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P80B01676R00 200190015-3
17 JUL 1963
NRO review(s) completed.
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT: Deputy Directorate of Research
At your request I have studied the organization and problems
of the DDR in the wake of Dr. Scovillets resignation. I spoke at
length to a variety of people who had unusual knowledge or historical
perspective on both the internal and external pressures on this
organizational concept. It appears that there are two basic ways
to organize research and development activities in CIA and to
support you in discharging your community responsibilities as
a. Abolish the present DDR line organization, and
b. Create a small R&D Review.Staff reporting to the DCI.
This Staff would be similar to the DDR&E organization in
Defense and would review the budget - and hence the program -
for both CIA R&D activities and joint enterprises with Defense
like NRO. If you elect to perform a careful review of the entire
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intelligence budget, this Staff would provide a necessary
support to you on technical items in this over-all budget.
One would also reintegrate the present line organizations,
OEL, OSA and ORD, under other deputies. It is my under-
standing that you do not wish to exercise this option.
Option 2
a. Create an improved DDR to carry out assigned
responsibilities for actual research and development within
b. Invest the DDR with review authority for all R&D
items in the CIA budget, no matter where performed, and
fund all R&D monies to DDR for transfer to the accomplishing
component (i. e., TSD, Commo) as we now do with NRO.
c. Designate the DDR as your delegate in reviewing the
NRO budget and program to act jointly with Dr. Fubini who
is McNamara's delegate, reserving for yourself final approval--
in parallel with McNamara.
An explicit decision must be made initially as to which
R&D responsibilities should be assigned to and accomplished
in DDR. The past year shows conclusively that neither you
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.LECE1 0
nor the other Deputy Directors are willing to assign all
research and development to DDR. This choice is yours,
but I submit the following assignments as appropriate:
(1) All CIA ELINT development and operations
(2) All reconnaissance development and operations
assigned to CIA by NRO.
(3) All computer development and scientific
computation activities (i. e. , 7090 utilization but not
(4) Development and operation of the MISTIC
collection and analysis organization.
(5) Basic research and development for these
assigned responsibilities.
(6) Basic research and development for NPIC, DDP,
DDS, etc. , as requested or as deemed appropriate in
subsequent budget/program reviews. (See below. )
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the Automatic Data Processing Staff in DDS be moved
to DDR. The creation of MISTIC would also draw on
skills and experience in the Office of Scientific
Intelligence in DDI and would inevitably result in
transfer of slots and people.
The second major responsibility for the DDR would be to
review the total research and development budget of the CIA
each year for the DDCI. It is assumed that the DDR would
exercise a continuous technical and program surveillance
through the R&D Committee, which he would chair. However,
the real authority for agency-wide coordination of research and
development would lie in the budget review responsibility.
It would be clearly understood that the actual research would
be carried out in the most appropriate group, as determined
by the DDR and DDCI jointly. In many cases, close working
relationships between TSD and the rest of DDP will suggest
that unit. Common developments among several components
may suggest DDR execution.
to DDR / OSA, I
It would aleo require that all or part of
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I would strongly recommend that the entire research
and development budget
Or FY 64 plus OSI
and ADP) be provided to DDR so that such an activity can
be programmed and justified at one point, as we now do
with NRO. DDR would then distribute these monies to
TSD, Commo, OEL, ORD, etc., according to the certified
plan. Requests for drafts on the Agency reserve could also
be put in a similar perspective. This would leave the CIA
free to shift existing funds to promising new projects during
mid-year without crossing classical lines of command. Of
course, such an arrangement could be exploited to the
advantage of DDR at the expense of DDP, DDS and DDI - as
can the NRO arrangement. Ultimately, its application would
depend on the integrity and wisdom of the DDR and DDCI.
The third important feature of Option Two is the delegation
of budgetary/program review for the NRP to the DDR by the
DCI. The Secretary of Defense now delegates his responsibilities
to Dr. Fubini, who influences the NRO program in depth and
detail by virtue of his own close surveillance of the reconnaissance
technology and the authority provided by his budgetary review.
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I believe that it is essential to balance the current Air Force
and DOD domination of the NRO program. Certainly, the
cursory review the DCI can provide - ab an isolated individual -
each year is not enough to insure that the best talents of CIA
and DOD are brought to a focus on the right developments.
Neither can Mr. McNamara by himself. In my view, we
need to match Fubini's continuing technical review of the NRO
program with a similar technical person working in a cooperative
partnership toward achieving a national reconnaissance program.
All things considered, a properly qualified DDR is best choice
in our present organization structure.
To implement this feature of the option would require that
you write directly to Mr. McNamara indicating your delegation
of this review responsibility to the DDR. In view of apparent
problems of communication in the Defense Department, it is
essential that a copy of your letter be sent or forwarded to
both Dr. Fubini and Dr. McMillan.
Assistant Director
Scientific Intelligence