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Document Release Date: 
August 11, 2005
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Publication Date: 
November 5, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R002700050010-9.pdf136.28 KB
Approved For R p _ ~ a i i 06/03 1'Z A - 1 0 1 6768002700050010-9 , Op 5 November 1958 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 5 November 1958 PRESENT: Mr. Dulles, Adm. Foster, Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Irwin, Mr. Saccio, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Melbourne 1. Soviet Nuclear Testing The Board discussed the subject of nuclear testing at considerable length, with particular reference to the Soviet shots of November 1 and 3, and the action, if any, that we should now take. Mr. Dulles informed the group of the preliminary steps which had been decided upon at the highest U. S. Governmental level, i. e. that the U. S. delegation at Geneva should tell the Soviet delegation that we were aware of these recent tests, that they should be asked to confirm or deny, and to say that the U. S. proposes to resume tests unless the Soviets say that they will cease their own testing. He said that in reply to this approach the head of the Soviet delegation had alleged that he had no information as to whether or not his country was continuing to test and that his instructions covered only the negotiations currently under way at Geneva. Mr. Herter tabled a draft statement prepared by the State Department which was intended to be issued in the near future by either the President or the Secretary of State. Adm. Foster presented an alternate draft designed for the same ultimate purpose, which he described as representing his-own and Chairman McCone's views. The AEC draft included a statement that unless the Soviets cease their testing activity within two weeks, the U. S. will resume its own program. Mr. Dulles questioned the advisability of including this point in such a statement, arguing that the Soviets would construe it as an NSC review(s) completed. -9 Approved For Flease 206/031'fT^?;Ap1~9,p01676R002700050010 e L L%W dw ~' Zen zo.