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L 21 August 1061
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Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2
21 August 1961
A, The Joint Study Group Report on Foreign
Intelligence Activities of the United States
Government, dated 15 December 1960,
B. Report on Implementation of Recommendations of
Joint Study Group on Foreign Intelligence
Activities of the United States Government,
dated 1 May 1961,
1. The status of actions taken to date in implementing
all of the recommendations of the Joint Study Group on Foreign
Intelligence Activities of the United States Government
(Reference A), as approved by the President on 18 January 1961,
are reported in the following pages.
2. This report brings up to date the first report or. this
subject, dated 1 May 1961 (Reference B),
Prepared by
The Coordination Staff
of the Director of Central Intelligence
TS #172991
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Recommendation No. 1
To reorganize military intelligence consonant with Defense
Reorganization Act of 1958.
Action Responsibility: Defense
Status. The Secretary of Defense on 1 August 1961 issued DOD
Directive 5105.21 which established the Defense Intelligence
Agenc4 (DIA) reporting to the Secretary of Defense through
the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and provides that guidance
to the Director, DIA, will be furnished by the Secretary
of Defense, by the JCS acting under the authority and
direction of the Secretary of Defense and by the U. S.
Intelligence Board. The effective date for activating DIA
is 1 October 1961 at which time the assumption of responsibi-
lity for its assigned functions will be initiated on a
graduated basis. The Director, DIA, has been designated as
agent to monitor Defense's full compliance with all approved
Joint Study Group Recommendations applicable to the Department
other than those which fall within the National Security
Agency area of responsibility.
It is considered that the objectives of Recommendation
No. 1 will be met when the DIA has assumed the specific
functions and responsibilities assigned by the directive.
Recommendation No. 2
Resources required by reorganization under Recommendation
No. 1 to be drawn from existing resources.
Action Responsibility: Defense
Status. It is considered that the concept embodied in the
directive creating the Defense Intelligence Agency is generally
consistent with the objectives of this recommendation.
TS #172991
Copy #
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'P E R E :r
Re c o:mmendat. i ar,. No. 3
ryl) '... -or tro'I. c>f ~ budge'ting ?aree by the
Se rotary if Defense.
Action Re ponstbility'o Defense
"'at-a- L. Consolidation and. coordination of budget procedures
for irtelligex ce operations and activities throughout all
re:iementr -I- the Department'- of Defense. will be effected on full
;uiex n ation of tse directive creating the Defense Intelli-
Y 1? Agency. Effective procedures combining the cryptologic
ri\ eT2 operating for three years.
Recommendation No. L
Improvements in selection, training and rani.
assigned to Intelligence duties.
Action Responsibilit o Defense
t' personnel
Status. At the request of the Assistant t o the Secretary of
Defense ", Spe,;,,ia.l Sperati x.ts ), the military departments have
:malt, ~va,i.1acie a eomlrehensive statement of policy governing
each department's provision for career development of officers are more ;han. ordinarily involved in intelligence and
r e a 1. ;; s o These statements, toget per with related
ba.:?kgrotnid mater .al, have been analyzed in the Office of
pecia~. )perat:ions, and disc fissions have be-rn in:trig+;ed with
the Jft'ice of Manpower, Department' of Def'erise { ex, pl .,r
7:ppr aches is imTr:-need management :princi'l;leE iriccI,n.d'
..~'..~e,''tiori ar.d training, which might enhance the cax?eer sta,t:s
ax-G, imrrr. e the pr?~ essi ~r~a~ competence cf ir.din idimle
.y. is :o:[ls__d E'_'.:?vd Defense lritellfgen.~ Agency
or ass ,xrp ,r _)n ?_)f' r s 7 { nc ty. o ~s as provided fn,. the directIiv,-~
will ',a1Re the necessary action to meet t11c Sh jei^.t' o e of
Recommendation No. 5
Eu:c .a :sageme:lt; o-~ ,he uiilit;ary servi? es to maintain areai develop
and= ::fine capabilities.
Act_o:c, Res ?onsib lr:ty? Defense
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Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2
Status The military services have been. .1_-.di -e._+,l;r e .! ouraged
to maintain and develop clandestire collection c:z a;bilit;ies
by the implementation of other Joi_.t Snuu;~' gro?..p recor.,m.e_i.da.-
tiorc , namely, those which concern rel. iri .?. per oun F'.:P.: O
ann career development, training of Servi:-e I~rsornel for
. lar:dest.:., ne intelligence work by CIA, and.
i. t;pro; ed. `field oordi-
nac.ion procedures. More direct encouragement vi--_l depend upon
the impetus given by the Defense Intelligence Agency in carrying
oct its assigned responsibilities with respect to plar,.~ programs,
policies and procedures for Department at 2F.-Pen-se -ollection
activities. The military departments have already been requested
b;y + he Department of Defense to study mea.n.`.= a 71 _,T.Miementing
this recommendation and submit their
Recommendation No. 6
improvements in the Special Security 3f? s,rs..en..
Action Responsibility: Defense
Status. The Department of Defense has in;restig~ited and taken
corrective action in accordance with this recom_mer da t'ion,
insofar as it is applicable w_thir: they Special Sec it.y- Officer
sy- ea ?_elf, The possibility of dd.' pli 74 _O_ o' er-rice to
non-mil' .tary- consumers as between tie Spe ia__ `'e.-,z,itj Officer
system and the Central Intelligence Agency :ervi:-e
is r:ov being considered by the Coo:rdinati o _ a.f of the
icrecto:r of Central Intelligence.
rte-ex:arnlra~ior_ of feasibility of placing more etec ro=_'.^ intelligence
resou r e of :Y.ifs.ed commands " control of DiL e. :to - r;> r Oral
;e,cnri ; r ~g "SAN
~ctio Responeibi"ty: Defense
'I e -11Vector, 'SA, has P. 3}_ _red a Dyer, :__cLt
io from the Join_., Staff to t e. r rr n.e
o O L1~'_' n the allocation of
art a _f r , .fn r .r'oty ements can be made.
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f 0 P S E O R E '
Recommendation No. 8
Strengthening control of Director, National Seer *_;:~ Zgenc,T,
over service ':ryptologic agencies.
Action Responsibility: Defense
Status. Even before the issuance of the Joint Cam,'dy group
Report, the Office of the Secretary of Defense had been. con-
cerned about developments in the concept of part.r.ersr_i p
between 4- lie National Security Agency (SA and. the -ervi.ce
cryptologic agencies. As a result of the e'ff'ort; of the
Office of the Secretary of Defense, the oper,atiac_al control
line from the Director, NSA, to field collection ur.its has
been strengthened and made more direct, while sti11 retaining
the organizational relationship between the 3e -.r ,ptologic
agencies and those offices in the National Secc::r.tyAgency
concerned with Army, Navy, and Air Force matters T- :Ar
analogous instance, the Joint Processing ;;enter
has been brought directly under the control. of tce turec,or,
Recommendation No. 9
Reappraise adequacy of research and development s no
;provision for relocation of this facility during periods of
national emergency.
Recommendation No. 17
"entral =ntelligence Agency use of non-officinal c_ over.
A,,+ion Responsibility: Central Intelligence Agency
Status. Central Intelligence Agency "::A) is making realistic
efforts to expand the effective use of non-official cover.
CL published on 1 March 1961 an excellent analysis of the
problems and pitfalls in the use of non-official cover, has: d
1ipnri. Agency experience over the years, to assist in the
Y?pansion of the use of non-official cover in a well-planned.
and operationally sound manner. The Cover and Caimacr.?r:ial Staff
of c IA. is currently making a detailed analysts In. great depth
the non-official cover possibilities four Y?~r+..ries as
a p;ii Dtstudy. The proposal from the l IA S`.at ; ons in each
of these four countries for fuyrher r ic)n doff ic::_al od er are
being studied in Washington by this Staff and c:.oncl rsions and
recommendations are presently being prepared. These studies
have derived increased importance and timeli_oess in. view of
the c.;rrent re-examination by the Department of S` ate and CIA
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of the need for existing official cover with a view to an
orderly red-sction. Such re-examination will require a ?~?.areful
apt.ra=.sal of the possibilities of non-official cover in order
+o er.: re that the over-all clandestine collection capabili+.y
not impaired.
Recommendation No. 18
Greater Community attention to counterintelligence and secarity
ion Responsibility: United States irtellige.:ce Board.
Sts On 28 February 196.1, the united St fntell.igence
Bo;,ri assigned responsibility to its Security Corn ittee, in
ooradnation with the Committee on Comm.;ni cat ions I n:tellige,: ce,
for the preparation of recommendations for the in leme'.-tation
of this recommendation, An ad hoc working gro'ap :haired. by
the Cen*ral. Intelligence Agency and composed of r preser ta.ti.ves
of the Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force a:_d>
has undertaken this task. The principal efforts of the group
are concerned with personnel and physical security standards
and procedures relating to overseas installation, and the
relationship of the counterintelligence f jn ?tiorn -,o 7., program-
`lie group is exploring proposals to promote uniformity in over-
seas security programs and a fuller exchange and u e of counter-
in+.el.L_igence information by Security Officers re. por~sib.le to-r
n programs.
Recommendation No. 19
exploitation of intelligence opportuni .ies by
',a: r sistan-ce Advisory Groups (MAAGS) and military
Action Responsibility: Defense.
Scat::. As a result of recent actions by the "i?efs of
Staff, there is now a greater awareness of i;:telli.gence re-
;' or the part of M.AAG and Mission person:.!-nel., re ulting
greater contributions of intelligence i.r:forrr .* _or...
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Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2
T 0 P S E C R E T
Recommendation No. 20
Increased intelligence support to unified and component
commands by information reports from Central Intelligence Agency
field stations.
Action Responsibility: Central Intelligence Agency
Status. For the past several ears the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) has, through the laterally
disseminated to CINCPAC and component commands all telegraphic
and dispatch information reports originating with the stations
in the Far East, as well as direct dissemination from CIA
Washington of reports such as the daily Central Intelligence
Bulletin. Within the past year the falowing actions have been
taken to provide intelligence support of a similar nature to
other commands: (1) Instructions have been issued and faci-
lities established for lateral dissemination of selected
Agency telegraphic information reports to EUCOM through the
CINCSOUTH throlia"h t CIA sentative
[77~ o M through th I and toy
ough CIA Headquarters to the Agency representative
all intelligence reports received from Agency stations 25x1
at CINCLANT Headquarters in Norfolk; (2) procedures have been
established for CIA Headquarters to pouch to the 25X1
JCS has solicited the views of all unified and component
commanders concerning the present level of CIA intelligence
support being received and additional support required.
throughout Latin America, for passage to CINCARIB; (3) the
Recommendation No. 21
Establishment of a central requirements facility.
Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board.
Recommendation No. 22
Use of Central Intelligence Agency Office of Central Reference
as a reference facility.
Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board.
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Recommendation No. 23
Integration of collection requirements manuals, and creation
of integrated country requirements g-Aides.
Action Responsibility. United States Intelligence Board.
Status. Efforts to implement these three recommendations have
made little progress because of the uncertainty and differing
views in the intelligence comm,:mity as to the meaning and
intent of these recommendations, and reservations as to the
need for the particular kind of remedial action which they seem
to call for. In addition, implementation of these three
recommendations depends to some degree --:;pon the ultimate
organization of intelligence within the Department of Defense.
(The Defense Intelligence Agency which is now being established
will coordinate requirements which are generated within the
Department of Defense and should thereby facilitate community-
wide coordination in this field..)
A number of steps have been taken in exploration of possible
implementation procedures: At the suggestion of the DCI's
Coordination Staff, the Office of Central Reference of Central
Intelligence Agency has examined the feasibility of controlling,
recording, and indexing requirements on punch cards, and has
reported that this is feasible, and that the primary problem
lies in whether the intelligence community can agree on the
kind of service which is wanted from the punch cards. The
Coordination Staff also suggested that the Department of State
make an effort to determine whether it is feasible to expand
the annual intelligence reporting guidance program for overseas
posts to include the interests of other agencies, and thus
serve as the basis for "integrated requirements guides on a
country-by-country basis." The Coordination Staff prepared a
draft outline of requirements procedures and placed it in the
hands of representatives of. each agency in. the intelligence
community for study and comment, but reactions to this outline
have been so divergent that the Coordination Staff concluded
that some form of pilot project should be undertaken first.
The United States Intelligence Board on 1.1 July reTKested
the Director of Central Intelligence assisted by his Coordination
Staff to develop terms of reference for an ad hoc committee
concerning requirements for Southeast Asia, as a pilot project
in implementation of these three recommendations, taking into
account the experience gained by an ad hoc ""SIB committee
established on 5 July to examine into collection capabilities
on southwest Communist China, North Vietnam, and. Communist-
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_o:ntrol.led areas of Laos. As a basis for making recomen.d:a;t:,ioils
to the ICI and USIB, the Coordination Staff is u:-indert ? an
examination of current requirements for a selected. cocntry to the problems involved in preparing a coordinated
omm.~ it;v-wide requirements guide.
Despite the lack of community consensus as co the precise
mean .ng of these recommendations, the individia.a.:~. departments
r a-je been reviewing and seeking means for improving their ov.^.
re;:.i.rements procedures. As indicated :above, Wilder. present
plans, the Defense Intelligence Agency will be charged with
responsibility for coordination of all requirements originating
within the Department of Defense. The Department of `'ta're
h'.acc. c tiaced. on a limited scale, a program of a-.-rraal guidance
to Foreign Service posts for reporting in fields of primary
.; r:.eret to the Department. Several offices within CIA are
?k:rerimenting with new requirements formats,
Recommendation No. 24
Coordination of overt and clandestine requirements by chiefs
Action Responsibility: State, Central intelligence .11- e:-?geca ;y,
and other agencies carrying on intelligence act:i~-ities abroad.,
Scat .s, '--he DCI's Coordination Staff has prepared a draft
procedure for implementing this recommendation which was de.-
signed to provide the basis for transmitting comprehe-,-:ive ;ad'
coordinated guidance for our chiefs of mission abroad and
the;s agencies carrying on foreign overt and claicde'dre,.;- r
i_telligennce activities. Consideration of thi>s draft Nro-ed-_,re
ha.> not, yet been completed since a final .e4 erminatio?_ 'TitL
respect, to the coordination of overt and clandestine
meu 13 awaits a decision on the more di.tfi.c ult. c too?:. as to
' daties and functions of our chiefs of mi.s o1_ ahro=:C vrr.ith
e`, eCt to foreign clandestine activities.
Meanwhile, however, much progress has, bee-:.nade cc thi
ten subject and a preliminary guidance oord.i
n - the Department of State, has been ;erg, to all e :c 9,l
I tel ige^ce Agency Field Stations.
~s soon as a final determination has teen with respect:.
to clandestine activities, it is believed t?^.:t the coordination
yes ion, covered by Recommendation No. 24 cap, rapidly be
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Recommendation No. 25
Ar~rr'_xal evaluation report to the National Security Cn^unci.l. to
pa specific attention to collection, and similar evaluations to
,q,:~ted from each chief of mission and military commander.
Action Responsibilit : United States Intelligence Board.
The President's Special Assistant for National Security
Affairs has, by memorandum dated 11 July 1961, advised the
D rector of Central Intelligence that it is no longer necessary
s bmi , the Annual Report on the Status of the Foreign in-
a1__gence Program. The need for such information will here-
ar-.,ei be covered by current and ad hoc reports as necessary.
This action, however, is not interpreted as eliminating the
r..~cd for improved means of evaluating :intelligence i.lection
acti ities. Accordingly, the Coordination Staff of the
Director of Central Intelligence through its augmented member-
ship has now undertaken an examination of existing systems
wig. in each of the agencies for evaluating collection efforts,
as a basis for a report and recommendations to the DCI for
United States Intelligence Board consideration.
Recommendation No. 26
Coordination of military requirements by
k-,tion Responsibility: Defense
Sttatus. The directive establishing the Defense intelligence
Agency provides that it will be responsible for the assembly,
n egration and validation of military requ'~rcments; assign--
=rt of 'Priorities thereto, and for the establishment of a
Defense Collection Requirements Registry sr..d. Facility.
Recommendation No. 27
..ar_smission of political information overtly ,acgaired by
r?a. '~:n`,e!ligence Agency through mission's political se:-_+tion.
Ac t i.~,_ Responsitilit : State and Central Inteligence Agency
S'elks. The substance of this Recommendation has been agreed
C -l red Intelligence Agency and State policy for some time.
n1 ;1YA re lation concerning the +.
g u g general :sul? j ze . of f
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station reporting has recently been revised and contains a
section covering this subject. In addition, the Office of
the Deputy Director (Plans) of CIA has sent a dispatch to all
field stations and bases calling this particular Recommenda-
tion to their attention and requesting fail cooperation in
its implementation.
Recommendation No. 28
Achievement by the Director of Central intelligence of
4t: a=.i on through normal command channels.
Action Responsibility: Director of Central intelligence
Status. The Director of Central Intelligence has continued
to make increased use, whenever appropriate, of command
channels in handling coordination problems. For example,
these channels were used for exchanging views regarding
Recommendation No. 1 (Defense organization), initiating action
on Recommendations No. 13 (clandestine training) and 39
(Research and Development), and establishing the Coordination
Staff pursuant to Recommendation No. 29.
Recommendation No. 29
E_tat lishment of a Coordination Staff, separate from any
ag_r:c..;r, to support the Director of Central intelligence in develop-
ing: sololions to coordination problems.
Action Responsibility: Director of Central Intelligence
Sna' us. The Coordination Staff currently cons.sts of an
Assistant for Coordination and Deputy Assistant appointed
'by the DCT_, three members assigned from Central intelligence
Agency, and one member each detailed from State, Army, Navy,
Air Fore and National Security Agency. Consideration is
being given within Defense to furnishing one additional
staff member from Defense. Liaison arrangements have been
mach with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Atomic
Energy Commission. The principal activity of the Coordi-
nation Staff has been assisting the DCI in following ap
on implementation of approved Joint Stiidy Group (,-Su) Recom-
mendations. In particular, the staff has taken the lead in
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assisting the DCI and USIB regarding actions to implement
certain JSG Recommendations relating to requirements, evalua-
tions, JSIB management role, annual program reviews, SIB
:ommittees, and cost and manpower data. In addition, the
taff has actively participated in actions on many other JSG
Peommendatiors, sought through consultations and briefings
to identify and help solve other inter-agency coordination
probiems (e-g., space surveillance), and assisted in advising
the ICI on specific coordination questions (especially regarding
:i "i(ie.-`tine collection).
Recommendation No. 30
Reduction in membership of United States Intelligence Board,
nh=, ed it,- Defense reorganization.
Action Responsibility: Defense - Director of Central Tn.telli-
Status. When the above recommendation was considered by the
National Security Council on 12 January 1961, the Secretary
of Defense reserved his position as to the manner of reorgani-
e'.i:fir, military intelligence under Recommendations No, 1 and 2,
and the ?;SC Action stated that steps regarding the "organi.-
za..tior and f';nctions of the USIB should be taken in phase
vi`.h the carrying out of the related internal adjustments
with n. the intelligence components of the Department of
These internal adjustments are now being made and the
now . i ef'ense Intelligence Agency (DIA) will be activated as
of. 1.3 tober 1961. The directive setting up the DIA provided,
th-" it would be represented on the USIB. It did not resolve
:-_F ,j~estion with respect to the possible representation on.
":gin' ` ed States Intelligence Board of other Defense elements.
is understood that this matter will be the subject
01 disc'usion between the Secretary of Defense and the Director
of `:e_tral intelligence before final action is taken.
Recommendation No. 31
.shment by United States Intelligence Board of a manage-
:rn.F to analyze and propose solutions to community problems of
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non-substantive administration and management type. The National
5.; xrity Council agreed that the functions proposed for the manage-
ment grip should be performed by the Coordination Staff of the DCI.
Action Responsibility: Director of Central Intelligence -
United. States Intelligence Board.
Status. The Coordination Staff is still giving primary atten-
tion to administrative and management problems arising in the
course of implementing recommendations of the Joint Study
Group. it is, in addition, identifying and seeking solutions
to problems involving two or more agencies which might require
Jnited States intelligence Board attention, e.g., it is
currently examining problems relating to space surveillance.
Specifically, it has recommended, and USIB has approved, a
pr: edure whereby the Coordination Staff will review all new
plane- for periodic intelligence publications in Washington
tc prevent duplication.
Recommendation No. 32
Annual review by United States Intelligence Board of intelli-
gence plans and programs.
Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board jointly
wi l the Director of Central Intelligence.
Status. The Coordination Staff of the DCI has completed and
sibmitted to the United States Intelligence Board a report
summarizing the over-all FY 1963 programs in comparison with
N, " 1962 programs. This report is based upon information sub-
mitted by each member of the Intelligence Community concerning
its foreign intelligence program for FY 1963. While short-
ccmings exist in the initial effort, due largely to the short
peer icd of time allowed for development of a format and in-
.tructions, and for the preparation of the various program
submissions themselves, the Coordination Staff believes that
considerable valuable experience has been gained to facilitate
futtre program reviews, and that certain useful comments and
recommendations have evolved from the review just completed.
Recommendation No. 33
Review of committee structure of United State intelligence Board.
Action ResponsibIlity: Director of Central intelligence
Coordinator ,
- 16 -
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Status. At the 25 July United States Intelligence Board ("SIB)
meeting, the decision was made that the Communications Intelli-
gence Committee and F1bctronics Intelligence Committee should
be merged.
Augmentation of the membership of the Coordination Staff
of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) has made it
possible to initiate a review of the functions and activities
of the other USIB committees on a selective basis. As the
st dy progresses, reports with conclusions and any recommenda-
tions for changes will be submitted to the DCI for TSIB
Recommendation No. 34
?ransmittal of intelligence guidance to unified commands
"roag'_1 channels directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (except
%at:i.ona.i Security Agency communications).
Action Responsibility: Defense.
flatus. It is noted that this function will now be assumed
by the new Defense Intelligence Agency.
Recommendation No. 35
control and command by unified commanders over intelligence
activities of component commands.
emotion Responsibility: Defense.
Status. The National Security Council deferred action on
this recommendation.
Recommendation No. 36
Chiefs of mission to take positive steps to effectively co-
ordinate all overt intelligence collection and reporting activities.
Action Responsibility: State.
Status. The Department of State has, since January 20, 1961,
emphasized this recommendation in briefings of all chiefs of
mission and other personnel departing for overseas posts.
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The doordination role itself has long been outlined in the
Foreign Service Manual. In addition, the Department has
under consideration a circular instruction to all~'diplomatic
missions abroad re-affirming and re-emphasizing previous
directives concerning the affirmative responsibility of
chiefs of mission to coordinate overt collection activities
Recommendation No. 37
Operational clandestine coordination continued by Central
.-aul.ligence Agency field stations, but referral to Director of
eritral Intelligence before proposed operation is rejected.
Action Res ohsibilit : Director of Central Intelligence
Coordinator .
Status. The Director of Central Intelligence sent a personal
dispatch to all of his designated representatives abroad on
14 June 1961 calling Recommendation No. 37 to their attention
and instructing them to make every effort to resolve differences
locally; and pointing out that if there is disagreement be-
tween the designated representative and an agency concerning
a problem under Director of Central Intelligence Directive
No. 5/1, which cannot be resolved in the field, the matter
shall be referred to Washington for resolution by the
Director of Central Intelligence, each agency using its own
channels for referral. Copies of the dispatch were given to
the military agencies prior to its being sent to -the field
and the military agencies were requested to issue complementary
messages to military installations abroad. The Departmetts dT
the Navy, Army and Air Force have each sent complementary
messages to appropriate commands abroad.
Recommendation No. 38
Determination as to activities which properly are foreign
Intelligence, and an improved system for utilizing dollar and man-
power data in the entire U. S. foreign intelligence effort.
Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board.
Status. Assistance to the United States Intelligence Board
in determining which activities properly are foreign intelli-
gence is being undertaken by the Coordination Staff in con-
junction with the annual review of intelligence plans and
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T 0 P S E C R E T
programs discussed above under Recommendation No. 32. The
Coordination Staff will, in preparing subsequent instructions,
develop an improved basis for appraising the level and allo-
cation of effort in future program reviews, including appro-
priate utilization of dollar and manpower data. Implementation
of the directive creating the Defense Intelligence Agency will
assist these processes materially.
Recommendation No- 39
More effective coordination of research and development acti- for intelligence purposes.
Action Responsibility: Defense and CIA.
Status. Representatives designated by the Department of
Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency, together with a
representative of the Coordination Staff, are studying means
and procedures for achieving the objective of this recommenda-
tion. In the course of this study, two areas of coordination
relative to research and gevelopment have been identified.
The first area is concerned with coordination of scientific
and technical efforts themselves; with respect to this area
of coordination, the representatives are in agreement as to
a proposed mechanism and procedure. The second area of
coordination is concerned with community-wide evaluation or
assessment of the intelligence usefulness of proposed research
and development projects. Differences remain to be resolved
by the representatives concerning the need end mechanism for
this area of coordination.
It is recognized, however, that the extent and diversity
of research and development activities within the Department
of Defense create, in addition to the problem of obtaining
continuous comprehensive knowledge of such activities, a
f?a*~er problem of achieving an awareness by the scientists
and technicians of intelligence needs and recognition that a
development originated for another purpose can be exploited
t:f:, solve an intelligence problem.
Recommendation No. 4+0
Monitoring the development of automatic data systems for
storage and retrieval of intelligence information.
Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence. Board.
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Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2
Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2
Status. The United States Intelligence Board (USIB' assigned
this problem to its Committee on Documentation (CODIB) and
approved the establishment of an ad hoc full time, community-
wide staff t:) examine in detail the long-range information
prs_essing problems of the USIB agencies in the light of
:.arrent and projected developments in the field of data
handling. The tremendously increasing volume of information
h ~oming available and the rapid development of new systems
and concepts in this field, will make the solution of these
pr )hl.ems one of the most difficult and important yet: under-
taken. in the community, and require the wholehearted coopera-
t !yr of departments and agencies.
Recommendation No. 41
Added attention to foreign developments in agent communications.
Action Responsibility: Central Intelligence Agency.
Status. The Central Intelligence Agency has well-established
technical. liaison channels with the United Kingdom, Germany,
France, and Japan to ensure current knowledge of any develop-
ments in these countries pertinent to the problem of agent
communications. Developments in other countries possessing
a potential in the field of telecommunications are also re-
viewed periodically for this purpose.
Recommendation No. 42
United States Intelligence Board to strongly support counter-
io surveillance efforts.
Action Respongibility: United States Intelligence Board.
States. On 28 February 1961, the United States intelligence
Board (USIB) assigned to its Security Committee responsibi-
lity for recommending such action as would be necessary to
implement this recommendation. The report of the Committee, isr awaiting USIB consideration, recommends positive
actions to be taken to improve the counter-audio surveillance
efforts of the departments and agencies, and further recommends
that the USIB suppori the recommendations contained in the
annual report of the National Security Council Special Committee
on Technical Surveillance Countermeasures. This latter men-
tioned report has not yet been acted upon goy the National
Securi yy Council.
Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2
Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2
T 0 P S E C R E T
Recommendation No. 43
Establishment by the intelligence community of specific
arrangements for planning its work and anticipating its problems.
Action Responsibility: United States Intelligence Board.
Status. Activation of the Coordination Staff of the Director
of Central Intelligence constitutes a specific arrangement
for assisting the intelligence community to plan its work
and anticipate its problems. At the request of the Staff,
and with USIB approval, the members of the community have
submitted statements outlining the principal variations of
their planned fiscal year 1963 plans and programs from
those of FY 1962, and the long-range implications of these
variations. The Staff has analyzed these statements and
prepared for USIB consideration a summary report together
with certain recommendations. Experience in preparing this
report and discussion and action by USIB thereon should
assist the community in undertaking additional and more
thorough examination of planning arrangements and procedures.
Approved For Release 2006/06/14: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800060008-2