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d3~ a utive Re9istzy Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 ez [Vr~f-li ~~`stSJ DOU tot the stet tnodUtcat **"*at d W o, SON" y awe t1 . Craft at the Kates LUC1e+r ere Peucy pfeWod tr*e N Acttc To. $IZS and forwarded to cy prav+ tit dirt dta* ho"GuMNI Its- by r. tsrenee, the a reeaa e*ta of of tatag t reapeusib r*I jxt*USgeeee. t er the t Security 47. As .*4a4. for pra"uWg oa$ e,a o aeur ea rtaaed 4ioc1oarzre, tbase cha:s.ea are (1) r "ors W c* trvie4 as pre?O t ed, aLarct dnt.gattag tM respuaatMuty v*stad State Dept. review completed (EXECUTIVE REP .T Y FIE } JL S(k i c~u .iSg i i1 Bet a 5111 ati fl Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900280017-1 0* (Signed) Marshall S., Carter, m4ro" $. carom . K. Whitee Deputy Director 1 a- NW 1963 (Support) Distribution- Orig. & 1 - Addressee i = cutive Registry I - Sig"" Official Z - Ileputy Director (Support) Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900280017-1 1>13 63 - P- C `_? 1 MAY 1965 ftmo Ste, AAMW"4 (Y* A). 00661 *1 u1swaw" a* lure !fir (hoc 2O6/&j ROVUSA 14/4/4)), b (T X). 3, Tbops"@~ I t t -Wrium ie ** C*$ &O" On" of {Tab C) be P"4*8104 to t 1w D for mar= Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 utive Registry Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 j 1 3 MAY 1963 Distribution: Orig. & 1 -Addressee Executive Registry I - Signing Official a - Deputy Director (Support) I - Return to OS me Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900280017-1 ive Registy 7 May 1963 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director SUBJECT : Revised National Disclosure Policy 1. After reading the rather compelling memorandum from the Acting Director of Security, I signed the proposed letter to Secretary Johnson. However, after reading the document itself, I have doubts that it goes far enough into the problem insofar as the responsibilities of the DCI are concerned. 2. Section 102 (d) of Title I of the National Security Act of 1947, As Amended, clearly states, ". .. That the Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure;... " 3. As you are aware, there have been a number of flagrant violations of this part of the National Security Act during recent years, and particularly during the Cuban crisis. Nowhere in the proposed disclosure policy do I find any real emphasis, and cer- tainly no adequate emphasis on this responsibility of the DCI. It seems to me that this is so important that it should be stressed right up in the front portion of the proposed policy, and certainly under Section III, "Conditions of Disclosure, " it should appear as a subparagraph under paragraph A, probably as A (3) or A (4). 4. Please take another reading on this and have the proper people come in and try to convince me that the proposed policy is satisfactory in its present form. Please do not dispatch my letter until I am so convinced. Marshall S. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Acting Director :MSC:blp Distribution: Original - Addressee w/atts 1 - DDCI 1 -ER *signed copy of letter detached in O/Exec Dir --_~8 May Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900280017-1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 - 7 3 MAY 1963 MEMORANDUM FOR: Acting DCI K Executive Director LO ~/ Deputy Director (Support) 104-If- :$/63 SUBJECT Revised National Disclosure Policy 1. This memorandum contains a recommendation in paragraph 4. 2. The attached draft National Disclosure Policy (Tab B) has been staffed within the Agency and concurred in by the Deputy Director (Intelligence), Deputy Director (Plans), and Deputy Direc- tor (Research). 3. The revised National Disclosure Policy is a codifica- tion of existing policy governing the disclosure of classified military information to foreign governments. Until 1958 there was an apparent conflict between the authority of the DCI, under NSCID I to dissem- inate national and interdepartmental intelligence to foreign govern- ments and. the authority of the Secretaries of State and Defense (through S.-DMICC) to control the release of classified military infor- mation, including intelligence to foreign governments. By an ex- change of memoranda in 1958 the Secretaries of State and Defense agreed not to exercise any control over the release of national and interdepartmental intelligence which may contain military intelli- gence. This release authority now rests solely with the DCI and USIB. The agreements are incorporated by reference in the attached revision of the National Disclosure Policy. 4. Recommend your signature on the proposed reply to he Deputy Under Secretary of State (Tab A). Acting DirectoF o'ff` e-cuti .Y, Attachments : Tab A GROUP Tab B Excluded from aotomat:s downgrading and e`~ daclassitlcatlon Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 j kv ADDIU89 WOFFICUL COMm Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 - -- !~ ? T,H .SECRETARY OF STATE- -' - WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ~ O V ? " ~-?. DEPARTMENT OF STATE April 19, 1963 As you know, the National Security Council, by NSC Action No. 2125 (September 14, 1959) requested the Departments of State and Defense, consulting as appropriate with other agencies, including the Atomic Energy Commission and the Central Intelligence Agency, to prepare a single, up-to-date, comprehensive, self-contained statement of policy on the release of classified military information to foreign governments and international organizations and to transmit such policy statement to the National Security Council for its information. A working group of the State-Defense Military Information Control Committee has completed a draft of the polic;E statement requested by the WC. It has been approved for the Department of State and I hope that you are able to approve it for the Central Intelligence Agency. A copy of the draft policy statement is enclosed. I shall appreciate your i orming me as soon as possible of your approval of this oli statement in order t the Secretary of State may make a responsive reply to the National Security Council letter of March 25, 1963, informing the Council that the appropriate agencies have complied with IBC Actions No. 2125 and No. 2376, and transmit an approved policy statement, as the Council requested. Draft National Disclosure Policy. The Honorable John A. McCone, Director. o~ st ROUP 3 DOWNGRADED AT 12 YEAR INTERVALS; NOT AUTOMATICALLY DECLASSIFIED. 1.. c i~r4 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80BO1676R002900280017-1 Approved For Release 2008103103: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900280017-1 + approved draft of tam National scosure ed pursuant NSC etion No. 2125 and for- .rdmmd to this Agency by ur emoraundurn of 19 April It is noted with approh t the draft National Di.a W also of tonal a interdepartrneantal elligence to e oanre P*Ucy isaacorpor s by rarer ce. the agreements of 1958 between the Sac rie I of St and Defesee with the Director of Ce tra ,intelligence whi relate to the ernmenta: t M$rshaij 3. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Adfts Director CONCURRENCE: Distribution: Deputy Director (Support) Orig. 1 - Addressee try 6 MAY 1963 Xfkr- i ingg ficial M ii if T? LN 22 2 - Deputy Director (upport) 1 - Return to OS Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R002900280017-1