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September 10, 1958
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Approved For Release, 2G06/03/1'7 :; CfP -F DP80B01676R002700050017-2
10 September 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 10 September 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Gen. Cabell, Mr. Dillon (State), Adm. Foster,
Mr. Smith, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Staats
1. Implications of Possible Nuclear Test in French Sahara
The group discussed in general terms the paper that had been
circulated on the above subject. It was generally agreed that it
would be much better from our point of view for the French not to
conduct such a test than for them to do so. On the other hand it
was recognized that it would be in the French interest to emphasize
the fact that the device was developed with French resources and
technical knowledge, and not to associate it with the U. S. The Board
agreed that it would be inadvisable for the U. S. to issue any public
statement in advance of an anticipated French nuclear test, but that
State and USIA should prepare necessary guidance for missions
Mr. Dillon gave a brief summary of actions which had been
taken in the Department following the recent OCB and NSC discussions
of our proposed programs in the Sudan. Mr. Dillon indicated that
firm proposals had not yet been arrived at, but are expected within
the next week to ten days.
3. Contingency Planning in Case of Moon Shot by the USSR
Mr. Staats suggested that the Board consider once more the
possibility that the Soviets may launch successfully a moon satellite
or a lunar probe in the near future. It was pointed out that a
contingency paper on this subject had been approved on March 21,
1958 and that this provided guidance and suggested statements to
NSC review(s) completed.
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be issued by the President and other officials. It was agreed that
the Working Group concerned should review this paper to see if any
updating or revision is required.
4. Special Working Group on Public Opinion Implications
of Taiwan Strait Situation
Mr. Staats reported that the special working group which had
been set up following the first meeting of the ad hoc interagency
group convened under the chairmanship of Mr. Robertson, had been
looking into the possibilities for actions which the U. S. might take
to mitigate the effects on public opinion abroad of present and future
U. S. actions. Gen. Cabell suggested that the working group keep
in mind the fact that they should not attempt to draft an intelligence
estimate but should confine themselves to their primary purpose of
assessing effects on world opinion and recommending actions to
offset unfavorable effects.
5. Wheelus-Tripoli Road
Mr. Dillon reported on difficulties which had developed,
particularly with Congress, in getting approval for funds to build
the road from Wheelus Field to Tripoli. He said that a similar
proposal in Bermuda had run into a great deal of trouble in Congress
and he foresaw a difficult struggle in getting that body's approval
in this case. It was agreed that this matter is of concern primarily
to State and Defense and that those departments should continue to
seek a solution, but that the item should be dropped from the agenda
of the OCB.
7. Business Council for International Understanding
Mr. Allen gave a summary report on the activity of a group of
business leaders who had been convened by the President as the
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Business Council for International Understanding. He said that
most of the members of this group seemed to feel that it was both
desirable and feasible for government and business leaders to
cooperate in advancing the national interests of the U. S. abroad.
Mr. Staats reported that at the end of this month he is leaving
his present job and returning to the Bureau of the Budget. The group
expressed its thanks to him for his efficient performance of his duties
with the OCB over the past five years.
General, USAF
Acting Director
Orig - DCI files
1 - DDCI
1 - BA/OCB
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