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Approved For Fele 2003/06/18 CIA-RDP80B0106R00 0040039-9 ~-~1`0NAL 4,t~cti UTTERA IL SCRIPTA FEDFllAtjjREGISTER ? V OLUME 18 ~yF 1934 ~ NUMBER 175 UNITED C, - Washington, Saturday, September 5, 1953 a v se oar e at EXECUTIV E ORDER 10483 its request. ESTABLISHING THE OPERATIONS SEC. 2. The National Security Council COORDINATING BOARD having recommended a national security By virtue of the authority vested in me policy and the President having ap- by the Constitution and statutes, and as proved it, the Board shall (1) whenever THE PRESIDENT Executive . Order Page Establishing the Operations Co- ordinating Board_____________ 5379 President of the United States, it is the President shall hereafter so direct, EXECUTIVE AGENCIES hereby ordered as follows: advise with the agencies concerned as to (a) their detailed operational plan- SECTION 1. (a) In order to provide ning responsibilities respecting such See Production and Marketing for the integrated implementation of policy, (b) the coordination of the inter- Administration. national security policies by the several departmental aspects of the detailed op- Air Force Department agencies, there is hereby established an erational plans developed by the agencies Rules and regulations: Operations Coordinating Board, herein- to carry out such policy, (c) the timely Air Force installations, use of by after referred to as the Board, which and coordinated execution of such policy other than Air Force aircraft; shall report to the National Security and plans, and (d) the execution of each revision_______________ _ 5384 Council. security action or project so that it shall U. S. Air Force bases overseas, (b) The Board shall have as members make its full contribution to the at- use of by civil aircraft (do- the following: (1) the Under Secretary tainment of national security objectives mestic or foreign); revoca- of State, who shall represent the Secre- and to the particular climate of opinion tion----------------- ------ 5388 tary of State and shall be the chairman the United States is seeking to achieve in Civil Service Commission of the Board, (2) the Deputy Secretary the world, and (2) initiate new proposals Rules and regulations: of Defense, who shall represent the Sec- for action within the framework of na- of H ns retary of Defense, (3) the Director of tional security policies in response to from; Competitive Department of Health, the Foreign Operations Administration, opportunity and changes in the situa- a(4) the Director of Central Intelligence, tion. The Board shall perform such Education, and Welfare____ 5380 and (5) a representative of the President other advisory functions as the President Customs Bureau to be designated by the President. Each may assign to it and shall from time to Rules and regulations: head of agency referred to in items (1) time make reports to the National Secu- Packing and stamping; mark- to (4), inclusive, in this section 1 (b) rity Council with respect to the carry- ing; trade-marks and trade may provide for an alternate member ing out of this order, names; copyrights; method of who shall serve as a member of the marking____________________ 5382 Board in lieu of the regular member rep- _ SEC. 3. Consonant with law, each yond his control unable to attend any effectuating this order, furnish assist- Federal Communications Com- Com- meeting of the Board; and any alternate ance to the Board in accordance with mission member shall while serving as such have section 214 of the Act of May 3, 1945, 59 Notices: in all respects the same status as a Stat. 134 (31 U. S. C. 691). Such assist- Hearings, etc.: member of the Board as does the regu- ance may include detailing employees to Azalea Broadcasting Co_____ 5393 lar member in lieu of whom he serves. the Board, one of whom may serve as its Globe Wireless, Ltd --------- 5393 (c) The head of any agency (other Executive Officer, to perform such func- Radio Wisconsin, Inc., and than any agency represented under sec- tions, consistent with the purposes of Badger Television Co., Inc- 5393 tion 1 (b) hereof) to which the President this order, as the Board may assign to Federal Power Commission from time to.time assigns responsibil- them. ities for the implementation of national Notices: security policies, shall assign a repre- SEC. 4. The Psychological Strategy Hearings, etc.: sentative to serve on the Board when Board shall be abolished not later than Cities Service Gas Co------- 5395 the Board is dealing with subjects bear- sixty days after the date of this order Montana-Dakota Utilities Co_ 5394 ing directly upon the responsibilities of and its outstanding affairs shall be wound Natural Gas Pipeline Co. such head. Each such representative up by the Operations Coordinati of America--------------- 5394 ng sucn representative snail have the same "agency" '-"' ?'" ~????ui> "it; wuru Foreign Operations Adminis- status on the Board as the members may be construed to mean any tration provided for in the said section 1 (b). instrumentality strumentality of Rules and regulations: (d) The Special Assistant to the Pres- the Government, the including executive branch any execu- Ocean shipments of supplies by ident for National Security Affairs may tive department. voluntary nonprofit relief attend any meeting of the Board. The (Continued on next page) agencies____________________ 5382 5379 TITLE 3-THE PRESIDENT Director of the United states informa- tion CONTENTS shall d i th B d Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 z7O( 4,60m, , FEDERAL lEGISTER Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, and days following official Federal holidays, by the Federal Register Division, National Archives and Records Service, General Serv- ices Administration, pursuant to the au- thority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula- tions prescribed by the Administrative Com- mittee of the Federal Register, approved by the President. Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended June 19, 1937. The FEDERAL REGISTER will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies (minimum 15?) varies in proportion to the size of the issue. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, directly to the Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. There are no restrictions on the republica- tion of material appearing in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Now Available UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION MANUAL 1953-54 Edition (Revised through July 1) Published by the Federal Register Division, the National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration 734 pages-$1.00 a copy Order from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. CONTENTS-Continued Foreign Operations Adminis- tration-Continued Rules and regulations-Con. Registration of agencies for vol- untary foreign aid--___--___ Internal Revenue Service Proposed rule making: Exclusion of certain nondis- tributable income in comput- ing special surtax on personal holding companies --------__ Interstate Commerce Commis- sion Notices : Applications for relief: Barite ore from Laredo, Tex., to points in Texas -------- Various commodities: Between points in Texas and points in official and southern territories_____ Approve or Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80B 71002700040039-9 THE PRESIDENT Interstate Commerce Commis- Page sion-Continued Notices-Continued Applications for relief-Con#. Various commodities-Cbn. From trunk-line and !New England territories to southern, central and western trunk-line terri- tories _____________ ____ 5395 Fernwood, Columbia & Gulf Railroad Co.; rerouting and diversion of traffic ---------- 5396 Rules and regulations: Lease and interchange of ve- hicles by motor carriers,---- 5388 Production and Marketing Ad- ministration Notices : Peanuts; redelegation of final authority by Georgia State Production and Marketing Administration Committee regarding marketing quota regulations for 1953 crop---- Proposed rule making: Milk handling in San Antonio, Tex.; extension of time for filing exceptions_____________ Pears, certain varieties, grown in Oregon, Washington, and California; expenses and rate of assessment for 1953-$4 fis- cal period------------------ 5392 Potatoes: Irish, grown in Colorado; pro- posed budgets and rates of assessments-------------- Peeled white ; U. S. standards for grades________________ Tobacco, cigar-filler, cigar-filler and binder and Maryland; marketing quotas for 1954-55 marketing year ------- Rules and regulations: 5393 5389 Title 5 Chapter I: Part 6----------------------- 5380 Title 7 Chapter I: Part52 (proposed) ------------- 5389 Chapter VII: Part 723 (proposed ------------ 5391 Part 727 (proposed) ----------- 5391 Part 939 Part 949 Part 953 Part 958 Title 19 Chapter I: (proposed) ----------- 5392 (proposed) ----------- 5393 (2 documents) -------- 15381 (proposed) ----------- :5393 Part 11----------------------- 5382 Title 2'1 Chapter I: Part 97---------------------- 5382 Part 98---------------------- 5382 Chapter II: Part 202--------------------- 5382 Part 203--------------------- 5383 Title 26 Chapter I: Part 19 (proposed) ------------ 5388 Part 29 (proposed) ------------ 5388 Title 32 Chapter VII: Part 822--------------------- 5384 Part 823_____________________ 5388 Title 49 Chapter I: Part 207--------------------- 5388 SEc. 6. Nothing in this order shall be construed either to confer upon the Board any function with respect to in- ternal security or to in any manner abrogate or restrict any function vested by law in, or assigned pursuant to law to, any agency or head of agency (in- cluding the office of Defense Mobiliza- tion and the Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization). DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER THE WHITE HOUSE, September 2, 1953. [F. R. Doc. 53-7812; Filed, Sept. 3, 1953; 4:03 p. In.] Lemons grown in California and Arizona ; limitation of ship- ments (2 documents) -------- 5381 Securities and Exchange Com- mission Notices : Columbia Gas System, Inc.; order authorizing issuance and sale of securities 1 y sub- sidiaries to parent companies_ 5394 State Department Rules and regulations: Ocean shipments of supplies by voluntary nonprofit relief agencies; cross reference---- 5382 Registration of agencies for voluntary foreign aid; cross reference ------------------- 5382 Treasury Department See Customs Bureau; Internal RULES AND REGULATIONS TITLE 5-ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL 5388 Revenue Service. ter I-Civil Service Commission Ch CODIFICATION GUIDE ap PART 6-EXCEPTIONS FROM THE A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in this issue. Proposed rules, as opposed to final actions, are identified as COMPETITIVE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE 5396 such. Effective upon publication in the FED- Title 3 Page Chapter II (Executive orders) : ERAL REGISTER, the position listed below is excepted from the competitive service hedule C S d 5396 10483------------------------- 5379 . er c un Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 CONTENTS-Continued - CODIFICATION GUIDE-Cori. ? Approved For Rel e 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80BO1676RO 00040039-9 Saturday, September 5, 1953 FEDERAL REGISTER ? 6.323 Department of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare-(a) Office of the Secretary. * * * (6) One Assistant to the Secretary. (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 U. S. C. 631, 633. E. O. 10440, March 31, 1953, 18 F. R. 1823) UNITED STATES CIVIL SERV- ICE COMMISSION, [SEAL] WM. C. HULL, Executive Assistant. IF R. Doe. 53-7774; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; [Lemon Reg. 501] PART 953-LEMONS GROWN IN CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS ? 953.608 Lemon Regulation 501-(a) Findings. (1) Pursuant to the market- ing agreement, as amended, and Order No. 53, as amended (7 CFR Part 953), regulating the handling of lemons grown in the State of California or in the State of Arizona, effective under the applica- ble provisions of the Agricultural Mar- TITLE 7-AGRICULTURE Chapter IX-Production and Mar- keting Administration (Marketing Agreements and Orders), Depart- ment of Agriculture [Lemon Reg. 500, Amdt. 11 PART 953-LEMONS GROWN IN CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA LIMITATION OF SHIPMENTS ? Findings. 1. Pursuant to the market- ing agreement, as amended, and Order No. 53, as amended (7 CFR Part 953), regulating the handling of lemons grown in the State of California or in the State of Arizona, effective under the applicable provisions of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and upon the basis of the recommendation and information submitted by the Lemon Administrative Committee, established under the said amended marketing agreement and order, and upon other available information, it is hereby found that the limitation of the quantity of such lemons which may be handled, as hereinafter provided, will tend to effec- tuate the declared policy of the act. 2. It is hereby further found that it is impracticable and contrary to the public interest to give preliminary notice and engage in public rule making procedure, and postpone the effective date of this regulation until 30 days after publi- cation thereof in the FEDERAL REGISTER (60 Stat. 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 et seq.) because the time intervening between the date when information upon which this amendment is based became avail- able and the time when this amendment must become effective in order to effectu- ate the declared policy of the Agricul- tural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, is insufficient, and this amendment relieves restriction on the handling of lemons grown in the State of California or in the State of Arizona. Order, as amended. The provisions in paragraph (b) (1) (ii) of ? 953.607 (Lemon Regulation 500, 18 F. R. 5163) are hereby amended to read as follows: (ii) District 2, 300 carloads. (Sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 U. S. C. and Sup. 608c) Done at Washington, D. C., this 2d day of September, 1953. [SEAL] FLOYD F. HEDLUND, Acting Director, Fruit and Vege- table Branch, Production and Marketing Administration. IF. R. Doe. 53-7781; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:49 a. m.] amended (7 U. S. C. 601 et seq.) , and upon the basis of the recommendation and information submitted by the L e m o n Administrative Committee, established under the said amended marketing agreement and order, and upon other available information, it is hereby found that the limitation of the quantity of such lemons which may be handled, as hereinafter provided, will tend to effectuate the declared policy of the act. (2) It is hereby further found that it is impracticable and contrary to the pub- lic interest to give preliminary notice, engage in public rule-making procedure, and postpone the effective date of this section until 30 days after publication thereof in the FEDERAL REGISTER (60 Stat. 237; 5 U. S. C. 1001 et seq.) because the time intervening between the date when information upon which this section is based became available and the time when this section must become effective in order to effectuate the declared policy of the act is insufficient, and a reasonable time is permitted, under the circum- stances, for preparation for such effec- tive time; and good cause exists for making the provisions of this section effective as hereinafter set forth. Ship- ments of lemons, grown in the State of California or in the State of Arizona, are currently subject to regulation pur- suant to said amended marketing agree- ment and order; the recommendation and supporting information for regula- tion during the period specified in this section was promptly submitted to the Department after an open meeting of the Lemon Administrative Committee on September 2, 1953, such meeting was held, after giving due notice thereof to consider recommendations for regula- tion, and interested persons were af- forded an opportunity to submit their views at this meeting; the provisions of this section, including its effective time, are identical with the aforesaid recom- mendation of the committee, and in- formation concerning such provisions and effective time has been disseminated among handlers of such lemons; it is necessary, in order to effectuate the de- clared policy of the act, to make this sec- tion effective during the period herein- after specified; and compliance with this section will not require any special prep- aration on the part of persons subject thereto which cannot be completed by the effective time of this section. (b) Order. (1) The quantity of lemons grown in the State of California or in the State of Arizona which may be han- dled during the period beginning at 12: 01 a. m., P. s. t., September 6, 1953, and ending at 12:01 a. m., P. s. t., September 13, 1953, is hereby fixed as follows: (i) District 1: Unlimited movement; (ii) District 2: 200 carloads; (iii) District 3: Unlimited movement. (2) The prorate base of each handler who has made application therefor, as provided in the said amended marketing agreement and order, is hereby fixed in accordance with the prorate base sched- ule which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. (3) As used in this section, "handled," "handler," "carloads," "prorate base," "District 1," "District 2" and "District 3," shall have the same meaning as when used in the said amended marketing agreement and order. (Sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 U. S. C. and Sup. 608c) Done at Washington, D. C., this 3d day of September 1953. [SEAL] FLOYD F. HEDLUND, Acting Director, Fruit and Vege- table Branch, Production and Marketing Administration. PRORATE BASE SCHEDULE DISTRICT NO. 2 [Storage date: August 30, 19531 112: 01 a. m. September 6, 1953, to 12:01 a. m. September 20, 1953] Prorate base Handler (percent) Total ----------------------- 100.000 American Fruit Growers, Inc., Corona ------------------------- American Fruit Growers, Inc., Ful- lerton -------------------------- American Fruit Growers, Inc., Up- .198 .518 land---------------------------- .133 Consolidated Lemon Co------------ .919 Ventura Coastal Lemon Co--------- 1. 295 Ventura Pacific Co----------------- 2.608 Chula Vista Mutual Lemon Associa- tion ---------------------------- Index Mutual Association ---------- La Verne Cooperative Citrus Associa- tion ----------------------=----- Ventura County Orange & Lemon Association --------------------- Glendora Lemon Growers Associa- .635 .331 2.501 3.008 tion ---------------------------- 1.367 La Verne Lemon Association------- .675 La Habra Citrus Association-_-____- .836 Yorba Linda Citrus Association____- .798 Escondido Lemon Association------- 2. 394 Cucamonga Mesa Growers ---------- .905 Etiwanda Citrus Fruit Association--- .280 San Dimas Lemon Association--__-_ .999 Upland Lemon Growers Association- 5. 152 Central Lemon Association--------- 1. 002 Irvine Citrus Association ----------- .968 Placentia Mutual Orange Associa- tion ---------------------------- .508 Corona Citrus Association ---------- .203 Corona Foothill Lemon Co---------- 2.008 Jameson Co----------------------- .788 Arlington Heights Citrus Co-------- .395 College Heights Orange & Lemon As- sociation------------------------ 3.829 Chula Vista Citrus Association, The.. 1. 004 Escondido Cooperative Citrus Asso- ciation-------------------------- .181 Fallbrook Citrus Association-_____-- 1.385 Lemon Grove Citrus Association---- .246 Carpinteria Lemon Association---- 2.762 Carpinteria Mutual Citrus Associa- tion ---------------------------- 3.051 Goleta Lemon Association---------- 5. 620 Johnston Fruit Co---------------- 6.527 North Whittier Heights Citrus 'As- sociation ------------------------ .503 San Fernando Heights Lemon Asso- ciation ----------------------- - we Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 Approvedr Release 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80B6R002700040039-9 RULES AND REGULATIONS PRORATE BASE SCHEDULE-Continued DISTRICT No. 2-continued Prorate base Handler (percent) Sierra Madre-Lamanda Citrus Asso- ciation-------------7------------ 0.286 Briggs Lemon Association ---------- 3.228 Culbertson Lemon Association------ 1. 302 Fillmore Lemon Association_-___-- .952 Oxnard Citrus Association---__--_- 5.181 Rancho Sespe--------------------- .972 Santa Clara Lemon Association----_ 4. 599 Santa Paula Citrus Fruit Associa- tion ---------------------------- 4.690 Saticoy Lemon Association--__-___ 4.746 Seaboard Lemon Association----__- 4.531 Somis Lemon Association ---------- 4.049 Ventura Citrus Association--___---- 1.682 Ventura County Cirtus Association- . 556 Limoneira Co--------------------- 3.249 Teague-McKevett Association---_-- 1. 025 East Whittier Citrus Association--_- .323 Murphy Ranch Co---------------- 1.222 Dunning, Vera Hueck-------------- .006 Far West Produce Distributors---__- .016 Huarte, Joseph D------------------ .000 Paramount Citrus Association, Inc_- .388 Santa Rosa Lemon Co-------------- .087 [F. R. Doc. 53-7527; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 9:14 a. m.] TITLE 19-CUSTOMS DUTIES_ exceptions specified in section 304 (a) (3), Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, each article classifiable under paragraph 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, or 1$53 of that Act shall be marked legibly and conspicu- ously to indicate its origin by die-stanip- ing, cast-in-the-mold lettering, etching (acid or electrolytic), engraving, or by means of metal plates which bear the prescribed marking and which are se- curely attached to the article ~by screws or rivets." (R. S. 161, 251, sec. 624, 46 Stat. 7; 5 U. S. C. 22, 19 U. S. C. 66, 1624. Interpre or applies sec. 304, 46 Stat. 687, as amended] 19 U. S. C. 1304) [SEAL] D. B. STRUBINGER, Acting Commissioner of Customs. Approved: September 2, 1953. H. CHAPMAN ROSE, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. [F. R. Doc. 53-7802; Filed, Sept. 3, 1953; 2:52 p. m.] TITLE 22-FOREIGN RELATIONS Chapter I-Department of State . Subchapter A-The Department PART 97-OCEAN SHIPMENTS OF SUPPLIES BY VOLUNTARY NON-PROFIT RELIEF AGENCIES Chapter I-Bureau of Customs, Department of the Treasury [T. D. 53337] PART 11-PACKING AND STAMPING; MARK- ING; TRADE-MARKS AND TRADE NAMES; COPYRIGHTS METHOD OF MARKING TO INDICATE NAME OF COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Method of marking prescribed to in- dicate the name of the country of origin of certain articles on and after Septem- ber 7, 1953, the effective date of the repeal of certain special-marking pro- visions of the Tariff Act of 1930. Section 4 (a), Customs Simplification Act of 1953, repeals as of September 7, 1953, the special-marking provisions contained in paragraphs 28, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, and 1553 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U. S. C. 1001, pars. 28, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, and 1553). On and after September 7, 1953, any article of foreign origin classifiable under any of the afore-mentioned paragraphs of the tariff act will continue to be sub- ject to the provisions of section 304 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U. S. C. 1304), which section requires, with certain exceptions, that every article of foreign origin (or its container) shall be marked so as to indicate to an ultimate purchaser in the United States the English name of the country of ori- gin of such article (or container), and authorizes, among other things, the Sec- retary of the Treasury to prescribe by regulations any reasonable method of marking. Pursuant to the last-mentioned au- thority, ? 11.8 (d), Customs Regulations of 1943 (19 CFR 11.8 (d) ), is amended by substituting "Except as provided for in the last sentence of this paragraph, the method" for "The method" at the beginning of the first sentence and by adding at the end of the paragraph the following new sentence: "Subject to the SUPERSEDURE CROSS REFERENCE: For supersedure of this part, see Part 202 of this title, infra. PART 98-REGISTRATION OF AGENCIES FOR VOLUNTARY FOREIGN AID SUPERSEDURE CROSS REFERENCE: For supersedure of this part, see Part 203 of this title, infra. Chapter II-Foreign Operations Administration PART 202-OCEAN SHIPMENTS OF SUPPLIES BY VOLUNTARY NONPROFIT RELIEF AGENCIES AUGUST, 31, 1953. Pursuant to section 535 of Public Law 400, 82d Congress, and Executive Order No. 10458 of June 1, 1953, the authority to pay ocean freight charges on ship- ments of relief supplies and packages under section 117 (c) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, as amended, had been placed in the Mutual Security Agency, and as a result of Reorganiza- tion Plan No. 7 of 1953, effective August 1, 1953, this authority is now exercised by the Director of the Foreign Opera- tions Administration. Sec. 202.1 Definition of terms. 202.2 Scope of the regulations in this part. 202.3 Agencies within scope of the regula- tions in this part. 202.4 Manner of payment of ocean freight charges. 202.5 Refund by agencies. 202.6 Saving clause. AUTHORITY: ?? 202.1 to 202.6 Issued under sec. 104, 62 Stat. 138, as amended; 22 U. S. C. Sup. 1503. Interpret or apply sec. 117, 62 Stat. 153, as amended, sec. 535, Pub. Law 400, 82d Cong.; 22 U. S. C. and Sup. 1515, E. O. 10458, June 1, 1953, 18 F. R. 3159. ? 202.1 Definition of terms. For the purposes of this part: . (a) "The Director" shall mean the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration. (b) "The Committee" shall mean the Advisory Committee on Voluntary For- eign Aid of the Foreign ? Operations Administration. (c) "Supplies" shall include goods shipped in bulk and relief packages. ? 202.2 Scope of the regulations in this part. This part provides the rules under which the Director, in order to further the efficient use of United States voluntary contributions for relief in countries or zones hereinafter desig- nated, will pay ocean freight charges from United States ports to initial for- eign ports of entry of such designated countries or zones on supplies donated to, or purchased by, United States voluntary nonprofit relief agencies reg- istered with the Committee, for distribu- tion in Austria, those areas of China which the Director may deem to be eligible for assistance, the Federal Re- public of Germany, Greece, France, India, Italy, Pakistan, the zones of Trieste occupied by the United States, the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia, ? and, when the Director determines it necessary and expedient, in any country eligible for economic or technical assis- tance under the Mutual Security Act of 1951, as amended (Pub. Law 165, 82d Cong., 1st sess., Pub. Law 400, 82d Cong., 2d sess., and Pub. Law 118, 83d Cong., 1st sess.). ? 202.3 Agencies within scope of the regulations in this part. Any United States voluntary nonprofit relief agency may make application for reimburse- ment of ocean freight charges on shipments of supplies donated to or pur- chased by it for distribution within the foreign countries and zones listed in ? ? 202.2, provided: (a) An agreement for duty-free entry and defrayment of inland transportation costs of relief supplies within the scope of the regulations in this part has been concluded between the United States and the recipient country. (b) The general program and projects by countries of operation of the agency, and the supplies in support thereof, have been approved by the recipient country in accordance with the agree- ment referred to in paragraph (a) of this section. (c) The agency is registered with the Committee, and therefore has met all the requirements of registration as set forth in the regulations "Registration of Agencies for Voluntary Foreign Aid." (Part 203 of this subchapter.) ? 202.4 Manner of payment of ocean freight charges. By means of an equi- table apportionment of the funds avail- able for this purpose the Director will reimburse agencies qualified under ?? 202.2 and 202.3 to the extent of ocean freight charges paid by them for ship- ments made in conformity with the reg- Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002700040039-9 Approved For Relvie 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80BO1676RO 00040039-9 Saturday, September 5, 1953 FEDERAL REGISTER 0 ulations in this part: Provided, That AUTHORITY: ?? 203.1 to 203.9 Issued under application for such reimbursement is sec. 104, 62 Stat. 138, as amended; 22 U. S. C. submitted to the Director of the Foreign Sup. 1503. Operations Administration, Attention: ? 203.1 A register of voluntary for- Advisory Committee on Voluntary For- eign aid agencies and of their activities. eign Aid, Foreign Operations Adminis- To foster the public interest in the field tration, Washington 25, D. C., within of voluntary foreign aid and the activi- forty-five days of date of shipment, to- ties of nongovernmental organizations charges, supported by ocean bills of lad- ing, showing that such charges are lim- ited to the actual cost of transportation of the supplies from end of ship's tackle at the United States port of loading to end of ship's tackle at port of discharge, correctly assessed at the time of loading by the carrier for freight on a weight, measurement, or unit basis, and free of any other charges. ? 202.5 Refund by agencies. Any agency reimbursed under this part will refund promptly to the Director upon demand the entire amount, or any lesser amount specified, of ocean freight charges reimbursed, and to the recipient country upon demand the entire amount, or any lesser amount specified, of inland transportation costs reimbursed, (1) whenever the Director determines that the reimbursements were improper as being in violation of any of the provi- sions of Public Law 165, 82d Congress, any acts amendatory thereof or sup- plemental thereto, any relevant appro- priation acts, or any rules, regulations or procedures of the Foreign Operations Administration, and (2) unless such agency files, within sixty days after re- imbursement has been made, a certifi- cate stating that all supplies for which such reimbursement was made were ad- mitted by the country of ultimate des- tination free of all customs duties, other duties, tolls and taxes. ? 202.6 Saving clause. The Director may waive, withdraw, or amend at any time or from time to time any or all of the provisions of the regulations in this part. Effective date. The regulations in ? this part shall become effective as of August 1, 1953, and shall supersede as of their effective date Part 97, Subchap- ter A, Chapter I, Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations. HAROLD E. STASSEN, Director, Foreign Operations Administration. IF. R. Doc. 53-7775; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:47 a. in.] PART 203-REGISTRATION OF AGENCIES FOR VOLUNTARY FOREIGN AID AUGUST 31, 1953. Sec. 203.1 A register of voluntary foreign aid agencies and of their activities. 203.2 Application for registration. 203.3 Requirements for registration. 203.4 Validation of registration. 203.5 Amendments to registration. 203.6 Validation of programs and projects. 203.7 Representation of registrants. 203.8 Acceptance and termination of regis- tration. 203.9 Saving clause. the Aavlsory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid of the Foreign Operations Administration (referred to in this part as the Committee) is hereby authorized and directed to establish and to main- tain, pursuant to the rules set forth in this part, a register of such nongovern- mental organizations qualified for and voluntarily accepting registration; such register (a) to serve as a repository of information, including currently record- ing therein the organization, purposes, programs, finances and other pertinent activities of the registrants for public guidance; (b) to enable the Committee to facilitate the programs and projects of the registrants through the exercise of its good offices and the provision of facilities authorized by the laws, regula- tions and procedures related to volun- tary foreign aid as administered by the Committee, other United States agen- cies, or by international governmental agencies supported by the United States; and (c) to provide information and advice, and perform such other functions, as may be necessary in fur- therance of the purposes of this section. ? 203.2 Application for registration. Any person or nongovernmental organi- zation or agency carrying on any non- profit activities in the United States for the purpose of furthering or engaging in voluntary aid in areas outside the United States, including, but not limited to, projects and services of relief, rehabilita- tion, reconstruction and welfare in the fields of health, education, agriculture and industry, emigration and resettle- ment, may voluntarily make application for registration to the Chairman, Ad- visory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, Foreign Operations Administration, Washington 25, D. C. Any person, or- ganization, or agency whose application for registration is accepted under this part shall be referred to in this part as a registrant. ? 203.3 Requirements for registration. To establish that the primary purpose to be served is the provision of voluntary foreign aid, an applicant for registration shall submit evidence by its charter, articles of incorporation, constitution, by-laws, and other relevant documents, and a statement upon forms to be pro- vided by the Committee or otherwise as may be required that: (a) It maintains its principal place of business in the United States; (b) It is controlled by an active and responsible body composed principally of United States States citizens, who serve without compensation, who have accepted the responsibility to carry out the activities of the agency to be re- ported to the Committee, and who will exercise satisfactory controls to assure that its services and resources are ad- ministered competently in the public interest; (c) It has been authorized by the Bu- reau of Internal Revenue to inform donors that their contributions may be deducted for Federal income tax pur- poses; (d) It is not engaged, or will not be engaged, in any activities -or enterprises inconsistent with the fulfillment of the purposes and objectives as set forth in the application, or which may be re- corded in the registration, or in any pro- grams or projects thereunder; (e) The funds and resources of the registrant, will be obtained, expanded and distributed in ways which conform to accepted ethical standards without unreasonable cost for promotion, pub- licity, fund raising and administration at home and abroad; (f) The Committee will be informed of any plans, including projected publicity, for popular drives for funds or other forms of support to permit the Commit- tee to offer suggestions and where appro- priate to lend its good offices. Such pop- ular drives will be timed, insofar as prac- ticable, to avoid conflict with national appeals for public support during the limited periods of the countrywide cam- paigns of the American National Red Cross, the Community Chests, Savings Bond drives of the United States Treas- ury, or similar campaigns of accepted general national interest; (g) It will refer to the Committee for appropriate consideration any proposed programs, procedures or agreements af- fecting other Federal agencies or inter- national governmental agencies but which also affect the action responsi- bilities of the Committee before formal steps are concluded with such agencies, and in order that the Committee may lend its good offices and that coordina- tion may be assured pursuant to the President's Directive of May 14, 1946; (h) Such current and periodic reports and information will be provided as the Committee may require from time to time pertaining to the registrant's or- ganization, programs, projects, and fi- nances, including audits by a certified public accountant, or other pertinent ac- tivities. All records pertaining to re- sponsibilities as a registrant and related to activities as such shall be made avail- able for official inspection. Information on registration, organization, periodic reports on programs and finances shall be available for public inspection. ? 203.4 Validation of registration. Certificates of registration will be issued by the Committee to applicants which fulfill the requirements set forth in ? 203.3 and upon the finding of the Com- mittee that the general purposes to be served are of a character and fulfill a need that justify appeals for voluntary support, warrant the cooperation of the United States Government, and other- wise are deemed to serve the public in- terest. Such certificates may be withheld, in the discretion of the Com- mittee, until an initial program has been recorded under the terms set forth in ? 203.6. Certificates will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 Approvedjr Release 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80B 76R002700040039-9 RULES AND REGULATIONS ? 203.5 Amendments to registration. A registrant's certificate of registration shall be amended whenever a material change is made in the registrant's or- ganization, its purposes or governing personnel. The application for amend- ment shall be supported by a resolution of the controlling body or other evidence certified by an authorized official. Amended certificates will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. ? 203.6 Validation of programs and projects. (a) Registrants, to carry out and fulfill the purposes and objectives of their organization arid to obtain ap- propriate official United States support and facilities, will 'submit applications upon forms provided by the Committee or otherwise as may be required, for the recording of specific country programs or specific projects of relief, rehabilita- tion, reconstruction and welfare as these are developed in the fields of health, education, agriculture, industry, emigra- tion and resettlement. Notices of ac- ceptance will be issued by the Commit- tee as supplements to certificates of reg- istration: Provided, That: (1) The specific program or specific project is within the scope of any agreement that has been concluded be- tween the United States Government and the government of the country of interest in furtherance of the operations of registrants acceptable to such gov- ernments; (2) In the absence of such an agree- ment as set forth in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph satisfactory assur- ances are: (i) Obtained from the government of the country in question that appropriate facilities are or will be afforded for the necessary and economical operations of the program or project including (a) acceptance of the specific program or specific project; (b) the supplies ap- proved in support of the program or project are free of customs duties, other duties, tolls, and taxes; (c) treatment of supplies as a supplementary resource and not as a substitute for public ra- tions; (d) the identification of the sup- plies, to the extent practicable, as to their United States origin and their free provision by the donor agency; and (e) insofar as practicable the reception, unloading, warehousing and transport of the supplies free of cost to points of distribution. (ii) Provided by the registrant that (a) shipments will be made only to con- signees reported to the Committee and full responsibility is assumed by such consignees for the noncommercial dis- tribution of the supplies free of cost to the persons ultimately receiving them; and (b) distribution is under the super- vision of United States citizens specifi- cally charged with the responsibility for the program or project, or by nationals, upon notification to the Committee in justification of their selection on account of the character and economy of the operation, and the degree of coopera- tion and acceptance of responsibility of the indigenous agency. (b) Programs and projects which in- volve the contractual support of United States or international governmental agencies and acceptance of measures of 822.3 Definitions. responsibility by the Committee will be 822.4 Diplomatic agreements recorded following an understanding be- antes (overseas). tween the Committee and the contract- 822.5 Procedure. ing official agency to assure 4orrelation 822.6 Applications. in the attainment of common objectives, 822.7 Insurance. and pursuant to the President of May 14, 1946. ? 203.7 Representation of registrants. The Committee, in appropriate cases, may exercise its good offices or recom- mend to and appear before United States agencies or international agencies sup- ported by the United States Government. to facilitate the recorded programs of any registrants or committees of such registrants, and to further the provision of facilities authorized by laws, regu- lations, and procedures in support of voluntary foreign aid. ? 203.8 Acceptance and termination of registration. (a) Registrations shall remain in force until relinquished vol- untarily by the registrant upon written notice to the Committee or formal notice from the Committee is published in the FEDERAL REGISTER stating that they are: (1) Amended in accordance with ? 203.5; or (2) Suspended or terminated. (b) Acceptance of a notice of relin- quishment of registration shall be sub- ject to submittal of final reports to the Committee, including the plans for dis- position of the registrant's residual as- sets acquired in support of its registered programs. ? 203.9 Saving clause. The Director of the Foreign Operations Administra- tion may waive, withdraw,' or amend from time to time any or all of the pro- visions of the regulations in this part. Effective date. The regulations in this part shall become effective as of August 1, 1953, and shall supersede as of their effective date Part 98, Subchapter A, Chapter I, Title 22 of the Code of Fed- eral Regulations. Certificates to registration and amend- ties will not be made available for the' ments thereto heretofore issued by the use of civil aircraft in competition with Advisory Committee on Voluntary For- private enterprise. eign Aid, and which are valid as of the (f) Nothing in this part will be con- effective date of the regulations in this strued to prohibit any aircraft from part, shall continue in force and effect. landing at any Air Force installation in HAROLD E. ST;iSSEN, case of emergency. Director, (g) Exceptions to this part will be Foreign Operations Administration. made only by the Chief of Staff, USAF. [F. R. Doc. 53-7776; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; ? 822.3 Definitions-(a) Installation. 8:47 a. m] A separately located and defined area of real property in which the Air Force ex- i TITLE 32-NATIONAL DEFENSE wwhicich h a has rb been designated asest and h d as an Air Chapter VII-Department of the Air Force Subchapter B-Aircraft PART 822-UsE OF AIR FORCE INSTALLA- TIONS BY OTHER THAN AIR FORCE AIR- CRAFT REVISION Regulations contained ill Parts 822 and 823 (32 CFR 822., 823) are hereby revoked, and the following new Part 822 is issued in lieu thereof. Sec. 822.1 822.2 Purpose. Policy. 822.8 Conditions governing use. 822.9 Customs, immigration, and health clearance. 822.10 Agreement and permit. 822.11 Landing and parking fees. 822.12 Supplies and services. 822.13 Forms. AUTHORITY: ?? 822.1 to 822.13 issued under R. S. 161, sec. 202, 61 Stat. 500, as amended; 5 U. S. C. 22, 171a. Interpret or apply sec. 5, 44 Stat. 570, as amended; 49 U. S. C. 175. DERIVATION: AFR 87-7. ? 822.1 Purpose. This part fixes re- sponsibility and prescribes procedures for the use of Air Force installations by other than Air Force aircraft. ? 822.2 Policy. (a) Air Force in- stallations are established to support the operation of aircraft of the United States Air Force. Air Force facilities, Per- sonnel, and materiel are maintained only to the extent required for use by the Air Force. (b) Civil aircraft may be permitted to use Air Force installations provided that: (1) There is no significant interfer- ence with Air Force operations. (2) The security of Air Force opera- tions facilities, ? or equipment is not compromised. (3) No adequate available. (c) Aircraft listed in ? 822.11 (a) may be permitted to use Air Force installa- tions provided that: (1) There is no significant interfer- ence with Air Force operations. (2) The security of Air Force opera- tions, facilities, or equipment is not compromised. (d) Supplies and services may be fur- nished to other than Air Force aircraft Force installation by Headquarters USAF; or where the Air Force has juris- diction over real property by agreement, expressed or implied, with foreign gov- ernments, or by rights of occupation. (b) Air navigation facilities. Any air- port, emergency landing area, light or other signal structure, radio directional finding facility or other communication facility, and any other structure or fa- cility used as an aid to air navigation. (c) Airport. Any area of land or water which is used, or intended to oe used, for the landing and takeoff of air- craft and which provides facilities for their. shelter, supply, and repair; a place Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 0 Apfre Saturday, For Relrne 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80BO1676R0 00040039-9 ,Sets e er ; 1953 FEDERAL REGISTER 0 5.985 used regularly for receiving or discharg- concerning the use of Air Force installa- (e) Concurrent use. Concurrent use ing passengers or cargo by air. tions by other than Air Force aircraft. of an installation by commercial air- (d) Civil airport. A nonmilitary air- Approval will be obtained from Head- craft or other flying interests will be port, the operation of which is not under quarters USAF for proposed terms which governed by this part except as otherwise exclusive operational control of the Air are in conflict with this part. specified in the instrument by which the Force. (b) Operators of civil aircraft will ob- Government acquired the installation for (e) Regular airport. An airport used tain approval for each flight from the Air Force use. as a regularly scheduled stop by certi- government exercising sovereignty over (f) Provisional airport. Requests to fied air carriers, any territory on the route to the Air use an Air Force installation as a pro- (f) Provisional airport. An airport Force installation including the territory visional airport, with complete justifica- approved for the purpose of providing in which the installation is located. Con- tion for such use, will be submitted to adequate service to a community when currence of the United States-Depart- Headquarters USAF for approval. the regular airport serving that com- ment of State, or the appropriate United (g) Alternate airports. Requests to munity is not available for an extended States diplomatic representative in the designate Air Force installations as al- period, b?cause of repair, construction, country or countries concerned will be ternate airports will be submitted to or the performance of other work. obtained by the operator before requests Headquarters USAF. The approval for (Planes may be dispatched.) to use Air Force installations are ap- alternate designation will be subject to (g) Alternate airport. An airport, proved. the following provisions: specified in the flight plan, to which an ? 822.5 Procedure-(a) Headquarters (1) An aircraft may not be dispatched aircraft may proceed when a landing at USAF. Except as otherwise provided in to an alternate airport in advance of the point of first intended landing be- this part, requests to use Air Force in- takeoff from a previous point of depar- comes impractical. (Planes may not be stallations, facilities, and services will be ture. If conditions warrant use of an dispatched.) submitted to Headquarters USAF for alternate airport after takeoff, radio (h) Civil aircraft. Aircraft (domes- c'earance will be obtained from the in- tic or foreign) operated by private indi- approval. Requests may be submitted to use an Air Force installation as a regular, stallation as soon as a decision is made registry, or corporations of any national provisional, or alternate airport. If a to use it as the alternate airport. The registry, including foreign government- request is approved, the applicant will installation will be notified immediately owned commercial aircraft, in other than execute AF Form 180 before AF Form of the estimated time of arrival. military or governmental operations. 181 will be issued to him. When requests (2) If passengers and/or cargo are to (i) Foreign aircraft. Civil aircraft are made to commanders of Air Force be discharged at the alternate airport, owned by a foreign national or a foreign installations no commitments will be prior authority will be obtained from the corporation and registered with a for- made and the requests commander of the installation and a eign nation. through channels, with will comments r and flight plan filed with him prior to de- (j) Military aircraft. Aircraft oper- recommendations, to the Director of In- parture. ated by the military agencies of any stallations, Headquarters USAF, Wash- (3) Emergency landings may be made government. without prior clearance. The pilot will (k) Contract carrier. Civil aircraft, ington 25, D. C. submit a written report to the com- the operations of which are controlled (b) Oversea installations. (1) Major mander describing the emergency condi- under terms of a contract administered air commands having jurisdiction over tions and explaining why clearance could by any Department of the United States Air Force installations in any foreign not be obtained in advance. Government. country may approve requests from oper- (1) Charter carrier. (Single or multi- ators of civil aircraft for use of these (4) Pilots of aircraft that may land ple-trip charter a installations for one-time landings only. at alternate airports will be instructed operating under carrier.) contract t tothe Civil Air Force Force e aircraft Permission for extended use will be as to the communication facilities, pro- but not under operational control of the governed by paragraph (a) of this sec- cedures, and the traffic regulations at Air Force. tion. the alternate airport. (m) Production aircraft. Aircraft (2) Air attaches may issue permits (AF (h) Aircraft of foreign registry. (1) Form 181) to the operators of civil air- Requests will be submitted to Headquar- dividuals produced by under private contract to the corporations or United in- craft for one-time landings at oversee ters USAF when foreign civil aircraft installations, upon presentation of a cur- desire to use Air Force installations States Government. photo- within the continental United States. (n) Government aircraft. Aircraft rent static AF copy Form 180, thereof. or a Upon certified issuance of a Except when otherwise permitted by owned or operated by any government, Headquarters USAF, AF Forms 180 and as distinguished from commercial or pri- permit, the air attache will notify the 181 will be executed prior to takeoff. vate aircraft. base commander of the details of the (2) Headquarters USAF, may permit (o) AF Form 180, "Hold Harmless proposed flight and send an information foreign-government aircraft, if not used Agreement". An instrument designed copy of the notification to the appropri- for commercial purposes, to use Air Force to relieve the United States Government ate Air Force -command and Head- installations within the continental from liabilities and claims for damages quarters USAF. United States. If appropriate, United arising out of the use of Air Force in- (c) Active installations. Commanders States Department of State clearance stallations by civil aircraft. of active Air Force installations: will be obtained. AF Forms 180 and 181 (p) AF Form 181, "Aircraft Permit", (1) May permit one-time landings by are not required. An instrument issued subsequent to the those aircraft listed in ? 822.11 (a) (1), (i) Production aircraft. Aircraft execution of AF Form 180, authorizing (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6), approve AF being produced for the Air Force under the use of an Air Force installation Form 180, and execute AF Form 181 with- contract may be permitted to use Air without conveyance of interest in real out reference to. higher authority, pro- Force installations for testing and ex- property. vided that these aircraft are not hang- (q) Exclusive use. The term refers ared or based at the installation. perimental purposes as provided in the to an installation, or portions thereof, (2) May issue permits to operators of contract. over which the Air Force has complete civil aircraft for one-time landings upon (j) Use of ground-controlled approach jurisdiction and operational control. presentations of an executed current AF equipment. Air Force ground-con- Form 180 or a certified or photostatic trolled approach equipment may be used ? 822.4 Diplomatic agreements and copy thereof. Copies of AF Forms 180 for training commercial operators sub- clearances (overseas). (a) The provi- ject to the following conditions. sions of this part are subject to the pro- and 181 will be retained at the installa- tion. (1) Major air commands may take visions of diplomatic agreements or sere- final action on applications. In general, ice-to-service arrangements. In case of (3) Will maintain at the installation training programs will be permitted only a conflict these agreements and arrange- appropriate records which will not be at installations at which the major activ- ments will govern. This part will be used transmitted to Headquarters USAF. ity is similar to commercial carrier oper- as a guide in negotiating technical agree- (d) Inactive installations. Requests ations. ments, at the local level, with represent- to use inactive Air Force installations (2) Schedules and other details of atives of a foreign military service will be submitted to Headquarters USAF. training programs will be subject to the Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 control lation. Approved fQr Release 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80B 6R002700040039-9 (3) Servicing commercial aircraft, ex- tended layovers, or use for other than approved training will not be permitted. (k) Contract and charter carriers. These aircraft may be permitted to use Air Force installations when identified by certificate issued by the contracting agency, subject to the following condi- tions. RULES AND REGULAILUNS W (i) Authorized supplier (applicable to bodily injury liability with a minimum oversea bases only). In order to avoid limit of $50,000 for each passenger and, cash payments for the purchase of petro- subject to that limit for each passenger, leum products from the Air Force, the a minimum limit for each accident in applicant will designate a commercial any one aircraft equal to the total d b +i 1 ing the r business in the Unite d State or Terri- tories as his "authorized sup Tier". An authorized supplier is a ommercial petroleum company that ha executed an agreement to guarantee p yment for all petroleum products fur fished the behalf of the United States Government applicant. Three executed copies of this with a contract carrier for an airlift of agreement will be submitted with the cargo or passengers, the office negotiat- application. The office approving the ing the contract will request the Director application will retain one copy and of Installations, Headquarters USAF , to transmit one copy to Headquarters USAF issue the necessary authorization for and one copy to Headquarters, Middle- landings at Air Force installations under town Air Materiel Area, Olmsted Air the provisions of this part. Landing fees Force Base, Middletown, Pennsylvania. will not be charged. (j) Name of individual or company (2) When the services of a charter representative authorized to sign the at- carrier are utilized by the United States tached agreement (AF Form 180) and Government, the office issuing the char- permit (AF Form 181). ter will request the Director of Instal- (k) List of civil airports in the area lations, Headquarters USAF, to issue the which the applicant might use and justi- necessary authorization for landing at fication for use of the Air Force installa- Air Force installations under the pro- tion. visions of this part. Landing fees will (1) Type and number of any operating not be charged. authorization issued to the applicant by (3) Petroleum products may be fur- the Civil Aeronautics Board. nished to contract and charter carriers (m) A signed statement or verified in accordance with current directives. copy from the company with which in- ? 822.6 Applications. Requests for surance is carried, attesting that the ap- the use of Air Force facilities may be plicant is covered by aviation insurance in the amounts specified in this part and thee that the policy conforms to the require- copies), > in either letter to the form commander (original der and of two installation or direct to the Director of ments (n) If of this part. con- applicant desires, In con- WaInstallations, Headquarters Applications USAF, junction with this section, to lease real Washington of er ea installations may be for estate and/or real Property facilities, a me use of rvtos the may request will be made and the made either to e appropriate United following information will be furnished: thetes commander of the representative or installation. . (1) A description and layout map of the commander the area desired by the applicant show- AF Forms and application will 81 be in quadruplicate by ing space required for the erection or use executed by the applicant. of buildings, installation of gasoline f each application and the One executed copy storage and servicing pits, parking air- Forms 180 0 and and 18 11 a wiwill be retained b by y craft, and any other maintenance and F the base commander. One copy of AF operating plan facilities. o diagram of space in an ap will bewill carried on the aircraft. exsting building desired for office space, Each h application Form ticket sales, and so forth. tion, 181, including set forth on AF Form (3) The application will be processed 18 (a) as follows: o Name and location of Air Force in- for approval, and use granted, in ac- stallation ( and facilities to be used - cordance with the provisions of current . (b) Type of operation (tourist, survey, directives. charter, revenue, nonrevenue, or other) ? 822.7 Insurance. All aircraft own- and whether the facility is to be used as ers or operators using Air Force installa- a regular, provisional, or alternate air- port. (c) Details of proposed flights includ- ing: dates, purpose, route to be followed. (d) Number and frequency of proposed flights. (e) Name and address of financial sponsor of flight. (f) Name and address owner of aircraft. (g) Country in which aircraft is regis- tered. Name of manufacturer of air- craft, type, model, serial number, regis- try number, and identification mark. (h) Date of each CAA aircraft air- worthiness certificate, basic maximum passenger capacity and basic maximum takeoff gross weight permitted by the appropriate aeronautical authority of the country of manufacture (kilos or pounds). (1), (2), and (3), will be required to be made when the aircraft is operated keep in force, at their own cost and ex- under Government contract or charter. pease, aircraft liability insurance as reg(c) Oerators will ulatiions promulgated bylyHeawith dq are follows: (a) Aircraft used for cargo carry- ters USAF or the commander of the ing only, and aircraft being ferried, will installation. be insured for: (d) Each operator will carry AF Form (1) Public bodily injury liability with 181 and will present it to the appro- a minimum limit of $50,000 for one per- priate Air Force official upon landing. son in any one accident, and subject to (e) Priority for use of air navigation that limit for each person, a minimum of facilities will be determined by the com- $500,000 in any one accident; mander of the installation. If civil (2) Public property damage liability traffic causes interference with military with a minimum limit of $500,000 for operation at the installation a report each accident. will be made through channels to the (b) Aircraft used. for both cargo and Director of Installations, Headquarters passenger carrying or for passenger USAF. carrying only, in addition to the amounts (f) The use of Air Force installations required in paragraph (a) of this sec- by operators of other than Air Force air- tion, will be insured for passenger craft will be at the risk of the operators. p y amount produce y mu $50,000 limit stipulated for each passen- ger by a full number not less than 75 percent of the total number of seats in the aircraft or 75 percent of the total number of passengers carried, which- ever is greater. (c) Privately owned noncommercial operated aircraft, will be insured as re- quired by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, except that for aircraft of less than 12,500 pounds certified maxi- mum gross takeoff weight, the minimum limit for: (1) Public bodily injury liability will be $200,000. (2) Public property damage liability will be at least $150,000 for each accident. (3) Passenger bodily injury liability for each accident, in any one such air- craft, minimum amount equal to the to- tal produced by multiplying the $50,000 limit for each person by the number of persons on board. (d) All policies will provide specifi- cally, by indorsement or otherwise: (1) Waiver of any right of subroga- tion the insurance company may have against the United States by reason of any payment under the policy on ac- count of damage or injury in connection with the insured's use of any Air Force installation or the insured's purchase of services or supplies from the Air Force. (2) That the provisions thereof will be in full force and effect within the country or countries in which the Air Force bases, to be used by the insured, are located. (e) Insurance policies will be carried with an insurance company or' com- panies duly authorized by law to write the required insurance coverage. (f) Proof of qualification as a self- insurer may be submitted for approval instead of the policies described in. this section. ? 822.8 Conditions governing use. The use of Air Force installations by other than Air Force aircraft will be subject to the following conditions: (a) Such use will not interfere with military requirement. ? i Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 ? ? (g) Any violation of this part will be (1) Military aircraft of the United made the subject of a report thrcugh States or foreign governments. official channels to the Director of In- (2) Aircraft (noncommercial) owned stallations, Headquarters USAF. and operated by agencies of the Federal ? 822.9 Customs, immigration, and health clearance. Commanders of Air Force installations will cooperate with local customs, immigration, public health, and other public authorities in connection with the arrival and depar- ture of aircraft. The aircraft commander will comply with laws and regulations administered by these public authorities. Clearances for takeoff will not be issued until the requirements of applicable laws and regulations issued by these authori- ties have been met. Procedures mutually acceptable to the installation commander and local officials will be made standard procedure at the installation concerned. Fees, charges for overtime services, and other costs, arising out of the admin- istration of the laws relating to health, customs, and immigration are the obli- gation of the operator of the aircraft. ? 822.10 Agreement and permit-(a) AF Form 180, "Hold Harmless Agree- ment." (1) Operators of civil aircraft will be required to execute AF Form 180, "Hold Harmless Agreement," in quad- ruplicate, prior to using an Air Force in- stallation. (2) If an operator lands without au- thorization, the commander of the in- stallation will obtain an executed AF Form 180 from the operator. The origi- nal will be transmitted to the Director of Installations, Headquarters USAF; two copies will be given to the operator and one copy retained by the com- mander. (b) AF Form 181, "Aircraft Permit". (1) AF Form 181 is executed in quad- ruplicate and issued only after comple- tion of AF Form 180. (2) Each operator of a civil aircraft or a 'Government-owned commercial air- craft using an Air Force installation will insure that an executed AF Form 181 or a certified or photostatic copy thereof is carried at all times in the custody of the commander of the aircraft. This per- mit will be presented to the appropriate Government or foreign governments, ex- cept in those cases where foreign govern- ments charge such fees for use by United States Government aircraft. (See ? 822.4.) (3) Aircraft (noncommercial) owned and operated by States, counties, or municipalities of the United States. (4) Aircraft owned and operated by military and auxiliary personnel (Civil Air Patrol, Reserve Forces, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve Officers' Train- ing Corps) on active duty if such air- craft are not used for commercial pur- poses. (5) Contract carriers and charter car- riers as defined in ? 822.3 (k) and (1). (6) Private or executive aircraft op- erated in connection with official busi- ness related to Government activities in the immediate vicinity of the instal- lation. (7) Aircraft used for training opera- tors in the use of ground controlled approach equipment. (b) Landing fees and parking fees are based upon aircraft weights and fre- quency of operations. The weight to be used in calculating fees is the maximum gross takeoff weight authorized, by the appropriate government authority, for the aircraft at the installation involved. The maximum gross takeoff weights will be obtained from the gross weight take- off tables approved by the CAA which are shown in the current aircraft op- erators' manual and on the air worthi- ness certificate issued by CAA. If this weight data is not available, an estimate of the maximum gross weight based upon the best information available may be used to determine the fees. Calculation of fees will be based on weights com- puted to the nearest one thousand pounds, considering five hundred pounds and above to increase the weight to the next higher one thousand pound bracket. (c) Except as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, the following fees will be charged at active and inactive Air Force installations. (1) Landing fees within continental United States. First 90 landings per month per individual user Amount per landing Up to and including 25,000 pounds___ $2.50. Over 25,000 pounds__________________ $2.50 plus 31/3 cents per 1,000 pounds in excess of 25,000 pounds. Next 90 landings per month per individual user Amount per landing Over 25,000 pounds__________________ $1.66% plus 31/3 cents per 1,000 pounds in excess of 25,000 pounds. All landings in excess of 180 per month per individual user Amount per landing Over 25,000 pounds------------------ $0.831/3 plus 3y3 cents per 1,000 pounds in excess of 25,000 pounds. (2) Landing fees outside continental United States. Fees will be charged at the same rates and on the same basis as landing fees are computed at the nearest suitable civil airport within the geographical limits of the same country, or at the rates set forth below, whichever is the greater. First 90 landings per month per individual user 10,000 pounds or less---------------- $3.00. 10,001 pounds to 25,000______________ $5.00. Amount per landing Over 25,000 pounds__________________ $5.00 plus 15 cents per 1,000 pounds 25,000 pounds. Next 90 landings per month per individual user the circumstances requiring a landing Amount per landing IIp to and including 25,000 pounds--- $4.00. without authorization. The original will Over 25,000 pounds__________________ $4.00 plus 12 cents per 1,000 pounds in excess of be transmitted to the Director of Instal- 25,000 pounds. lations, Headquarters, USAF. (4) When the Air Force does not have All landings in excess of 180 per month per individual user base official upon arrival of the aircraft. (3) If an operator lands without au- thorization, the commander of the instal- lation will obtain AF Form 181 signed by the operator. The commander is author- ized to execute this form on behalf of the Air Force. In this case a statement will be incorporated in the form setting forth Up to and including 25,000 pounds___ $3.00. Amount per landing Over 25,000 pounds__________________ $3.00 plus 10 cents per 1,000 pounds in excess of 25,000 pounds. aon of forms. Current exe- (3) Hangar parking fees. Twenty tion thereof; the charge to start six cuted AF Forms 32, 33, 34, 180, and 181 cents per thousand pounds, minimum $3 hours after the plane lands. remain in effect until the date of termi- per aircraft, for each 24-hour period or (5) Free storage. The free storage of nation. exclusive control of the landing area, permission to land will be obtained from the appropriate civilian authority. In such eases AF Forms 180 and 181 are not required. (c) Retet' ? 822.11 Landing and parking fees. (a) Fees as hereinafter enumerated will be charged and collected by the com- mander of the installation for all aircraft except the following: No. 175-2 Saturday, Sl y9c%r?5 (e, a LUU.f/Ub11.tf : C:IA-KUruUt$U"Ib/bKUiUUU4UUJtl-tt FEDERAL' REGISTER 53887 fraction thereof when parking is on an airplanes owned and operated, not for emergency, temporary, or intermittent profit, by military personnel on active and nonexclusive basis. duty may be permitted when facilities (4) Outside parking fees. Ten cents are available and storage can be accom- per thousand pounds, minimum $1 per plished without interference with mili- aircraft for each 24-hour period or frac- tary operations. Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 5388 Approved, For Release 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80B 76R002700040039-9 .41 RULES AND REGULATIONS PART 823-USE OF UNITED STATES AIR FORCE BASES OVERSEAS BY CIVIL AIR- CRAFT (DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN) (6) Fees for protracted use. Fees for protracted use by lease of real property, building space, and so forth will be as determined by negotiation under the provisions of current directives. ? 822.12 Supplies and services. (a) Commanders of Air Force installations may sell supplies and services: (1) To the operator of civil aircraft providing services to the United States Government, for cash in the Zone of Interior and for cash or credit overseas. (2) To the operators of aircraft (un- less used for commercial purposes) owned or operated by agencies of the United States Government, States, Ter- ritories, or foreign governments, for cash in the Zone of Interior and for cash or credit overseas. (3) In an emergency, to the operators of any civil aircraft for cash. Emer- gency services and supplies will be fur- nished only to the extent required for the aircraft to reach the nearest commercial airport. (b) Commanders will establish rates to be charged for services furnished at Air Force installations in accordance with current directives. These rates will not be lower than local rates for similar services. (c) Petroleum products will be sold in accordance with current directives. (d) Emergency supplies will be sold at the local fair market price or at a price computed as follows, whichever is higher: (1) Determine basic cost including cost of transportation to the installation. (2) Add 15 percent of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph for handling charges. (3) Add 3 percent of total of subpara- graphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph for administrative charges. Subject to the provisions of this Part the sale of supplies overseas will be in accordance with cur- rent directives. (e) Engines may be loaned or sold at overseas installations in accordance with current directives. (f) Aircraft damaged to such an extent that major repairs are required may be stored temporarily in damaged condition at the rates established in ? 822.11. The commander will assume no responsibility for the aircraft and the operator will be required to remove the aircraft from the installation as soon as possible. (g) Emergency medical services may be furnished. Charges will be made in accordance with current directives. (h) A record of sales of supplies and services will be maintained at each in- stallation. REVOCATION CROSS REFERENCE: For revocation of this part, see Part 822 of this chapter, supra. TITLE 49-TRANSPORTATIOIN Chapter I-Interstate Commerce Commission Subchapter B-Carriers by Moto; Vehicles [Ex Parte MC-431 PART 207-LEASE AND INTERChiANGE OF VEHICLES RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT TO PRIVATE CARRIERS AND SHIPPERS; POSTPONEMENT OF EFFEC- TIVE DATE At a general session of the Interstate Commerce Commission, held at its office in Washington, D. C., this 31st day of August A. D. 1953. The matter of rules and regulations governing the lease and interchange of vehicles by motor carriers prescribed by order dated May 8, 1951, being under consideration; and regulations have not yet been made effective; and it further appearing, that P. Ballantine and Sons, and Manufacturers Express, Inc., have filed a petition dated August 10, 1953, requesting that the effective date of ? 207.6 (b) be postponed for a period of one year, only insofar as it is applicable to them, and good cause ap- pearing therefor: It is ordered, That the effective date, September 1, 1953, of ? 207.6 (b) be, and it is hereby postponed to July 1, 1954, only insofar as it is applicable in con- nection with the outstanding lease of equipment agreement between Manu- facturers Express, Inc., and P. Ballantine and Sons. Notice of this order shall be given to the general public by depositing a copy thereof in the office of the Secretary of the Commission at Washington, D. C., and by filing a copy with the Director, Division of the Federal Register. (49 Stat. 546, as amended; 49 U. S. C. :304) By the Commission. [SEAL] GEORGE W. LAIRD, Acting Secretary. IF. R. Doc. 53-7764; Filed, Sept. 4, 1.953; 8:46 a. m.1 PROPOSED RULE MAKING DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service [ 26 CFR Parts 19, 29 1 CERTAIN NONDISTRIBUTABLE INCOME EX- CLUDED IN COMPUTING SPECIAL SURTAX ON PERSONAL HOLDING COMPANIES NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, approved June 11, 1946, that the regulations set forth in tentative form below are pro- posed to be prescribed by the Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treas- ury. Prior to the final adoption of such regulations, consideration will be given to any data, views, or arguments pertain- ing thereto which are submitted in writ- ing in duplicate to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Washington 25, D. C., within the period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice in the FED- ERAL REGISTER. The proposed regulations are to be issued under the authority con- tained in sections 62 and 3791 of the Internal Revenue Code (53 $tat. 32, 467; 26 U. S. C. 62, 3791). [SEAL] T. COLEMAN ANDREWS, Commissioner of Internal Revenue. In order to conform Regulations 103 (26 CFR Part 19) and Regulations 111 (26 CFR Part 29) to section 349 of the Revenue Act of 1951, approved October 20, 1951, such regulations are amended as follows:. PARAGRAPH 1. There is inserted im= mediately preceding ? 19.504-1 the fol- lowing: SEC. 349. NONDISTRIBUTABLE INCOME OF PERSONAL HOLDING COMPANIES. (REVENUE ACT OF 1951, APPROVED OCTOBER 20, 1951.) Effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1939, section 504 is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: (e) The amount by which the undis- tributed subchapter A net income deter- mined without reference to this subsection exceeds the amount which could be distrib- uted on the last day of the taxable year as a dividend (1) without violating any action, regulation, rule, order, or proclamation taken, promulgated, made, or issued by, or pursuant to the direction of, the President or any agency that he may designate, under the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 16, 1917, as amended, or the First War Pow- ers Act of 1941, and (2) not subject to a lien in favor of the United States. PAR. 2. Section 19.504-1, as amended by Treasury Decision 5228, approved February 13, 1943, is further amended as follows: (A) By deleting in the first sentence thereof the word "and" which iril:medi- ately precedes "(d)". (B) By striking out the period at the end of the first sentence and inserting in lieu thereof a comma and the follow- ing: "and (e), for taxable years begin- ning after December 31, 1939, the amount by which the undistributed subchapter A net income (determined without refer- ence to this provision) exceeds the ? 822.13 Forms. Forms may be ob- tained by writing to the Director of In- stallations, Headquarters, United States Air Force, Attention: Real Estate Di- vision, Washington 25, D. C. [SEAL] K. E. THIEBAUD, Colonel, U. S. Air Force, Air Adjutant General. IF. R. Doc. 53-7771; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:47 a. in.] Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 i Saturday, Se lSpy ft Re amount which could be distributed on the last day of the taxable year as a dividend (1) without violating any ac- tion, regulation, rule, order, or proclama- tion taken, promulgated, made, or issued by, or pursuant to the direction of, the President or any agency that he may designate, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, 40 Stat. 411, as amended (50 U. S. C. App. 1 et seq.), or the First War Powers Act, 1941, 55 Stat. 838 (50 U. S. C. App. 601 et seq.), and (2) not subject to a lien in favor of the United States." PAR. 3. There is inserted immediately preceding ? 29.504-1 the following: SEC. 349. NONDISTRIBUTABLE INCOME OF PER- SONAL HOLDING COMPANIES (REVENUE ACT OF 1951, APPROVED OCTOBER 20, 1951). Effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1939, section 504 is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: (e) The amount by which the undistrib- uted subchapter A net income determined without reference to this subsection exceeds the amount which could be distributed on the last day of the taxable year as a divi- dend (1) without violating any action, regu- lation, rule, order, or proclamation taken, promulgated, made, or issued by, or pursuant to the direction of, the President or any agency that he may designate, under the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 16, 1917, as amended, or the First War Powers Act of 1941, and (2) not subject to a lien in favor of the United States. PAR. 4. Section 29.504-1 is amended as follows : (A) By deleting in the first sentence thereof the word "and" which imme- diately precedes "(d)". (B) By striking out the period at the end of the first sentence. and inserting in lieu thereof a comma and the follow- ing: "and (e) the amount by which the undistributed subchapter A net income '(determined without reference to this provision) exceeds the amount which could be distributed on the last day of the taxable year as a dividend (1) with- out violating any action, regulation, rule, order, or proclamation taken, pro- mulgated, made, or issued by, or pursu- ant to the direction of, the President or any agency that he may designate, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, 40 Stat. 411, as amended (50 U. S. C. App. 1 et seq.), or the First War Powers Act, 1941, 55 Stat. 838 (50 U. S. C. App. 601 et seq.), and (2) not subject to a lien in favor of the United States." F. R. Doe. 53-7777; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:48 a. m.] DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Notice is hereby given that the United States Department of Agriculture is con- Production and Marketing Administration 17 CM Part 52] S. STANDARDS FOR GRADES OF PEELED WHITE POTATOES 1 NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING 1 The requirements of these standards shall not excuse failure to comply with the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. e 2003/q BFI 9P?0B01676R0 sidering the issuance, as herein pro- posed, of United States Standards for Grades of Peeled White Potatoes, pur- suant to the authority contained in the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 1087; 7 U. S. C. 1621, et seq.), and the Department of Agriculture Appro- priation Act, 1954 (Pub. Law 156; 83d Cong., approved July 28, 1953). These standards, if made effective, will be the first issue by the Department of grade standards for this product. All persons who desire to submit written data, views, or arguments for consideration in connection with the proposed standards should file same, in duplicate, with the Chief, Processed Products Standardization and Inspection Division, Fruit and Vegetable Branch, Production and Marketing Administra- tion, United States Department of Agri- culture, Washington 25, D. C., not later than 30 days after publication hereof in the FEDERAL REGISTER. The proposed standard is as follows: ? 52.586 Peeled white potatoes. "Peeled white potatoes" are prepared from the clean, sound, fresh tuber of the potato plant by washing, peeling, trimming, sorting, and by proper treat- ment to prevent discoloration, properly packed in suitable containers, securely closed to maintain the product in a sanitary condition and stored at temp- eratures necessary for the preservation of the product. (a) Styles of peeled white potatoes. (1) "Whole" or "whole potatoes" means peeled white potatoes consisting of whole potatoes that retain the approximate original conformation of the whole potato. (2) "Slices," "sliced," or "sliced po- tatoes" means peeled white potatoes consisting of potato slices of practically uniform thickness. (3) "Dice," "diced," or "diced pota- toes" means peeled white potatoes con- sisting of cubed potatoes having edges, other than the rounded outer edges, measuring approximately 1/2 inch or less. (4) "Julienne," "French style," or "shoestring" means peeled white pota- toes consisting of strips of potatoes. (5) "Pieces" means peeled white po- tatoes which with respect to size or shape do not conform to any of the foregoing styles. (b) Grades of peeled white potatoes. (1) "U. S. Grade A" or "U. S. Fancy" is the quality of peeled white potatoes that possess similar varietal characteristics; that possess a normal flavor and odor; that are not materially affected by the presence of free starch; that possess a good color; that are practically free from defects; that possess a good texture; that are uniform in size and shape; and that for those factors which are scored in ac- cordance with the scoring system out- lined in this standard the total score is not less than 85 points : Provided, That the peeled white potatoes may be fairly uniform in size and shape, if the total score is not less than 85 points. (2) "U. S. Grade C" or "U. S. Stand- ard" is the quality of peeled white pota- toes that may or may not possess similar varietal characteristics; that possess a normal flavor and odor; that are not seriously affected by the presence of free starch; that possess a fairly good color; that are fairly free from defects; that possess a fairly good texture; that are fairly uniform in size and shape; and that for those factors which are scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this section the total score is not less than 70 points: Provided, That the peeled white potatoes may fall below the requirements of fairly uniform in size and shape, if the total score is not less than 70 points. (3) "Substandard" is the quality of peeled white potatoes that fail to meet the requirements of U. S. Grade C or U. S. Standard. (c) Sizes of peeled whole white pota- toes. (1) The size of a round or inter- mediate shaped whole potato is deter- mined by measuring the largest diameter at right angles to its longitudinal axis. (2) The sizes of long varieties except for the minimum size of Small (Size 1) potatoes is determined by weighing. (3) The word and numerical designa- tions of the various sizes of peeled whole white potatoes are shown in Table No. II of this section. TABLE No. II SIZES OF ROUND OR INTERMEDIATE. SHAPED VARIETIES OF PEELED WHOLE WHITE POTATOES Tolerance for size Word des- ignation Num- ber desig- nation Approximate diameter (inches) Under- size (Per- cent by weight) Over- size (per- cent by weight) Medium to large.' Size 2_ Size 3- Size 4_ 1% inches to and in- cluding 24 inches. 2)4 inches to and includ- ing 3 inches. 2/ inches to and includ- ing 4 inches. 3 inches to and including 4 inches. SIZES OF LONG VARIETIES OF PEELED WHOLE WHITE POTATOES Word des- ignation Medium to large? 1 More than 15 percent, by weight, of all the potatoes range from 3 inches to 4 inches in diameter. 2 More than 15 percent, by weight, of all the potatoes range from 10 ounces to 16 ounces in weight. Num- ber desig- nation Size 2_ Size 3_ Size 4_ Diameter (inches) and weight(ounces) 1/z inches (di- ameter) to and includ- ing 4 ounces. 4 ounces to and including 10 ounces. 4 ounces to and including 16 ounces. 10 ounces to and includ- ingl6ounces. Tolerance for size Under- size (per- con t by weight) Over- size (per- cent by weight) Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002700040039-9 Approved Release 2003/06/'8: CIA-80B0JJ6R002700040039-9 PROPOSED ISLE MA G (d) Sizes of potato slices in sliced white potatoes. The size of any slice in sliced white potatoes is determined by measuring the smallest diameter of the largest surface of the slice. The desig- nation of the various sizes of slices in sliced white potatoes is shown in Table No. III of this section. TABLE NO. III-SIZES OF SLICES IN SLICED WHITE POTATOES Tolerance for size word desig- nation Medium to large ' Large -------- Smallest diameter in inches 1,f inches to and In- cluding 2)4 inches. 2)4 inches to and in- cluding 3 inches. 236 inches to and in- cluding 4 inches. 3 inches to and includ- ing 4 inches. Under- size (per- cent by weight) Ovar- size (per- cent by weight) 1 More than 15 percent, by weight, of all the slices range from 3 to 4 inches in diameter. (e) Ascertaining the grade. (1) The grade of peeled white potatoes may be ascertained by considering, in conjunc- tion with the requirements of the respec- tive grade, the respective ratings for the factors of color, uniformity of size and shape, absence of defects, and texture. (2) The relative importance of each factor is expressed numerically on the scale of 100. The maximum number of points that may be given each factor is: Factor: Points (i) Color -------------------------- 20 (it) Uniformity of size and shape___- 20 (iii) Absence of defects------------- 40 (iv) Texture ----------------------- 20 Total score--------------------- 100 (3) "Normal flavor and odor" means that the product is free from objection- able flavors and objectionable odors of any kind. (f) Ascertaining the rating for each factor. The essential variations within each factor are so described that the value may be ascertained for each factor and expressed numerically. The numer- ical range within each factor is inclusive (for example, "17 to 20 points" means 17, 18, 19, or 20 points). (1) Color. (i) Peeled white potatoes that possess a good color may be given a score of 17 to 20 points. "Good color" means that the peeled white potatoes are free from oxidation and possess a practically uniform, light color typical of peeled white potatoes prepared from potatoes of similar varietal character- istics. iii l () If the eeled white potatoes -s- 2 sess a fairly good color, a score of 14 (c) Diced potatoes. The units are 5 percent, by weight, of units affected by to 16 points may be given. Peeled white fairly uniform in size and shape, with mechanical damage; and potatoes that fall into this classification edges, other than the rounded outer 1 percent, by weight, of blemished units, shall not be graded above U. S. Grade C edges, measuring approximately 1/2 inch and of such 1 percent, not more than 1/2 or U. S. Standard, regardless of the total or less, and the aggregate Weight of the thereof or 1/2 of 1 percent, by weight, of all score for the product (this is a limiting units which are smaller than one-half of the units may be affected by blemished areas rule). "Fairly good color" means that a cube and of all large and irregular which seriously affect the appearance or eat- units does not exceed 25 percent of the ing quality of the unit. the peeled white potatoes possess a fairly uniform color; the color of the units, in- weight of all the units. (c) Diced; Julienne, French style, or dividually or collectively, may be varia- (d) Julienne, French style, or shoe- shoestring. For each 20 ounces, by ble, dull, slightly oxidized, or otherwise string. The strips of potatoes are fairly weight, of units there may be present: discolored, but not to the extent that the appearance is materially affected. (iii) Peeled white potatoes that for any reason fail to meet the requirements of subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph may be given a score of 0 to 13 points and shall not be graded above Substand- ard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting r le). (2) Uniformity of size andIshape. (i) Peeled white potatoes that? are prac- tically uniform in size and shape may be given a score of 17 to; 20 points. "Practically uniform in size and shape" has the following meanings with re- spect to the various styles of peeled white potatoes. (a) Whole Potatoes. The potatoes may vary moderately in shape, and. the diameter of the largest whole potato is not more than 50 percent greater than the diameter of the second smallest potato. (b) Sliced potatoes. The individual slice is not more than 3/4 inch in thick- ness when measured at the thickest por- tion, and the diameter of the largest slice is not more than 50 percent greater than the diameter of the second smallest slice. (c) Diced potatoes. The units are practically uniform in size and shape, with edges, other than the rounded outer edges, measuring approximately 1/2 inch or less, and the aggregate weight of the units which are smaller than one- half of a cube and of all large and ir- regular units does not exceed 12 percent of the weight of all the units. (d) Julienne, French style, or shoe- string. The strips of potatoes are prac- tically uniform in size and shape with cross sections measuring approximately tively, do not more than slightly affect 1/2 inch or less, and the aggregate weight the appearance or eating quality of the of all strips less than 1 inch in length product. The following allowances pro- does not exceed 15 percent of the weight vide a guide for scoring the various styles of all the strips. of peeled potatoes which are practically (e) Pieces. The individual units weigh free from defects: not less than 1/2 ounce nor More than 2 (a) Whole potatoes. For each 20 ounces each and the weight of the largest ounces, by weight, of units there may be unit is not more than twice the weight present: of the second smallest unit. 1 piece or pieces of extraneous vegetable (ii) If the peeled white potatoes are matter having an aggregate area of 1/2 square fairly uniform in size and shape, a score inch (1" x 1/2"); of 14 to 16 points may be given. "Fairly 1o percent, by weight, of units, or one uniform in. size and shape" has the fol- potato, whichever weighs more, affected by lowing meanings with respect to the vari- mechanical damage; and ous styles of peeled white potatoes : 2 percent, by weight, of blemished units, and of such 2 percent, not more than 1/2 (a) Whole potatoes. The potatoes thereof or 1 percent, by weight, of all the may vary considerably in shape, and the units, or 1 unit, whichever weighs more, may diameter of the largest whole potato is be affected by blemished areas which seri- not more than twice the diameter of the ously affect the appearance or eating quality second smallest potato. of the unit. (b) Sliced potatoes. The individual (b) Sliced potatoes; pieces. For each slice is not more than 1 inch in thickness .20 ounces, by weight, of units there may when measured at the thickest portion, be present: and the diameter of the largest slice is not more than twice the diameter of the 1 piece or pieces of extraneous vegetable second smallest slice. matter having an aggregate area of 1/2 square "); h 1" x / nc ( i uniform i:a size and shape with cross sec- tions measuring approximately 1/2 inch or less, and the aggregate weight of all strips less than 1 inch in length does not exceed 25 percent of the weight of all the strips. (e) Pieces. The individual units weigh not less than 1/4 ounce nor more than 3 ounces each and the weight; of the largest unit is not more than four times the weight of the second smallest unit. (iii) Peeled white potatoes that fail to meet the requirements of subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph may be given a score of 0 to 13 points and shall not be graded above U. S. Grade C or U. S. Standard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). (3) Absence of defects. (i) The fac- tor of absence,of defects refers to the degree of freedom from extraneousvege- table matter, peel, blemished units, and mechanical damage. (a) "Extraneous vegetable matter" means loose pieces of peel, pieces of grass, fiber, or any portions thereof. (b) "Blemished" means affected by brown or black internal or external dis- coloration, physiological or pathological injury, discolored eyes, unpeeled eyes, scab, or blemished by other means. (c) "Mechanical damage" m e an s crushed, broken, or cracked units, ex- cessively frayed surfaces and edges, and trimming which alters the normal shape of the unit, or damaged by other means. (ii) Peeled white potatoes that are practically free from defects may be given a score of 34 to 40 points. "Prac- tically free from defects" means that the aforesaid defects, individually or collec- 0 Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R002700040039-9 ryt~lfqg Saturday, Se eo Re &e 2003/%b14 ABC 0B01676RO&700040039-9 5391 I piece or pieces of extraneous vegetable matter having an aggregate area of 1/2 square inch (1" x 1/2"); 2 percent, by weight, of units affected by mechanical damage; and 1/2 of 1 percent, by weight, of blemished units, and of such 1/2 of 1 percent not more than 1/4 thereof or 1/4 of 1 percent, by weight, of all the units may be affected by blemished areas which seriously affect the appearance or eating quality of the unit. (iii) If the peeled white potatoes are fairly free from defects, a score of 28 to 33 points may be given. Peeled white potatoes that fall into this classification shall not be graded above U. S. Grade C or U. S. Standard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Fairly free from de- fects" means that the aforesaid defects, individually or collectively, do not seri- ously affect the appearance or eating quality of the product. The following allowances provide a guide for scoring peeled potatoes which are fairly free from defects: (a) Whole potatoes. For each 20 ounces, by weight, of units there may be present: ? 1 piece or pieces of extraneous vegetable matter having an aggregate area of 1 square inch (1" x 1"); 20 percent, by weight, of units affected by mechanical damage; and 4 percent, by weight, of blemished units, and of such 4 percent not more than 1/2 thereof or 2 percent, by weight, of all the units may be affected by blemished areas which seriously affect the appearance or eating quality of the unit. (b) Sliced potatoes; pieces. For each 20 ounces, by weight, of units there may be present: 1 piece or pieces of extraneous vegetable matter having an aggregate area of more than 1/2 square inch but not more than 1 square inch (1" x 1"); 10 percent, by weight, of units affected by mechanical damage; and 2 percent, by weight, of blemished units and of such 2 percent not more than 1/2 thereof or 1 percent, by weight, of all the units may be affected by blemished areas which seriously affect the appearance or eating quality of the unit. (c) Diced; Julienne, French style, or shoestring. For each 20 ounces, by weight, of units there may be present: 1 piece or pieces of extraneous vegetable matter having an aggregate area of more than 1/2 square inch but not more than 1 square inch (1" x 1"); 4 percent, by weight, of units affected by mechanical damage; and 1 percent, by weight, of blemished units and of such 1 percent not more than % thereof or 1/2 of 1 percent, by weight, of all the units may be affected by blemished areas which seriously affect the appearance or eat- ing quality of the unit. (iv) Peeled white potatoes that fail to meet the requirements of subdivision (iii) of this subparagraph may be given a score of 0 to 27 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). (4) Texaure. (i) Peeled white pota- toes that possess a good texture may be given a score of 17 to 20 points. "Good texture" means that the units are firm and typical of properly prepared pota- toes. (ii) If the peeled white potatoes pos- sess a fairly good texture, a score of 14 to 16 points may be given. Peeled white potatoes that fall into this classification shall not be graded above U. S. Grade C or U. S. Standard, regardless of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). "Fairly good texture" means that the units may be not more than slightly shriveled, spongy, or flabby. (iii) Peeled white potatoes that fail to meet the requirements of subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph may be given a score of 0 to 21 points and shall not be graded above Substandard, regardless'of the total score for the product (this is a limiting rule). (g) Tolerances for certification of officially drawn samples. (1) When cer- tifying samples that have been officially drawn and which represent a specific lot of peeled white potatoes the grade for such lot will be determined by averaging the total scores of the containers com- prising the sample, if, with respect to those factors which are scored: U) Not more than one-sixth of the containers fails to meet the grade indi- cated by the average of such total scores; (ii) None of the containers falls more than 4 points below the minimum score for the grade indicated by the average of such total scores; (iii) None of the containers falls more than one grade below the grade indicated by the average of such total scores; (iv) The average score of all contain- ers for any factor subject to a limiting rule is within the score range of that factor for the grade indicated by the average of the total scores of the con- tainers comprising the sample; and (2) All containers comprising the sample meet all applicable standards of quality promulgated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and in effect at the time of the aforesaid certification. (h) Score sheet for peeled white potatoes. Size and kind of container__________ ______ _ Container mark or identification___ _ _ __________ _______ _______ ___- - Label - Net weight (in ounces)______________________ _____ -- ---------------------- --------- ------- ---- Size of whole whole potatoes (count)______ Size _________ _______ Size of sliced potatoes (diameter) ------------------- ---- Factors Score Points (A) 17-20 I. Color_____________________ 20 (C) 1 114-16 (sstd.) 10-13 (A) 17-20 II. Uniformity of size and 20 (C) 14-16 shape. (SStd.) 10-13 (A) 34-40 Ill. Absence of defects -------- 40 J (C) 128-33 SStd.) 10-27 (A) 17-20 IV. Texture__________________ 20 (C) 114-16 (SStd.) 10-13 Total score -------------- 100 ---------------- Normal flavor and odor ___-______------------------ Grade----------------------------- ---------------- Done at Washington, D. C., this 2d day of September 1953. [SEAL] ROY W. LENNARTSON. Assistant Administrator, Pro- duction and Marketing Ad- ministration. [F. R. Doe. 53-7783; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:49 a. in. ] [ 7 CFR Parts 723, 727 ] CIGAR-FILLER TOBACCO, AND CIGAR-FILLER AND BINDER TOBACCO; MARYLAND TOBACCO NOTICE OF DETERMINATIONS TO BE MADE WITH RESPECT TO TOBACCO MARKETING QUOTAS FOR 1954-55 MARKETING YEAR Pursuant to the Agricultural Adjust- ment Act of 1938, as amended, the Secre- tary of Agriculture is preparing to pro- claim national marketing quotas for cigar-filler tobacco, cigar-filler and binder tobacco, and Maryland tobacco, for the 1954-55 marketing year, deter- mine the amount of the national market- ing quota for each such kind of tobacco, apportion the national marketing quotas among the several States, and convert the State marketing quotas into State acreage allotments. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended (7 U. S. C. 1312 (a) ), provides that the Secretary of Agricul- ture shall proclaim a national marketing quota for each marketing year for each kind of tobacco for which a national marketing quota was proclaimed for the immediately preceding marketing year. The act (7 U. S. C. 1301 (b) (15)) defines "tobacco" as each one of the kinds of tobacco listed below comprising the types specified as classified in Service and Regulatory Announcement Numbered 118 (7 CFR Part 30) of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics of the Depart- ment: Flue-cured tobacco, comprising types 11, 12, 13, and 14; Fire-cured tobacco, comprising types 21, 22, 23, and 24; Dark air-cured tobacco, comprising types 35 and 36; Virginia sun-cured tobacco, comprising type 37; Burley tobacco, comprising type 31; Maryland tobacco, comprising type 32; Cigar-filler and cigar-binder tobacco, com- prising types 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55; Cigar-filler tobacco, comprising type 41. The act provides that any one or more of the types comprising any such kind of tobacco shall be treated as a "kind of tobacco" for the purposes of this act if the Secretary finds that there is a differ- ence in supply and demand conditions as among such types of tobacco which re- sults in a difference in the adjustments needed in the marketings thereof in order to maintain supplies in line with demand. Pursuant to this authority the Secretary has determined (15 F. R. 8214) that type 46 tobacco shall be treated as a separate kind of tobacco for purposes of marketing quotas and price supports on the 1951 and subsequent crops of such tobacco. Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 Approved 6 Release 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80B0 6 6R002700040039-9 PmOPOSED RULE MAKING "normal year's domestic co)'isumption" is defined as the yearly avera~e quantity produced in the United States and con- sumed in the United States during the ten marketing years ilnmeciately pre- ceding the marketing year in which such consumption is determined, adjusted for current trends in such consumption.. A "normal year's exports" is de['ined as the yearly average quantity pro used in the United States which was exorted from the United States. during the ten mar- keting years immediately preceding the marketing year in which such exports are determined, adjusted or current trends in such exports. The act (7 U. S. C: 1312 (b)) requires that within 30 days after a national marketing quota is proclaimed for the 1954-55 marketing year for cigar-filler tobacco, cigar-filler and binder tobacco, or Maryland tobacco, the Seqretary shall conduct a referendum of farmers who are engaged in the production of the 1953 crop of each of such kinds of to- bacco to determine whether such farmers are in favor of or opposed to such quota. If more than one-third of the farmers voting in the referendum oppose such quota, the quota shall not be effective thereafter. The Secretary is also re- quired to submit to such farmers the question of whether they favor market- ing quotas for a period of 'three years beginning with the 1954-5$ marketing year. If two-thirds of the farmers vot- ing on this question favor quotas for such three-year period, the Secretary is required to proclaim marketing quotas for such period. A separate, referendum will be held for each of such kinds of tobacco and the results of any referen- dum will not affect the results of any other referendum. The act (7 U. S. C. 1313 (a)) requires the Secretary to apportion the national marketing quota, less the amount to be allotted under subsection (q) of section 1313 (small farms and "new" farms), among the several States on the basis of the total production in each State during the five calendar years immediately pre- ceding the calendar year in which the quota is proclaimed, with Such adjust- ments as are determined to be necessary to make correction for abnormal condi- tions of production, for small farms, and for trends in production, giving the con- sideration to seed bed and other plant diseases during such five-year period. The act (7 U. S. C. 1313 (g),) authorizes the Secretary to convert State marketing quotas into State acreage allotments on the basis of average yield pet acre for the State during the five years last preceding the year in which the national marketing quota is proclaimed, adjusted for abnor- mal conditions of production. In making the determinations of the amounts of the national marketing quotas, the apportionment of the quotas among the several States, and the con- version of State marketing quotas into State acreage allotments, consideration will be given to any data, views and rec- ommendations pertaining thereto which are submitted in writing to the Director, Tobacco Branch, Production and Mar- keting Administration, United States De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, 25, D. C. All submissions must be post- marked not later than 15 days from the date of publication of this notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER in order to be con- sidered. Issued at Washirgton, D. C., this 2d day of September 1953. [SEAL] M. B. BRASWELL, Acting Administrator. IF. R. Doc. 53-7786; Filed, Sept. 4, :1953; 8:50 a. m. ] The act (7 U. S. C. 1313 (i)) provides that notwithstanding any other provi- sion of the act, whenever after investiga- tion the Secretary determines with respect to any kind of tobacco that a sub- stantial difference exists in the usage or market outlets for any one or more of the types comprising such kind of tobacco and that the quantity of tobacco of such type or types to be produced under the marketing quotas and acreage allotments established pursuant to this section would not be sufficient to provide an adequate supply for estimated market demands and carry-over requirements for such type or types of tobacco, the Secretary shall increase the marketing quotas and acreage allotments for farms producing such type or types of tobacco in the preceding year to the extent neces- sary to make available a supply of such type or types of tobacco adequate to meet such demands and carry-over require- ments. The increases in farm market- ing quotas and acreage allotments shall be made on the basis of the production of such type or types of tobacco during the period of years considered in establish- ing farm marketing quotas and acreage allotments for such kind of tobacco. The additional production authorized by this subsection shall be in addition to the na- tional marketing quota established for such kind of tobacco pursuant to section 312 of this act. The increase in acreage under this subsection shall not be con- sidered in establishing future State or farm acreage allotments. National marketing quotas were pro- claimed for the 1953-54 marketing year as follows: Kind of tobacco: Cigar-filler; 17 F. R. 8892. Cigar-filler and binder; 17 F. R. 8892. Maryland; 17 F. R. 8893. The act (7 U. S. C. 1312 (a)) provides that the Secretary shall also determine and specify in such proclamation the amount of the national marketing quota in terms of the total quantity of tobacco which may be marketed, which will make available during such marketing' year a supply of tobacco equal to the reserve supply level. The act provides further that the amount of the 1954-55 national marketing quota may, not later than March 1, 1954, be increased by not more than 20 per centum if the Secretary de- termines that such increase is necessary in order to meet market demands or to avoid undue restriction of marketings in adjusting the total supply to the reserve supply level. The act (7 U. S. C. 1301 (b)) defines the "total supply" of tobacco for any marketing year as the carry-over at the beginning of the mar- keting year (or on January 1 of such marketing year in the case of Maryland tobacco) plus the estimated production in the United States during the calendar year in which such marketing year be- gins. "Reserve supply level" is defined as the normal supply plus 5 per centum thereof. "Normal supply" is defined as a normal year's domestic consumption and exports, plus 175 per centum of a normal year's domestic consumption and 65 per centum of a normal year's exports. A t 7 CFR Port 939 1 BEURRE D'ANJOU, BEURRE Bosc, WINTER NELIS, DOYENNE DU COMICE, BEURRE EASTER, AND BEURRE CLAIRGEAU PEARS GROWN IN OREGON, WASHINGTON, AND CALIFORNIA EXPENSES AND FIXING O>T RATE OF ASSESS- MENT FOR 1953-54 FISCAL PERIOD Consideration is being given to the following proposals which were sub- mitted by the Control Committee, estab- lished under the marketing agreement, as amended, and Order No. 39, as amended (7 CFR Part 939), regulating the handling of Beurre D'Anjou, Beurre Boss, Winter Nelis, Doyenne du Co:mice, Beurre Easter, and Beurre Clairgeau varieties of pears grown in Oregon, Washington and California, effective under the applicable provisions of the Agricultural Market Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, as the agency to ad- minister the terms and provisions thereof: (a) That the Secretary of Agriculture find that expenses not to exceed $24,640.00 are likely to be incurred by said committee during the fiscal period beginning July 1, 1953, and ending June 30, 1954, both dates inclusive, for its maintenance and functioning under the aforesaid amended marketing agreement and order; and (b) That the Secretary of Agriculture fix, as the pro rata share of such ex- penses which each handler. shall pay in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid amended marketing agree- ment and order during the aforesaid fiscal period, the rate of assessment at five mills ($0.005) per standard western pear box of pears or its equivalent of pears in other containers or in bulk, shipped by such handler during said fiscal period. ? 9 All persons, who desire to submit written data, views, or arguments for consideration in connection with the aforesaid proposals may do so by mailing the same to the Director, Fruit and'Vege- table Branch, Production and Market- ing Administration, Room 2077, South Building, Washington 25, D. C., not later than the 10th day after the publication of this notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Terms used in the amended marketing agreement and order shall, when used herein, have the same meaning as is given to the respective term in said amended marketing agreement and order. (Sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended; 7 V. S. O. and Sup. 608c) Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 Approved For Rel a 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80BO1676RO 00040039-9 Saturday, September 5, 1953 FEDERAL REGISTER Done at Washington, D. C., this 2d day of September 1953. [SEAL] FLOYD F. HEDLUND, Acting Director, Fruit and Vege- table Branch, Production and Marketing Administration. IF. R. Doc. 53-7782; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:49 a. m.] [7 CFR Part 949 ] [Docket No. AO-232-A-2] MILK IN THE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, MARKETING AREA NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF TIME FOR FILING EXCEPTIONS Notice is hereby given that the time within which interested parties may file written exceptions to the recommended decision of the Acting Assistant Admin- istrator, Production and Marketing Ad- ministration, United States Department of Agriculture, with respect to a pro- posed amendment to the tentative mar- keting agreement and to the order, as amended, regulating the handling of milk in the San Antonio, Texas, market- area, which was issued on August 20, 1953, and published in the FEDERAL REG- ISTER on August 26, 1953 (18 F. R. 5088) , is hereby extended to the close of busi- ness on September 15, 1953. Exceptions filed pursuant to this notice should be filed with the Hearing Clerk, United States Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington 25, D. C., in quadruplicate. Dated: September 3, 1953, at Wash- ington, D. C. [SEAL] Roy W. LENNARTSON, Assistant Administrator. IF. R. Doc. 53-7826; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 9:14 a. m.] [7 CFR Part 958 ] IRISH POTATOES GROWN IN COLORADO NOTICE OF PROPOSED BUDGETS AND RATE OF ASSESSMENTS Notice is hereby given that the Secre- tary of Agriculture is considering the ap- proval of the budgets and rate of assess- ments hereinafter set forth which were recommended by the administrative committees for Areas No. 2 and 3, estab- lished pursuant to Marketing Agreement No. 97 and Order No. 58 (7 CFR Part 958), regulating the handling of Irish potatoes grown in the State of Colorado issued under the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (48 Stat. 31, as amended, 7 U. S. C. 601 et seq.). Consideration will be given to any data, views or arguments pertaining thereto which are filed in triplicate with the Director, Fruit and Vegetable Branch, Production and Marketing Administra- tion, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington 25, D. C., not later than 15 days following publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER. The proposals are as follows: NOTICES FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [Docket Nos. 8959, 10641] RADIO WISCONSIN, INC., AND BADGER TELEVISION CO., INC. ORDER CONTINUING HEARING In re applications of Radio Wisconsin, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, Docket No. .8959, File No. BPCT-410; Badger Tele- vision Co., Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, Docket No. 10641, File No. BPCT-1472; for construction permits for new televi- sion stations. A pre-trial conference was held in the above entitled matter at the Commis- sion's offices on August 18, 1953. The parties agreed to exchange certain sup- plemental information looking toward a more precise evaluation of each others cases and points of reliance. An infor- mal understanding as to the scope of the information proposed to be exchanged was reached and agreed upon. In order to accommodate the schedule of counsel for the applicants and the Commission's Broadcast Bureau and in order to permit an opportunity.to obtain and properly develop and exchange the supplemental information heretofore referred to, it was agreed that the conference now set for September 11, 1953, would be deferred until October 2, 1953. In the interven- ing period, parties will exchange the sup- plemental information and on October 2d will submit to the Examiner a precise statement of those matters upon which they wish to rely. Accordingly, it is ordered, That the hearing conference designated for Sep- tember 11, 1953, be advanced to, and be held on, October 2, 1953, at 10:00 a. m., at Washington, D. C. Dated : August 28, 1953. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, [SEAL] WM. P. MASSING, Acting Secretary. IF. R. Doc. 53-7778; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:48 a. m.1 [Docket No. 9964] AZALEA BROADCASTING CO. ORDER SCHEDULING HEARING In re application of Charles W. Holt, Clarence M. Dossett, Dave A. Matison, Jr., and Bernard Reed Green, d/b as Azalea Broadcasting Company, Mobile, Alabama, Docket No. 9964, File No. BP- 7830; for construction permit. ? 958.214 Budgets of expenses and rate of assessments. (a) The expenses necessary to be incurred by the admin- istrative committees for Areas No. 2 and 3, established pursuant to Marketing Agreement No. 97 and Order No. 58 to enable such committees to carry out their functions pursuant to the pro- visions of the aforesaid marketing agreement and order during the fiscal year ending May 31, 1954, will amount to $3,024 for Area No. 2 and $2,380 for Area No. 3. (b) The rate of assessments to be paid by each handler who first ships potatoes from Area No. 2 shall be $0.001 per hundredweight and from Area No. 3 shall be $0.0017 per hundredweight of potatoes handled by each handler as the first handler thereof in the respective production areas during said fiscal year, and (c) The terms used in this section shall have the same meaning as when used in Marketing Agreement No. 97 and Order No. 58 (7 CFR Part 958). (Sec. 5, 49 Stat. 753, as amended, 7 U. S. C. and Sup. 608c) Done at Washington, D. C., this 2nd day of September 1953. [SEAL] FLOYD F. HEDLUND, Acting Director, Fruit and Vege- table Branch, Production and Marketing Administration. IF. R. Doc. 53-7784; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:50 a. m.] The Commission having under con- sideration its order of February 12, 1953, granting a petition filed by applicant herein requesting an indefinite continu- ance of the hearing then scheduled for February 18, 1953, pending a relocation of the proposed antenna site; It is ordered, This 31st day of August 1953, on the Examiner's own motion, that the hearing herein is scheduled for Monday, the 12th day of October 1953, at 10:00 a. m., at Washington, D. C. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, [SEAL] WM. P. MASSING, Acting Secretary. IF. R. Doc. 53-7779; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:48 a. m.] [Docket No. 10645] GLOBE WIRELESS, LTD. ORDER CONTINUING HEARING In the matter of Globe Wireless Ltd., Docket No. 10645, File No. 1171-C4-ML- 53; application for modification of its Mussel Rock, California, point-to-point radiotelegraph station license to au- thorize addressed press service. Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 Approved r Release 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80B 76R002700040039-9 NOTICES Globe Wireless Ltd., having filed, on August 28, 1953, a petition to vacate order granting application and for dis- missal of application, the hearing now scheduled for September 8, 1953, is con- tinued without date, pending action by the Commission on the petition. Dated: August 31, 1953. FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, [SEAL] WM. P. MASSING, Acting Secretary. [F. R. Doc. 53-7780; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:48 a. m.] DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Production and Marketing Administration PEANUTS NOTICE OF REDELEGATION OF FINAL AUTHOR- ITY BY GEORGIA STATE PRODUCTION AND MARKETING ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REGARDING MARKETING QUOTA REGULA- TIONS FOR 1953 CROP The Marketing Quota Regulations for the 1953 Crop of Peanuts (18 F. R. 3316), issued pursuant to the marketing quota provisions of the Agricultural Adjust- ment Act of 1938, as amended (7 U. S. C. 1301-1393), provides that any authority delegated to the State Production and Marketing Administration Committee by the regulations may be redelegated by the State committee. In accordance with section 3 (a) (1) of the Adminis- trative Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1002 (a) ), which requires delegations of final authority to be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, there are set out herein the redelegations of final authority which have been made by the Georgia State Production and Marketing Administra- tion Committee of authority vested in such committee by the Secretary of Ag- riculture in the regulations referred to above. There are set out below the sections of tie regulations in which such authority 'appears and the person of the Production and Marketing Admin- istration to whom the authority has been redelegated. GEORGIA Sections 729.441 (j) (2) and 729.453 (b): T. R. Breedlove, Chairman, State PMA Com- mittee; W. H. Booth, Member, State PMA Committee; A. C. Jarrell, Marketing Quota Specialist; and M. S. Fendley, Assistant Marketing Quota Specialist. Sections 729.453 (c) and 729.462 (d): T. R: Breedlove, Chairman, State PMA Com- mittee and W. H. Booth, Member, State PMA Committee. Section 729.461 (b) (2): T. R. Breed- love, Chairman, State PMA Committee; W. H. Booth, Member, State PMA Commit- tee; and A. C. Jarrell, Marketing Quota Specialist. Issued at Washington, D. C., this 2d day of September 1953. [SEAL] M. B. BRASWELL, Acting Administrator, Produc- tion and Marketing Admin- istration. [F. R. Doc. 53-7785; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:50 a. m.] SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Docket No. 70-31001 COLUMBIA GAS SYSTEM, INC., ET AL. ORDER AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE AND SALE OF SECURITIES BY SUBSIDIARIES TO PARENT COMPANIES SEPTEMBEii 1, 1953. In the matter of The Columbia Gas System, Inc., Atlantic Seaboard Corpora- tion, Amere Gas Utilities Company, Virginia Gas Distribution Corporation; File No. 70-3100. The Columbia Gas System, Inc. ("Columbia"), a registered holding company, its wholly owned subsidiary Atlantic Seaboard Corporation ("Sea- board"), also a registered holding com- pany, and Amere Gas Utilities Company 11 11 b t n D t In the interest of investors and con- sumers that said application-declara- tion, as amended, be granted and permitted to become effective forthwith without the imposition of terms and conditions, other than those contained in Rule U-24: it is ordered, Pursuant to Rule U-23 and the applicable provisions of the act, that said application-declaration, as amended, be, and it hereby is, granted and permitted to become effective forth- with, subject to the terms and conditions prescribed in Rule U-24. By the Commission. [SEAL] NELLYE A. THORSEN, Assistant Secretary. [F. R. Doc. 53-7772; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:47 a. m.] rl u to ls ( Amere) and v 1rgmla Gas Corporation ("Distribution"), wholly FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION owned subsidiaries of Seaboard, having filed a joint application-declaration and an amendment thereto with this Com- mission pursuant to the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 ("the act"), designating sections 6 (b), 7, 9 and 10 of the act as applicable to pro- posed transactions, which are summar- ized as follows: Seaboard will issue and sell and Columbia will purchase $1,950,000 prin- cipal amount of Seaboard's Installment Notes to provide Seaboard with the funds required to meet its own construction program and to supply funds required by its two subsidiaries. Amere will issue and sell and Seaboard will purchase $325,000 principal amount of Amere's Installment Notes; Distribution will issue and sell and Seaboard will purchase 6,000 additional shares of Distribution's Common Stock, at the par value of $25 per share, and $425,000 principal amount of its Install- ment Notes. All of said Installment Notes will be sold at face value, and they will be pay- able in 25 equal annual installments on February 15 of each of the years 1955 to 1979 inclusive. Interest on the unpaid principal thereof will be payable semi- annually at the rate of 4 percent per an- num or such lower rate, being a multiple of 1/8 of 1 percent, as shall be not less than the cost of money to Columbia in respect of its next sale of Debentures. Such notes will be issued and sold only as cash is required to finance the several construction programs, bu>r not later than March 31, 1954. The proposed issuance and sale of se- curities by Amere and by Distribution having been expressly authorized by orders of the Public Service Commis- sion of West Virginia and the State Cor- poration Commission of the Common- wealth of Virginia, respectively; Due notice having been given of the filing of the joint application-declara- tion as amended and a hearing not hav- ing been requested of or ordered by the Commission; and the Commission find- ing that the applicable provisions of the act and the rules promulated there- under are satisfied and that no adverse findings are necessary, and deeming it appropriate in the public interest and [Docket No. 0-16971 NATURAL GAS PIPELINE CO. OF AMERICA NOTICE OF EXTENSION OF TIME AUGUST 31, 1953. Upon consideration of motion, filed August 27, 1953, by Staff Counsel, for extension of time for filing exceptions to the Presiding Examiner's decision; Notice is hereby given that an exten- sion of time is granted to and including September 25, 1953, for filing exceptions to the Presiding Examiner's decision in the above-designated matter. [SEAL] J. H. GUTRIDE, Acting Secretary. [F. R. Doc. 53-7758; Filed, Sept. 4, 1958; 8:45 a. m.] [Docket No. G-21851 MONTANA-DAKOTA UTILITIES CO. ORDER FIXING DATE OF HEARING On June 8, 1953, Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (Applicant), a Delaware corporation having its principal place of business at Minneapolis, Minnesota, filed an application, which was supplemented on July 16, 1953, for a certificate of public convenience and necessity pur- suant to section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, authorizing the construction and operation of certain natural-gas trans- mission facilities, subject to the juris- diction of the Commission, as fully described in the application and supple- ment on file with the Commission and open to public inspection. The Commission finds: This proceed- ing is a proper one for disposition under the provisions of ? 1.32 (b) (18 CFR 1.32 (b)) of the Commission's rules of practice and procedure. Applicant hav- ing requested that its application be heard under the shortened procedure provided by the aforesaid rule for non- contested proceedings, and no request to be heard, protest, or petition having been filed subsequent to the giving of due notice of the filing of the applica- tion, including publication in the FED- ERAL REGISTER on June 25, 1953 (18 F. R. 3652). Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 ? ? Approved For ReI a 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80BO1676R00 0040039-9 Saturday, September 5, 1953 FEDERAL REGISTER .The Commission orders: (A) Pursuant to the authority con- tained in and subject to the jurisdiction conferred upon the Federal Power Com- mission by sections 7 and 15 of the Na- tural Gas Act, and the Commission's rules of practice and procedure, a hear- ing be held on September 18, 1953, at 9:30 a. in. in the Hearing Room of the Federal Power Commission, 441 G Street NW., Washington, D. C., concerning the matters involved and the issues presented by such application, as supplemented: Provided, however, That the Commission may, after a non-contested hearing, forthwith dispose of the proceeding pur- suant to the provisions of ? 1.32 (b) of the Commission's rules of practice and procedure. (B) Interested State commissions may participate as provided by ?? 1.8 and 1.37 (f) (18 CFR 1.8 and 1.37 (f)) of the said rules of practice and procedure. Adopted: September 1, 1953. Issued: September 1, 1953. By the Commission. J. H. GUTRIDE, Acting Secretary. ural Gas Act, and the Commission's rules of practice and procedure, a hearing be held on September 14, 1953, at 9:30 a. in., e. d. s. t., in the Hearing Room of the Federal Power Commission, 441 G Street NW., Washington, D. C., concerning the matters involved in and the issues pre- sented by the application: Provided, however, That the Commission may, after a noncontested hearing, forthwith dispose of the proceeding pursuant to the provisions of ? 1.32 (b) of the Com- mission's rules of practice and procedure. (B) Interested State commissions may participate as provided by ? ? 1.8 and 1.37 (f) (18 CFR 1.8 and 1.37 (f)) of the said rules of practice and procedure. Adopted: September 1, 1953. Issued: September 1, 1953. By the Commission. [SEAL] J. H. GUTRIDE, Acting Secretary. IF. R. Doc. 53-7770; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:46 a. m.] [Docket Nos. 6-2231, G-2232] TOWN OF DEKALB, MISSISSIPPI AND MISSISSIPPI VALLEY GAS Co. NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS SEPTEMBER 1, 1953. Take notice that the Town of DeKalb, Mississippi (Applicant), a municipal cor- poration, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Mississippi, filed an application on August 17, 1953, with the Federal Power Commission pursuant to section 7 (a) of the Natural Gas Act requesting the Commission to direct Southern Natural Gas Company (South- ern) to establish physical connection of its natural-gas transportation facilities with the facilities to be constructed by Applicant for the transportation of gas to and the distribution of gas in the Town of DeKalb, and the area adjacent there- to, and along Applicant's transmission line. Applicant proposes to construct a 3- inch pipeline, approximately 10 miles long, to transport gas from Southern's 6-inch pipeline, in Kemper County, Mississippi, to the Town's border, and to construct a natural-gas distribution system within the Town and its environs. Applicant states that $200,000 of reve- nue bonds, which are to bear interest at the rate of 4 percent, to provide the funds necessary to construct the proposed fa- cilities have been authorized by an elec- tion held by Applicant, as provided by the laws of the State of Mississippi. Applicant further states that it has entered into a lease agreement (Exhibit B to the application) with Mississippi Valley Gas Company (Mississippi Valley) to lease to Mississippi Valley its proposed transmission line and distribution sys- tem for a period of 25 years on the terms set forth in Exhibit B. On August 17, 1953, Mississippi Valley, a Mississippi corporation with its princi- pal office in Jackson, Mississippi, filed an application with the Commission pursuant to section 7 (c) of the Natural Gas Act for authority to lease and op- erate the natural-gas facilities to be constructed by the Town of DeKalb pur- suant to the lease agreement between the Town and Mississippi Valley, re- ferred to above. Protests or petitions to intervene may be filed with the Federal Power Com- mission, Washington 25, D. C., in accord- ance with the Commission's rules of practice and procedure (18 CFR 1.8 or 1.10) on or before the 19th day of Sep- tember 1953. The applications are on file with the Commission for public inspection. [SEAL] J. H. GUTRIDE, Acting Secretary. [F. R. Doc. 53-7759; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:45'a. in.] INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION [4th Sec. Application 284011 VARIOUS COMMODITIES FROM TRUNK-LINE AND NEW ENGLAND TERRITORIES TO SOUTHERN, CENTRAL AND WESTERN TRUNK-LINE TERRITORIES IF. R. Doc. 53-7769; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:46 a. m.] [Docket No. G-22021 CITIES SERVICE GAS Co. ORDER FIXING DATE OF HEARING On June 29, 1953, Cities Service Gas Company (Applicant), a Delaware cor- poration having its principal place of business in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, filed an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity pur- suant to section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, authorizing the construction and operation of certain natural-gas trans- mission facilities, subject to the juris- diction of the Commission, as described in the application on file with the Com- mission and open to public inspection. The Commission finds: (1) This proceeding is a proper one for disposition under the provisions of ? 1.32 (b) (18 CFR 1.32 (b)) of the Com- mission's rules of practice and procedure, Applicant having requested that its ap- plication be heard under the shortened procedure provided by the aforesaid rule for noncontested proceedings, and no request to be heard, protest or peti- tion having been filed subsequent to the giving of due notice of the filing of the application, including publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER On August 15, 1953 (18 F. R. 4896). (2) It is reasonable and in the public interest and good cause exists for fixing the date of hearing in this proceeding less than 15 days after publication of this order in the FEDERAL REGISTER. The Commission orders: (A) Pursuant to the authority con- tained in and subject to the jurisdiction conferred upon the Federal Power Com- mission by sections 7 and 15 of the Nat- No. 175-3 APPLICATION FOR RELIEF SEPTEMBER 2, 1953. The Commission is in receipt of the above-entitled and numbered application for relief from the long-and-short-haul provision of section 4 (1) of the Inter- state Commerce Act. Filed by: C. W. Boin and I. N. Doe, Agents for carriers parties to schedules listed in exhibit A of the application, pursuant to fourth-section order No. 17220. Commodities involved: Various com- modities. From: Points in trunk-line and New England' territories. To: Points in southern, central and western trunk-line territories. Grounds for relief: Competition with rail carriers, circuitous routes. Any interested person desiring the Commission to hold a hearing upon such application shall request the Commission in writing so to do within 15 days from the date of this notice. As provided by the general rules of practice of the Com- mission, Rule 73, persons other than ap- plicants should fairly disclose their interest, and the position they intend to take at the hearing with respect to the application. Otherwise the Commis- sion, in its discretion, may proceed to investigate and determine the matters involved in such application without further or formal hearing. If because of an emergency a grant of temporary relief is found to be necessary before the expiration of the 15-day period, a hear- ing, upon a request filed within that period, may be held subsequently. By the Commission. [SEAL] GEORGE W. LAIRD, Acting Secretary. IF. R. Doe. 53-7761; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:45 a. m.] Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9 Approved or Release 2003/06/18: CIA-RDP80B 76R002700040039-9 TI NO CES within that period, may be held sub- sequently. By the Commission. [SEAL] GEORGE W. LAIRD, Acting Secretary. [F. IT. Doc. 53-7762; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:46 a. m.] [4th Sec. Application 28402] VARIOUS COMMODITIES BETWEEN POINTS IN TEXAS AND POINTS IN OFFICIAL AND SOUTHERN TERRITORIES APPLICATION FOR RELIEF SEPTEMBER 2, 1953. The Commission is in receipt of the above-entitled and numbered application for relief from the long-and-short-haul provision of section 4 (1) of the Inter- state Commerce Act. Filed by: F. C. Kratzmeir, Agent, for carriers parties to schedules listed in exhibit A of the application, pursuant to fourth-section order No. 17220. Commodities involved: Vinyl acetate, in tankcar loads, and carbon furnace or electrolytic bath electrodes (carbon plugs), carloads. Between: Points in Texas, on the one hand, and points in official and southern territories, on the other. Grounds for relief : Competition with rail carriers, circuitous routes. Any interested person desiring the Commission to hold a hearing upon such application shall request the Commis- sion in writing so to do within 15 days from the date of this notice. As pro- vided by the general rules of practice of the Commission, Rule 73, persons other than applicants should fairly dis- close their interest, and the position they intend to take at the hearing with respect to the application. Otherwise the Commission, in its discretion, may proceed to investigate and determine the matters involved in such application without further or formal hearing. If because of an emergency a grant of temporary relief is found to be necessary before the expiration of the 15-day period, a hearing, upon a request filed [4th Sec. Application 28403] BARITE ORE FROM LAREDO,ITEX., TO POINTS IN TEXAS APPLICATION FOR REL F SEPTEMBER 2, 1953. The Commission is in receipt of the above-entitled and numbered applica- tion for relief from the long-and-short- haul provision of section 4 (1) of the Interstate Commerce Act. Filed by: F. C. Kratzmeir, Agent, for the International-Great Northern Rail- road Company and other carriers. Commodities involved: Barite ore (barytes). From: Laredo, Tex. (when originating in Mexico). To: Points in Texas. Grounds for relief : Competition with rail carriers, circuitous routes. Schedules filed containing proposed rates: F. C. Kratzmeir's tariff I. C. C. No. 3973, Supp. 27. Any interested person desiring the Commission to hold a hearing upon such application shall request the Commis- sion in writing so to do within 15 days from the date of this notice. As pro- vided by the general rules of practice of the Commission, Rule 73, persons other than applicants should fairly dis- close their interest, and the position they intend to take at the hearing with respect to the application. Otherwise the Commission, in its discretion, may proceed to investigate and determine the matters involved in such application without further or formal hearing. If because of an emergency a grant of tem- porary relief is found to be necessary before the expiration of the 15-day period, a hearing, upon a request filed within that period, may be held subse- quently. By the Commission. [SEAL) GEORGE W. LAIRD, Acting Secretary. IF. IT. Dcc. 53-7763; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:46 a. M-1 [Rev. S. O. 562, Taylor's I. C. C. Order 25-A] FERNWOOD, COLUMBIA & GULF RAILROAD CO. REROUTING OR DIVERSION OF TRAFFIC Upon further consideration of Taylor's I. C. C. Order No. 25 and good cause ap- pearing therefor: It is ordered, That: (a) Taylor's I. C. C. Order No. 25 be, and it is hereby vacated and set aside. (b) Effective date: This order shall become effective at 2:00 p. m., August 31, 1953. It is further ordered, That this order shall be served upon the Association of American Railroads, Car Service Divi- sion, as agent of all railroads subscrib- ing to the car service and per diem agreement under the terms of that agreement and by filing it with the Di- rector, Division of the Federal Register. Issued at Washington, D. C., August 31, 1953. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, CHARLES W. TAYLOR, Agent. [F. IT. Doc. 53-7760; Filed, Sept. 4, 1953; 8:45 a. m.1 ? Approved For Release 2003/06/18 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R002700040039-9