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August 18, 2005
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Publication Date:
May 15, 1958
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Approved For Rele ~e 06%Q3/1T; Cii~-hD O G1676R002700050034-3
15 May 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 7 May 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray,
Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Quarles, Mr. Scribner,
Mr. Smith, Mr. Staats
1. Briefing on Submarine Activity
Mr. Dulles said that he proposed to include in the next day's
intelligence briefing of the National Security Council a summary of
various reports on alien submarine activity off our coasts. He asked
Mr. Quarles if Defense had any objection to his raising this subject
at the NSC. Mr. Quarles expressed no objection.
2. Brussels Exposition.
There was a general discussion on the merits of the American
exhibit at the Brussels Exposition, vis-a-vis that of the USSR. An
opinion was expressed that our exhibit is artistic and attractive while
that of the Soviets is stern and overly solid; however the content of
our exhibit may be too frivolous. In the latter connection, particular
reference was made to the display of women's fashions. A recent
article to that effect by Cyrus Sulzberger in the New York Times was
cited. It was agreed that it would be worthwhile to have an objective
evaluation of the competing exhibits.
3. Military Aircraft for Lebanon
The discussion then turned to the desire of Lebanon to be equipped
with up-to-date U. S. military aircraft. It was pointed out that Lebanon
NSC review(s) completed.
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was not far enough advanced to utilize jet airplanes efficiently. On
the other hand, due note was made of the fact that possession of
this kind of equipment was important to the national pride of a
country like Lebanon. The group did not attempt to reach a definitive
conclusion as to what should be done.
4. Control of Outer Space
Mr. Harr called attention to the importance of establishing
controls and agreements with regard to the exploitation of outer
space. A general discussion of this subject ensued.
5. Armed Forces Day
The group agreed that. the demonstrations planned in connection
with Armed Forces Day should not be overly ostentatious. It was felt
that the world situation is such at the moment that a considerable
degree of moderation should be exercised so as to avoid unfavorable
reaction abroad.
6. Drought and Locust Plague
There was discussion of the significance of the current drought
conditions in the Near East and the prospects of a major plague of
locusts. There was consideration of the kind assistance that this
country could give if the situation proves to e s serious as some
reports indicate.
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1 - BA/OCB
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002700050034-3