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December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
August 18, 2005
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Publication Date:
June 28, 1962
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Approved F Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80B0 68001900120004-7
2s June 1962
SUBJECT: Mantes of Mating of special Group, 28 & as 1962
tUSE fi: Gam t Taylor, W. )fcCe s, Mr. Mitte, sod W. Msgb*s
Colonel Stsakloy and Captain Grayso* Present for
Item I.
1. v feEiMcagt o
Missions jobvis SSW JOAM* as well as t
off the China coast, were approved.
deyeer rettissaneee
General Taylor stioaed, bOWever, whether operations into the
Sea of Okhotsk were going to become a reswlat t ? Colonel Steekley
because, the hi &h rta'a~ci which SAC attars to the
F"i - - I Mr.
Msghes said that the state Dapertsasat would be concerned if SAC ,
should suggest fly1ft into this area on a routine basis. General
Taylor agreed, and a t*d' that S&C should mete the views of wwbers
of the Group in this respect.
Mer. McCone stated that be did net objwa is the destroyer mission,
but questioned its usefulnese. Colonel Stsakl - aM . that previous
destroy"* have triggered Goeseewuaiot alert sys emb that were net
actListed by evotfligtts.
Colonel $tsakley t crseed the Group that, is a rdance with
its recoweeadatimea, a directive bad been septet to apprapri*to com-
wassdara to review their entire rseomesi$aa ct progrsao so as to make
sure that they we responsive to actual needs.
I on Cl plauni$g for Viet-lee for fiscal lunar 1963
was approve , su ject to the following understandings and agreements.
NSC review(s) completed.
See special minutes
for additional items.
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001900120004-7
Approved r Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80BO 68001900120004-7
Mr. MCCOUG said he understood that acre elements of the
Department of Hefaatse have been coaostdering whether, In view of the
nue>ber of people loolsed, it would not be advisable for DW saw
to take the lead in the" progrsas, with CIA in support, rather than
the reverse situation which ow obtains. He said that either arrange
sent would be satisfactory to CIA, and setccarawnadoled that the matter
be worked out between the two ageeaies.
Sk. *its* Concurred with this sunestiou, sediaotg that the
sizeable am oust of funds required, above what has already been
budgeted by CIA, will require mote detailed examination. The matter
of funding as well as seers 11 leadership should be jointly considered.
Us am" approved the suggisstton.
It was also agreed that miter and CIA cere to an agreement
an management and funding, cove urr.n a be obtained from Admiral felt,
General Parkins, and Amhaasadoe halting.
approved so setiss ago arrived at Lockheed to days ago for Z(1 con.
figuration. as also reported that three additions) C-123'e we"
approVed by higher authority during the week of the 4th of Jun.,
thereby king a total of five. The same procedure will apply to the
Mr. Moore said that the first of the two C?123's which oanro
Aiar'cyaft for PoaaiblLdoe ort
be ICI ebasised that autbo rirwatian
not constitute a Commitment to support any drops.
V* and btr, those pointed,, however 9 to the Lw" i ag thbis
capability available, while recognising at the son time the in-
crossed difficulty this will engender is rsstroLaairaee sublis utterances
Tho1 s A. lsrrrtt
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001900120004-7
Mr. Johnson
Mr. ?iip+etrric
General Taylor
Approved W Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80B0 6R001900120004-7
SIBJ=: Authorisation for Additional TILCXLN Plight
On 21 June three ;fAM& missions designed to secure informs
tion an the Chinese Comm mist buildup were approved. Two of
these have now been flown.
The Director of Central Intelligence has requested standby
authority to fly one more mission is addition to the one already
authorized but not yet accomplished, to the event tMt mother
conditions make it profitable to do so.
All other nwebsra of the special Group have concurred in
this request. Accordingly, it may be considered that as of this
date, authority exists for two more missions of this type ? to
make a total of four, iucludiag the two already flown.
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Cilpatric
Mr. McCona
Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001900120004-7