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U. S. roved For ReAi UNIT-.' DT Y',1 25X1 ^ INDEX +. ~S E C R I. T Cyr .1 -1 r" kl^ thimev DA'K" : 2,T_i1 M_ bA_ Q FILE IN CS FILE N. 10 : eO FP t'4: DAz:3TOR CONF. D/IQ ' ~' To P1?.` "TY SAIL: xm_v 4aAi7V FEI ;.SONALI 25X1 .FOLLOWING IS FOR YOUR INS'ORMATION ONLY ,TO PROVIDE BACKGROUND ON MY REPLY TO 4 SAIO, 7269. 2. MY LETTER TO OENERAL TAYLOR WAS APPARENTLY INEPTLY W O JDED BY INDICATING THAT.I }T WAS M" L1 TDERSTANDING THAT HE HAD .GIVEN GENERAL APPROVAL FOR A $VBSTANTIAL EXPANSION Or KUBARK ACTIVITIES IN VIETNAM IN CONNECTION WITH COUNTER. INST ?:R CrEI jCY. GENERAL TAYLOR REPLIED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY AS FOLLOWS; 'tREPLYIINCi 'TO YOUR MEMQRANIIUM,OF 1' MY 19 64., SUB;ECT: ,AP ' ROVAL OF ACTIVITIESDISCUSSED AT THE BRIEFING. I AM INTERESTJC D " A.RIS OPERATIONS IN VIETNAMS I I WOULD LIKE TO COiR'ECT 'AI`TY I 'MIS.r/.HPREHENSION THAT I TOOK ANY DECISIONS 04 EXPRESSED ANY TJW MATTERS MENTIONED IN YOUR MEMCR ANDUM BUT WOULD S-E-C.R?EwT GROUP : Excluded from automatic downgrading and declass ficiUan REPRODUCTION BY OTHER -THAN THE,15SUING..OFFICE.IS- PROHIBITED. JCS review(OpRT"VRelease 2003/11/05: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 ORIGs UNIT F BATE ? COORDINATING OFFICERS PAGE 2 'l?-SERVE JUDGMENT THEREON UNTIL ?1 HAVE GOT ON THE 0 111* Approved For Relearag Pct c B016 ^ INDEX S -'E -C -R -E -T ^ NO INDEX ^ FILE IN' CS FILE NO. 1DD DISCUSSED THEN[ WITH THE LOCAL OFFICIALS','. PLEASE WIT ROLD ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL. UNTIL I UNDERSTAND TIDE; REQU1REMENT$, ~z'TTER, n 3. THIS WAS FOLLOWED UP BY TELEPHONE ALL. ',=' -ITS MORNING? WHICH -HE INFORMED ME THAT THE IlAD THE IMPRESSION WE WERE SIONS WHILE BEING BRIE$'EP. HE STATEP` THAT HE W.P.S. INTERESTED Vz.: G AN END RUN. ' HE POINTED OUT THAT HE POES NOT MAKE 7 713VERYTHING. WE HAD MENTIONED BUT THAT NOTHING WILL BE DONE IL HE HAS STUDIED THE ENTIRE MATTER ON THE SCENE. SHORTLY AFTER THE TELEPHONE ,CALZ, I DISPATCHED. THE )LLOWING? LETTER TO GENERA.I., TAYLOR; "FOL LOWING'.UP. ON. YOUR LITER OF 1' SULY IN RESPONSE TO MY MEMORANDUM OF THE SAME ?AND..YQUR PHONE CALL THIS MORNING! I. WANT. TOASSUA4. YOU THE ONLY ACTIONS WE HAVE TAKEN 1!tAVE:,P9PNNT0 EXCHANGE Approved For Re S? E- C- R -E.. T 76R00140004002 $ r"? ?CROUP I Excluded from dutom&tlc downgrading and decusalficedon ,,HER THAN THE ISSUING, OFFICE: 6- P, OHLBITED'. e 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80B01~676R0000040027-6 Copy. No. ? Approved For Rele 2~Ob3~l''~AE~JCAP($6J4,1~01676R00 Ol; IC - - r----- 4JNJ ^ INDEX S- E -C- R 'I' t"Xr 0 NO INDEX DATE: 0 FILE IN CS FILE NO. PAGE 3 WITH PEER DESILV,A IN SAIGON WHO, IN ''URN, HAS HAD AN 'Z:PLORATORY DISCUSSION WITH ALEXIS JOHNSON, WE HAVE A.I,ERTEU err ; OF OUR OLD SOUTH VIETNAM VIESE HANDS;. BUT. HAVE NOT. MOVED "I AM SORRY IF WE GAVE YOU T7.'iE IMPRESSION, OF MAKINO AN II) RUN --' THIS WAS CERTAINLY NOT' THE' INTENTION SINCE P WROTE `:'OU, AND ONLY TO YOU, AND YOU ARE T4E COACH, THE CAPTAIN, A'''M THE QUARTERBACK OF THE TEAM. t'WE WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS WftEREVEIi. WE FEEL, CAN BE HELPFUL. I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT THE ASSETS OF THE NCY ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL. YOU NEED OI Y 1jr : O TELL US.} OW ,"),'WOULD LIKE US TO HELP. It . AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE FOREGOING IT WAS MOST FORTUITOUS ISON. THE. LAST SENTENCE OF MY. LETTER- QUOTED ABOVE IS YOU HAD PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED THE., MATTER WITH ALEXIS Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 s -E- cPR 'a .T GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification REPRODUCTION BY OTHERiTHAN THE ISSUIN6 OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. ORI(; ,JNIT EXT DATE ^ FILE IN CS FILE NO. Approved For Releas ^ INDEX ^ NO INDEX CITE DIR 'ile'x HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTION OF ATTEMPTING IN ANY WAY ' UR- BASIC GUIDELINE FOR DISCUSSIONS WITH GENERAL TAYLOR? UNSWITCH IOMPETENCE AND FLEXIBILITY IN CERTAIN AREAS AND IF THESE A; a T ~Y')WARD THIS END IN ANY W,AYI, S LAPEs OR FORM. WE HAVE A MM-x k....-, ARE WANTED FOR THE TASK AT HAND THEY WILL BE MADE .Y.ayAw~7wiwa GROUP I hheludoe4,o autematia 4wspaling and ng an s - -C ,R -E - e.w..Hi I NG AUTHENTICAVING OFFICER REPRODUCTION BY OTHER -THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED. Approved For Rellbe 2003/11/05: CIA-RDP80BO1676R 0040027-6 IDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES EXISTING BOTH IN VIETNAM AND IN ` VAILABLE TO THE MAXIMUM . CAPABILITY OF KTJBARLL .SRINGTONo WE HAVE NO MENTION OF ALLOWING OURSELVES TO COML. EMBROILED IN JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES IN THIS ARENA. EASING OFFICER .END OF MESSAGE .Copy No..... O DIRECTOR FROM ` SAIGON ACTION~-,D/DC I 003/11 /05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00140 40027-6 (COPY ISSUED TO D/DCI, & DDP, 0930 3 JULY) ECC S E C R E T 03/11172 PRIOTITY DIR CITE SAIG 7288 25X1 REF: DIR 32708 GRATEFUL FOR REF AND MUCH RELIEVED. YOUR MESSAGE4 PLUS DIR 32707 GAVE NE A GOOD IDEA AS TO WHAT HAS HAPPENED. PLEASE BE ASSURED I FULLY AGREE YOUR LAST PARAGRAPH AND WILL BE GUIDED BY I TO S E C R E T - -- ~-- -- SECRET REPRODUCTION BY OTHER THAN THE ISSUING OFFICE IS PROHIBITED GROUP I Eidudcd tradim ouranoHc do.rnpronq and Copy No. Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 Approved For ase 2003/11/05: CIA-RDP80B016764000407--6- - 2 July i et *ar t, moral Taylors olio wing v - on your lost., of s my to opons. .?raa o . of the same date, are our Ph*Oo c*U Y,oraing, I ara to aaraurrt you that the arAy actl a we tac.aa3 have boon to exchango vtsa with ever "Silva n, has bed an exploratory d+scu sign A leasi , ohnson. `a have aolerte f atae :a of ur old tla, but harm not txovaxl any people I are sorry i1 we gave you the ?-~.?"astoa of m aktnxg an ena run--dais was certat y xwt the intend- since I '*-rot* to you., and only to you, and you are the coach, Me captain, an4 the quartorbac Cho to a;.. iaua to rf,:*ke su erittc os *hor*rsr we fool we Can be helpful. I can "Sure you that the assets of the Agency &ro at your disposal. You nsoatd only to toell as haw you weed like idly V*Ure, /$/ 11 S. Carter Con* )'a1, USA 25X1 MSC (2 July 1964) Distribution: Orig - Adse 1 -ER t- -- DDCI 1 -DDP I - CFE 1 - Mr. Elder Approved For Release 2003/11/05_:_CIA-RDP80B01676R001400040027-6 Approved For Releaso00 ii THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 1 July 1964 Replying to your memorandum of 1 July 1964, subject: "CIA Operations in Vietnam",`'I would like to correct any misapprehension that I took any decisions or expressed any approval of activities discussed at the briefing. I am interested in all the matters mentioned in your memorandum but would like to reserve judgment thereon until I have got on the ground and discussed them with the local officials. Please withhold any additional personnel until I understand the requirements better. ,e Since rely, MAXW H'LL D. TAYLOR Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Lieutenant General Marshal Carter Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Approved For Release 2003/11/05 CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 CIA-RDP80BO1676R0014M40027- General Maxwell D. Taylor THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON 25, D. C. POSTAGE AND FEES PAID OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Lieutenant General Marshal Carter Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Approved For ease 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80B016701400040027-6 1 July 1964 Colonel Rogers in General Taylor's office called and read the following memorandum dated 1 July 1964 to me over the. phone. You will receive this memorandum today, and I read it to you over the phone last night. "Dear Pat: Replying to your memorandum of 1 July 1964, subject: CIA Operations in Vietnam, I would like to correct any misap- prehension that I took any decisions or expressed any approval of activities discussed at the briefing. I am interested in all the matters mentioned in your memorandum but would like to reserve judgment thereon until I have got on the ground and discussed them with the local officials. Please withhold any additional personnel until I understand the requirements better. Sincerely, /s/ Maxwell D. Taylor" I was not able to reach Myers, Colby or Mr. Helms in their offices this evening, so they have not as yet been informed. Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001400040027-6 Approved For Relea1W 003/1~I/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001V 04002 i July 1964 M ..;101 OXkAN OUM FO The Pentagon ,e Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ~4axwsll U. Taylor CIA Operations in Vietnam 1. In the course of your briefing on 27 June, I understand you gave general approval for a substantial expansion of CIA's activities in Vietnam in connection with counts rins urgency. Our present thinking is that this would involve a steep-up of our efforts in intelligence and counterintelligence, political action and irregu- lar paramilitary activities. Arrange meats will be necessary to insure that this expansion is appropriately coordinated with the operations of N AC V, USOM, USIS, etc., but that at the same time we retain the flexibility essential to successful CIA operations. 2. In the intelligence field, as was reported to you, there have been continued good relationships between military and civilian intelligence activities. We believe that there is move that can 25X1 done, especially in 25X1 military operations in the "hold" phase. In this area, we believe the lines of coordination and collaboration have been 25X1 established, and that it needs only firm direction and encouragement. 25X1 3. With respect to arrax geerxmeents for coordination and Ambassadorial control are also adequately estab- lished and I believe you will be fully satisfied as to your full know- ledge and control of these operations. Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : C1A-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 Approved For Rele2003/1-4f05- : CIA-RDP80B01676R00 0 040027-6 0 4. In the paramilitary;, Id, I believe there is an area of ai:.biguity as to just how irregular forces can best contribute and how they should be beat related to the operations of ARYN, the Regional Forces and the Popular Forces. From DOD, there is a definite contribution to such irregulars which can be made and is highly necessary. Coordination between DOD and CIA has been satisfactorily arranged in the past with the U. S. Army Special Forces, and I am sure that sow similar arrangement can be accomplished again. I suggest &at the problem be examined and a program developed on the grouad with the assistance of a repre- sentative of JCS/SACSA. and :r. William Colby of CIA. To these two. I would recommend the addition of General Victor is rulak, as I suggest that the Fleet Marine Forces Pacific may be able to provide the DOD input into such a combined operation in the manner this was done in the past by the U. S. Special Forces, thereby avoiding any interference with the U. S..A Army Special Forces cur- rent missions and undue calls on their available resources. 5. In order to provide the fastest possible expansion of CIA's 25X1 operations in Vietnam, I am, arranging for the dispatch of 25X1 officers who served tours in Vietnam and who developed 25X1 there in the past. These officers will be understudteis by additional personnel experienced in such operations but who may be relatively new to Vietnamx-i. 6. If this proposal meets with your general. approval, I will have ;r. Colby contact JCS/SALSA and General )rulal,- to arr ge for an early visit to Vietnam to help initiate the above. developments. A telephone call to me will suffice. 25X1 DDP/CFE/ WEColby0(30 Jun 64) Marshall S. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Acting Director Rewritten O/DDCI/MSCarter;lcv (1 Jul 64) Distribution: Orig & 1-Addressee 1 - DDP 1 - ER via Exec Dir 1 - CFE 1 - DDCI 1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/11/05-:_CIA-RDP80B01676R001400040027-6 Approved For Relea 003/11/05: CIA- P8OB01676RO01 040027-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR: General Maxwell D. Taylor The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff The Pentagon SUBJECT; CIA Operations in Vietnam meat I know you will give it. I. In t e course of our briefing on 27 June, you indicated general apps val of a substantial expansion of CIA's activities in Vietnam in co nection with counterinsurgency. Our present thinking is that this would involve a step-up of our efforts in intelligence and counterintelligence, political action and irregular paramilitary acts` ties. Arrangements will be necessary to insure that this exp ion is appropriately coordinated with the operations of MACV, SOM, USIS,, etc., but that at the same time we retain the flexibilityya sentlal to successful CIA operations. 2. In the intelligence fi d, as we reported to you, there has been a growing improvement in relationships between military and civilian intelligence activitie We believe that there is more that can be done, especially in xniitary operations in the "' ld 'phase. In this area, we believe the lines of coordination and llaboration have been established, and that it needs only the fircrr,direction and encourage- g 3. With respect to the err gements for coordination and Ambassadorial control are also equately established and I believe you will be fully satisfied to your full e and control of these nnersfinns- knowled Approved For Release 2003/11/05 CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 Approved For Releai#003/11105: CIA-RDP80B01.676R001,040027-6 John A. Me Cone #Xrector Approved For Release 2003/11/052 CIA-RDP80B01676RO01400040027-6 resources. a program developed on the ' and by a representative of JCS/ SACSA and Mr. Wiilia lby of CIA. To theme two. I would recommend the addition f General Victor Krulak, as I suggest that the Fleet Mine rcea Pacific may be able to provide the DOD input into such combined operation in the manner this was done In the past the U. S. Special Forces, thereby avoiding any iterference th the U. S. Army Special 11 Pbrcesa. current missona and undue ails an their available 4. In the pa fiitary field, I believe there Is an area of ambiguity as to duet ow irregular forces can best contribute and how they should be t related to the operations of ARVN, the Regional Forces and t e Popular Forces. From DOD, there is a definite contribution to uch irregulars which can be made and is highly necessary. Coor nation between DOD and CIA has been satisfactorily arranged i the page with the U. S. Army Special Forces and I am sure that om+ similar arrangement can be accomplished again. I s at?`that the problem be examined and 5. In order t provide the f$atest operations in Vietnam i am nging f of officers wh and who eve o ed op4rat These officers' 11 uns ers u e d by additi We expansion of CIA's the immediate dispatch served tours in Vietnam no there in the past. experienced III such operations but who may be Vietnam. . ively new to 6. 9 tits proposal meets with your general a roval, I will have Mr. Colby contact JCS/ 8ACSA and General Kr k to arrange for an early visit to Vietnam to initiate the above ope tions. personnel Approved For#ea,003/11 /05 : CIA-RDP80B016V 001#040027-6 Z Jw" 1964 alb brt rn for Go"ral y vitt*el be as CiWW" 4. .06arttc t quali k4tiaw> of parson.L be emphasizek-1 . In this c a nn*vti I am ce moat,*xperi oc lid CU, personnel to tba station with capable man with Past a irrespective of p rso i hardships. 25X ?. ava all we :nzpplying the beat and moat cape 'Av oion is rat DI&MAing things t inch you would girt into tole a I am afraid the in d.$h prior JOHN A. MMMcCUN Director 25X1 JAM ,t as move them from po"a rteftng ~iaturday rx orst . win ,a* to give tha support and I l' aylnr In neeU. from he Presidential dire ctiv of Orig - addres see by lcc_- DCI #5 file nnrovj6d For Release 2003/11/05 CIA-RDP8OB01676R001400040027-6 are needed < I do y it a #'or Plans Approved For Rel as~003/11/05: CIA-RDP80B01676R0014W40027-6 0 C~alza/ C ax 1.A~. __ 761 /04.ZC/ d ,,Al (dE .A AL. OUAA . Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 SECRET DIR 32708 IN 20528 1. Peer de Silva, COS"i~waigon. Note: Dissemination added per Mr. Knoche. Approved For Release 2003/11/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001400040027-6 ^ UNCLASSI pIIEoved F? R1&03/11/05 : CIA-RDP$9$0'j1f0027-6 ^ SECRET USE 0 u ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. C F E DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. DDCI 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM USE PRE I RP lx~l 3-62 6~ EDITIONS SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL 1:1 USE ONLY F1 UNCLASSIFIED