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Document Release Date: 
April 21, 2003
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Publication Date: 
February 13, 1953
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Approved For Release 2003/05106: CIA-RDP80BO-t 8002300120039-4 De-av.ties' Meeting PRESENT: Messrs. Dulles, Wisner, Wolf, Becker, 25X1 a. Stated that at a recent NSC Meeting Mr. Stassen had used thl f'=_g,r of 50, 000, 000 tors as be ! ng the amount of steel being produced by the Sov.. e L > and asked Mr. Becker if this figure was not nearer 36,000,000 tons. DDI indicated that it was and undertook to prepare a memorandum to Mr. bias,-;e: for A/DCI's signature so indicating. 5. _ 1. S s b. Asked DDF to consider as a matter of urgency the appointmer_... o"o small group of "Aowledgeable individuals to investigate and prepar,, a) ,oc.?iate -recommendations in regard to the activities of iI 25X1 c. Stated that Deputy Secreta yes was most desirous a:_ securing a suitable replacement for and had asked for our 25X1 recommendations in this regard. d. Noted that he had agreed with Mr. Stassen to lend to eb 25X1 25X1 a. Gave the A/DCI a memorandum. from oncern: ng 25X1 coming events of Communist activities in Chile and noted the situat:_orl~n. this country should be watched closely to see which way the Chileano wouj_~. ...irn. In connection with Latin America as a whole, DDP noted he haa. discussed subject with I land undertook to -Drenare a memorandum o=: conversation -- a copy of which will be furnished DDI. 25X1 c. Stated that consideration should be given as to the contenr:s o-:- briefing for the newly appointed Ambassadress to Italy. After some d: s t.~,s gin, Ms . Dulles stated he would sound out" State on this and Mr. 'isner not(:--c. ne would also discuss the matter with Friday, 13 February (CONTINCLu) Approved For Release 2003/0 : 0 l~l(FP0B01676R002300120039-4 25X1 iacurh Approved For Release 2003/05/06`: CIA-RDP80B01676R002300120039-4 Mr. Wisner (Cont'd. ) d. Again raised the question of employment of 0 and stated Col. Edwards had advised him if II was one and the same person vrio ha,, run afoul' of Gen. Smith in North Africa, II was at that time E:c,tinP under instructions from Gexi. Donovan. After some discussion wherein DDA noted that had been the subject of a loyalty hearing and DDP state-. that had been pushing for a decision on II iY!i?. Wisner undertoo o nave obtain the file on for further cons:_cteratior a. Confirmed a previous re-port to A/DCI that there is a deta:L:_ed discussion in the "EIC Paper" on the locomotive stock used on the Trans- Siberian Railroad. b. Noted that item five in today's CIB had been red-lined as being worthy of calling to the attention of the President. a. Resorted. that Governor Peterson had been appointed as the imer,=-e_:.ct Planning Officer for the White House and Peterson, accompanied. by Cc-. ?VJh.t.e, would inspect our facilities on 16 February. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 200 /b i 64 bI K-1DP80B01676R002300120039-4