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June 11, 1958
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Approved For ReIea -~01 6/~3t1$
I bl $ 0167MFt60 @Vd0Tgmpleted.
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 11 June 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray,
Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Smith,
Mr. Sprague, Mr. Strauss, Mr. Staats
Mr. Gray reported that Mr. Floete, Administrator of the
General Services Administration, was much concerned about the
potential danger to the Nicaro nickel plant in Cuba which might
occur as a result of the disturbances in that country. Floete had
been particularly worried about the safety of personnel and the
preservation of equipment as well as the possible longer range
effect on nickel production. Mr. Staats pointed out that an inter-
agency working group had recently been established under NSC 163/1,
and that this matter should appropriately be referred to it.
2. Student Exchanges with Latin America
Mr. Allen said that the possibility of increasing the student
exchange program for Latin America had taken an unexpected tack.
He said that certain Senators have suggested increasing the funds
from $20 million to $30 million, to allow a greatly expanded program.
These Senators are suggesting, however, that the additional $10
million be obtained by taking $5 million and $3 million from the
regular USIA and State budgets respectively, with only the additional
$2 million to be separately appropriated.
3. Counteraction to Possible Soviet Announcement
I the Soviet ship "Vityaz, " which has been operating in
an area a jacent to the U. S. Pacific testing grounds, has run into
unusual radioactive conditions. It is considered possible that the
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Soviets may a em o.
to discredit the U. S. in this connection, and which could excite
the same kind of public reaction that resulted from the "Fortunate
Dragon" incident. It was pointed out that it is highly doubtful that
the ship encountered any dangerous radioactivity on its decks,
although it is probable that the surrounding atmosphere did contain
an unusually high amount of radioactive debris.
Mr. Scribner reminded the group that at its meeting of
December 4 it had decided that the proposed Export-Import Bank
loan to Indonesia, to cover the purchase of Lockheed aircraft,
should be deferred until the situation in that country is clarified.
(This was one of several credits provided for in the Special Report
on Indonesia for the NSC.) It was agreed that the situation did not
warrant any further action at this time.
5. Air Force Statement Regarding Lunar Probes
The group discussed the unfortunate statement made the day
before by the Air Force Director of Research and Development,
in which he had said that the Air Force is planning to orbit or to hit
the moon in mid-summer or early fall. Mr. Sprague reported that
this statement had been the cause of considerable concern in the
Defense Department, which had led to the Defense denial in today's
papers. He said that the incident was still under active consideration
and further action might be forthcoming. (A statement was made
later today by Secretary Douglas. )
6. UN Report on Radiation
Mr. Strauss referred once more to the UN report on the
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effects of radiation, with particular reference to damage that
might be done around the world by a slanted interpretation of
certain aspects of this report. It was mentioned that Prime
Minister Macmillan had expressed the great concern of the British
government, during the course of his current conversations here.
It was agreed that efforts should be continued to have the essential
elements of the report put in proper perspective in layman's language
so as to offset any possible adverse effects resulting from its
official publication. These efforts will be made in coordination
with the British and Canadians.
7. Operation PLOWSHARE
The Board noted that the newspapers of 10 June 1958 carried
the agreed press release on Operation PLOWSHARE, the project
to excavate a harbor in Alaska by nuclear means.
8. TV Station in Iran
Mr. Herter commented on a report which, had come to him to
the effect that the U. S. Army had sent to Tehran the components
of a TV station, for the purpose of establishing a regular program
for the American military personnel stationed in Iran. He deplored
this move, pointing out that it could have a most unfortunate effect
on the Iranians from the point of view of lavish expenditures on the
part of the U. S. (there being only slightly over 400 U. S. military
personnel in the entire country), and the fact that it has been viewed
by private Iranian interests as unfair competition. Mr. Sprague
entirely concurred in this view and said that Defense would see to it
that the project was halted. He said that the Army would be directed
to try to dispose of the technical equipment to Iranian buyers and
that perhaps limited time might be bought on a local station.
Mr. Harr referred to a somewhat nebulous idea that he said
had been generated in the AEC, having to do with the establishment
of certain international exhibits of scientific interest to be held for
the benefit of students. The discussion was inconclusive, but brought
out certain disadvantages including the difficulty and expense of
carrying out such a program.
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10. African Students
Mr. Herter reported on a conversation he had had with Dr.
Martin D. Jenkins, President of Morgan State College in Baltimore.
This institution has enrolled students from 17 African countries.
Dr. Jenkins had felt that it might be in the U. S. interest were he
to make a trip to Africa in his capacity as an educator, and had
offered his services for use in whatever way the Department of
State might suggest. Mr. Herter said that he was much impressed
with Dr. Jenkins. He also mentioned as another highly qualified
American Negro who would be willing to undertake such a mission,
Mr. Frederic Morrow, Administrative Officer at the White House.
The Board agreed that this suggestion would appear to have
a good deal of merit. Mr. Herter undertook to have the State
Department prepare biographies on Jenkins and Morrow. These
11. People-to-People Program
It was reported that the Central Committee of the People-to-
People Program will probably go out of existence in the near future,
primarily due to lack of financial support. It was pointed out that
the individual People-to-People committees would not be affected
in any great degree. It was agreed that a statement should be issued
that the work of these individual committees will continue.
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