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Approved For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000020015-5 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGA'T'ION R"y"e Most IWW so Me Na WASHINGTON 25, D. April 24, 1 )159 =I ralf-IVY-T ZNg DFF'1 Ql 2'p~ CQU =B PAR Q During the course of his recent visit to Red C! ina. a leading functionary of the Communist Party, USA, conferred cti: length with Mao Tse-tung, chairman of the Communist Party of China; Mang Chia-hsing, head of the International Liaiaor Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; Tang Ming,-chap, a former resident of the United States, and Liu Shae-chi, vice chairman of the Central Committee n,,.? t.f?:r Communist Party of China. Both llbo and Liu emphasized that the months of Aby sec June, 1959, will be "sharp months" in that the international situation will reach critical points. They stated in ref:erenne to the Berlin situation that the communist countries are not goit ny to give in and that the Chinese leaders are convinced that the Feetern powers including the Oiited States will retreat. The Berlin question will become as critical that the co%munha?~s will have to find a ".race saving" device in order to let the United States reach an understanding or retreat gracefully. Mao stated thcr- -,te communist powers are not worried about the military threw s r' k le Ohhited States. Beth Mao and Liu Stated that in addition to Bee; in, ; 1,4 communist powere will keep the imperialists busy In many ways. "hey specifically referred to Taiwan and said that another situatle: similar to the situation existing a year age may develop and t"to it may lead to the brink of war. They added that the Chinese m-, Z not retreat but may find face Saving" measures for the reater;I powers. They claimed that they have an "active front" in Taivr.-r and there may be eruptions in ether places. Neither he nor I:r was specific concerning this last Statement. Mao desired that the C'ommeunist Party, Li5'A, function 'ir advise the Communist Party, VS'A, that inasmuch as United States imperialists cannot do anything to Russia or to China that the, may take action against the American communist.. They quo -ied this American Communist Party leader as to whether the Caamun met Party, USA, would be ready in the event of attacks against it or whether the Communist Party, PISA. would go along as t1tough the i +s are normal In the international area. Approved For Releaser1035/06to84 CtA- Di8&B01676R001000020015-5 Approved For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000020015-5 T C p SEC R E T 13oth I,6ao and Liu, particularly the latter, c i,3 cuss;l o-- nct ionary methods of work and the American Communist Party fu tactics of underground activities for the Communist ~rtaasa nom They gave the Empress ion that the Communist Party, need a large mans Party but rather needs a hard core which will defend the purity of lftrxism-Leninism. The Chinese emphasised c there should be a broad corps of tens of thousands working 03 leaders in mass organizations. They pointed out that for ea.h t Communist Party member, there as supporters of persCoons stnPcrtps-rrt i Communist Party members or would be able to take advantage of situations without t-eing hurt 7-,'A, or damaged in any way. They concluded that the Communist Pc.rty, 7-,'A, should be a small communist Party and if the conditions de-uc nd an illegal communist Party. for a third party par it y necess In regard to the a labor party, both Lbto and Liu doubted the necessity for stLch r ~k:rtu, in the United States. They reasoned that the Co%muni=t party its time attempting to build a third par- p USA, should not occupy and that if a third party existed in the united States, the on Communist Party would not be able to work with such a patty a legal basis. The Chinese Communist Party leaders believe t,-&at third party would only create illusions and cited as their -!xa .r1e, party Iddtb~,iiere it the Labor Party P9'~hsdsvolutionaafaadlaLiu borstated no need to go through socialists or social democrats. S C t f, 1 Approved For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000020015-5 e'rMCS `tr Tax ? ved For Release 2005106108 : CIA-RDP8.0g01,#76R001000020015-5 UNITED STATES 1M PARTMF YT OF JUS7'IC FEDERAL BUREAU OF 1NVI9T[GATIC-N ~Aaflf "T l:TnM ft, T) C . v t. ITft I r,'' Mr. Al1en 1T. ~r11'PS Director Central Tnte7l i?rnr~F -ngerle,!e .4dministrat fon &uil inq 24:: .f St, re e ,t, , V. . Washingtnn 2,71, D. C, Dear Allen: With regard to mp communications of 4tnril 1 and 15, 1f5P, concerning recent liscussions ti--owe,7 a leading ,,/unctionarg of the ('ommunist Partu, 14,14, an hick-rrlnr ino orfir?ialn in QP.-j rhinn, r thought 'ou )"r.! be interested in he F ,.) qc me nrrrzn'um. rV. ntain3 aciditinnri7 iz - formation crtout t4 em? ra the aforf-eaentiore 1'om,ntcnist Part; lecher. of the Com..?tuni.vt Fir-,'r, o?' !"hinc.. :"his ,.^ta ohtaine.l os n rely;,l t n,! cur ewer-all coverage r t~> Communist Part' , IRA. In viean of the e,rt~e~ne27J Bensiti,,e nct.rr ~r certain of the Sources of our information, it is rPa La.a= that the contents o/' this rnm~tuntcr~t.. io?z he a.ffGrr ec,' r, ors most careful Securitu and its use restricted tc a to-knot tas is. nincere1". T F 4 F, r R F. T t` Approved For Release 2005/06/08 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R001000020015-5 Approved For Release 2005/06/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R0 .4600I I j _ 4r: igu l TOP 1 MAY 1959 Ib Kok" PON006a ms`s SIGNED 5X1 W' ` : dd 28 .Agri]. 59 1_ wee 1-D ef, tx Buff v s`ic & awl. 1l 3 t /cy b aLe & awl. 1 " 1DI /P ~rf c~ basie & ar1. v/c.y basic & owl. AAB 1-IR Approved For Release 2005/06/08 CIA-RD P80 BO 1676RTMfO 000 q, 25 Approved Pot 1 .. ANC Qj. 620~10A000015-5 FIRE ?EO C VERE _ DOCUMENT DESCRI,PT,ION RrC R- SOURCE CIA CONT&Oi NO. E}OC. NO. DATE DOCIMENT RE I VEE IlOC. DATE r1sar 59 14 lay COPY NO. LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES it NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS c basic & encl. 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