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Document Release Date: 
August 11, 2005
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Publication Date: 
October 22, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002700050012-7.pdf99.97 KB
Approved `For Re ,M61 676ROO2700050012-7 SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 22 October 1958 PRESENT: Mr. Dulles, Gen. Fox (Defense), Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Smith, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Melbourne NSC review(s) completed. Approved For Rell ,601 1676R002700050012-7 Z-7o 2-0 7 Approved For Rehgas,,2A,0F/03/17-~;,.Fa4-R 80E~1676R002700050012-7 3. Proposed Statement of U. S. Position on Suspension of Nuclear Tests Mr. Herter made available to the group a draft of a proposed statement to be issued by the President, which reiterated the American position concerning the suspension of nuclear weapons tests and the establishment of an international control system. The Board agreed that a statement of this kind would be useful and that it would be desirable to have the President make it before the beginning of the negotiations with the Soviets scheduled to start on October 31. Several opinions were expressed that a suitable time might be in connection with the departure of Ambassador Wadsworth for Geneva, although some members had reservations on this specific point. It was agreed that the Department of State would clear the draft with the Defense Department and the AEC, and after that with the President's Press Secretary. The DCI suggested that one sentence, bearing on the detection of nuclear tests, be revised. 4. Public Exploitation of Current Soviet Tests The Board then turned to a discussion of ways in which the full significance of the current Soviet nuclear testing program could be made evident to the world. In this connection Mr. Dulles suggested that CIA.and AEC make a study of the comparative fallout of fission products from the Soviet series and from our own. He felt that should Approved For Rel ; 103/17 . OIR-R b P80EJ01676R002700050012-7 Approved For Rel~a..06/0P1, [yBOl 676R00270005001 2-7 it develop that the Soviets have put far more fallout into the atmosphere than we have, this would provide a good peg for a public statement. (Note: On later detailed examination it appeared that the difference, if any, over the past year is very slight. ) It was agreed that efforts should be made to give greater publicity in Western Europe, particularly in Scandinavia, and in Japan, to the scope and magnitude of the Soviet tests. 3 Approved For Releas 6/17 : I P80 016768002700050012-7 ApprovedFor Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002700050012-7 It was agreed that the OCB would discuss the matter at a later date after more facts are assembled on exactly what is being done. Distribution: Orig - DCI files 1 - DDCI 1 - BA/OCB Approved For Re103/ --8091676R002700050012-7