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June 4, 1958
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Approved For Rel6i 2006103/1M RP11?8R5016768002700050030-7 SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 4 June 1958 PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Adm. Foster, Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Staats 1. Foreign Radio Broadcasting The Board discussed a matter which had been considered at the National Security Council meeting on June 3, namely the matter of radio broadcasts to foreign audiences. It was brought out that there may not have been completely effective coordination between State and USIA on major aspects of these programs. It was generally agreed that these faults were attributable to difficulties in interpreting various aspects of policy, to budget problems, etc. It was concluded that the fault could not be laid at the door of the OCB. 2. Project PLOWSHARE Adm. Foster distributed a draft of a proposed announcement on Project PLOWSHARE--the undertaking to excavate a harbor in northwest Alaska by means of nuclear explosives. There was considerable debate as to whether or not a release of this sort should be made. The Defense, USIA and Treasury representatives expressed the opinion that no publicity should be given to this project until we are ready to proceed with it. Messrs. Cutler and Harr took the opposite view, maintaining that an announcement of this kind would have great psychological value around the world. Mr. Dulles said that, apart from any other considerations, the magnitude of the necessary preparations for an undertaking of this sort would be such that the existence of the project would be bound to become known, NSC review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2006/03/17CIADF4OBa f76R002700050030-7 Z7oazs` Approved For Re16as-d' 2006/ 3/1lq-( IA-I bP4d 001676ROO2700050030-7 and therefore an announcement of some sort seemed in order. However, he did not feel that the proposed announcement, as drafted, completely met the situation. Mr. Sprague was skeptical that this project will ever be carried out. He said that to date there has been no high-level approval of it in the Pentagon. The sense of the Board was that the proposed announcement should be redrafted by AEC and State and should be tied to the conclusion of a contract to carry out Project PLOWSHARE. It was reiterated that before any such public announcement is made the USSR and Canada should be consulted. 3. Antarctica The discussion then turned to the Soviet reply to the U. S. note proposing a condominium in Antarctica. Mr. Cutler expressed the opinion that we have so far missed a worthwhile propaganda story by not publicizing widely the Soviet agreement to consult on this subject. Mr. Allen stated that he did not believe there is at this stage a great deal of opportunity remaining to capitalize on this event through the press; however, he thought it would be possible to make some use of it in radio programs, and undertook to explore that possibility further. 4. Inflatable Satellite Mr. Sprague reported on progress toward the possible launching of an inflatable satellite, a project which was endorsed in principle by the OCB at its meeting of January 8. He said that the launching of a 12-foot satellite of this type would be possible by October 1958 and that there would be a capability of putting a larger one in orbit by the Spring of 1959. He said, however, that other programs of high priority have been in the process of development since last January and that these would have to be weighed against this particular suggestion. The Board agreed that if it were possible to do so the inflatable satellite should be pushed. It was felt that whatever propaganda value it might have would be considerably lessened if a launching were delayed until next year. Approved For Release 006103/17.; CIA_,RDP$OBO1O76R002700050030-7 Approved For Re a "29 6/03/,17 M.-RD P8,0801 5. Nuclear Weapons Demonstration Mr. Sprague outlined plans of the Defense Department for a possible demonstration of a normally-conventional missile equipped with a nuclear warhead. The specific combination contemplated is a Nike rocket with a Zeus warhead. It was pointed out that the normal testing grounds do not lend themselves, for one reason or another, to a demonstration of this sort, and that Eglin Air Force Base in Florida seems to be the only completely feasible location. From Eglin, a weapon of this nature could be fired over an existing course in the Gulf of Mexico with maximum safety, particularly in view of the relatively limited range of the Nike. It was stated that Mr. Farley, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for Atomic Energy Matters, is in charge of this project from the Department's point of view and will work closely with Defense. There was some discussion as to whether this particular project was within the charter of the OCB or was purely a Defense matter. However, it was agreed that a firing of this kind might have some effect on the climate of overseas opinion and is thus properly of interest to the OCB. Distribution: Orig - DCI files 1 - DDCI 1 - BA/OCB 3 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 CIA-RDP8Of 01676R002700050030-7