's latest letter. Also, the DCI has still not quite decided whether or not he should accept an invitation to what appears to be a function designed to enhance the public relations and business of the hosts. What do you think? FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FORM NO. Replaces Form 30-4 I APR 55 237 which may be used. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 MEMORANDUM FOR: 21 March 1960 The following have declined invitations to attend Mr. Cherne's affair: The President of the U.S. The Secretary of State Walter Lippman Jack McCloy Governor Nelson Rockefeller No replies have yet been received from the following: Benjamin Fairless General Alfred Gruenther William Faulkner Thomas E. Dewey Representative Joseph Martin Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Speaker Sam Rayburn Dr. Edward Teller (and a number of others) Acceptances have been received from an impressive list which includes the following: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luce Arthur Hays Sulzburger Lowell Thomas Senator Stuart Symington Dr. Wernher Von Braun Charles E. Wilson (both of them) Paul G. Hoffman Averell Harriman General Mark W. Clark General Lucius Clay Bernard M. Baruch Francis Biddle Sherman Adams (et al) -- List is attached. Chet Huntley will be the narrator with interspersed comments by Allan Nevins, with a dramatic introduction of each of the distinguished guests. Recommend: That the DCI attend. (Attach) ua ey J. Gro n Assistant to the Director Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 Approved F4F te4daie12 '2/?8/2: MIAORDME' 6R004100010086-4 "THE LIVING HISTORY OF THE CRITICAL YEARS: 1935-1960" ACCEPTANCES - RESEARCH INSTITUTE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY DINNER - APRIL 27 The Honorable Sherman Adams The Honorable Thurman Arnold The Honorable Bernard M. Baruch The Honorable Francis Biddle The Honorable Charles F. Brannan The Honorable Ralph J. Bunche Admiral Arleigh A. Burke The Honorable Harry F. Byrd General Mark W. Clark General Lucius Clay The Honorable James B. Conant Mr. Harlow H. Curtioe General James H. Doolittle General William H. Draper, Jr. The Honorable James A. Farley Mr. Robert Frost Mr. G. Keith Funston The Honorable W. Averell Harriman The Honorable Leon Henderson General Lewis B. Hershey The Honorable Oveta Culp Hobby The Honorable Paul G. Hoffman Mr. H. V. Kaltenborn The Honorable Estes Kefauver The Honorable'William,F. Knowland The Honorable David E. Lilienthal The Honorable Henry Cabot Lodge The Honorable Clare Boothe Luce Mr. Henry R. Luce The Honorable Thurgood Marshall General Anthony C. McAuliffe Mr. David J. McDonald Mr. George Meany The Honorable Raymond Moley Admiral Chester W. Nimitz The Honorable Frank Pace, Jr. The Honorable William S. Paley The Honorable Frances Perkins Admiral Arthur W. Radford Mr. Walter P. Reuther Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt The Honorable Samuel I. Rosenman Mr. Beardsley Ruml General David Sarnoff Mr. Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. General Carl Spaatz The Honorable Harold E. Stassen The Honorable Lewis L. Strauss Mr. Arthur Hays Sulzberger The Honorable Stuart Symington Mr. Lowell Thomas Mr. Norman Thomas The Honorable Rexford Guy Tugwell General James A. Van Fleet Dr. Wernher Von Braun Approved FoI1 y0VrydAcri 6768004100010086-4 ILLEGIB The Honorable Charles E. Wilson Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 "Living History of the Critical Years: 1935 - 1969, The Honorable Dean G. Acheson The Honorable Sherman Adams The Honorable Bernard M. Baruch The Honorable Eugene R. Black General Omar N. Bradley The Honorable Ralph J. Bunche The Honorable Harry F. Byrd General Lucius Clay The Honorable James B. Conant Mr. Harlow H. Curtice L,--The Honorable Thomas E. Dewey L ,-General James H. Doolittle -" General William H. Draper, Jr. The Honorable Alen W. Dulles V-President Dwight D. Eisenhower The Honorable James A. Farley Mr. William Faulkner Mr. Henry Ford, II Justice Felix Frankfurter Mr. Robert Frost The Honorable J. W. Fulbright Mr. G. Keith Funston Dr. George H. Gallup ,/General Alfred M. Gruenther The Honorable W. Averell Harriman Mr. Ernest Hemingway The Honorable Leon Henderson General Lewis B. Hershey I/Fhe Honorable Christian A. Herter VThe Honorable Paul G. Hoffman ' The Honorable J. Edgar Hoover President Herbert Hoover The Honorable George M. Humphrey Mr. H. V. Kaltenborn The Honorable Estes Kefauver The Honorable John F. Kennedy The Honorable William F. Knowland The Honorable Alfred M. Landon General Curtis E. LeMay Mr. John L. Lewis The Honorable David Lilienthal Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh i/Mr. Walter Lippmann The Honorable Henry Cabot Lodge he Honorable Clare Boothe Luce General Douglas MacArthur Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100010086-4 - 2 - The Honorable John J. MaCloy The Honorable Neil H. McElroy ,--,Mr. George Meany The Honorable James P. Kitchell The Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Mr. Edward R. Murrow Admiral Chester W. Nimitz t,-The Honorable Richard M. Nixon Professor J. Robert Oppenheimer t-The Honorable Frank Pace, Jr. The Honorable William S. Paley The Honorable Clarence B. Randall Mr. Walter P. Reuther Mr. Edward V. Rickenbacker Admiral Hyman G. Rickover General Matthew B. Ridgway The Honorable Nelson A. Rockefeller Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt Mr. Beardsley Ruml Dr. Jonas E. Salk Mr. Carl Sandburg General David Sarnoff Mr. Alfred P. Sloan, Jr. General Walter Bedell Smith General Carl Spaatz The Honorable Harold Stassen The Honorable Adlai E. Stevenson iAhe Honorable Lewis L. Strauss The Honorable Stuart Symington Dr. Edward Teller Mr. Norman Thomas Mr. Juan T. Trippe president Harry Truman General Nathan F. Twining General James A. Van Fleet Dr. Wernher Von Braun The Honorable Henry A. Wallace The Honorable Earl Warren Mr. Thomas J. Watson, Jr. Mr. Joseph N. Welch The Honorable Charles E. Wilson The Honorable Charles E. Wilson General Robert E. Wood Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100010086-4 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 21 January 1960 T,IMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR: 1. This memorandum recommends action in paragraph 8. 2. The Research Institute of America, is a private, commercial organization established to serve business for a fee. It furnishes advice on economics, legislation, management, taxation, and industrial and human relations. It tries to help business firms increase sales, cut costs, reduce taxes, and increase profits. It prepares periodic and special reports aimed to serve business executives, salesmen, and tax specialists. It has been in operation at least since 1935. It sells its services. 3. Mr. Leo Cherne, Executive Director, is a lawyer who was formerly with Tax Research Institute of America. Before World War II, he did some lecturing at Army War College and U. S. Military Academy. He was adviser on taxation to General MacArthur in 1946. He is a director of Freedom House. 4. Ir. Carl Hovgard, President of the Research Institute since 1935, is also engaged in oil exploration and production, headquarters, Abilene, Texas, and tungsten mining in Arizona. He is prominent in yacht clubs. 5. The Research Institute of America has four classes of membership: a. Executive membership for which it charged 1?180. a year, included weekly mailings of staff studies and regular reports on economic trends. b. Sales membership for which it charged a company 415. a month, plus :h9. per month per person supervising salesmen, plus ;i~2.50 per month per salesman, included materials designed to help build sales volume. c. Associate membership for plant executives from foreman to company president, for which it charged a company "1'32. for two years, plus X216. for key executives for two years, included bi-weekly mailings on management problems plus reports as prepared. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 . " Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R004100010086-4 d. Tax service membership, for which it charged $231. for the Tax Control Coordinator, and lesser amounts for lesser services, included materials on preventive tax planning. 6. Publications by the Institute include such topics as Making the Most of Contracts, Report to Management, Communist New Economic Challenge, and Ousting Communist Unions. 7. The idea of listing 100 Americans of differing backgrounds --politic al.l,.--, socially, culturally, financially--in a ballroom attended by 3,000 leading businessmen, educators, etc. with TV and Radio and other Press coverage is a magnificent public relations achievement. It gives the customers who will be at the banquet a spectacle worthy of their patrona-e and it honors such diverse personalities as Sherman Adams and oenator Kennedy, eneral MacArthur and former President "ruman, ~,ew s L. Strauss and J. i,Robert C)ppenheimer, General Robert E. :4ood and Paul G. :`--Ioffman, Richard H. Nixon and James A. Farley, etc. etc. 8. There is no good reason why the Director should not attend with these other honorable people such as Alfred 7:. Landon and Dorman Thomas. its presence and theirs will add to the prestige of this valuable and honorable Research Institute and at the same time will -,ive some oublic recof-nition to the honored guests. It is a function, however, that the Director should not attend if he has something more important to do that night. J. xROGAI ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R004100010086-4 Approved For Release 2002/08/214 " A? RDP80B01676R004100010086-4 (%lfii'L'c% Uf LY/IDLC/?~ ?rJ. ~,GjL/T/' CC'JX~!