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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 30, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R001500080001-5.pdf84.9 KB
Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500080001-5 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD Z/~ Morning Meeting of 30 December 1966 // 30 December 1966 ADD/I called attention to the CIB item this morning on a new Soviet ballistic missile submarine construction program. This was the result of Godfrey briefed on yesterday's interagency meeting on NSA's proposed handling He said that today we are in the process of melding our statement to NSA with DIA's draft, which was received last evening. felt that this is a test case on the con- trol of the intelligence collected and that the language of the Agency's statement should be carefully phrased. DDCI said that he has instructed Godfrey on the tone of the language required. 25X1 25X1 DD/P mentioned cables) Ion a Red 25X1 Star editorial identifying the Chinese PLA as an opponent. DDCI re- viewed past intelligence on the Soviet military dispositions along the borders in Turkistan and in the Amur Valley. He felt that the Red Star article has a ring of real Soviet concern. Godfrey called attention to the possible release of Milovan Djilas today. In reply to a question, the DD/P felt this indicates that the liberals are winning in Yugoslavia and that the release would have an effect in other satellite capitals. Godfrey added that Djilas is a symbol and is not likely to become a central political figure. Abbot Smith for Kent reported that the new SNIE has been drafted, will be discussed by the BNE today, and will go before the reps on Tuesday. r ,MnrT 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500080001-5 Pp I 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500080001-5 Abbot Smith said that the reps met yesterday on the quarterly review of the National Estimates Program. With the Army's request for an Estimate on Soviet strategy in the Mediterranean basin and Secretary McNaughton's desire for a CIA memorandum on European security, he foresees an increasing emphasis on this area. DDCI initiated a discussion on the coordination of Secretary McNaughton's request. It was decided that the memorandum should be strictly an Agency paper. DD/P called attention to the dissemination of an anti-Agency propaganda pamphlet He expects to see this document released in other areas. He called attention to a report from COS, Saigon on the briefing of Senator Symington. DD/P noted a Reuters dispatch from Amman alleging the defection of two Egyptians in MIG-21's to Saudi Arabia. A-DD/S&T said that, concerning the DDCI's question he has thus far been unable to find any reporting. He will make doubly sure on this before calling~at DIA. DDCI asked about a Reuters item in the Night Journal concerning the permission of the Dutch government for the departure of the eight Chinese who were involved in the mysterious death of one of their colleagues last July. DD/P said that he will include this on his list of items to be brought to the Director's attention. DDCI discussed the item on Jordan in yesterday's PDB. c 1 . L . ite Approved For Release 2008/03/03: CIA-RDP80B01676R001500080001-5 25X1 25X1