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Document Release Date: 
December 23, 2008
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Publication Date: 
December 20, 1960
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Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001200110036-0 6-71 Dear Pearre: Reference my visit with you in late November, I sincerely appreciate having had the opportunity to visit with you and to discuss possible future connections with the Agency. As I* mentioned at that time, I had not made any effort to contact any other possible sources of employment, as before doing so I wanted to get your advice as to the possibility of working in your activity in which, I assure you, I am vitally interested. I appreciate the encouragement which you gave"-and,-afte-r thinking the matter avex, I have come to the following conclusions. I am still very much interested in joining the Agency, although I realize that it offers little from a financial viewpoint. However, this is not too important. The above statement is not to be construed as a firm commitment at this time on my part, in case you decide to offer me something. I am starting to make some other contacts to determine what they have to offer. Having decided quite some time ago to serve until mandatory retirement rather than request early voluntary retirement, I feel that I would not want to request voluntary retirement unless something which was really overriding developed. A s I mentioned to you, I definitely want to live in r the District of Columbia area. says the Washington area is where we are going to locate, so suppose that will be it. However, I would be willing to live or a few years if something developed which required that I do so. I hope the above gives you the information required in considering whether or not you desire to give my application further consideration. joins in best wishes to you and yours for the Holiday Season. Sincerely, General C. P . Cabell., USAF' / - Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 2430 E Street, N. W. Washington Z5, D. C. Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001200110036-0 Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R001200110036-0 MEMORANDUM FOR: General Cabell Obviously., the attached supersedes my draft letter of 9 January. STAT Sherman Kent has advised that he will oar of National Estimates and is confirming in a letter to the Director. ) 13 Jan 61 (DATE) FORM NO. 10) REPLACES FORM 10-Ioi _ I AUG GA H I H Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R001200110036-0 pproved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP80BO1676R001200110036-0 FORM NO. r) 2 7 Replaces Form 30-4 (40) I APR 55 L ! which may he nand SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE 1 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Please prepare appropriate reply ("Dear Joe") for my signature. SUSPENSE: FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND DEPUTY DIRECTOR M UNCLASSIFIED CONFID ECET STAT Approved For Release 2008/12/23: CIA-RDP80B01676R001200110036-0