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December 23, 1958
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Approved For ReIoae206l03L17~ : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700050002-8
23 December 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 23 December 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter,
Mr. Irwin, Mr. Scribner, Mr. Smith, Mr. Melbourne
Mr. Harr asked the Board's opinion of the situation in
Indonesia, with particular reference to the position of Nasution
vis-a-vis civilian authorities.
During the discussion which followed, Mr. Dulles made the
point that Nasution was by no means out of power as a result of
his recent conflict with the civil authorities but that he had simply
been told to confine his activities to military matters. He said
that Nasution had clearly been out of line in his demand to have a
hand in approving appointments to major civil positions and that it
was quite natural that the Indonesian Cabinet had refused to go along
with this.
2. Berlin
Mr. Herter briefed the Board on the present status of U.S. and
Allied activities with regard to the Berlin situation, and reported
that the State Department had prepared a White Paper on the history
of, and legal justification for, our continued presence in Berlin.
In answer to Mr. Harr's question, Mr. Herter said that there did,
not seem to be very much that an OCB committee could do at this time,
but that no doubt at an appropriate time in the future, when the
policy lines are clearly established, such a committee might be able
to do useful work.
Mention was made of a recent public opinion poll in West
Germany which indicated that a number of Germans were inclined to
favor some sort of compromise on the Berlin issue.
NSC review(s) completed.
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3. U.S. Efforts in the Field of Outer Space
The Group then turned to a discussion of the Atlas satellite and
the question of what the U.S. might do to maintain the psychological
initiative in this connection.
The consensus was that we should avoid undue exploitation of,
this event but that we should rather allow the story to play itself
without too much assistance. It was felt that the broadcasts of the
President's voice from the satellite had served their purpose and
this aspect should not be overdone.
I-. Special ICA Briefings
Mr. Smith suggested that the Board be given a brief oral
description of pertinent ICA operations, by a ranking ICA official,
whenever an OCB document comes before the Board which contains major
and new economic issues.
The Board agreed in principle with the suggestion, with the
understanding that it would be followed in special cases but would
not necessarily be made a routine part of the consideration of every
OCB paper.
Orig. - DCI files
1 - DDCI
1 - BA/OCB
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