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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100070002-3 .$ 1. ya~ee National unity - Go cil, taking co zance of t 30 vicious covert activities of the U:91,SRS am C( ?s ist china and the, governments,, parties and groups dominated by them (hereafter col- lectively referred to as "Tnt..ernat ional Communism") to discredit and defeat the aims and activities of the United States and oth e r pore of the free sorld, deter ied, as set forth in t3C direc- tives 10/2 aM ix./5, that, in the interests cf world oeace and U. S. national see Overt foreign activities of the U. S. Uovernment should be supp3.eiented by covert operations. 2? The Central thtelli.gence agency had already been charged tional Aecurity Council vdth conducting espionage and counterespionage operations abroad. It therefore seemed desirable, for operational.. reasons, not to create a new agency for covert "rations,,, but, subject to directives from the WSC, to place the pcnsib3lity for than on the Central Intelligence Agency and onege and counterespionage operations under the over-all control of the fl rector of Central Inteellipsnce. 3? The N SC has determined that such covert operations hell greatest extent practicable, in the light of U. . and NATIONAL SECURITY CCPII-'CtL DII TIVE on Ctr11".ea'r' 0PtATI[:4;; es and taking into account the risk of a. Create Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP80B01676RO0110F7 02 s 7c 3- Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100070002-3 a. Create and exploit troublesome problem for later- national Communism, impair relations between the I WSW and Communist China and between them and their satellites, and c iicate control within the U R, Ca mmunist China and their satellites, a retard the growth of the military and economic potential of the Soviet blccj b. Discredit the prestige and ideology of International onnuniasra, and reduce tire strength of its parties and other elemental Counter a-a threat of a ea.rty or individuals directly or indirectly responsive to Ccam anist control to achieve in a free world country; d. :educe international Ccnr unist control over any ants of the world i strengthen the orientation toward the United States of the peoples and nations of the fre, world, eceentuate, ever possible? the identity of interest between such peoples and nations and the United States as well as favoring, where ppropriatee, those grou;:ps genuinely advocating or brrlievin he advancement of such mutual interests, and increase the capacity and will of such peoples and nations to resist Inter Lan3 .t. in accordance accordance with established policies and to the extent practicable in areas donated or threatened hY Inter- national C m uni.sm, develop underground resistance and f'aci'litate Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP80B01676R0014001NO0O2 f F 2 ` ? 6; Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100070002-3 facilitate covert and guerrilla operations and ensure avai.l- abilit of those forces in the event of war, including wherever practicable provision. of a base upon rich the y Viand thepe forces in time of war within Live theaters of operations as well as proviasion for atav- behind assets and escape and evasion facilities. t.. Under the authority of Srrctica. 102 (d) r5) of the ?national qty Act cf l917, the ,tional Security Council hereby directs that the W.rsctor of ntral Intelligence shall be responsible fors designated representatives of the Lary of Mate and cf the Secretary of Defense, that covert operations are planned and conducted in a manner, con- sistent with United .ten foreign and military policies and with overt activities, and consulting with and obtaining ad- vice from the erations Coordinating Board and other depart- ments or agencies as appropriate. b. Informing, through appropriate channels and on a need basis agencies of the U. S. firers nt, both at ham abroad (including diplomatic and military representatives) of such operations as will affect them. 5. In addition to the provisions of paragraph 4, the following rovisiona shall apply to wartime covert operationss a. 'Plans for covert operations to be conducted in active theaters of war and any other areas in which U. `w . forces are d 11708-F Approved For Release 2003/041.18 :-CIA-RDP80BO 1676R001100070 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100070002-3 engaged in combat operations will be drawn up wiha the assistance of the impartment of Defense and will be in consonance with and coigilemeritary to approved wsr plans of the Joint Chiefs of 'Itaff. b. Covert operations in active theaters of war any other areas in whist U. ". forces are engaged in combat operations will to conducted under such coed and control lat3 cwt! ips as have been or may in t e future be approved by t.+e Department of Defense. As used in this directive, "covert operations" shall be d to be all activities conducted pursuant to this di- rective which am so planned and executed that any U. 0ovorneent .bili.ty for them is not evident to unauthorised persons and that if uncovered the U. S. Gaverx nt can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them. cificti 1yr, such operations shall include covert activities related toe propaganda; politta&l action; ecow io warfare; preventive direct. action, including sabotage, anti- sabotage, demolition; escape and evasion and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states or groups including assistance to underground resistance movements,, guerrillas and refugee liberation. nous and anti-comeuntat elements in ad countries of the free world; deception plane and opera- 4 all activities compatible with this directive necessary the foregoing. Such operations shall not include: :?. 91708-F Approved For Release 2003/04/18 h CIA-RDP80B01676RO011000700 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100070002-3 and conflict by recognised military forces, espioWe and counter- espionage,, nor cover and deception for military operations. directive supersedes and rescinds .,C 10/2 and 1C l0/5. qubpara:;raphs "ea"r and "b" under the heading ' Additio-zai. itivne of ng Boa:rd" on page 1 of the T'reesidant's temco- ive Secret :ry, iatic{real Securitj Council ssupple- vea Order 10483 a 'e eu :erseded by the followim K pro-- e ambers of the C)pc:rations Coordinatizw Lo.,rd es under appropriate secure ty arran ;e =eats, be advised of those covert operations related to Watic 1 Security t ou.nall policies assigned to the Board for coordination or related to such other functions as may be atom wed to tfie Board. b. The designated representatives of the Secretaries of e and Defense referred to In p irapraph 4-a. above shall keep the Bourd icembers of their respective departments advised as to natters on which they are consulted by the Ztireetcr of Central Intellience, and which have Leon or are to be referred ?tc: the tip ratztona Coordiryutit s Bca.rcu0 c. The U rations Coordinat: nt: Board will he the normal channel for securing coordination cf support aeacraj, the Iepart- er nts cf State and Defense and the Central Intelligen Agency. Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP80B01676RO011CPOWQO3e6 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676RO01100070002-3 91 National Security Council ceoutve Secre Mr. There is attached a copy of a draft directive to atsper- sode ii ,-,C 10/2 and N'SC 1O/5, and certain provisions of the President's memorandum to the Executive Secretary, National Security Council supplee tin ; Executive Order 10483. The purpose of this draft in to incorporate in one currently applicable document the directive relating to covert opera- tions by the Central Intelligence Agency. irecator of Central Intelligence. It is trane- ith, the Deputy secretary of Defewse, :fir. t has bean approved by the Under *cretar y of d to you so that it may be appropriately considered by s National Security Council and, it approved by it, sub- ALLEN lit. DUl Director Attachmentsz 2 TS No. 91708-Y, Copy I I' (10 February 1954) Distribution: Copy No. 1 & 2 - Addressee 3 - Sig ne rr - Signer 5 - SA/DCI 6 - SA/DCI 7 - PT t4l-e "-It- ~' l No. 91737 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R001100070002-3 a'8 Approved For Release 20 (P/4 :;:.!A=F DP80B01676RO01100070002-3 1 1 r ebruary 1954 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: NSC 10 Series Directives I called I at the NSC sine s out of town. He was familiar with the procedure previously used for handling NSC 10 series documents. He said that if a copy was sent to the Executive Secretary of NSC with a memorandum say- ing that the paper had been approved by General Smith, and yourself, it would then be circulated by hand to the statutory members of the NSC and, if approved by them, submitted to the President. There is attached such a memorandum to 1 -1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 special Assistant to the Director Att. Copies 1 & 2, TS No. 91737 Copies 1 & 2, T 5 No. 91708-F Approved For Release 20 3104/ iA~-RDP80B01676RO01100070002-3 L r ~~~nrnv~~r R " 76 - . SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION SOURCE SA/DCI REGISTRY CIA CONTROL NO. #91738 DOC. NO. - DATE DOC. REC'D. DOC. Date 11 F b. 19 COpy NO. 1 2 f 5 LOGGED BY of a es NO. OF ATTACIMENTS T , & TS 91705-F, 1 and 2 &2 ATTENTION: THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO EACH TOP SECRET DOCUMENT RECEIVED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OR CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITHIN THE CIA AND WILL REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT IS DOWNGRADED. 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EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RECEIVES !A ND/OR UMNSAPROVIDEDATTATHEDNAME OFCEACHMjNDRVIDUALLWH0IHASTSEENF~HE TOPISECRETEDOCUMENTOANDUTHEDDATE OFEHANDLINGNSHOULD B IN A - REFERREO TO REC IVED RELEASED BEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME NAME ~ OFFICE SYM80L DATE .~G-~- i /i -~d r a s NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: WHEN THIS FORM IS DETACHED FROM TOP SECRET MATERIAL IT SHALL BE COMPLETED IN THE APPROPRIATE SPACES BELOW AND TRANSMITTED TO CENTRAL TOP SE RET ONT OL FO E THE TOP SECRET MA AL E H TH 0 BY (SIGNATURE) DOWNGRADED O-] DESTROYED D DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA! TO OFFICE DATE 2-3 FORM N0. 13 JAN 19b0 ~ 1~OP SECRET r .~ .