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Approved For Release 2002/11/20 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00-360010001-7-6 J. EDWARD JOHf5TOn, JR. STAT A IJ(3 "FVJ Approved For Rel a 1 ~,-R 0601 68003600100017-~ INTERNATIONAL SERVICES OF INFORMATION FOUNDATION, INC. 3 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET BALTIMORE 18, MARYLAND Telephone TUxedo 9-1307 Cables INFORM-Baltimore Ulius Louis Amoss, Editor Mary Veronica Grogan, Associate Editor BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Henry P. Irr, Chairman Richard F. Cleveland, Vice-Chairman Ulius L. Amoss, President Brig. Gen. John Purley Cooper, Jr., MNG, T reasurer Mary Veronica Grogan, Secretary Executive Trustee Brig. Gen. James P. S. Devereux, USMC, California Edward Rambo Browne Florida Brig. Gen. C. M. Thiele, USA, Ret. Illinois Lanning Macfarland Maryland Larry S. Best Frank C. Brooks E. Stuart Bushong John Logan Campbell Louis D. Carroll Theodore E. Drummond Maj. Gen. Henry C. Evans, AUS, Ret. Hon. James M. Hepbron Hon. Howard W. Jackson Henry J. Knott Joseph Mullan Maj. Gen. Wm. C. Purnell, MNG Harry Ratrie, Jr. New Jersey Mark M. Jones New Mexico George S. Richardson, M.D. New York Hon. James H. R. Cromwell Norman J. Gould North Carolina M. P. Barrow Tennessee William R. Kent Texas William R. Archer, Jr. C. M. Haddad F. Gordon O'Neill Virginia Hon. T. Coleman Andrews Washington, D. C. Brig. Gen. Bonner Fellers, USA, Ret. ISI is a private, non-profit foundation whose purpose is to provide inde- pendent :intelligence from other lands. Many of ISI's sources have no other outlet in the west. ISI has no political affiliation or bias. Foreknowledge is half the victory Issue No. 6018 16 August 1960 RED SETBACKS MOSCOW IS MADDENED that20 new African states have been formed entirely on the initiative of the Western colonizers. THE RED INVESTMENT _in -Congo Premier Patrice Lumumba has not paid off satisfactorily. It has not given Moscow the chance to intervene on the scale anticipated, MbuyOSCOSovieWt IScrudeGREATLoilY DISSATISFIED with India's refusal to , THE PART OF THIS DEAL that has the inhabitants of the Kremlin 'jumping with rage" is that the Indian Government is saving at least 3 1/2 million pounds sterlinga year by buy- ing from Western oil companies at reduced Prices. MOSCOW IS RUNNING INTO technical and labor difficulties with its much-vaunted aid to Egypt on the High Aswan Dam. "WE DON'T WANT TO DIE for Cuban sugar" is one of the sentiments being expressed on the streets of Moscow and causing a ripple of uneasiness in the Kremlin. "LEFT-WING SECTARIANS'; e.g. a powerful section of Red China's leadership; 'REVISIONISTS'; e.g. communists like Yugoslavia's Tito; "DOGMATISTS'; e.g. communists like the fallen leaders, Malenkov and Molotov; are three more of the aches to which the Red head is increas - ingly subject. IT'S MOSCOW'S TURN TO WORRY, Some of its agents re- called from Canada, the U, S, and Latin America instructions have left their posts, but have not arrivfor new ed at their destinations, Approved FoPRe ease 2o0W12 prfwIA7RPPgAPJ301676R003600100017-6 Approved For Release 2002/11/20 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600100017-6 INFORM No. 6018 -2- SOVIET INFILTRATION OF THE CONGO THE SOVIET SHIP "LENINOGORSK", loaded with wheat, sugar, dried milk and "other things" has gone to the Congolese port of Matadi. THE SOVIET SHIP "ARKHANGELSK", loaded with 100 Soviet trucks and "other things"; is on her way to Matadi. She also carries a large party of Soviet specialists. Under the guise of instructing African drivers for the trucks, an excellent opportunity will be provided for penetration of the territory by observers and agents who will report on the activities of the U.N. troops. THE POLISH SHIP "SZCZECIN", loaded with Czech armament, is about due in the Congo. At :east five big Soviet trawlers are "fishing" off the shores of West Africa and are equipped to help in the delivery of these cargoes to Mr. Lumumba's government. THE SOVIETS ARE INFILTRATING the Congo as rapidly and as extensively as they can. Dozens of Soviet officials in the entourage of the newly-appointed Soviet Ambassador will make a good start. RED NET ROUND AFRICA AFRICA IS ENCIRCLED BY A NET of Soviet observation ships, disguised as fishing vessels, whose mission is to aid the passage of Soviet transports of armaments and other "delicate" ,cargoes, i.e. agents, propaganda, etc., from the U.S.S.R. and Poland to Africa. THE VESSELS BEING EMPLOYED for this purpose are of the rocket-launching type described in INFORM No. 6013 of 1 July - Soviet Answer to Polaris Missile, and they operate as described in the dispatch Red Trawler Observation Posts, INFORM No. 6017 of 2 August 1960. MOSCOW DEEMS IT NECESSARY, at least for the duration of the Congo crisis, to control closely the approaches to the shores of East Africa as well as those of West Africa. THIS EXPLAINS THE HASTE with which the newly-completed "Shokalskyi", sister ship of the "Voyeykov", underwent her trials, including rocket- launching, and was sent to the Indian Ocean during this hot and stormy season. AT GREAT SPEED, the Soviet Union is increasing her fleet of this type of big (3,500 to 4,500 tons) scientific research "expeditionary" ships, which are capable of immediately serving the needs of the Red navy in the event of war. The "Petr Lebedev" and the "Sergei Vavilov" are undergoing tests in the Baltic. TO DATE, 125 ROCKETS have been fired from Soviet ships: 33 from the "Ob" and 39 from the "Voyeykov" in the North Pacific. Route of the "Shokalskyi" to the Indian Ocean THE "SHOKALSKYI" went to the Indian Ocean by way of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea en route to Vladivostok and the Pacific. IN THE RED SEA, the deep waters at the southern entrance around Perim and Bab-el-Mandeb and along the coast of Yemen were studied, as well as the Gulf of Aden. INSTEAD OF COMPLETING her journey to the Pacific, the "Shokalskyi" stayed in the East Afri- Approved For Release 2002/11/20 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600100017-6 `INFORM No. 6018 -3- 16 August 1960 can waters of the Indian Ocean, on the excuse of joining other big Soviet trawlers from Vladi- vostok fishing for sardines and tuna. Ed: Heretofore, these waters have been fished only by local fishermen and the Japan- ese. RED DRIVE ON AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND "AUSTRALIA IS RAPIDLY BECOMING a neighbor of the Soviet Union", says Moscow. THIS IS THE PROPAGANDA LINE that accompanies Moscow'_s plan for the strongest possible action in penetrating Australia and New Zealand. THE BASIS FOR THIS NEIGHBORLY situation has already been laid, claims Moscow, because before the Red revolution, Czarist shipping companies had their own piers and storage sheds in Australian and New Zealand harbors. BECAUSE TRADE BETWEEN THE U.S.S.R. and these countries should be considerably increased in the future, Moscow urges that the above Czarist "good habit" should be revived. THE "CONSIDERABLE PRESENCE" of Soviet scientists and whaling fleets in Antarctic waters in the vicinity of Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania, as well as greatly increased Soviet interests in the Indian Ocean, are other reasons Moscow enumerates for increasing her relations with these lands. THE ACTION LINE BEING PLANNED by Moscow includes increased maritime traffic and instruc- tions to Communist trade unions to develop as extensively as possible relations with Australian and New Zealand trade unions. FLOATING RED SUBMARINE BASES RED NAVAL: INTEREST in the Soviet whaling factory ships is explained by the fact that they are invaluable as floating bases for submarines in distant waters. SOVIET SAILORS FROM THE BALTIC FLEET have been making excursions to Baltiisk to visit the new, very fast factory whaler "Yurii Dolgorukii" and many of them have expressed willingness to serve on her when they go into the reserve. Sailors from the Black Sea Fleetwho visited the whaler "Sovyetskaya Ukraina" at Odessa did the same thing. The "Yurii Dolgorukii", which has unlimited radius of action, will leave Leningrad for Antarctica in November at the head of the third Soviet whaling flotilla. A FOURTH FLOTILLA, headed by the newly-launched "Sovyetskaya Rossiya", will be ready for whaling in the 1961/1962 season. "BLUE RAYS" IN SIBERIA SOVIET TECHNICIANS are experimenting with "blue rays" in Siberia. Using military equipment, the "blue rays" are used to lure countless swarms of mosquitoes to their destruction. THE BLUE RAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Warning is given not to look at them on pain of possible blindness. When directed at a target point, the ray is visible from a distance of several kilometers and, even at such distance, is said to be dangerous. Approved For Release 2002/11/20 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600100017-6 INFORM No. 6018 -4- New Patrons for Red Rocketeers THE SOVIET YOUTH ORGANIZATION, Komsomol, is preparing to shift its patronage from the Red navy to the Red rocket troops. SEEMINGLY INSIGNIFICANT MOVE has a meaning. While Komsomol THIS bestowed its patronage on the navy, it meant that the best and staunchest members of communist youth went to serve in the navy. NOW, THE YOUNG ARCH-COMMUNISTS are to bestow their favors and their Red fervor on the rocket troops, now considered the most important military arm of the U. S. S. R.. Rocket formations need specially selected personnel and Komsomol knows its members better than any selection commission could do. Anti-Aircraft Rocket Defense PERSONNEL IS BEING HASTILY TRAINED to man the Soviet A. A. rocket batteries being built around strategic areas in a much greater radius than t:ie old artillery batteries. LAUNCHING PLATFORMS ARE BEING BUILT in the trainees' free time. THE LOCATIONS OF THESE BATTERIES are all considered secret: they are well camouflaged and guarded like slave labor camps with wire fences, trenches and observation towers. M INFORM No, 6018 Approved For Release 2002/1120 : CIA-RDP80B01676R003600100017-6 16 August 1960 ET14HROB Myseuca AKaTOAUA HOBHKOBA, March of the Rocketeers M. Vershinin - probably Marshal Vershinin - is credited with the authorship of the verses to this Red 'Rocketeers March". The words threaten enemy bases with destruct- ion by Soviet rockets and boast that, no matter where a foreign raider might be, he would always be in range of Soviet rocket fire. The refrain is: "Rocketyl Rocketyl Rocketyl Rocketyl " Mgt FACTUAL AND POLITICAL SUPREMACY over all branches of the Soviet po.HScny*t1n Ha Pw_ armed forces now lies in the hands of Marshal Nedelin, commander of the Soviet rocket forces. SO MUCH EMPHASIS ON ROCKET WARFARE has been introduced into the Soviet military that, even as Kurushchev brandishes rockets over . the heads of Western leaders, he is entirely dependent on Marshal Nedelin. 0, F. JIeT.gw, nO.ny_YNTOT.rlop I B nro. IET_HMK RO.JIy_timT oT.rfop aHaea. MbI BHAHM 4y7HHe $pamAe6Hble 6a3b1 Y c8MMX eoBCTcx= rpaHHR. Te 1jepHb_3 6a3MI m: poiOTCH Cpa3y OT Hamrn paReTHb%8 3apHH1(I pRHCB. H rAe 6b1 38MOpCRH6 Ha]IeT4HR TOT HE 6bI.II, OH 6yAeT BcerAa HOA OTHeM! Ha crpage poAHoro coseTcxoro PaReTM.H HOYbIO H AHeMI pHBeBo THE RED ROCKET MARSHAL has to be so close to the Soviet Communist Party and to the Red Government at all times that he can act, in case of emergency, without asking for further instructions. placed Soviet Union, including Nikita Khru s h- chev, in\ of Marsha] "Please, gentlemen, although I am going into the reserve, I will be able to offer you a smoke in case of necessity. " INFORM NNPRr d For Release 2002/11/20 :-OVA-RDP80B01676R003600100017-6 THE OLYMPICS Free Czech intelligence sources report that there is a Communist plan to wreck the Olympic Games. RED EXPEDITIONS IN ARCTIC NO LESS THAN 20 EXPEDITIONARY DETACHMENTS of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian branch of the Soviet Academy of Sciences are now conducting research in various sectors of the Arctic. ROUBLES ON THE OFFENSIVE This cartoon, entitled "The Real Boss of the White I House", was lAugust 1960. I published in Sovyetskaya Rossiya, 4 11 According to this line of Soviet propaganda which is aimed at "dethroning the dollar", although both the Republicans and the. Democrats have nominated their candidates for the U. S. presidency, it is still 1the dollar that rules supreme. HCTHHHbIR XO32HH GEJIOCO AOMA npaEHw$e napTIH CnIA - pecny6nxxaHCxas (3M6neMa cnon) H Ae- MoxpaTH'IecKaa (3M6neMa ocen) Ha COCTOHBHIHXCA HeAaBHo c1,e3Aax sb1AHHHynH caoxx xaIAHAaTOB Ha nOCT npe3H4eHTa Amep8HH. COMING SOVIET economic offensive has been frequently signaled by INFORM sources. Now we are advised that 1 Jan- uary 1961 will be the starting point for a renewed Soviet effort to create an All- European market to include the U.S.S.R. and her satellites, and 'to make the new rouble negotiable currency, thus opening wide the doors for large credits for the Soviet Union abroad. ON 1 JANUARY 1961, the new "heavy" rouble will replace the present rouble in- side the Soviet Union in the ratio of one for ten. However, the gold value of the external rouble used for international trade evaluations will not be increased ten times, but only four times, i. e. it will be increased from the present 0. 222168 grams to 0. 888672 grams. THUS, WHILE THE NEW ROUBLE will be made equal to the dollar in international trade, it will be depreciated two and a half times in comparison with the domestic rouble. THE IMMEDIATE EFFECT of this disparity between the increase in domestic and foreign values of the new rouble, will be that all Soviet domestic prices for raw materials, metals, machinery, etc. (now very high in comparison with Western prices), if recalculated at official ex- change rates with the new rouble, will -be reduced 2 1/2 times in foreign currency values. Example: JjOJIJIAP: CnacH6o 3a namy pa6oTy, rocnopa. 'llpe3HAeHTom no- I At present exchange rate (1 rouble = 25Q): 1 ton of copper @ 7, 000 r. = $1, 750. npeaceemy OCTaiocb H! PHc. a. HepWHMa. I The newH heavy" rouble is to be exchanged DOLLAR: Thank you for your efforts, gentlemen. I domestically at one for ten. Therefore: I am still the President. 1 ton of copper will cost 700 roubles. Approved For Release 2002/11/20 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R003600100017-6 I N F O R M No. 6018 - 7 - 16 August 1960 If the new "heavy" rouble is to be valued, not at 25 cents, but at $1. 00, then: 1 ton of copper will cost $700 - or 2 1/2 times less than now. THESE MANIPULATIONS WILL OPEN UP enormous opportunities for the Soviets to dump their products all over the world at cut-throat prices. NOTE: Monetary reforms in the U. S. S. R. in 1924, 1936, 1947 and 1950 were all in- tended to cut back the inflationary conditions which develop periodically in the lop- sided economy of the socialist state. The reform slated for 1 January 1961 again aims at liquidating the inflation that has developed since the reforms of 1947 and 1950 - and improving the trade value of "the most stable currency on earth". See INFORM No. 6010 of 12 May 1960 for our analysts' estimate that the true value of the dollar is 88 roubles - not 4 roubles, the present official exchange rate. IN- FORM No. 6011 of 1 June 1960 reveals the hoax tobe wrought on the Russian worker next year when his present rouble is exchanged at the rate of ten for one new one. Our analyst describes this as disguised inflation. Readers may find it interesting to refer back to "Could Russia Disrupt World Metal Markets?", an analysis by INFORM's Overseas Economic Analyst, published in IN- FORM No. 5924 of 1 October 1959. UNWELCOME PARTY AT THE POLLS? Resume of dispatches from INFORM's Overseas Sources AS AMERICANS APPROACH the ballot box in November of this year, they may well be shocked to find an unwelcome "party" actively campaigning - not against Kennedy and Nixon, but against their own long-guarded liberty and much-wanted peace. AN ALARMING COMBINATION of information and rumor from a number of sources indicates that the unexpected "candidate" will be a bold and boastful Soviet Union, determined to take ad- vantage of U.S. "vulnerability" caused by the election or by the lame duck administration be- tween election and inauguration time - with a series of serious incidents designed to confuse and distract the West and to divide Western defense and action. IT IS LIKELY, according to our sources, that the Soviet action willresemble the famous "whistle stop" technique of former U.S. election campaigns. That is, it will feature a series of "area" incidents - even a series of area wars - with dangerous and daring action by both Moscow and Red China. - THE SOVIET MOVE might be Berlin, or intervention by paratroopers in the Congo, or reaction against some faked "provocation" from Turkey or Iran. As for the Red Chinese, there are many possibilities in Southeast Asia, Korea and Formosa. The most hazardous of the adventures planned for this time may be undertaken by Red China. The nebulous nature of the warnings he is receiving reminds one of our analysts of the amusement caused in Warsaw in 1939, when the Polish military attache in Rome cabled his superiors that he had picked up some important information at a cocktail party. The information was that war was imminent, and as soon as he could find out who the warring parties were to be, he would let themknow. As idiotic as the message sound- ed, Warsaw's amusement didn't last long. ALREADY, WE ARE HEARING some campaign speeches from the "crisis" candidate. Soviet dom- estic propaganda is most insistent on the anti-Adenauer, anti-West Germany, anti-NATO lines. Our sources report that even in the Soviet Union, the insistently-conducted hate campaign against the United States begins to jolt the nerves of the Russians themselves. They ask questions: Approved For Release 2002/11/20: 4IL.A-RDP80B01676R003600100017-6 INFORM No, 6018 "Why all the seinless the Party r 'all wants us to hate the Americans and the est? WHAT PARTY IS NOW DING seems to"be preparation for the moment when it will say: rw~ ve Tow it too much! We ~ould stand it for.$o long, but we cannot stand it anymore! And it will start .i1. THIS `' S THE MOST DANE politics the world has v seen, The Soviet defin- itely ho t-that ira he st s his. presidency, Eisenhower wit, .a of k the res risibility Jft o:f acc~ep~ i the rig wing them j t the few days - or en hours -.of hesitation theyce . GQNI TED "COt is being pjrepared to rprise the West at election time in t niter de's tr r events noted by ttr s urces. .T ese include, - Tie red i.Sit the East German and Hung'rian ead rs to, l~ . S . S . R. and their meet- g_rvit , shcie`. Th h liday" which Marshal Malinovsky is spend1n in `Poland. - 'he de amore of'.Konev from the command of the Warsaw Treaty armies, and his replace- ment byM`arshal,rechko, who commanded the East German Soviet troops -for so 1, g. T FE "UNW COME , PARTY" is boastful and self-confident. For example,, at, all" lectures . on iv, n to the Soviet Armed Forces, lecturers repeat the line that the U.S. Stmt- eg A4r Forc is now hopelessly outdated. Even its' hewe st bombers are said to be incapable of eaking t oug the combined Soviet AA defense system. ' o high-flying aircraft can elude our cets" Is the theme. ALLj T . S A, MIC AIRCRAFT will be burned in the fire of the war - should Pentagon strategists try rtggressive action, according to the Red speakers. There will be.no escape for any t nd posts or staffs "regardless of the depth to which they dig,-themselves in the e INFORM LIMN THIS BOASTFUL MOOD "to that of Hitler and :l' is Nazis just prior to World Wa I i? ....;, AN INTER NG SI GT to the` preparations indicated by theme reports concerns th case of Ber Mit ell an William Marty, the mathematicians who fled` ort George G. Me`arle. ap, F, AT LEAST T BARS oviet nt , e l s been Ming to get all s,sible information about U.S. langua rse s for bath vil an personnel . Included on the list :e f " ; get" schools . ' re those of Fort Bragg, WFort Roo, Fort Holabird, hresidio of Monterey and "Fo idi" th last believedF 'be a ph` expression fo ,Fort Meade. INF RM's sources Ej belie it lik that Mitchell acrd Mar in were otd by Soviet agents in the U.S and induce to a cond or were lure to Cuba fort ` purpose o kidna pping. This is ju n* more ' example ' of arming Soviet actions around the '. rld. wbt WE CA WISE SU-that`' poli'cal campaign in e United States will end when the.1 have -. f it gets up a lire tuch steam, fns just a little to'easy and successi to its plotters, or if Qf' its "workers" lets just a little tod enthusiastic.. .t election year could go d in history as one of the most disastrous of all time. o 91 0 Ap I Ap vecl P se~~?A~/ 4/~Ir I -R P& 04~ A8160010 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS Col. Grogan 2 3 C1 r 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Here is another letter from our friend. I v FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE L Asst . to the DCT L8/30/60 FF nr PPIPqQP qnn jbn(;(M I APR O. 23 / Replaces Form 30-4 which may be used. (40) U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1955-0-342531