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Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 YEAR BOOK glue star JJ(cthep,o o~ 4,neica 1959 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 0 'w OBO 676R 400 7-6 r7 , cV r Yr~ c _-v( C} t vy 4 1~ Q.Y. C Q-c ~J G`~2J } L , Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 DEDICATION With pride we gratefully dedicate this 1959 Year Book to the Mothers who give much precious time and love to the men and women patients In the Veterans Hospitals, who have given them best to our country. To the Volunteer Workers, God love and bless them. THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP Friendship's House is made of Gold, It's in the City of the Heart, Its doors are open wide. Where stars shine all year through, And Love and Trust and Happiness For Friendship's House is built of Gold Are ever found inside. By precious Friends like You. Anon. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mrs. Lee C. Scott Year Book Editor Blue Star Mothers of America 4421 - 4th Road North Arlington, Virginia Greetings and best wishes to the Blue Star Mothers of America. Your devotion to the welfare of our hospitalized veterans is an expression of those humanitarian principals which are an essential part of the American heritage. May your good work continue. Approved For Release 2003/06/2&: CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 RICHARD M. NIXON, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mrs. Lee C. Scott Year Book Editor Blue Star Mothers of America 4421 4th Road, North Arlington, Virginia Dear Mrs. Scott : Since my own mother is an active mem- ber, it is always a particular pleasure to extend my greetings to the Blue Star Mothers of America. The vital service you are performing in bringing to -Americans the meaning of good citizenship, as well as the steady progress you have made in hospital ser- vice programs and the other valuable con- tributions you make to the community, mark this year as another one of out- standing achievement for you. With every good wish for continued success in the important work you are Sincerely, Richard Nixon Approved For Release 2003/06/26 4 CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 SENATOR ALEXANDER WILEY OF WISCONSIN Sponsor for our National Charter Bill "S1315" and loyal friend of Blue Star Mothers of America. Approved For Release 2003/06/261 CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ........................................ GREETINGS BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA Best Wishes for a successful Convention CHAPTER No. 4, SHARPSVILLE, PA. Ida Alderman Dorothy Flynn Co-Chmn. Convention Chmn. ........................................ MRS. DOROTHY FLYNN, 1959 CONVENTION CHAIRMAN AT LEFT. MRS. IDA ALDERMAN, CO-CHAIRMAN AT RIGHT. Pa. Department extends a friendly salute and greetings to members of the National family whose support and co- operation have made it possible for the National leadership to achieve so many notable successes. We are proud to know you have used, your great talents in the interest of all, and may we continue to have the benefit of your counsel and judgment. I am, deeply grateful to the Dept. mem- bership and my associates for the con- fidence they have placed in me and I pledge my whole hearted support and the best that'is in me if God wills it so. Pa. Department President Mrs. Gertrude McCullough Norfolk, Virginia February 27, 1959 Approved For Release 2003/06/265: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 SUMNER G. WHITTLER, ADMINISTRATOR OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, WASH., D. C. Mrs. Lee C. Scott Year Book Editor Blue Star Mothers of America 4421 4th Road North Arlington, Virginia Dear Mrs. Scott : No American displays greater evidence of gratitude for those who fought to defend our nation than the fine men and women who visit our VA hospitals as volunteer workers. The Blue Star Mothers of America in many sections of the country have given abundant proof of their dedicated service to our hospitalized veterans. May your good work continue. Sincerely, Sumner G. Whittier Administrator Approved For Release 2003/06/26 :6CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ???????.???...?????????????????????1/?.? ...............?????.??.....?..?..?.fd,..???? DEPARTMENT OF WISCONSIN ..????.????.?.?????????.????..?.? ..........................?.....?....?..?... ..?.?. MRS. ESTHER BOEHLES, PRESIDENT OF DEPARTMENT OF WISCONSIN NATIONAL HOSPITAL CHAIRMAN Approved For Release 2003/06/26 ?CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 DEPARTMENT OF WISCONSIN MRS. ESTHER fOEHI,F.S PRESJ)ENT OF DEPARTMENT OF N ATIONAI, HOSPITAL. CHAIRMAN ` Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 NATIONAL BOARD MEETING AT CONRAD HILTON HOTEL, CHICAGO, ILL. Esther Boehles, Dorothy Flynn, Etta Drayton, Ann Cluinfoot, Nellie Leonhard, Bernice McDougall, Ann Gale, Nettie Ludwig, Nat'l. Pres., Esther Beer, Evelyn Bednar, Juanita Reeves, Great Peacock, Audrey Wuerthele, Eva Johnsten. ST. CASIMIR NO. 7 PICNIC AT WATERTOWN, WIS. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 s CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 NATIONAL PRESIDENT, NETTIE LUDWIG, PAST NAT'L PRESIDENT, ANN GALE At the Gen. Chas. King Post of the American Legion a reception, supper, and dancing was held to honor the National President. Greetings and gifts came from many patriotic organizations. DEPARTMENT OF WISCONSIN 1 was elected President of the State of Wisconsin at the Convention held at the Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, on August 19, 1958. On August 29, Riverside Theatre two days at the September. 1958, worked at the for Heart Drive and Downer Theatre in Extended Greetings to the WAR MOTHERS in September, at which time Mrs. Gale and myself were guests at their dinner for the National President, Nettie Ludwig. The Glee Club also sang for them. At my first State meeting in Septem- ber, Mr. John Roach, spoke to us about the St. Nicholas Guild. The Milwaukee Public Welfare, Service Officers, Wel- fare Chairman and other Social Agencies submitted their list, of needy Veterans families to the Veterans' Service Center. Several of our Blue Star Mothers helped with the wrapping of gifts. The Chapters sent money to the Center and we collected food for the baskets which were distributed at Christmas time. In October I attended the State meeting and card party and the National Con- vention in Florida. We went by bus and stayed at the beautiful Deauville Hotel. Left for Washington, D. C. November 7th. Arrived at Hazel Rue Scott's home on Sunday. We stayed at a motel near Mrs. Scott's home. On Monday, went to Washington, D. C. Our National President, Mrs. Ludwig, attended the Women's Conference and later we met her and went to the Veteran's Admini- stration Building where we met Mr. Parks and Mr. Mayer. They gave us some advice and were pleased we took time out to pay them a visit. They thanked the Blue Star Mothers for the wonderful work we are doing in the various hos- pitals, and to keep tip the ~ ; xxi work. Then we went to the Senate Building with Mrs. Ann Gale, where -lie had an interview with Senator Wiley and Senator Proxmire, of Wisconsin, to ,ec about our Charter. The Charter sussed the Senate and was approt ed as O. K_. and has been sent to Lower Ilouse. November 11, went with Na! onal Pre- sident, to Arlington Cemetery to place the wreaths at the Torah of the Unknown Soldiers. There are now th,ct of such tombs. One wreath was pk co1 by the National President, Mrs. Ludwig and Mrs. Gale, and the other was )laced by Mrs. Meyer of Ohio and N - s. Scott. Mrs. Bednar and myself stood guard with our National Flag ands3.aaier. The Blue Star Mothers were to first to place the wreaths ; tha Pres:d+_ tt of the United States also placed a wreath. 9 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 STATE OFFICERS AT TOMAH, WIS. Esther Boehles, Pres., Emma Maikowski, Past Pres., Ann Czerniscz, Past Patri- otic Instructor, Ann Gale, Chm. for Tomah Hospital, Margaret Mueller, Past Pres., and Chinn. for Downey, Ill. Hospital, Mary Borowski, Past Pres. Boehles Chapter. At 11 o'clock Mrs. Bednar and myself were in the procession in posting of Flags and Banners of the different or- ganizations. The United States Army Rand furnished the music. The proces- -,ion of the United States Naval Academy Choir sang their beloved theme, Holy, holy, Holy. Worked at the Riverside Theatre for the Will Rogers Heart Drive. Went to the Veterans Memorial Build- ing to attend a meeting-there were about 35 Blue Star Mothers attending this meeting on business and Social 'ccurity. At Christmastime, our Chapters donated 100.00 for canteen hooks that are dis- tributed through the hospital on Christ- mas Eve. Went to a Luncheon at Wood Hospital and was honored by Mr. Firman, the manager. Once a year they have a Luncheon for the V.A.V.S. Represent- atives and Alternates of the different organizations. So far this year, I have worked about 200 hours in Hospital work. On Mondays we have two groups-one from Oconomowoc and the other from Milwaukee who go there twice a month :uxl on Tuesdays there are eight of our Mothers who go out to Wood. Also Chapter 21 has four Mothers who work :,very week at Wood and do a wonderful job. In January I was present and partici- pated in five installations and in February also attended a Luncheon at one of the Chapters, honoring the new President going into office. Worked at the Arena for the Polio Drive on January 9th and 17th; in all, 84 mothers worked in the two-day col- lection and took in over $700.00, which was under the direction of Ann Gale of the Polio Board. Our Mothers looked so beautiful in their white uniforms. In Ferbuary, attended the National Board meeting held at the Conrad Hilton Hotel, in Chicago. I went with one bus load of boys from Wood whom we took to the Miller Theatre to see the plays. March State Meeting and Card party; attended a U.A.V. dinner honoring Cir- cuit Judge Myron Gordon with Mrs. Gale and the National Pres., Mrs. Ludwig; also went with the Glee Club to sing at a program at Wood on Good Friday. April-State card party at the Electric Company, which is held once a year and attended the State Meeting. Was invited to a reception for the United Spanish War Veterans National President with Mrs. Weber. The Jerome Boehles Chapter No. 17 was hostess at a dinner for the Past President Club held at Nino's Steak House. Sent Greetings to the Gold Star Moth- ers at Stevens Point for their State Con- vention. In May, took a bus tour to Downing Hospital and we left 500 lbs. of cookies, 150 records. At Research Hospital, we left $10.00 for Canteen books and some records. Had dinner at the Swifts Pack- ing House and then went to Chicago. Mothers' Day program at the Eagles Club was very beautiful and so were the Mothers in their white uniforms. We have had this pageant for nine (9) years under the direction of Ann Gale. The Glee Club sang at Forest Home Cemetery the morning of the 24th of May at the grave of Carl Zeidler and Billy Mitchell. In the evening went to Wood with our Colors and Banners for the "Salute to the Dead." The Glee Club was the honored chorus at the Veterans Cemetery. The 30th of May in the Parade some of the Mothers rode in Army trucks. Attending a Banquet of St. Hedwig's Chapter, held at the Elks' Club honoring Rev. Father Frank. Helped serve coffee and cake at a V.A.V.S. meeting which the Blue Star Mothers sponsored. June I went to Jackson, Michigan Convention with the National President Mrs. Ludwig, Mrs. Gale and Mrs. Bednar and was honored as a guest as the Nat- ional Hospital Chairman. Sent Greetings to the American Dis- abled Veterans at Neenah, Wis., Purple Heart at Waukesha; the Veterans of Foreign Wars at Wausau; United Span- ish War Veterans at Manitowoc; Am- vets Auxiliary at Green Bay; Catholic War Veterans at Wisconsin Rapids and our own Blue Star Mothers in the State of Ohio and California. Brought Greetings to the Women's Relief Corps in Milwau- kee and the D.A.V. at Watertown, Wis- consin. The Glee Club sang at Fredonia for Flag Day. The different Chapters took part with their Flags and Banners as did the State Department. The Picnic at Watertown was a success for the State Department, also for Water- town Chapter 22. Some of our Mothers worked at the U.S.O. making sandwiches. Mrs. Gale was in charge for the Inland Sea Opera- tion. I worked three days. A total of 300 hours was given by all Chapters. Was at a luncheon for the National President at Wood; in the evening a Reception was given at King Post for her, at which time St. Hedwig's Chapter gave a lovely "High-Low bed" for Wood. Went to Tomah U.S.V.S. Mental Hos- pital and home for a Carnival, took about 297 gifts with us, some small, some large and we had the Bean bag game. It was a nice day. On the way hack, stopped at Baraboo to spq the Circus recently com- pleted by the Wisconsin Historical Society and we were the guests of Mr. Klein and his theatre at Baraboo. Also at the River- side Theatre for Cerebral Palsey Drive, Heart and Polio Drives. Took bus trip to King, Wisconsin ; we had a lovely trip and there were 28 ladies taking part. This is the State Home and Hospital for Veterans. August 7th and 8th is Tag Day, of which we are going to buy a gift for Wood; also a Carnival for which we have 1300 gifts. We will again have the Bean Bag Booth. Friday, the 24th, we attended a meeting of the Veterans Cen- ter, a very important meeting in regard to the loss of our valuable Center. Respectfully submitted, Esther Boehles President Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 MEMORIAL "I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless: Where is Death's sting? Where, I'll have no weight, and tears no bitterness: Grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me." IN DEFERENCE TO ALL GOLD STAR PARENTS IN LOVING MEMORY OF BLUE STAR MO' g 21t And Specifically To EVA FULLER Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Thinnes, Milwaukee, Wis., who lost their son, Arthur Ray, on the S. S. Oklahoma, Dec. 7, 1941, at Pearl Harbor. His Aunt, Seraphine l.ygia Hoffman Who passed away January 8, 1959 Chapter No. 20, Eric, Pa Faye Manross, .'residci BLUE STAR MOTHERS Edith Brandenburg--Rodger Young No. 28, Dayton, Ohio Stella Foltz-l. Fawcett: No. 42, Van Wert, Ohio Ruby Day-Willoughby No. 5, Willoughby, Ohio Helen Sabel--Willoughby No. 5, Willoughby, Ohio Marie Piquette Willo?u.ghby No. 5, Willougmby, Ohio Mildred Shulgrove-Gilbert Oxley No. 7, Flint, Michigan VETERANS In Memory of Robert Eugene Kindel--Phoenix Chapter No. 1, Phoenix, Ariz, Col. Ted Tucker-Lake Shore Chapter No. 38, Willoughby, Ohio "AT THE TOMB, ARLINGTON NATIONAL. CEMETERY, NOV. 11. 1958" Evelyn Bednar, Ann Cale, Nettie Ludwig, National President, Esther Roebles. II Approved For Release 2003/06/26 CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 NATIONAL PRESIDENT, NE:ITlE LUUWIC, PLAC-'ES THE' WREATH. L corts : Ann Sine Gale, Past Nat'l. Pres., Hazel Rue Scott, Pant Nat'l. Pres., Margaret Meyers, Nat'l. Gold Star Mother, Chmn., Evelyn Bednar, Nat'l. Fin. Sec'y carried the Flag and Esther Boehles, Gold Star Mother and Nat'l 1 lospital Chinn. carried the Blue Star Banner. Five Mothers from Lima, Ohio formed a background for the ceremony. ()1-J 1()PLACES A WREATH Margaret Meyers, Gold Star Mother with two Lt. sons buried in Arlington places a wreath at the "Tomb" accompa- 'iied by Past Nat'l. Pres..Hazel Rue Scott. Mrs. Meyers is the president of Columbus No. 6, Columbus, Ohio. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 L CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 WISCONSIN MOTFIF:IIS VISIT VI,,T'S HOSPITAL AT KING, Wis. Wisconsin Department CARNIVAL AT TOMAH, WIS. These Milwaukee Mothers traveled 600 miles round trip to take gifts, games and good cheer to the veterans at J c,mah. ;:,her Boehles, National Hospital Chairman, Ann Gale, Past National Pres., Nettie Ludwig, Nat'l Pres., Marv Rorow ki, 11. l r,.s. Boehles Chapter, Margaret Mueller, Past State Pres., Emma Maikuwski, Past State Pres., and Ann t , rniscz, fast r; ,ic Instructor. 13 Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 kOBERT GILI.'41,_1: No. 1-7, v11LW iUK1,:E, AV1 . his Chapter Honored their own inembf r. Nethr Ludwig, with a recepti, ai upon her return iron Florida, having t-en installed as National b'resident. pt. Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Jfl _ a n . Po d"t 41 - ----------- WISCONSIN MEMORIAL IN PROCESSION y ; 1 IT' F! _ e p_ WISCONSIN GLEE CLUB AT MEMORIAL 15 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/261: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 SIX PRESIDENTS AND CHILDREN HONORING OUR TWO DECEASED PAST NATIONAL PRESIDENT;. A DDA HARRIS, FLINT, MICA., IVAH JONES, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. ST. HEDWIGS NO. 5, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Angeline Nowicki, President and Officers. 17 Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 A BEAUTIFUL AFGHAN MADE BY MRS. MARY ATKIELSKI A member of St. Casimirs Chapter and an invalid for over a year made this lovely gift for the ho:.- pital patients. Her first trip in over a year was made to see this presentation. Nettie Ludwig and An:i Gale admiring the afghan made while the donor was in a wheel chair or in bed. Milwaukee, We held our Christmas party in con- juction with our Installation and had the honor of being installed by our Na- tional President, Nettie Ludwig and Na- tional Legislative Chairman P.N.P., Anti Gale. Four other National Officers were present, plus the State Department Drill Team and mothers from other chapters. We served a buffet supper and exchanged Christmas gifts with members. We meet every first Thursday of the month. The birthday mothers of the month treat with cake and coffee after the meeting and cards are played. Wisconsin State Department (:Ice Club is represented by four of our members. With several of the mothers, we attend the State Department meetings, contribute to the Christmas Party and Carnival at the V.A. Hospital, Woods, Wisconsin, Work at the U.S.O. Carnival and Tag Day. Attend functions such as: Massing of colors at the V.A. Hospital; Memorial Day services at Forest Home and Holy Cross Cemeteries; Memorial Day Parade; trip to V.A. Hospitals at Downey, Hines and Research in Illinois ; King, Wiscon- sin ; Flag Day Celebration at Fredonia, Wisconsin; picnic at Watertown, Wis- consin. Presented an afghan made by our mother to the V.A. Hospital. When a mother passes on to eternity, we display our flag and banner by the casket and hold memorial services. Respectfully submitted, Louise Reshel, President Approved For Release 2003/06/2w: CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 >'I'. HEDWIGS NO. 5, PRESENTS A HI-LOW BED TO WOOD VA HOSPITAL An entirely handicapped patient is enjoying this adjustable bed given to the hospital by the National President's Chapter in her honor. Chatting with the veteran are Nettie Ludwig, Angeline Nowicki, Pres., and Anne Gale. FLAGS and BANNERS U.S. - Foreign - Religious - Fraternal Advertising and Boat Flags Boat Owners Flags Veterans Banners Complete Stock of U.S. Flags Oldest Flag Manufacturer in Michigan DETROIT FLAG CO. 407 E. Fort at Brush Behind Old County Bldg. WOodward 1-2696 ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~? ANN CZERNISCZ, FLAG DAY AT FREDONIA, WIS. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : fllA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ...................................?.................?.?.?.??.?.?...??.?????..?.?.? WEST UNIT of COLUMBUS CHAPTER No. 6 Extends Warm Greetings and Best Wishes to All Mary Stout, Chairman ........................................ EAST UNIT of COLUMBUS CHAPTER No. 6 Extends Best Wishes For A Successful Year SOUTH UNIT of COLUMBUS CHAPTER No. 6 Extends Best Wishes For a Constructive and Successful Convention Sarah Bowen, Chairman Mary Jane Dill, Chairman NELLIE TYNE UNIT of COLUMBUS CHAPTER No. 6 Extends Greetings And Best Wishes For A Successful Year Jessie R. Pensyl, Chairman ..?..?.?...?.....?...?.?.?.?...?....?.?. CARROL EARLY UNIT COLUMBUS of CHAPTER No. Extends Greetings and Best Wishes To NATIONAL Zorah Jones, OFFICERS Chairman LINDEN UNIT of COLUMBUS CHAPTER No. 6 Extends Sincere Greetings Minnie Chapan, Chairman Compliments of CAPPELLI BROTHERS INC. SAND & GRAVEL WH. 3-0594 30032 Euclid Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio "TRUCK BODIES and EQUIPMENT" DUU t I C 11(ULR DUU I BUILDERS, INC. 939 E. Starr Ave. Columbus 3, Ohio Compliments of the DETROIT EDISON SERVING SOUTHEASTERN MICHIGAN . Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : 18IA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ON DEPT. OF WISCONSIN HOLDS RECEPTION AT HOTEL PFISTER FOR NATIONAL PRi:SIDFN`'r Ann Gale, Past Nat'l Pres., Evelyn Bodnar, Nat'l Financial Sec'y., Nettie Ludwig, Nat'l Pres., Esther Boehles, HattI k ozminski, Louise Weber. LUNCHEON GIVEN AT WOOD, WIS. HONORING THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT, NLTTIE LUDW (. Wisconsin State Department Officers and VA Staff attended. Approved For Release 2003/06/26 F ICIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 WISCONSIN OFFICERS AND DRILL TEAM ST. AGNES, No. 16,, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN A check was presented to Woods Veterans Hospital for a triple speed motor for oscillating bed, previously donated. Loretta Zinky, Betty Davey, Laura Geiger, Messrs. Acola and Riley of Hospital Staff, Cele Sickels, Evelyn Zancanaro, Rosalie Becker. Approved For Release 2003/06/:M: CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ST. PETERSBURG CHAPTER No. 1 St. Petersburg, Florida The first Blue Star Chapter in Florida was organized by Leona Stirling, Past President of Chapter No. 5, Highland Park, Mich. and National Hospital Chair- man and Convention Chairman of 1958. The Officers were installed and the Chapter instituted by the 1958 National President, Ann Clumfoot and Past Nat'l. Pres. Nellie Leonhard with ten members present, Nov. 3, 1958. Mrs. Lethia Snyder was elected president. The projects have been Bingo Parties at Bay Pines, V.A. Hospital, donations for research work at the hospital, parties for the blind and donations to the Chap- lains Emergency Fund and the Salvation Army. The Chapter attended Memorial Ser- vices at the Hospital. Representatives attended Civil Defense Programs. Sold daisies on Daisy Day. We hope to grow larger and stronger and institute many new chapters in Florida soon. Lethia Snyder, President Lena E. Davall, Sec'y Pro-tern In behalf of every Blue Star Chapter I feel justified in welcoming this new state into our organization. Also express- ing gratitude to Leona Stirling who organ- ized this chapter and who did such a magnificent job of handling the details of our most constructive and' enjoyable session at Miami Beach. Hazel Rue Scott, Editor ANNUAL RECEPTION FOR THE NATIONAL PRESIDE S OCTOBER 1958 This outstanding event was held in the beautiful Deauville Hotel m Miam, Beach, Fla., for the National President, Ann Clumfoot of Pt. Huron, Mich. V' ith her are Esther Beer, Nettie Ludwig, Bertha Gibson and Sarah Hall. 23 Approved For Release 2003/06/26: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 NATIONAL ELECTED OFFICERS Juanita Reeves, Treasurer; Evelyn Bednar, Fin. Secy. ; Etta Drayton, Third Vice-Pres.; Esther Beer, First Vice-Pres.; Nettie Ludwig, Nat'l Pres. ; Ann Clumfoot, Jr. Past Nat'l Pres. and Nat'l Chaplain ; Eva Johnsten, Fourth Vice-Pres.; Bernice McDougall, Recording Secy. Absent: Evelyn Lauritson, Second Vice-Pres. MRS. ANN CLUMFOOT, 1958 NATIONAL PRESIDENT Captain Ann Petrick whose National Drill Team hails from Port Huron Chapter No. 15 escorts her own mother into the Banquet Hall at Hotel Deauville. Approved For Release 2003/06/26L4CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 DEPARTMENT OF PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYLVANIA STATE RITUAL TEAM, TARENTUM, PA- Mesdames Annie Lippert, John Schuster, Albert P'fiel, Marie Mokran, Charles Hunphrey, Capt., ?iarvey Morgan, James Yingling, Mary Steets, E. H. Armor. CHAPTER No. 1 Greenville, Pa. Greetings from all chapter members. In 1958 we sent Pres. Lorena Gaiser to Miami National Convention, had Flag Day Service, placed a wreath at Honor Roll on Armistice Day. We had rummage and bake sales, made and sold rugs and apple butter, quilted quilts, sold basket holders and had a bazaar. State President Dorothy Flynn installed our 1959 officers, President, Mrs. Gladys Murrin. In 1959 we attended Memorial Church Services, rode in Greenville and James- town parades. We served a banquet to 25 Gold Star parents and presented gifts to all guests, Mrs. Gertrude McCullough, chairman and Jessie Stayer, entertain- ment chairman. We sent Pres. Gladys Murrin to State Convention. Department officers elected from Chapter 1 were Gertrude McCullough, Dept. Pres., Jessie Stayer, 3d Vice Pres., Margaret Kane, Financial Secretary, Gladys Murrin, Guard. We sent a dress, doll and money for a Korean Orphan. Sent money for Department Project, Chaplain;, and In- dian Fund. Visited Vetera,!'. hospital each month with wan', parties Served a picnic dinner and furnishes ,vervthing for a fishing party or 30 t i terans of Deshon Hospital June 9, at Ft maiuning Dam. We have tureen dinne>> itnrl birth- day exchange each 4 months. ?'a d electric and furnished clothing, gr is rice and milk to many needy veteran f. nilies. God Bless you a;1_ Jessie Stover, 19`.S Historian Goldie Brown, 1954 Historian I dadvs M-irrin, 'i i yidrnt 25 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 uFNIC:LRS (}F TARIENTUM, NO. 6, TARENTUM, PA. Mesdames Charles Humphrey, Albert Pfiel, Phillip Simmers, John Schuster, Pres. Dorothy Flynn, State Pres., Instal- ling Officer. TARENTUM CHAPTER 6 We participate in the Veterans Day Ways and means-Blue daisy sale, card Tarentum, Pennsylvania Parade, contribute to National Indian parties, bake sales, and rummage sales. We meet twice a month one for busi- Affairs, Chaplain Emergency Fund and We also help needy veterans families. ness, the other for social special. hold ward parties in two hospitals. Blanche Smith, President ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? For A Good Move Call G. & M. ROGERS COPEY'S + Gifts For All Occasions Transfer & Moving Fostoria - Chrystal-China & Everyday Dinnerware AGENTS FOR NORTH AMERICAN LINE Free Parking Dial DI 2-6814 Sharon, Pa. 69 So. Main St. Sharon, Pa. ???????????????????????????????????????? : ???????????????????????????????????????? WIL-MAR BEAUTY SCHOOL : BRASS RAIL All Phases of Beauty Culture Taught The Best Place In Town For GI Approved Sea Food - Spaghetti - Steak William Dye, Owner Mary Fiest, Director ? and Phone DI 2-7353 Barbecue Sandwich 146-149 E. State St. Sharon, Pa. i 1499 East State St. Sharon, Pa. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 26 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 SHARPSVILLE NO. 4, SHARPSVILLE, PA. Rose Peale, Tresa Sandy, Mary Campagna, Mary Nichols, Mary Marletto, Louise Owen, Marv Pacifi- ,), Grace Neeley, Pres., Angeline Albanese, Mae Jones, Dorothy Flynn, Nat'l. Convention Chairman. SHARPSVILLE CHAPTER No. 4 Sharpsvllle, Pennsylvania Our membership is about 34 members, with about 12 good working mothers. With one business meeting, and one social meeting a month, we get along very well. Officers installed in January of 1959 are Grace Neeley, President; Angeline Al- banese, Recording Secretary ; Dorothy Flynn, Treasurer; and Mae Jone Fin, Secretary. From December until June including, we have had parties at Deshon Hospital every other month. The parties have in- cluded entertainment of music and acts, bingo games, and for prizes they receive canteen books, and distributions of cigar. ettes and cookies. The patients appear GRIMMS INC. Awning - Tents & Covers Furnaces - Roofing & Spouting DI 6-4952 Sharon, Pa. IVOR J. LEE PLUMBING and HEATING 66 N. Main St. Sharon, Pa. THOMAS FLORAL SHOP Phone DI 6-4156 to be very happy with these ,,,u-tics, : nd always say "When are you coming back?" Our obligations such a- Chaplains Emergency Fund, Indian Affairs, state projects and coin cards, hax all been taken care of the first. of the ear. Our annual tag day is held u;eptember to raise funds for Deslaon Hol -al Christ- mas party. Our state convention was heir n Sharon Pennsylvania May 20-21st. Dorothy Flynn is past 114-partment President and is representati:E at Leech Farm Hospital. We extend our best wish to all National Officers and the Edi,:r of the Year Book. Respectfully subz,rr ed, Angeline P.lbanes. Recording Secret;,r: Grace Neeiey, Pre-lent Approved For Release 2003/06/26 2?CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ';HARON NO. 8, SHARON, PA. Ada Alderman, Wahnita Barr, Mary Stanton, Mary Fiest, Pres., Carolyn Fisher, f'lorena Milliron, Florence Rankin, Emma Popvitch, Ethel O'Hara, Elsie Sweitzer, llelen Edwards, Edith Huff, Florence Knapp, Hilda Knowles, Alma Rosslett, Edith Poorbaugh, Mildred Fair. FLOAT OF JAMESTOWN No. 5, JAMESTOWN, PA. STANDARD PAPER & CANDY CO. WHOLESALE 209 Sharpsville Ave. SHARON CHAPTER No. 8 Sharon, Pa. Greetings to Blue Star Mothers We were honored to have our National President Nettie Ludwig attend the State Convention, held in Sharon in May. Other Dignitaries attending were Mrs. Beers .xnci Ann Sine Gale. d mr money projects, are Card Parties, Rake Sales, Pocket hooks, Fans, Adver- tising for Year Book and Calendar Names. WVc go to Deshon Hospital the third Tuesday of every month, where we dis- tribute Cigaretts and Candy to sixty or more Veterans, we also treat them to a fishing party at 1'ymatuning Lake once a year, we have a Xmas party each year. We have our regular business meeting the second Tuesday of the month always in full uniform. We initated four new members, but lost two by death. We entertained our Gold Star Mothers, and presented them with a gift. We took part in the Memorial Day program. We supported the Indian and Korean Welfare Program. I attended the National Convention in Miami, Na. as a delegate. Ida Alderman from our chapter also attended. am proud of all our Mothers, and happy to serve as President for the second year. We extend best wishes to our National President and all National and State l)fficers and Blue Star Mothers every- where, also to the Editor of our Year ''i ours in Service, Marv E. Fiest, Pres. JAMESTOWN CHAPTER No. 5 Jamestown, Pa. Mothers receive citation from VA. The many hours of work and other con- tributions that go into Jamestown Blue Star Mothers Hospital each year received recognition in April when the local group was honored at a recognition ceremony of Veterans Administration Voluntary ticrvicc. 'i'he program was held at Eric VA Hos- pital, with Miss Barbara Phinney as guest speaker. She is assistant director ref services in Military and Veterans Ilospitals, American National Red Cross. Miss Phinney, who has been in VAVS since 1946 described the volunteer work and extended congratulations to the work- ars cited. Dr. L. C. Davis, Hospital Manager, presented the certificate. Receiving for the local group was Mrs. Everett Peter- son Sr., Hospital Chairman. Others from Chapter No. 5 attending were Pres. Chas. Bruce, Mrs. Florence Leary, Mrs. Harry Herrick, Mrs. Geo. Thurber and Mrs. Ernest White. LEYDE AUTO MACHINE CO. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 215 So. Main St. Sharon, Pa. Approved For Release 2003/06/26-'.?;CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ERIE No. 20, ERIE, PA. Faye Manross, President, Ivis Miller, Geraldine Henning, Mary Brooks, Agnes Snave, Irene Swain. CHAPTER No. 1, GREENVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA, AT PYMATUMING DAM Erma Spaulding, Bernice McDougall, Goldie Brown, Bernice North, Bell Lautzenhouser, Virgie Williamson, Gertrude McCullough, Gladys Murrin, Florence Hecker, Jessie Stoyer. 30 Veterans of Dcshon VA Hospital enjoyed a Fishing Trip and Dinner. Erie. Pennsylvonf.c Greetings to Blue Stagy \lothers. We meet the sectnidl Thu, day of each niontli for business meetings - nd the third Wcdocsda% for our social a etings. Dur- ing the year we entertain tln patients at Erie V.A. Hospital once eiri month and remember them altio with -pedal gifts on special days. W o also r; member the grand old men is Soldiej s and Sailors Homes and the unfortumt( children at Zem Zem Shrine Hospital We are planning to have 1960 Blue Star Mothers Statl Cons ion iu our fair city. Hope to se~- you all at that time. Respect iully, Mrs. F.,ve Ma ir: s, , I'residennt Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CFi4-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 AIRS. JESSIE STOYER, THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT DEPT. OF PA. JAPCO THE NAME FOR QUALITY FINISHES SINCE 1885 Specialists in Protective Coatings for Home, Farm and Industry MANUFACTURED BY JAMESTOWN PAINT & VARNISH CO. JAMESTOWN (Mercer Co.), PA. PHONE 3401 ?.??.??.?.???..?..??.??......??.?.?.???. "TRUCK BODIES and EQUIPMENT" BUCKEYE TRUCK BODY BUILDERS, INC. 939 E. Starr Ave. Columbus 3, Ohio Compliments of LOUIS R. ORLANDO FUNERAL HOME 29550 Euclid Ave. Phone WH. 3-2466 Wickliffe, Ohio ? Compliments of ? STAR BLOCK & BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. Lakeland Blvd. Wickliffe, Ohio ? Compliments of JACK NEFF SAND & GRAVEL . ? Euclid Avenue WICKLIFFE, OHIO Compliments of EUCLID UNIVERSAL MACHINE, INC. 29930 Lakeland Blvd. WICKLIFFE, OHIO Compliments of TERRILL INSURANCE AGENCY ? Member of Lake & Geuga Insurance Association WH. 3-1460 29902 Euclid Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio Compliments of CAPPELLI BROTHERS INC. SAND & GRAVEL WH. 3-0594 30032 Euclid Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio Approved For Release 2003/06h6:CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION .ftftmmww is awarded to BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA In recognition of volunteer service in behalf of the veteran patients, through the Veterans Administration Voluntary Service program Awarded atMT. A L T 0 V A H 0 S P I T A L on -_M A Y 3 , 195 9 -- Administrator of Veterans Affairs, 31 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 V A V S STAFF, MT. ALTO, V.A. HOSPITAL, WASHINGTON, D.C. Rev. John G. Lambrides, Chaplain, Lee La Chat, Chief of Special Services, Roger Jones, Recreation Chief, Mrs. Myron Revert, Sec'y, seated-Miss Inez Callaway, Librarian. Mrs. Hazel Rue Scott Blue Star Mothers of America 4421 4th Road North Apt. #2 Arlington, Virginia Dear Mrs. Scott : It gives me great pleasure, National Convention time, to award your fine organ- ization the enclosed certificate of recognition in behalf of our patients and staff. Your gifts of attractive and warm afghans, gaily colored, practical scuffies, com- fort items such as shavers and smokers accessories, canteen coupon books and funds to purchase gift shelf items and contest prizes, are of tremendous help in our programs for patient morale and welfare. If there were some way in which we could personally thank each supporting individual and chapter, including the Ohio and neighboring state chapters, who are responsible for these fine gifts-, we would most certainly do so. For the patients and staff, please accept for yourself and express to all your Blue Star Mothers of America who make this splendid program possible my sincere thanks. Very truly yours, T. J. Ready, M.D. Manager :i2 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 PVT. EUGENE McGANN CHAPTER No. 3 Hollis, L. L. N. Y. Chapter No. 3 has donatee ~5.0H> a month to the Department Host t.c Fluid for birthday parties in V.A. lit sr)itals. Our members worked on the :. lvaiior> Army Drive. A donation of $15?K1 was given to each of two V.A. Hosi i-: l>, ? ne Castle Point and one in Canandat n:. N Y. Each Chapter member contribut:,rt 52c to the Department Xmas Fund ;,,, V.A. Hospital as well as supoortiti .11 De- partment projects. It came to our attention that \\ irk War IT Veteran and his family : ii:p it Hempstead, N. Y. were in neec assit ance. We were very hap;:y to 1,r d>ic tc assist this family. Respectfully si+rijited, Frances 1~. Bali v n 11istoriat Nor:olk, A i>:. lair Febraary 2~. 1050 Mrs. Lee C. Scott Blue Star Mothers of Ar.>erica, [ii. , 44th 4 th Road North Arlington, Virginia Dear Mrs. Scott : Thank you so much fc-r your lctnctness in sending me a copy of the Y- er Hook of the Blue Star Mothers of Am -1 i n and for your thoughtfulness Sn addi9 i a few words to the page on w,iich my ->icture appeared. This is the first time that I t>:c ?c had an opportunity to see a copy a : your Year Book but in running thrc:u_n it I an impressed by its fort at an,: ~,v the imagination displayed in tis pr, p:,ration. As Editor I feel that you are du~? . great deal of credit. We were quite honored to 1,a,, you aboard my flagship during the ccrr,nonies at sea. I do hope we shall 1>d; other visits from you but, of coarse, of happier occasions. Until then, my warm gards and good wishes to you. Sincerely, Officer Roark, State Chairman of the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial Fund was Lewis S. Parks Speaker at the Dept. of Calif. Convention. Rear Admiral, U. ~. ~avy Greetings and Best Wishes To OUR NATIONAL PRESIDENT AND DELEGATES MR. and MRS. W. C. UHL Approved For Release 2003/06/2e CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 More than seventeen years have passed since that infamous morning of December 7th, when the world was stunned by the attack on Pearl Harbor-an attack which brought havoc on a United States Possession that Americans had never before known, and laid waste the Pacific fleet. The ship that bore the heaviest brunt of the attack was the U.S.S. Arizona, with her crew of fifteen hundred and fifty three sailors and marines aboard that morning. When the attack was over, only a fraction of that number was alive. eleven hundred, and two men went down with their ship, entombed where they fell in their heroic role as American defenders. Every state in the Union, with the exception of Maine and Delaware, is represented in the "silent crew" of the U.S.S. Arizona. She is the only Commissioned battle ship left in the fleet-41 others are in "moth balls" and we are told that She will never be decommissioned, but will forever remain a unit of the fleet. Each morning a crew boards her to raise the Stars and Stripes over her almost submerged deck-each evening the flag is lowered. Every Naval vessel entering or leaving Pearl Harbor pauses to salute her. A drive to enshrine the U.S.S. Arizona and make her the memorial she should properly be was launched last Nov. Arizona was given the honor of starting the drive with Chief Warrant Officer James Roark, Ret. as State Chairman and National Chairman for the Fleet Reserve Association for the Arizona Memorial Fund. A member of the State Committee, Mrs. Lenora Cowden of Phoenix Chapter #1 suggested holding "Coffee parties" as a means of raising funds. Coffee is essentially a part of the Navy-in every Wardroom, on the stove of every galley, night and day there is always coffee. It seems most fitting, therefore, to honor the ship and crew with "Coffee parties" and raise funds in their memory. The first "Coffee" was held in Calif. just prior to our Department Convention. A luncheon was held during the Convention when we learned the plans of the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial Committee. All Chapters in California are holding "Cof- fee Parties", by our support we can stand behind the Committee in their plans to cradle the U.S.S. Arizona in steel and cement, and thus preserve permanently the tomb of gallant men who sleep within her-and to build a memorial platform across her once proud deck that will give honor and glory to the "silent crew" of eleven hundred and two. We hope many more Departments will join our "Task Force" by participating, only with the help of many can America make the Arizona the proper final resting place of this gallant "silent crew", and the symbol of all those heroic soldiers, sailors and marines and airmen who gave completely in the Pacific, and to remind its it must never happen again. The U.S.S. Arizona was once the pride of the Navy. We cannot give back the pride she once had, but let us give her the semblance of dignity and honor she commands. The satisfaction from the knowledge you will carry within yourselves that you cared enough to remember the heroic sacrifice of those who paid the last full measure, will remain with you forever. Let us do our part, not through the prompting of duty, but rather through the privilege and opportunity of giving. (Our humble thanks to Lenora Cowden for coming to our California Dept. Convention with this message and facts). Irene Uhl California Chairman U.S.S. Arizona Memorial Coffee Parties Approved For Release 2003/06/26 3 CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 U.S.S. FORRESTAL CREW FORMING "ARIZONA" AS IT PASSES IN SA LUTE. U.S.S. ARIZONA AS SHE APPEARED IN DECEMBER 1941. By special permission of the Author Mr. Harold W. Smith, Superintendent of Elementary Schools of Glendale, Arizona we submit this poem. "They lie beneath the sea in watery graves of Steel. In their dark tombs they cannot see or feel the sunshine and light. Theirs the dark. the black eternal night. Entombed in sacrifice that freedom might survive. They now are dead, while are still alive. Confined with the walls of dank and stygian grave Those honored dead, they speak in pleading voice 0 every wave that washes overhead and seals them in the night; Reminding us that through the life they gave We-still may walk in sunshine and light. Give us the grace, humility and power To build within our hearts an altar Where burns the flame of freedom. May we not falter "till liberty and justice Walk hand in hand wherever men abide. Then shall those honored dead be free to walk with us And see the reason why they died". Approved For Release 2003/06/2e CIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ?.???.???.????.????.?....? GREETINGS from GENEVA No. 57 Geneva, Ohio ?.?.?...........?..???.o.? JAMES PARKE, DIRECTOR OF VOLUNTARY SPECIAL SERVICES VETERANS ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Compliments of WEYHING BROS., JEWELERS Blue Star Mothers Jeweler's Elgin, Hamilton, Omega Special Order Work Watches, Trophies 3040 Gratiot Ave., Phone: Detroit, Mich. LOrain 7-0600 36 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 DEPARTMENT OF ARIZONA PHOENIX NO. 1, PHOENIX, ARIZONA The patients at Whipple Veterans Center, Prescott, Ariz. were entertained by I Ieler Aylward, Pansy Hadsall, a winter visitor from Flint, Mich., f essie Upshaw, Theluna Kindel. Mayme Sarten, Pres., Bea Leppla, Sarah Olvey, Ilelen Koenig, Lucille Cummings. Approved For Release 2003/06/2637 CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Greetings To All BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA PHOENIX CHAPTER No. 1 Phoenix, Arizona ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? COOLIDGE No. 3, COOLIDGE, ARIZONA Float of Blue Star Mothers entered in the junior Chamber of Commerce Parade, won 2nd. place for Civic Organizations in 1958. PHOENIX CHAPTER No. 1 Phoenix. Arizona Our goal is membership increase, held a membership tea, we have thirty-six members, business and social meeting monthly. We contribute to Phoenix Veterans Hospital, Whipple Veterans Center, to all National projects, Korean orphanage Participate in Veterans Day parade. U.S.O.. Armed Forces Canteen, Provi- sions for two families, besides three Christmas baskets. Ways and means-Coffees, luncheon, Blue Daisy and rummage sales. We visited other chapters, assisted two with installation of officers, two attended California Department Convention, three attended National Convention, we are honored that two of our mothers were appointed National color guard, National inner guard. i'he Chapter was honored that Evelyn Lauritson, National 2nd Vice President, was our installing officer, since she now resides in our city, we are grateful for her council and guidance. "Hie school of instruction for all chap- ters, conducted by Eva Johnston, District 5npervisor, Evelyn Lauritson, and Erma 5w-cencv, Past Department President of California. was a boost to Arizona. COOLIDGE CHAPTER No. 3 Colidge, Ariz. Blue Star Mothers of American inc. Chapter No. 3, Coolidge, Arizona, has 16 members in good standing. Meetings are held the 4th Monday of each month at the V.F.W. Hall. In Ferhuary, baked hams for Winter Visitors Party at which four Mothers served as hostesses. Certificates from the Ground Observers Corp, and letters of Citation from President Eisenhower, and Governor of Arizona were presented to 4 Mothers for their help with Ground Observer Program. In March, $52.53 was realized from "Coffee Hour" for the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial Fund. The Blood Mobile has been our Major Project for the past 3 years, and 12 Mothers served in various capacities. Three Mothers also served on Local Can- cer Drive. In May, entered Float in Cotton Fiesta Parade. Recent guests were Mrs. Evelyn Lau- ritsen, National 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Mamie Sarten and Mrs. Sarah Olvcv, all of Phoenix, Ariz. Chapter No. 1. Ruth Garchow, President Grace Squires, Secretary GREETINGS To All Blue Star Mothers of America Expect to see you in Phoenix in 1960 PHOENIX No. 1 Phoenix, Ariz. Mrs. Mayme Sarten, President ???????????????????????????????????????? Compliments To All BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA Cockatiels - Male, Hens, Breeders, Also Babies, Tame and Talking Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Johns 2141 West Monroe Phone AL 3-2513 Phoenix, Arizona Compliments To All BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA OMER SARTEN USED CAR SALES Rudolph's Chevrolet Telephone AL 8-0376 E. Van Buren at 3rd St. Res. Phone AL 4-4268 \iayme Sarten, President ???????????????????????????????????????? Approved For Release 2003/06/26 t1CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Greetings To All BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA CLIFFORD and EVELYN LAURITSON Phoenix, Arizona IRA H. HAYES CHAPTER No. 4 Bapchula. Arizona IRA HAYES CHAPTER, BAPCHULA, ARIZONA Blue Star Mothers of the Ira H. Hayes Chapter 4 of Bapchula, Arizona this year of 1959 honors the Blue Star Mother's year book for the first time since we organized. While we are a small group of mothers we endeavor to do our part in serving our chapter and community when the call comes. In our welfare work we have supplied to the needy through our good friend "Chief Silent Dawn", in food and cloth- ing. Our main source of making money is food sales and dinners at different doings such as rodeos. We participate in local parades on Memorial Day. We are hoping to have a bazaar before Christmas, so that we may purchase our most needed items. Thanking each and every one of you who has helped us along in our chapter, words fail me to express. Ruby Allen First Vice-President Blue Star Mothers are justly proud of this chapter named after the Marine Hero of Iowa Jima and composed of American Indian Mothers. Compliments To All BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA FRED UPSHAW Ranching and Raising Fine Beef Cattle P.O. Box 65 Winkelman, Arizona Loyal advertisers and patrons of our Year Book encourage and stimulate Blue Star Mothers to continue their voluntary services to veterans hospitals. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Groff, Waterloo, Iowa Mr. Louis Turri, Wickliffe, Ohio 39 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 TROPHY WINNERS Dorrie Miller Chapter No. 170 Irene Ulil-Membership Trophy Hattie Russell Chapter No. 154 Kalamazoo, Michigan Ann Petting-Daisy Trophy Gilbert Oxley Chapter No. 7 Flint, Michigan Ivah Jones-Servicemen's Hospital Trophy Paramount Chapter No. 20 Paramount, California Hazel Rue Scott-New Members Trophy 'Silent ])awn", Apache Chief, is much revered by the lowly Navajo on the reservation for his efforts to alleviate the poverty and uplift their standards )f living of the forgotten nation. Always Bargains At COHENS SUPER MARKET 1101 S. E. Scott St. Des Moines, Iowa ??????????????????????????????????????????: ????????????????????????????????????????? Best Wishes To BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA, INC. PRIEBE OIL and HEATING COMPANY 1611 East 4th St. Waterloo, Iowa ? Ph ne AD 3-8467 & AD 3-7184 ? KATZ DRUG COMPANY World's Leading Cut-Rate Stores 7th & Locust Sts., 19th & Keo Way, 2nd & Euclid Ave. Des Moines, Iowa ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Approved For Release 2003/06/2V CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 ?.??????????????????????????.???????????.???????????????????????????????.???.?..??.? DEPARTMENT OF IOWA ?111.?1.4. ?111??1???4.. DEPARTMENT OF IOWA OFFICERS Seated: Florine Dorland, Leona Jones, Eva Swartz, President, Mary Scott, Hannah Feilds. Standing: Hula I oldimaf i-mma Foster, Verena Gilbert, Irma Miner, Josephine Plant, Gladys Groff. ELDORA No, 3 Eldora, Iowa AMERICANISM CHAIRMAN PRESENTS FLAG Ethel Jones in behalf of Des Moines, No. 4 presented all American Flag to Girl Sant Troop No. 103 accompanied by their Leaders. ??.1 ............................?+4..1.11 GREETINGS BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA, INC. HERB HAUSER, REALTOR Waterloo, Iowa Phone AD 2-0015 Eldora Chapter now has 33 r-mbers, gaining 3 during the year. Th, i uilting of 5 quilts ands sale of daisi netted $269. A Food Sale brought Gift were sent to Servicemen at Xm. s $12.00 to Knoxville Emergency Fund, aal-,n $l0 to our State project, *() for < (,pon books, entertainment for ~ eteran 44. O(? The Mothers worked 943 hour waking 124 pairs of scuffies and 4it hihs a , ' ell as sewing 175 lbs. of carpet fags. 'A e iclpcd at the Carnival at Knoxville an I a the picnic in Iowa City. 160 &zens of u,kies were sent to the fnducsion C?auter at Des Moines and to Clinto- Hosl-'t.; . We have had a pleasant year with c r work for others. '?mrna K Fnste 'resident To the Editor : I am writing ii gard to a letter we received vest, rday fl'; ,1 the Waterloo Blue Star Mothers. bty hus_ band and I are a Waterloo service e mils stationed at Fort Henning, Geoi 2,:, We have received boxes of lette,a rom the Blue Star Mothers several tine, and we would like to have it known ih,~ fine work they are doing. It gi cs gc r ?d feel - ings to know we :ire still rememh?ri d in Waterloo by others than our im, - Bate families. 55C and Mrs. lames '.;; beri ?1.11???1111/1111.1.11.1..11??11111111?? 21-F 1lnena Vita Est. r. , Approved For Release 2003/06/ : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 MARSHALLTOWN NO. 1, MARSHALL'I'OWN, IOWA Seated : Ethel Waters, Irma Miner, President, Leona Jones, Past Dept. President, Bonnie Nichless. Standing : Mary Scott, Nancy Fouts. Martha Farr, Joyce Swearingen, Florence Longman. I was proud and happy to once again be I installed three of the chapters new Our State convention was held in May elected president of our Iowa Departiment? officer it `DesnMoin s, and also visited the coo de notl bee with euseEva sorry Swartz Nettie We have a fine group of loyal and Iowa City Hospital. .I held two Schools Waterloo elected the new department of Instruction, which were considered a president. I am sorry to report we gained faithful workrk ers in seems our to be small department. our main in-- no new chapters but did gain some in hospital wo (cre and we an exceptional amount success and held board meetings when membership. We have only six active of work in our r 4 V.A. Hospitals. We State and Chapter report kits were passed chapters but I am proud of the amount made 200 bibs-000 pair scuffies and do- out. I attended the National Convention in of work and worthy projects that they uated $350.011 for coupon books. Our total Miami. When in Phoenix I attended a support. hospital evaluation was over $12,000.00. covered dish meeting with the Phoenix Leona Jones-Dept. President k Wd tb part rt a hospital carnival, picnic chapter. Iowa, 1958 :.uxi bin ga parties. ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ??T??????????????? T. GREETINGS TO ALL BLUE STAR MOTHERS KEHMS FLORAL CO. Best Vdis es Blue Star Mothers of America CHRIS F. KELLER 423 Grand Ave. Des Moines, Iowa Des Moines, Iowa MAC & ROSS' SKELLY SERVICE GREENWOOD ELECTRIC CO. Your Skelly Dealers We Repair Everything Electrical ? And Tank Wagon Men Electrical Wiring, Repairing, Contracting ? Toledo, Iowa i C. E. Hohl Des Moines, Iowa Hiways 30, 63 & 64 ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : 1A-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 MARSHALLTOWN CHAPTER No. 1 Marshalltown, Iowa We have completed another very suc- cessful year of Blue Star Mothers work. We have a member serving as state president, another as 4th vice pres., two members in appointed offices and two as department chairmen, so we are well represented in the state department. I think the proudest achievement of my group is the new members and we have been fortunate this year in adding the following six members to our chapter: Mrs. Ella Wilcox, Mrs. Joyce Swear- ingen, Mrs. Bonnie Nichless, Mrs. John Walkup, Mrs. Helen Lamb and Mrs. Vava Lindley. Our chapter was saddened last July by the death of Ella Wilcox, whom we miss greatly, as the Blue Star Mothers came first with her. We have held ten business meetings and nine social meetings this past year. We contributed to both, National and State projects and to several local drives. We were represented by four members at Memorial parade. We helped with the Knoxville carnival, served a "Ward" pic- nic at Iowa City Hospital. We held a very successful Blue Daisy sale the first Sat- urday in May. We have held two silent auctions and served one public dinner. We held a combination rummage and bake goods sale and also sold cards. All of our projects have been a lot of fun and have netted us a good return, making it possible to do more work for others. We have donated $60.00 to coupon book fund, $12.00 to Chaplain fund, 48 dozen cookies to Induction Center, $20.00 to needy veterans' families at Christmas time as well as a large amount of canned fruit and vegetables donated by the members and we provided toys for eleven children of different ages. We sent four gifts for girls to Knoxville hospital at Christmas time. Sent approximately $35.00 to the other V.A. hospitals for Xmas. and Hallo- ween parties. We have made approxi- mately 100 pairs of slippers, 51 bibs, and two pair of scuffies. Have contributed nylon hose and also carpet rags for thera- peutic work, made 70 nut cups for state convention and 100 cups for Iowa City hospital at Christmas time and contributed money for nuts and candy. I think the Red Letter Day was when we won the award offered by the state for the largest percentage of gain in membership. Mary Scott Since the first of the year of 1959 we have had one silent auction for our state project and also started a Birthday Fund for the state. Two new members have joined our chapter since the first of the year, Mrs. Florence Longman and Mrs. J. J. Clemens. We donated to Red Cross, March of Dimes, Chaplain Fund and to Knoxville patients fund and will increase our sewing quota at hospital this year. The Blue Star Mothers honored our Gold Star Mothers, Mrs. Mary Kunde and Mrs. Mary Walkup with a tea and presented them a Gold Star pin and a rose bud. Next up is our Daisy sale the first of May, which makes it possible to carry on at the different V.A. Hos- pitals, which we enjoy doing very much. Bessie Jackson, President Marshalltown, Iowa MARILYN KNIGHT, PROTEGE OF "THE GAVI?L CL(Al" Members of the Gavel Club of the Blue Star Mothers, Just a short note to thank you for the help you have given me throughout my three years of nurses training. I have finally reached the end of that long road and now possess the title, "Graduate Nurse". I will always cherish the won- derful meaning of this title deep within my heart and I will always wear my cap and pin with pride. It is only through my nursing career that I have found true satisfaction and happiness. I feel as though I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to find this great happiness which so many girls have been denied. A mere thank you is inad=aa:=tate for all you have done for one but ' on can be sure that I will always n-member you in my prayers. You truly km),, the mean- ing of this prayer, "it is i,i viving that you receive". May each ant' veryone of you receive a hundredfold to- the sacri- fices you have made for .t?lers. May God bless you in the work y_nc, are doing. Sincerely Marilyn Knight Graduate Nurse Compliments to BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA WENDELL FENTON D.X. STATION Commercial & Mullan Motor Tune Up Tires & Batteries Brake Service ,609 Commercial 104 Ea-,t 4th Waterloo, Iowa Phone AD 4-7454 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 :4dIA-RDP80B01676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 BIG DIPPER NATIONAL OFFICERS - M iiAMI, FLA. ;,ated: Nellie Leonhard, Installing officer, Blanche Bell, President, Marie Lynch, Vice. President, Leona Jones, Chaplain. Stand- ing: Pansie Hadsall, Patriotic Instructor, Eva Johnsten, Historian, Charlotte ' W+zd'el, Treasurer, Sue McGann, Sec'y. .Greetings from the officers of the National Big Dipper. Several scholarships have been given at the Department Convention. E. E. E. "DUSTY" RHOADS AND ASSOCIATES INSURANCE AGENCY The Standing Rules Committee has Paramount Blvd. been working on our standing rules. Phone ME 0-5656 I new the take this means of wishing all officers in both the Big Dipper Blue Star Mothers all the best the and luck 11111111111111111111111-1111/111111111/11 CLEARWATER DRY GOODS in the coming year. Yours in service, Blanche Bell National President of Big Dipper ~-111111?111111111111111111111111~111~111 :MEMBER ORDER ME 4-2363 of GOLDEN RULE CHANDLER-TRAGER MORTUARY, INC. David M. Chandler 3843 D amount Blvd. Paramount, Calif. 1 ar Men's Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wear 15010 South Paramount' Blvd. Paramount, Calif. Phone ME 3-2815 Janette M. McNeil ?111111.11111111111111111111111111111111 LINDSAY LUMBER COMPANY 15938 South Paramount Blvd. Paramount, California Phone MEtcalf 03168 or NE 61521 1 ??11111111111111111111111111111?111?111111111111?111111111111111111111~?/1111/11111? Approved For Release 2003/06/&: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 "A FRIEND" DES MOINES, IOWA THE BUSY BEES, DES MOINES, No. 4, DES MOINES, IOWA Gladys Fallis, Myrtle Hodges, Fern Hew'brock, Elizabeth Mason, Ruby Bloomquist, Ethel Jones, Hildreth Kieler, Inez Srhl~gel. DES MOINES CHAPTER No. A Des Moines. Iowa Greetings and Best Wi?,lies to _ I Rlue Star Mothers everywhere. "Bi:- Is a Bee" is applicable to the SewFe. s who sew one day a week at lies M b i;,?s VA Hospital. Also one day :r mont.1 rt one of the member., home for ve'ee:ms at other Hospitals and veter:ur fain 1 , s. We have tried to follow three virtue.. ustice, love and service. We wer, very hi,tpv to be hostesses to State conention ir Mav_ Being recognized by our civic '~ aders, we were privileged to reps esent L'l r, Star Mothers at Home and I- lower s ,rw at Memorial Stadium. We gains l much publicity from our displa v and k ) fts of "whys", and compliments and m %'k me,n- hers also. This was our first year to press nr flag to a Girl Scout Troop. Our second year to he a memb. i if the State U. N. association and atte=I State meetings. We increased our contr hution . 1 r l n_ dian, Korean and Welfar? Servc , this year. Our Mothers work hard to raire mods to carry on the services fc.r others n the Hospitals and in the community. Yl;ury hands in unity earl bring, eoml , and happiness to those who need it 11 , I. R Il espccttIt y submrttt I DES MOINES VA HOSPITAL REPRESENTATIVES Martha Kauffman, !'its. Mrs. Martha Kauffman and Mrs. Mollie Cunningham Des Moines, Chapter I-, .I Approved For Release 2003/06/265: CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 Approved For Release 2003/06/26 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003700070074-6 CHAPTER No. 2, WATERLOO, IOWA Seated : Hattie ,Lindeman, Eva Swartz, Verena Gilbert, Gladys Groff. Standing : Bessie Ball, Lillian Pauley, Mae Turner, Beth Folkers, Barbara Hahn, at altar, Mildred Lindsey, Pres., Josephine Plant, Alvina Richeson, Malinda Letsch, Bernice Hauser. WATERLOO CHAPTER No. 2 Waterloo. Iowa Mothers of Waterloo Chapter No. 2 meet at the Memorial Hall the first Fri- day of the month and sew on the third Thursday of the month. Our money making projects are: Serv- ing luncheons to, the public each month, served 4(0 students on Band Day. We collect coupons and turn them into cash, also have a combined Tag Day when we sell small flags. Two filled baskets of groceries are pre- sented veterans' families at Thanksgiving and again at Christmas as well as send- ing birthday cards and having a birthday party in each of the nursing homes of the city each year for patients. Projects for the Veterans Hospitals of the State include : $15.00 per month for canteen books, helping with the VA circus, parties and picnics, making favors for trays, as well as doing our full quota of hospital sewing. Best Wishes To BLUE STAR MOTHERS OF AMERICA, INC. J & N DRUG CO. INC. REXALL $12.00 for Chaplain Emergency, $30.00 each for Korean and Indian Welfare. 2,283 butternut strips were sent in t