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Approved For Release 2003/07/29 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000050052-1 J4PriI 1t~~,. i a'~ra~3cn ~~-'6~~z~ ~:~.t-es aid ~ee~rc~a ~+mrv3.ss~ ~ ~ lat'~T t~P ~. ~ri1 ~ ~.nF~r~ed you mat t~tarta rt~e~r#.ng the l~rld '~~r ~2 War P'r~>+?cs~~ 3r pia ~~t~1oa hr~rr +aa~~lated and o~ the feet a? s~rr~:a a~~ :?ar ci#atxuo'~.~on, CI ~} intaxs~tt iu b?tt t'e~tt; #~aaa np~,as ~ rrl.el~a aad the ~r off' ~1e~i.a.1~i~:~al ~ h~,~ st~~ laha C~~ ~raa-r#~ 4ft`iaar ti's rte~t~at.? ~r~e ~~r fi~~ tr~af"ar s~f ~h+~ aalae+t~d rec~rda ~1; ~,nt~rpeaea ~c mbj?a1~ic~ to tais deatruativ~ ~sf $~~ r~- rtl~ ra~'arzed t~ i~ ~raur lrt#.~-r of ~~ ~-3~ ~~~1,. >~~se3~e~~ T~~r J~css ~ ~occc~r #a~s~.st~t ~.real~r ~sllaa~~.Qn: & ~.aa~stit~r? ~CD:JB:rbh c c : 3~D/I w/b~.si c Chief, Pent Stf, ~ttxi: Chief, IT3/CD ORR/ST/S, Attn : far action STAT Approved For Release 2003/07/29 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000050052-1 Approved For Release 2003/07/29 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000050052-1 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION National Archives and Records Sera:ce Washin,~ton 2:i, D. ?:'. April 13, l~; ~!~ Lt. General C. P. Cabell Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C, The Federal Records Center jn Alexandria, Pirginia, hot=~s about 50,000 cubic feet of records of the World War Ii War Produe~i.on Board, its predecessors and successors, that were transferred to the Department of Commerce upon the termination in 19117 of the Office of Temporary Controls. These records, with certain exceptions, do not have suf~'icie~t value to the Department of Commerce to warrant their further pre~rva- tion. Attached is a disposal list describing those records that ::~ppe~3 to be disposable at-this time. Appended to it is an analysis of she records of the Board that appear still to be of continuing value. In view of the fact that during recent rr~nths sores use ~~1as made of WPB files by representatives of your Agency' we wane to e,~sure that the records to be retained will meet the needs of the Centro Intelligence Agency. We would appr8ciate a statement from you as to whether `:.he work of the Central Intelligence Agency would be impeded if dispo:~itir~ of the WFB records is made in accordance with the plan indicated ~ the attached fiats. Sincerely yours, Robert H. Bahmer Acting Archivist of the United States Approved For Release 2003/07/29 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000050052-1 ~,ta77gqd~al'rl ~ntm X70. 116 r Promdlgatod 9-1 "(9 by (3eneralt3ervicesAdmini9trationA rove~~I~I~~I~a~~~0~~'I -RDP80B The Natlonal Archives pp TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS (For instructions on the use of this form sae N~tfonal Archives Manual on the Disposition of Federal Records) To: THE ARCHIVIST OF THE UNITED STATES, NATIONAL ARCH IVES, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. t. FROM (AGENCY OR ESTABLISHMENT) General Serviceis Adm~nistratie~n 2. MAJOR SUBDIVISION -_-~--- -~_ - _ Records Manage>rment Service4;~ Region III A 3. MINOR SUBDIVlS10N Federal Records Cesr~teisr A. NAME OF PERSON WITH WHOM TO CONFER Ma Y, RittBr 6. GERTIFICATE OF AGENCY REPRESENTATIVC-: The records have B The records wilt cease to have sufficient value ceased to have euffi? to warrant further retention on the ezpiration cient value to warrant of the period of time indicated or on the occur- further retention, react of the event specified. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (WITH INCLUSIVE DATES OR RETENTION PERIODS) I hereby ce~ify that I em authorized to act for the lmad of this agency is matters pertalaing to the disposal of records, end that the reeorda dexril:ec:n :k is list or schedule of pages are proposed for disposal for the reason indicated: ("X" only one) -1.6~6RA~-1~00'~~ _._ __ __ DATE RECEIVED ~ 1UB tau _ _ ~__ _ _ - _ --__CONGRESSIONAL AUTHQ321ZATlC~N HOUSE REPORT N0. CONE~tESS ~ f'A~" SP_S iION I NOT1FIC/?i'lON TO A4 ENCY CONGRESS HAS AUTHURIYED DISPOSI:". OF if-E^^'3 "DISPOSAL APPROVED" IN ~.oLUMN 70: The records will have ceased to have s>i#icient vaiae to ,varr~tt retention in their original form by virt,;e of tic ;s?. hrt the microphotographic copies, made in aa:anlance q.,t ; a-+m-itrds of the National Archives Coucsil, will be ss~plianae aoxiu~issioners, result- in the iasuarn:e of r~.ore than ~ suapensian oPderr~ susper~d3~ a~.Io?ations ar priosit3es tt~ brim.. lase by a aolr~~r into proportioai with equitable arse - ~aea-ntia3.ly a ~ of allocation ?r priority), rarara than consent orders (company a~tted eiolation ar~d agreed to revised pr3.arity ar a13.ocati.oa), grad mom min ~COf3 prc~battian orders. L?ffieial i`i3e g eav~.ring eae~ order ors retained in t-h8 Nati;onel. ~rc3-~i.~es among 'the reetrxrr~.a of the xecord- r$t~s'3''3 in the aa$e flf appeai$, files are atsong the records of the ~hi,ef Cor~pliar,ee Caz~i.asiox~ss~, ~iah ar$ al,lst~ in the National. Arcr4ivas. statue Infarmaticrn order ~'11esi 190-1t7i Files l~,intain by the Statue Ir:f'ormati.on Branch c~P the Adat3,nistrat~ive Sax^vie+~s Division of ttae i~ax Pradu+ri~.on Board, They talmre designated as the official "order" files: of the Board, arnl cons3$t of copies of applilca+.~:oxn>~s for priority ~ ar~sistamce requi:re~i unc3.er various .~f'b orders. I gha rleccards are Sri ul~l.er the order nuwbers by month or quarter, thereurad.er ~ xlame of apFiicar~t, m it ne~tess3ary for a ses~rc.~~.er to axamisa records ~cen- ever ari extens3ive search is rsq?xS.red. Afiozeovsr~ the files- contain Iitt3? asupp4~ing data ais the cx3rreapondsr>.a and supporting documexx#,s~ Wsra rou~6ed to the apPrcpriate divi~~ion far processiu~;. 2~-aeh of the posg~ible value of the records >~s~ therafox?e, sis~sx? contained in the 'statue informat3.an files as tt~e 3ivieiorr .t'ika rare auPpo;aedly ttae mare congplete. ~e statue infarll~atian ~.'i1ee, on the other hs~i: ire ~ net scree>~d either for records to be includes in the ~ Plant 1'3a'tse. Integration files or the Policy Ijocwttentatic''n file, and ~rere in that sense far a time more valuable than tie divilsion f'i~lea contsgimi,a~; sim3.lar ~ duplicate rse~orc~.s. ~zere is an axcaeptian to the a~csve $tatesaent in the feat that the PT1IA,+s (t~PB ~.fs} reportil~ farm that for>sled a large Isegr~snt of the atata.s inf'ormatian Elise ~rers destmgsd throu?h Marsh 19~'... ~,ss r~aai~.ng P7)IA mcarde saver the period 19~a through .~ugusst 19~. Production Require>~?ntt3 Ilan (PRP) and Control7.sd M~tteri:sls Pisan ~~ I1~.risional Pecor{3a, 19,2-~: T'he Praducti?n Requirements Plan aztd its aus$essor~_~e SAI~LNOOR ~ ACTtC~N "A CI N Ap p roil ~?~-.,R~lea~.2p~3~Q7>629~r~~B~~61~66i~QD 1000050052-1.., 19t1indtLrcL Farm. No. 116n, _ Promulgated 9-1-49 by A roved For Release 2003/07/29 CIA-RDP80B01676F~~k0~t60DlL-X0.052-1 pa~~~ _ __ __ C1ene~al Services Administration pp 7, ITEM NO. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (WITH INCLUSIVE DATES QR RETENTION PERIODS) 9' SAFIPLE OR 1 AC7".O .iDB NO. ~-- - -. Controlled Materials Plate, were use to a loos zna eri al to applicants for use in cQrpletizzg wartime projects. I The applications were routed to the dirisiozi chslred with the function of allocating particular materials in- alved in the production of certain and-products. The PRP records consist primarl.~,y of Forms ~'i3 2~A (Application for Priority Assistance under Prod~kction Requirements Dian}, PD 25F (Application .for Supplertentary Authorization under Production r~Qquiremants Plan, correspondence, and related data and work sheets. Eate$ 191 - let quarter 1943? The C~iF' records consist pri~larily of Form C~,F'-ItB Application for Allotment of Controlled Materials, ar~clf or change i:n A.uthori~d Production Schedule}, CAL-2{~t} (Allotment Increase and ~?evissd Authori.sced Production Sehedule~+ eorrespor~dence and arctic sheets. Dates -first ~ quarter 1943-~-9~~? I 6. Industry Divisions and. ?3ureaua (except operatin? files of ~ -the A'hnsrals Bureau, such as these of the M#.ni.n~ Divisions Aiisc?12an@OLiB ~iineP-mss Divisior>s~ A~ultl~riLi7li ~I~IleiS~.UAi I}~.Y~.- sic~n,, and ASstals and A~.nerale Division covered by "LOg No. 32D?"~, 19~-47s Recc>rda of about 27 industry zunittaes that worked ~.~i.th them and other comrnit~tees that detezm3xied plaiicies majc)r materials sind.Iar to ttiol,e listed urr~.er the item 1 NOTE are J in the Nationaa Arch Ives. i I ~1?t duplicated in thQ '~faati?nal Archives are the innumerable f outs filled out b~~ all of the taembers of the various 3.tuiusLries in aonneetion with allocations, priorities aud. compliance ~+ith orders and. rege~l.ations together =~it~: the ra7.ated correspo~ience at the division, branch, section, 1 and unit levels. These nave, however, Y,a~sn held REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS-Continuation Sheet pprov p,~- , P , 4a~e:,rP~0~k1GI61~~00050052-1 ~a-bB~=~ ~ ` .o ;7. '~ T a! "Eft Eit~uldttral Ferm No. 116a Promulgated X1-49 by General Services Administration Approved For Release 2003/07/29 CIA-RDP80B016764~0~.0,50452-.1._ ~a~~; ~ _ _ The National Archives ~~C sgea REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO DISPOSE OF RECORDS-Continuatian Sheet ~. ITEM NO. 8. DESCRIPTION OF ITEM (WITH INCLUSIVE DATES OR RETENTION PERIODS) ~ dears lottgar thau~t was de~ned necesaarg byy #~e Production FsQard, ~>.~ it), a ~3epesal schedule approved by Co~resl~ in 19~t5 prov:tded fctx their retention for only two years after the close of #~e program. Tn aatciitiot~ there are beir~ held at the F'ecieral r?~ecs~rda Center, legion 3, ~~ forma .ttsd by 5,Od0 representative firma ~..n the P~,nt Data Integration File mentforyed above, was fora were pull+~ from this residue of the div~.siona3 files and are r>.ot to be deatro~d at this time. s. SAMPLE OR J09 NO. ~ ~ - ---- - _ _ Approved ~?~Re~se~l0a/~9~~lAaR~{3tiSY@1000050052-'la a:~-: Approved For Release 2003/07/29 :CIA-RDP80B01676R001000050052-1 ..~:. rec+ards ~,. ~-~ ~ra;x~e~x far dispaaa,3 repres+~at rep t~s tsar Fs~rt3on '~.rd ar.~i ,~x'e~ereevx sad su~veaRaor ?~r;~iaa, a ~ ~ Feci~sra:~ x~ts dear, ~~ ao.st 4t iooo~2ata ~~ ~e uarterra axed tiel.d a~'~ ieos f rts~: vah~.ch pave bees r+~~rael the r~cat~ ~ of er BxaAt 1F~.L'i4t. ~t3~.1~' tx~aat:ita:ted era atxaa~iaa~ f~~ aa~tl ~~v~ra Prcx~.e~cti ~:istrati@n recarda ate#, ~:.~~ ~^~ ~~~_ e raaor~a of ~ex~zeaat value xiv~- iaz the ~at~i~~l. Arivee~i ~r~c ~.~ ; .hee ~'+caltcy ~ricuaa~ta~.~n ar3d ~e1sa?~ 13vicent rile. In 15~ ~e I~s~~t~~seri~ ~aich ~sv 1ta '~i.~at3.a~~ ~ivisioa ia9hersted those a~skr #r~~ive~, #.;~v3.ted ?~tl~r Oovexrnt 8~ erx~ci~ ~~ t~.e~ cca~i~.ered oi: passi~le prr~ About l~~~fl met ~~ r$~jo~ -~eae +?y~~~ a?~e cf t