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Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 ER 61-4318/a JUN 1961 1 r. Roger Hileman Director of Intent ence and Research Department of State Washington 25, D. C. Dear ilaman: Thank you for your letter of 23 Xay addressed to ivir. Dulles, accepting the conditions pertaining to the transfer of the Biographic and National Intelligence Survey programs. This Agency is making every effort to transfer as many people as can qualify to our rolls. To this end we are working closely with the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and the Department's personnel office. With respect to financial arrangements, representatives of our Comptroller's Office have arranged to meet with their counterparts in the Department. sincerely, SIM STATE review(s) completed. P. Cabell General, USAF deputy Director STAT O/DD/I/A, vcl(6/l/6l) CONCUR (Original version) Rewritten: O/DCI/W. Elder:kpm.(6/8/61) Distribution: /s/ R. Amory, Jr. (DD/I) Orig & 1 - Addressee /s/ L. K. White (DD/S) 1-DDCI ~" - ER (w/basic) - DD/S 1 - Comptroller 1 DD/I 1 - D/Personnel l4pppje 03/04~34nUA'F 1M 676R000800090026-9 CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP NAME AND ADDRESS PP -Attn: ILLEGIB FILE INFORMA TION Here is the letter for General Cabell+s signature to Mr. Hilsman that we discussed. STAT FORM NO IAPR 55 237 Remarks : Dr Release ZUU 4bZ44-UIA-RqDP8Wff v >678ffiWLg NFIll SECRET Replaces Form 30-4 Which may be used. ~f U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING .-- _ .- - (40) Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800090026-9 statirr that In view rat Cei I s intor3, t 4 in acaoWths ao xt tions we eet few Ovaphic and i at1erja1 Intellige to transfer a xvw wa person= 1 offt c et to financ .l arranges s r+epr a att rtes of our CoWtr let's 100, trill, meet with tt?. appropriate people 4DDI 1June191 Distribution: O&1-addressee 1-DDCI' f--1-ER DD/S 1 DDI 1 AvS Vvol App p or G ? Rel6ase(2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800090026-91 JUN 1961 at this'Ueywy Is making eves effort aople as ca q ty to our reUs. To this claasIY with' r IP people and state;a k ? . takh.j. `t * r#1s U AF eputy Y .rector I I t 25X1 25X Approved For Release 2003/ O D OM0B01676R000800090026-9 DEPARTMENT OF STATE THE DIRECTOR OF INTELLIGENCE AND RESEARCH Dear Allen, I refer to General Cabell's letter of 29 April 1961 setting forth the conditions under which the transfer to CIA of the Department's Biographic and National Intelligence Survey programs would be acceptable to the Agency. As a result of the Civil Service Commission General Counsel's informal ruling that the withdrawal of these functions from the Department of State will be considered as a reduction in work rather than a transfer of functions, the Department is now able to accept the conditions stated in the General's letter. The General Counsel emphasized that in making this ruling, he expected that State and CIA would jointly make every effort to transfer enough people to avoid a reduction in force in the State Department. I am sure we may expect the continued full cooperation of your staff in pursuing this objective. There will also be the problem of working out fairly complex financial arrangements to cover the transitional and liquidation period. I believe members of your staff are aware of this problem and I feel sure that mutually satisfactory plans can be developed. Sincerely, Roger Hilsman The Honorable Allen Dulles, Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington. Approved For Release 2003/0 MMUMAER01676R000800090026-9 R000 00090026-9 tft1 qAq464Fj.1?4kse 2W3/ e:3CIA-RD-bW Q 10, - AAB 25 May 61 (DATE) Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R0008g0090026-9 Copies of this letter have been sent to the DDS for necessary action and to General Cabell and Bob Amory for their information. Attached is a copy of your 29 April letter to Roger Hilsman. FORM NO. ~q REPLACES FORM 10-101 (47) . Alit RA I0 I WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 I Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800090026-9 FROM: TO: ER NO. .JC?Ji. i.i~" Jtcr. l~? i DATE -GIE X i4 2 COI; ' 5 :: unlerse Wt~ ccve , I Iiav . fCnrardec yn ou ~ tiivts L.f, ,riC fC_' Oi. uue],le` L~1_ f?2i1CT,1vr1S V?.) ,~.,Ll t~,__,. .,y= d icy pcy Cr ccve s, in t;enere_y- tc ,ns , a nr ,y o-tee of vLatc ;1..i Operations to CL' . i.,lC:? the- ILL -.,. 'Iernn La~:/Ililrtar-n ro Ikr'./ xj/McCue d.tcr1 21 I~Ia.r vI ira::sfc:. of ti.S Fulctions tc LIi U /at'~-L2I%JS I STAT FROM: TO. ER NO. 1J-Isr7 jJi U'-Gb-t-~- ._. ? DATE i 7 1?ioi v%+ _ - CLASS. 7 I -, l n'~Si Jf,. -cros.+ Ltl~ vI you u 1r- S y a ~ l ~. result Of , i 1 isin '[)k`tWC^T] i^]Ci:lhivrs C' (y-'r staff s~ we hove l ?.i CCj ,,;.1C e:7C_L p )Cr V-111 Ci `%U! be CCl and lithe action i re(-uired -tC effe,,AL1n.:,te tc:e the Dept's :)Jo functions to cur j>. er:i -IJ ..,tt: to IiZ+; I1llSn:..':1 m L&"; i,l./.,L QLCC cil_ r E]. , s er c-,f Iii #i'i , I,1i,e.l~_~_ i' L%n ctiC to d.I--:~ STAT: Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800090026-9 Approved For Release 20o-3f,Q4F24-:? CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 i ; .; a Roger Oman arector of InteUigence and Itestarch at of .te ;,.irg'tcm 23, U.C. i.. a.r tel.r. I3ilamen: have studied your lettur3 with respect to the pro; OS3d tr ns ax to Cc t ai Intelligence Ag=y of tide portiM'13 Cl Um iwao intei.jig a Survey tad o aphis Progrwns whicu have ?eeretofore t erforncci by the ;3epart- .t of State. vie are., in pri ple, in favor of 3vur pro io3 i3 and axe i ra- cd to proceed with the trans er of the persxr l Lavo vc;i c ith the undcrt d- tizt these transfers v ill tt place in the ?.anz rester a i under tilt saw at... t 9 a3 apply to all trasfers from ether Go-rrernr t at tea to the . Ctrl tutell. Ager:~y. y:>u imcv, tatis Ag= y is exempted from the ;Its.`ification Act and Is not under the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Com `3ston. Consequently, sit ;lutmeats to this Ager-zy ate: tam under do as rity of Sectiou 8. of the irate r A racy A of 1949, a3 amoed. in ma;dng &p,-oiut ?uta s tabs authority cermia sta r s are &p.- .ed c Leh la same cases are not c g to a Government employees. It .ii, t rcfore, b nececaary to iy our se~ity. mad k:al ml cz r trrr ?caz? y c~fi ria to 1 dividi c p1Oy 3 scim"ed. for trasasf"ar. For excrm e, an crapioyza rriei to or C. plating marriagr to an alien will require special cc.laiderat n. Person- ;'A evolved should *l3o underf"tand that It is the practice in Chia P racy tint en e"A`sa-ayee will normally retire 4en he Prefer=s eLigi for rezircme t unlaas r ed is asked to re.maia In : r,rice. Also, w perammul who have acqui Civil Service status retain foie status =&r the Civil :e ..tce Commtssii r. they e: t have preferentthi u as wtt this Ag .cy. In e , haver, A y c.w, ,sot' s have at Least the &ane eatitlemeatu a3 othara c:rn iicryad in t 4e Federal Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 it appreciate the deaira dlity of coming to a ftnal conclusion r ith regard to the matter and Meeting the persormel actions tavolved as sow at possible. the end we an prepared to proceed with your representatives to work out L%O caasary details. S ncsley. C. P. Cabell General, USAF Deputy Director GC:LRH: jeb Rewritten: DD/S: LKW:laq Distribution. O&1-Add - Approved For Release 2003/04124.: _CIA-RDPPOB01676R000800090026-9 - ER 1 - DDCI ,'i -DD/I 1 - AD/CR 1 - AD/BI 1 - COMPT 11 - D/SEC 1 - D/ PE RS CONCUR 25X1 1,. K. White Depiity Director (Support) 28 April 1961 Robert Amory, Jr. Deputy Director (Intelligence) 1 - C/MED STAFF 1 - DD/.q chrono 1 ?DD/S subject Concurred in draft L. R. Houston (neral Counsel Approved For Release 2003/04/24 CIA-RQP$4B01676R000800090026-9 DEPARTMENT OF STATE E v d err lgas~eN~rpQt~fq` / 4 e ~x4 76R00080009M6--'9 ~--- Appro WASHINGTON Under separate cover, I have forwarded you our thoughts on the transfer of State biographic functions to your Agency. The enclosed paper covers, in general terms, a proposed plan for the transfer of State NIS operations to CIA. I have forwarded this plan separately because we would prefer to arrange the details of the biographic transfer first and then use the experience gained in that transfer to refine implementation of the NIS transfer. My staff is available for consultation and assistance in implementing the transfer. Our NIS Coordination Staff should be able to provide information and advice concerning the professional competence of the personnel involved, and I have asked the Staff Director, Mr. Daniel Clinton, to assist in every way possible. May I have your comments and/or approval of the proposed plan at an early date? Proposed plan for transfer of State NIS operations to CIA The Honorable Allen Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Washington CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 Y CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/0_47247:'_- 801301676R000800090026-9 DEPARTMENT OF STATE BUREAU OF INTELLIGENCE AND RESEARCH March 21, 1961 MEMORANDUM Subject: Transfer of NIS Functions to CIA How to transfer the NIS functions, personnel and working material (files) now in the Department of State to CIA with the minimum effect on NIS production and the personnel involved. a. Functions NSCID No. 3 assigns the responsibility for the production of political and sociological intelligence on all countries outside the Sino-Soviet Bloc to the Department of State. However, Paragraph 1 b. of the same directive states that changes in outline or allocation of production and maintenance responsibility shall be effected by agreement between the DCI and the Departments and Agencies concerned. Under the latter clause, it is presumed that the DCI has authority to approve changes such as we have proposed. There are, at present, 289 NIS positions authorized in the Bureau. This figure includes 20 positions in"the Library. The transfer of NIS to CIA is not a simple movement of personnel and functions such as the biographic transfer, because most segments of the Bureau either worked on, or serviced, NIS and, therefore, have NIS-financed CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 Approved For Release 2003/04fa80B01676R000800090026-9 - 2 - positions authorized. Further, because of the flexibility required in staffing, frequently S&E-financed personnel have worked on NIS and NIS personnel have worked exclusively on S&E production or State Department production other than NIS. In addition, there are NIS-financed positions in the A Area which may, or may not, remain once the transfer is completed. A preliminary survey has been made of each Office and Staff. Each Office and Staff Director has furnished a list of the personnel whom he feels will be available for transfer. These are, in the main, personnel who have devoted the major part of their efforts to NIS production. A list of these personnel has been furnished Captain Knowles of OBI. However, since it is perfectly natural for Office and Staff Directors to wish to retain the best personnel, we have furnished Captain Knowles with an additional roster which lists the personnel on the Offices' retention lists and includes some of those primarily engaged in NIS production. We believe that there must be a meeting of the minds regarding security requirements on behalf of the Agency before we can approach personnel and ask them if they wish to transfer. To keep the security cross-check requirements at a minimum, we have asked Captain Knowles to indicate which personnel he would like to have transferred and we will then arrange for appropriate security checks on these personnel prior to interviewing them for transfer. The same problems regarding rights, privileges, length- of-service, Civil Service dismissal regulations, etc. must be explored and resolved as in the case of the BI transfer. We are agreed that OBI must be furnished competent professionals in order that the work may be carried forward without serious gaps in production. As in the case of BI, certain reign Service Officers now working on NIS may be detailed to the Agency until the Agency has an opportunity to recruit Civil Service personnel to fill the analysts' slots. The NIS and other basic files of the Bureau are, in many instances, integrated. In order that the transferred analysts CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9 Approved For Release 2003/04/2 Z ?B01676R000800090026-9 -3- analysts may continue in their work, a certain portion of the files will have to be transferred with them. This is a difficult process and may require an analyst-by-analyst approach. Undoubtedly, the Agency now has much of the needed research material. However, it will probably be some time before they have built up complete coverage on each area. In order to keep the transferred files current and provide CIA with access to all information and intelligence resources, all material formerly forwarded to various segments of the Bureau for basic research on NIS must also be furnished CIA. k. Liaison There will undoubtedly be a step-up in liaison activities. Analysts from CIA researching for, or working on, political, sociological and cultural sections of NIS must have access to the Geographic Bureaus, INR's country analysts, and other portions of State. Conversely, State officers must have similar access to CIA personnel. The present system of substantive review by the Department and the field must be continued and expanded if necessary 5. Field Reporting There will be no change in field reporting. However, the Department, and specifically INR, must see that the NIS requirements of CIA, formerly the Bureau's requirements, receive full consideration within the Department and the Foreign Service. 6. Recommendation The following recommendation assumes that the transfer can be made without excessive damage to the work in the transitional period and without the generation of large-scale placement problems in the Department. If these problems should become too acute, it might be necessary to consider basic modification of this plan; that the transfer, as outlined under discussion, and the solution above be approved. I would also recommend that transfer of NIS follow the transfer of BI. Based on the difficulties encountered in the transfer of BI, such modification as may be necessary can then be placed into effect. In any event, both transfers should take place as soon as possible. Additional delay is extremely harmful to the morale of the employees and is effecting the biographic and NIS production. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/04/24: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800090026-9