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June 18, 1958
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Approved For Ref ase C 6/03/x17'?; 40.',06 01676R002700050028-0
18 June 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 18 June 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Adm. Foster, Mr. Gray,
Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sprague,
Mr. Washburn, Mr. Staats
1. Execution of Nagy
A lengthy discussion took place on the implications of the
recently-announced execution of Nagy, Maleter and other Hungarians.
It was recognized that, apart from the sense of shock at the Soviet-
inspired action, this situation provides an opportunity for effective
propaganda on the part of the U. S. and the free world. A number
of suggestions were made for specific exploitation, including the
possibility of a memorial stamp honoring the Hungarian Freedom
Fighters, and the observance of the tenth anniversary of the
Yugoslavs' withdrawal from the Cominform.
Mr. Sprague reported that the Defense Department has now
scheduled the launching of a 12-foot inflatable satellite for October.
A satellite of 100-foot diameter is set for launching in March 1959.
3. Space Program
A discussion then ensued on the general subject of the sort
of program for outer space exploration that the U. S. should mount.
Among the topics covered was the question of whether the launching
of a man into outer space (probably preceded in earlier experiments
NSC review(s) completed.
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by a chimpanzee or a similar anthropoid) would serve a useful
psychological purpose. There was some difference of opinion
expressed on this point. It was recognized that in any case the
Soviets would very probably be able to launch a human being into
outer space before the U. S. could do so, particularly since they
would be more willing than we to take risks with human life in order
to accomplish the experiment.
It was agreed that Dr. Killian and Roy Johnson, of the Defense
space agency, should be asked to outline for the OCB the type of
activity they believe would be most useful in a space program.
4. Nuclear Weapons Demonstration
The idea of a demonstration of a normally-conventional
missile equipped with a nuclear warhead, which was discussed at
the 4 June meeting, came up again.
It was reiterated that this aspect of the Hardtack series is
not easily adaptable to the regular testing grounds and that for
technical reasons the range at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida
seems to be the most practicable. However, it was stated that
the matter had been taken up with the Secretary of State and he
had expressed the opinion that it would be unwise to make an
announcement that this kind of test is to be conducted. In view of
this, there was general agreement that the possibility of an alternate
site should be explored further, since it would be risky to fire a
missile of this kind at Eglin without acknowledging that fact publicly.
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