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December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
November 16, 2006
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Publication Date:
March 6, 1965
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nn~?-.,.,.,.~ C.,r Dala~~n'~M~I'I'It1~ ? f IIl_RflGRf1R(1~~7~Rf1t1~ Mn~M~R_R
Approved For Release 2006/11116 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001400030028-6
~tor of ~en#ral Itetellig~ra+c+e
s (~. R. St312 aasd .~+?~~
1. 3`l~is ~~oranda~an is far
+~ aae~ty.
~. ~#.~rpra~sentativee 3+ ~, loss {~. , ~al#.f. ~ rodoc+ad ~. R. ?~~~~
~~uar~r f~}b5 ts- ~:nd tl~e so-c~-11s~ ?"~uselaasg~ln8,?' statute {3 . ~, ~.
~"~, ~r.eaarsbers ~e~inad l+d~. A~ss~r and itaatrc~dnced s~#ar~a~ar x~n.+c~asut~as.
~`~-~ tills ~e rete~tred to t&e G~ive~~mut K~#ir~s ~o~xr~itte~r and ~~
tie +cons~Osrer3 by ~e fafor:xxatf+~ ~u~bcmarr~lkt+ee. chsisad try lax. ~~ss.
~e saurae ~: Be~iQx ~dv~raxci '~, Lcts~ (~3., o.~, ~tlsramg~ Frith 1~ +rc~-spooscars.
introdue+ed ~. Ilbti t~- a~,c~nd tl:e -'~t~blls iof~-rzrds.tics~'i s+ectioa of tlxa .A.d~t'iia~t~l-
strati~r~s .ir'arv~e+~ire +sf 19;b ~~ tJ.3.~. 3t~~aj. This bill ,~ ~r+~f~arz~+d to
~ Judiciary ~~-xai,#.#se and ra~ill ~ ce~ldered by tha ~eimini~trati~~r+~
~raCticc a ~x+e ~u~a~itt+ee. tbai~'ed by .~a~r i.c~g.
1aa-rr+~ e~uccoss#y c~te~nded t1~t
t~ a eaeartitEStlas~al priv~+o8e axed djt+rcrn#fiaas trs
det+~x?xxaiu~t w~-t gapers and iafurrr~a~oa~ al~ould ba disclosed fia the put~li~c
i~+~raet. 1~i"hiftt ~#~+~ privil+~gd dCres spat e~ctomd to suhordinste~s, se8ula~ti,cx~s
iir~iti suboxdiaatos' a-utk~rity~ its di~rclase hare bean issued to assure
~e~x~ne:~t Tads' privil+e8e is rest w~darzYainad. ~`i~tis als~r p~rt*t#ects
~e a~tabardix~t+~ #'rc~ra. ia-ei~ forced tc- ~rxalC+~ disc~+~sures u~r sula~-cr~aa~:.
4, tT'p to 1958, t~ rr}cyst ir+~q~ey kited ae~thnr~t~r f'~~? i;ss ~~,ckC
re,~ulat#c~.s mss tlae so?+~alled "Pzc+~as~kea~i" statute. ~' This st#~tut+~ vas
passed ciurTrtB ~zasid+ent 3Tlashiagt+oa's ac#~trinistratit~ snrl granted departm~sat
e ~a~~~-x#ty to issues regula~~s for ~e adrxxir~istratia~t tlxerir de~,artw
r~.enxrs, ix~c~udi~-g seaduTaati+s~a~ de+~-1#~yZ v~ith "c~:stody, use axed gr+~seraa~tfcr~r of.. ,
rescr~rrls, pagars...apgertaixsiag'~ to tea rl,,epartrness~tt~, ~daepex~d~ent agas~c
+canstruad: tT~a.t tleis av-tltnrity apTaliesd to tT~sr1 also.
Approved For Release 2006/11116 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001400030028-6
~. Cc~grerr~ rtr~lr backed b} the pre,re, !`elit bat thiat p+~xety
"hoas~keepiag~' +rt~-tutee was bales iracorree:tiy citee'1 as an asathefrity tc+
wi~thhc-Id iefr~rrmatic>a, Ther+t~-re, i~ 1'~5~, the ,etatuts wa-s a~eoeied tc~
prevtr~t ie frc~, beimg usfd as a basic f?r lsruix~g resulstiaoe rich
",~ se withhal infe~rmatiosx frts~ the ublic ear li~r:itin the
availability c~i reet~rds tee the public " This amexulm.e~t :~ ~reasecl
by its $p~.eors (Cerr-sre~sr~rxskn lairre seed his .~ubc@ttax~~i.ttee staffs ar ~
first small etep i~ imcreaeing the a~ af' grr~trx~n~entaf iafarms#ian
in ilxe public: dc~aia. It was rscagniacea ~.~ as z ~firet step iaecac~ra,
{a~ It created as Beta:clble right itt the public to Qbtaiz~
~ervexxin~+ax~t ~ar~z:atiaa;
tbD it in ao way ini'ritsed u~ the 78 statatar~t ~euthoaritieec
which specifically a~xthb~cissae;! iaforrr~atic~u t4 be wlthhslei at that
tit7~e; Fund
4c) it did uc3t deal with ~e que~rtato? of the inhe-rex~t cvosti-
zuticraal privilege of agemcy h+~ade to withhold iAfQr~.atinn in
t&e"public isltereat. `'
The succsrraful passage of they 1958 amendment was the culrr_inatioa of a
length~r a#fc~rt aa~t bent ug a national repa-tatiun for Ce~tesressrx.a~zx doss
sod hie 5ubcvmmittee as pzotectarr of the public and tke pres~r against
"trecalcitraat bureaucracy. ?f
purpose o#` i~. ~, ~t~l~.
fad l~s previously notet~., Lhe lq!6s a~r,cnclxr.ent did sat psc~rr,ulgatte
a pr~+~itive right .for Lha~ public tar e3btaia infc~rzr~aticm. ~..R. 5~1Z is sri
atte,.tr~pt to rexx~ed~yr Bair situation and is a lagical callow uF tcs ~e 1938
arrrendm~ant, The three key eiemernta of H. lt. 5i91~ a-rt:
(1) tea vert the lrablic with a right to "public`* ixaforxr~s.tion;
~2} to statutoxil~r delioeste erhat constitutes "public"
infoar~x.xtion; aad
~3j tc- proviele legal redresa- far a c?~nc~plainant frr whraarr.
such retards are wrongfully ~wlthheld.
(b) 'Thin purpose is auccamglishr~d in the fe~tlowiag ways: First.
it lays at zest aeny questic~s as tat what is the eitive right cif the public
to recar+ls and ixsformatiote, by providing that eve a euc slxall 3nakc
all its records grorxaptly available to an~r parar,eu. 5e+eand, it backa ~zp
Approved For Release 2006/11116 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001400030028-6
this r#~ht b~ pr~ridia~ that a car~:piaiAaat y ~v #x3 dl,~t~rfst ceurt t~
Qrdsr the pxctd~x+~tic~xx a~i' aaY~ a~en+c;~ reet~rds or ixr~f+r~x~r~.ictitaxt irz~pz~-p+~rly
withheld. `~' burei is ialated ~ the a~er~cc~ to ~e~at+wfrx it~r "with~,eldi~-,
axtd pre~visi+a~s a~ za~ade #a~' ex~diting the cart a~tic~. ?
getters ss:c+~epted are these ths.t area:
~taxx~isliae,ce with a c+sc~st aPd+~r l~.ishathie ~~ t~-~ebr>~t. 'Third, it
de?i,as~ whatt ce~,~titsa~tes "p~~i~iic ~frrrn~ati~z.r' as aii ~r-?atter~ a~a~, ~ap~-ci-
i'i+~a~il- e~zc+z~te+3. ~~ eo +~,, it au#h+a~?iees eai~ht e~rceptiesrs. ~"#~+~
f~3 sperci~iceik~ required ~ executive a~rder to be ka~pt
secrert iw ~+~ Merest ' tlse antic~a-l. cieri'estse err ~i#+~~:
~~~ xe3.ated s+~iel~ to the ~xteracr~s.2 perse~el rules an+i
praactice+~ of ~.y sgGttc;~;
~3~ apereiff~sal~ exerrn~d freers ~diactasaree bar atatut+~i
{4~ traces se~rsts aced c~erciai ar ~c~irl iafa:~rx~Aatiae~
c~b-teiaed facer tlar i~~c aid pr~rilaa~ed or c+asdeaatislt
y car iu~trac-age~~ ~$ea~ar~d~- ear lattacrat
dsrac2#se~ arealety Frith t~r~ettera a~ taw er ~c~~
~6} pisrawel asd ne~e+dica~l deer u?d siiar.r rr}atter~r, the
diaa,rure e>t which waau~td ceastftuter a cletarig~ wawar:e~ste+i
izcws.sic~ lae~rsvasa-1 pri~raa;y.
ery hews aeese~piled far l+~w erruEaara:e~neat
pzcrp~eee eacc~c~t to the e~xt+oxtt anracilachle by law to a pzi~raate
Pa~rt~ at~d
{~} coatctactaed in ~+r reiatakd tc~ eacaa~aiaa-tiess, tij'~rr#-t, ar
c~ditiasar respearts pra4~-red by, ~ behs~if ~, r-x f~-r the
a-~ty aBaac~r rraepes~sihler far t~ rergulata~ a~ sup,ervisie~ of
fiaaau~ciai i~ifi~tic~r~-.
F+~urth, tee a~rsuts~er thx-t -disrleeure; ~Y ea ager~c y stli r-vt he based caa
a-n~ atithcu~ity der thaka the t~#tt euccel-ti~s, -acti~ ~: ark the b#il r+~geacla
all laws ar parts of laws iz~ccsarsiate-at with the arrbesreat.
Ba-c ~rerued - ;~. iXb-~.
.. .~.
7. iip ter the titre ~sf the pacssaE~er c~? the ~diaistrat~va ~re~edure
.Aa4t crt I~~~i ~~ ~. ~. ~. iQQ~): the esly ~a~ trta-tute u~ra.der +~rhf~eh ege~ciers
cc~x#d pwblish rer~saie-tit~ar dear rr#th the disci ~' is~za~atfaer. ~s
tier "hu;ssehe+cping'~ artacteate re:,te:xred t+~ cacrlier. Wi#h the etwcGtxrxetatt taf
Approved For Release 20116:CIA-RDP80B01676R001400030028-6
~ecti~. ,~ +~? t; aetrativ~r &~ro,~eduxe ~~t, additio+~at
ae dia~cYo>t~re a~xicl ~r~r-disclo~euue~e rlt~re st~t~iz~rlt~ pz+ta~ecrfbed.
~~ ~eife>rxn: rxtles ~' grr,scti+as a~td ixracodura f?~r t~aue qw~i~-~i,~'i~t~v+~
~ci ~uasi?~udtct~sl fctiaasa ' ~+enci+~s. lier~~l~ agax~~ia,~ i~r itr
pxi~$ax~ ct+ratcaxn; bo~nev+~s, it is ~ ,r,tattx~tR ~-f ,~emelr~tl a~v~Iicsbillt~r aarcd
~~ a~ea~cy ~~ ~r~-aa~ted ex+~a~ion fry aaco ~o ~~ tbli~c ~+teees~s
to ~rcisi-a~l~eg p~r~esn ata~ ici~r~ balu~ fal~+ar~ io tbrt ftal~
of ad>a~is~is~tr~tti~e iaar, tba .l~ct eo~a~t~s a public afar~nti s~actiadn
g~~tt ~ ca~t~~la dis~cles~x~rs. 'Tb+~se d#u+~ia~u~r~s ~t~~~
aS+~~-s~?*,~ ceatxal ~d field e~safsstic~, its r~l+dss, r,~tea~,r aid
d~irdl~3Ci1, ~itd itat regards.
'~. ,~xcl~rioaas. TbQ .~c~ pr~trida~ tam gestaral ex~l~ri
bona p~lal~c ~faati~ araquirerrxaea~~s. ~a first lames to deg vpith ~.
fua~ttox- of the Ua~itaEd mates raquir#~tg secrecy ise the l#~ rote:ems
and tho secs~d ~b s?y xx~attax relaatia~ ec-laey to tba f>steae>ra~l. ar~:~gaent
of ~ ade>~e~r. F`ur~ear e~texx~ptic~s to tba dtst"l+a+~ux?e~ rules asre ~xax~tad
t+~ o~ians ordear~ i?` far rid sage tlx~a?. are tts ba bald cana~idax~tiakl.
a?d to ad+wtney racc-ads vzbi+ch sh+suld 1rr 3~a~.d c+aa~fldwtstia~l_f+sr fit~~ caursa
+d vo-i~z a further ar+~,uirarneat tba~ tba intaxea~d ?parC~t r~~u>i~t
pro~er2~r sad directly cox~caar>aed.
Iii. ~nato>r Loa#t a>r~d otier ~-ropoa~snts i'c~ar a~ncarsndi>~~ tl~c ~b1i+~
~fr~xn:~atioarx ~reztiaa aef the ,A.dar~ia~ttra.ti~re Px~t>cedux~a .~,ct, f$ei t.~xa~t 'the
Act is serlausly d~ficicat ix~ tbs fells~ar#e,~ respac#s:
'Tber~o- is >~ daiixuitatic~ ozt ~rbst the ph~rasa ~'iax tls~
public interastr' xx~saws. 'Wien axciusions are bxsaci ~ secrec~r,
#hexa is a~ aut$t~atity Bars ravi+~vrbag a f'edearal official,*s ax:ter-
pretatioas t~# aa~t that phrase ~:~e:tass.
~b~ the e~cemptic-x~ grau~tesd iaa tba ease +sf >3gini~ma~ o>r
+aardera? b~+es.vessr tbay~ era "armored filar ~o+~d c~e.use to be ~-eId
cvnfi>ie>stial" iar ~ aaost w~irnit~r~ oe~t for +si`ficials rorlscr dtr
xtet waEnt to a~eaaka a
~(c) `I`he exe~~ioe gzaet+rd ie, tics ca.e+e of a;~enc;,~ xecarde
provi+~aa~ a da~eble?h~erralad loop8ais brrca~us+~ each re+taxds can
lie beLd +~o>r~fidantiai ''for goad caats,a ftsu+~i" auai the arecoxcls +a:an
Y ba rageeawte~i by pers~s ~*prepe~rlyr aaaut directly cQncarx~ed. ,j
(ei} there ia~r >~o xe.rnedy to cases crF ~wxc+zt,~i`~.1. withhotdixz
infoarxr~stiase farrrt~?~ Lhe public by +Cwvezarx~s?sx~t oi~'iciaxs.
Approved For Releale 2006/11/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R001400030028-6
i i
14. Effect an Agency - S. 1164. Since the Agenc f has no
quasi-judicial or legislative authority, as such, the Agenc,' does not
fall within the intended and practical scope of the Act. The Agency's
dealings with the public in i rule-making. or adjudicatory capacity are
limited to its own employees and its procurement activities. With
respect to employees, the bill specifically excludes "internal Personnel
rules and practices" and the Agency has specific statutory authority for
non-disclosure in this area. With respect to procurement, the bill makes
no changes in disclosures relating to the Agency's procurement activities.
15. Conclusion. The passage of 14. R. 501Z and S. 1160 would
not in any foreseeable way affect the Agency's authority to maintain its
present non-disclosure policy.
Legislative Counsel
Approved For Release 2006/11/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R001400030028-6