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January 16, 1958
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/031 7 4 4- 0 1676R002700050050-5 16 January 1958 SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 15 January 1958 PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dearborn, Mr. FitzGerald, Mr. Gray, Mr. Helms, Mr. Herter, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Staats Mr. Herter and Mr. Cutler continued the previous week's discussion on the status of the air raid shelter program in the Soviet Union. Both of them spoke rather disparagingly, although informally, about the CIA report on this subject, Mr. Cutler stating that CIA had drawn inferences and conclusions which he did not feel were warranted by the facts. Mr. Helms said that this matter is under intensive review within the Agency, that we are taking another hard look at the information we have available, and that we are attempting to secure additional information from overseas resources. Mr. Herter said that he had asked the Civil Defense authorities to study this question with a view toward developing recommendations for a possible program in the United States. He emphasized that this request in no way carries an implication that policy clearance has been given to proceed with any construction or detailed planning. It was Mr. Herter's opinion that our Civil Defense people had never really studied the question thoroughly. 2. Joint Chiefs of Staff Representation at OCB Luncheons and Meetings Mr. Dearborn reported that he had received a request from Rear Admiral Triebel, Special Assistant to the JCS for NSC Affairs, that the JCS have a representative at the OCB luncheons and regular meetings. His suggestion was that this individual be the Director of NSC review(s) completed. Approved For Ftee,Ojp6/0 C t 4'aa td y ., 1~ 01676R002700050050-5 Approved For Rela`A 00fi 031 fiAJR 13( l676R002700050050-5 the Joint Staff, Vice Admiral Austin or the Director of the Joint Strategic Survey Committee, Major General Timberman. Mr. Sprague said that this was the first he had heard of the proposal and that he would discuss it with. Mr. Quarles. He added that as far as he was concerned he was flatly opposed to such representation, at least at the luncheon meetings. In any case, it was agreed that this was a question Defense should consider in the first instance. Mr. Cutler went over in some detail the terms of the Executive Order which established the OCB and placed it within the NSC mechanism. In this connection he pointed out that the JCS was not an independent agency and consequently could only, in the context of the OCB, be considered as an advisor to the Defense representative. Mr. Gray supported this view, adding that no single individual could speak for the JCS and that any representation of that body would have to be in an observer status. The consensus of the meeting was that this proposal should be dropped unless the Defense Department decided to raise it again. 3. Bible Quotation for Vanguard Missile Mr. Dearborn said that he had just learned that the Chief of Naval Chaplains had proposed some time ago that the first verse of the 19th Psalm be pasted on the side of each Vanguard vehicle. (The verse reads: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handywork. ") The intention of this is to provide an answer to Soviet assertions that their earth satellite was made by man without the help of God. The idea would be that the existence of this quotation on the Vanguard vehicle would be announced after a successful orbiting of the satellite. It was Mr. Dearborn's understanding that the President had been apprised of this idea and that the rocket which failed in the December test did in fact carry this quotation. The sense of the discussion was that for a number of reasons the proposal should be rejected and Mr. Sprague was asked to have the Navy suspend any action in connection with it. He was asked, however, to defer this action until Mr. Dearborn had had an opportunity to ascertain whether or not the President had ever expressed any views on the matter. Approved For ReleaT It6103f17 :rCIAiF DP 1 76R002700050050-5 i8m !tdae Li't, T 1676 R002700050050-5 5. Exploitation of Presidential Message Mr. Herter said that the State Department had failed to capitalize fully on the President's answer to Bulganin, since the entire text had not been given to our ambassadors for presentation to foreign governments. He referred particularly to the fact that Ambassador Chapin had been forced in discussions with the Shah of Iran to rely on the text as transmitted by USIA. Even though this represented a somewhat unofficial version, the Shah's perusal of the text had caused him to comment favorably on the strength and time of the message. (cf. Teheran Embassy 1337, 13 January 1958) Mr. Herter went on to say that he solicited any suggestions from the members of the OCB that might help the State Department make maximum use of Presidential or other official pronouncements on important matters. He said that we must be more prompt and imaginative in exploiting our positions of strength and whatever temporarily-favorable circumstances in which we may find ourselves. In this connection he said that there has been a noticeable improvement from the point of view of the Soviet government, in its quick and effective reactions to changing cold war situations. He cited particularly the speed with which the Russians reacted to that part of the President's State of the Union message which proposed joint research by the U. S. and the USSR on cancer and heart disease. He said that within 36 hours Ambassador Zaroubin had requested Approved For Relea 6R002700050050-5 Approved For Rele Mr. Lacy to add a paragraph to the draft paper on Exchanges which is currently being negotiated, to the effect that the Soviets would accept this suggestion of the President. (Mr. Herter added that Mr. Zaroubin made no mention of malaria and when the Department queried him about this, Zaroubin said he was personally in favor of including it but would have to refer the question to Moscow.) RICHARD HELMS Acting Deputy Director (Plans) Distribution: Orig - DCI files 1 - DDCI 1 - Acting DDP 1 - BA/OCB 1, F111 iv, Approved For Releae2QQ6ii0/1Z 4EIAv P Q 1 76R002700050050-5 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700050050-5 DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP 17 Jan. 1958 TO: DCI ROOM NO221 I BUILDING Admin REMARKS: I think you should read this. There are several quite interesting items. Dick performed extremely well at the meeting. TAP FROM: ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION 1 FFEB ORM 55 24 I REPLACES FORM 36-8 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700050050-5