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Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 Professor William A. pitegcly Department of Mathematics Syracuse University Syracuse 10, New York Dear Professor Pierce: Mr. Dulles asked nut to acknowledge and thank vu for your letter of 9 July 1960 enclosing a message to Dr. Glennan of NASA and Mr. D. H. Lewis. The thought- fulness in bringing our attention to your proposal is indeed appreciated. EO/DCl/ 1 Aug 60 Distribution: Original - .Addressee JSE / 1 - ER ?f-A-fi,7 Sincerely. Executive Officer (EXECUTIVE REN,1111 FILE t Approved For Release 2003/08/1k CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY SYRACUSI !EV' flK DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 1 July 9, 1960 The Honorable Allen Dulles Director, the C.I.A. 2723 Q Street Washington 7, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: The enclosed messages to Dr. Glennan of the :USA nd to Mr. D. H. Lewis, of San Francisco, Califurnia, desoitt briefly my original idea for a system of "electronic atntf" telepathy." Though the technical requirements have alrEady been met, the process and the application are new. I hcpe to patent the idea shortly. I'm sure you will agree that this concept has jinx rttzu implications for matters of "Security.". Kindest regards. LAncerely, ibil, , P.e4c Uilliam A. Pierce ssociate Professor of Mathew:tics Lyracuse University Enc is. wAplb Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 Apgromed For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 YRAT..;t.J5*? U.ITT.V1,115/TY Syracuse 10, Dr. T. X. Mennen Directcr National Aeronautics C. ,c d 4740 Connecticut Avenue Washington 8, Do Co Dear Dr. Mennen: July 6, 1960 -Liar Enclosed is a copy ce ,Le tter I have adth-ess Lewis of San Francisco, Please nurse section beatnning lott pc.ratvaph of a discovery which hope ?_,0 pL..teant, ond Which potentialities for the apt ).ec LOD I Unfortanate fact1 the fell to the NEW YOMER. possibla ue a quote:to:Lon iru). INV discovery oi cl*crv prompted ma to begin the f-1 story, which I hope to inience-fictional t music, science, snd at a cocktail part?' similar *knee cQnt Jeanne dvArC insane, drag aro of trimmr-De bee petttar haf, f a stairt t will be IL fat-. d br =p3...L.4w/, by t?:tIL Like recove.A ft, dec ove era* build of po ether the culprits should be officiala, or fo8ciut-11-..J.J. ti iciurti.st4 wLo recoidg pereonal empire. In tely emu_ e, caws-dee of th,) Nation.' the application of nr ide& i of the Aviation Medicine hka used the -tiniest, of trrn-i-e researa. :Toreaver, Drs /lath= ; Rockland, E Y have a teclulicalleadijuste ilrtensive use of various voice- mk-ty'r 11. provide whatever degree or Nt.iscroc rn Thank you for your kind attention. Sincerely, William A. A. Pi Approved For Release 2003/08/18 :Mitjalitila30/IS s 31- n AA Pp AV For RlEisgifrogo8V1 JP8OBO167W QQb-1T YC 0.??????.....4.11MINNIO4 TZPAPIELENT OF IJATITTvATICS L. D. H. Lewis President, Johnson el: Levis, Inc. 433 California Area Son Francisco 4, California Dear Lk.. Lewis: JuZy 4, 1960 ?4m, .44a 4.4 Your full-page advert...icemen-4-, in the gal- ksiak *MEER (July 1, )3)? p. 0-1) has attracted my attention, and1.1kti to corntcnt tx:. your open letter to Vice-Presidant Ilixae. I share your concem the spread of authoritarion and "Fascist" methods in the worlc, but, Z cannot agree that the Contianiets are exc1uaive3,y at fault. 1:t feel deplore insidious pressuree toward conformity and thought-control ith1eh exist al mum the. uer2d?even In this country: TM Mil OF TUE 1,3111T---STMIM UMEL-M?ACIZZT:D in' Kr.; PIG plaTE 11101 ALMZICAIT TRADITICU2 OF LIDUITY. If we too "go authoritarian*, we lavet be good at it anyway?and probab3,y won't survive as a Nation! In the BMW vein, permit me to wtreoc concern over some of you' proposals, If the "advanced psycholo eel techniques" you advocato consist merer of advertising, lecturing, and propaganda in general, that is one thing. If, on the other hand, you mean tealmicanr advici ced weapons of scientific brainwashing and human engineering, that in ct- te another matter, The latter methods pose threats to democratic trvtl ions? and they are neither recognized nor understood by most Amerieclu3. Your idea for a "now Federal Agency... .to deter and defear, tat Soviet progiogninda apparatus" ahould be reforoulated into en ituncv TO DIRECT AIM corm% Tim TIXILITILW:43 OF PLYCliCLOGIC/IL AHD SOCI:IJOEM:iL T.7103FERE. Web techniques probably comprise the most potent sc,..eini:!jc Innovation since Professor LInstein enunciated Special Polativ_ty the turn of the Century. (Few citizens?even pttblic officials earl scholars?appreciate the extent to vihich these techniques have amity been utilized!) If they are not adequately controlled, the ei mind t would be "1984 in the 'United Mates." The need for controls atd taut threats of abuse are excruciating, and the Federal 1.canow should in jie members from three Dratwhes thlIted Abates raysimmai taready authoritarians have snip ?? ed drugs, hypnosis, and az'tti .a1 social enotneering to further their ..litions, usually thirk ef psychiatrist as someone to visit if you're maladjusted?Lde. ycit: can't got togetherneos with the social Atiatue ,gglai but a copal)) e psychiatrist can produce mental chaos if he wieles tel One contribution to the science of human engineering is a discattniy which I myself have made?and hope to patent. It is 4441 larjajgc. Tiny twommy radio sets, hardly larger than Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 are clipped onto one's teeth--or even biotaLied in fillinge cn artificial dentures. Utiisperod comunication over long distance ,:i easily Echiave0.1 If secret coding J.0 desired, one rkly o.dapt the Matt c Vocoder or the :,,M01.01;0110 &mile deve%oped at Bell Labs. Applicataions include Police and Int co activities. Personal Diplomacy (kale mon is not alono), and co ego cheating (I oha.1-1 proctor my Colettlxv3 claosee more severely). Complete incompetents?if they appear t11.11 and pipe-smoking enought---vrill bo able to prat".412t lc-Awed thoii tlais applf.cation ir.1 neither "original" nor "now." Advanced ociontific metbodo O mathematics, electlionies* poya1I4,14- aad sociology may kidncp the human opirit--as Lune and bombs car murdt. the human body* COITMESZ SIIOULD P:ZS 1411arELATIOIT LIAEZIG IT A 1i.a.13114 (purimitaz BY LIFI.;-ru7:as:Itriaan) TO L.I.T0a1.; 3CI1LITIFIC filatTLItaS OIT unauniG aiDtTXTS. (An ex=le of ouch impooition would be forttlat7..e m.eclicol treatment of adult (flriattai Scientists.) OILY Tama' rillspousmial vt.larmAT:ou KID OFFIC:LAL MCIULAT/OIT CAN TIM K.W2C4 TEADITIOIT B AVM F1101.1 "1D86." In the event of En all-out wax among big Nation?, Pqrcholorica Warfare of a. hially technical, advaaced variety may prove as decisivtt as the 11-Bor3b1 In the mearrtinc2 atIAT a'1,1011T5 EZI)W.JD rzczarzi) TC PLI - , FT= 1113TITLY.P.ICITS :12112IITG ITO MILTS TO P71-.X.171 Kwiu T AIL -In 1,111Pis Sincerely yours, , 144 a.. -teatie. Willi= A. Pierce Associate Professor of icthc)atzi.ci) Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 STAT Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R003700020045-3