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Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 The Honorable Allen Dulles Director Central Intelligence Agency Enclosed are two letters received recently by the President. May we have your recommendation on handling, please. McGeorge Bundy Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1 SECRET MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT : Suggested Reply to Lette~ dated 20 March 1961 to the Attached is a letter to the Honorable McGeorge Bundy suggesting the reply to be made to the letter dated 20 March 1961 to the President. J. C. KING Chief Western Hemisphere Division cc: DDCI DDP SEC FT I 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 _zre 9 1 1! 1 g T .f, x g 2 k 1 j 1) g r 1 0 STAT r iami, March 20th. , 1961. My dear Mr. President: Since "truth" is to be expresses, not to be kept silent, I cannot delay any longer in calling your attention on what it has been of the er-forts -apparently- made towam a solution to the Cuban crisis. In order to judge these steps, i am to be as objective as any man of good will woula be; ana I hope that you, Mr. Presiaent, as the leader or the Free World will study thouroughly the facts that 1 am to report, No one believed me when I aenounced Mr. Castro `s treason toward our democratic iaeala before the world., I was marked out as a betrayer, because I cried out all about the cmmuniat infiltration in the goverritent administration; because I warned of the rebelions, provocations and outbreaks in the Americas, that would be promoted by the Reds; because I spoke loud and. clear of the new tack that Russia would use in changing its pacifist policy, in order to encrease the in- ternational strain to back up the Cuban totalitary regime. To the Honorable Mr. John F. 8infac y, President of The United States of America, White House, Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 regime. My Words have been corroborated by facts; still 1 was not either a visionary then, or an exagerated wonderer now. The international communism contemplates the Cuban situation as an advantageous step toward the attainment of some areas; and the strenghhering in others, for the prompt conquest of Latin America, and beyona... Its sinistr: blot n, It be relates as follows: f).- To avolu -at any cost- the conecikaation and generaii- nation of the rebelons in Cuba. 2).- To avoid that the efficatious ana necessary supply help, reach the patriots in Cuba, from the exile. 3).- To avoia the establis:-anent of an -orcogeneous ianneous military nucleus, not only well trained anc well equio- ed, out also with the necessary moral conaitions to lean the war in Quba. 4).- To create division and aiscouragewent among Cubans In exil.e. This pb11CY intense: 1) . - To ,avoia the Castro-communist-realme's iei'eat oy Cu- bans only, since this way Its power woula loose rres- tige, and above all, they wouldn't be able to wield any argument against The United States. 2).- To create a state of opinion to support theAmerica- uirect-Intervention-thesis, in order to have an excuse for the Sino-Soviet intervention in the Congo, Laos ana m'- Formosa and other areas, as well, to Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 to engender and quicken the Latin American People's hate toward this country, by the well lead payctslo- gioal propaganda, aamaging greatly this Nation's pre-- tige, and Subsequently, girding the Latin Air.erican countries to the Sino-Soviet-Block orbit, for the fur- ther destr?iction of The United States, oecause oi' the communist control of the economy of almost the entire Western Hemisphere, with the consequently raisen of the Rutle' s value and the Doildr` s d valuation. since it is a :'act that Moscow takes over the mold resertres or all the countries they subdue. Also the menace of rurther establishment of missile bases in this very continent. The international communism is aided in .go hiiiity of its task, either action or ommlalon, ja the ack of v ei n oX bad sra , a: 1),- The Organization of American States, since it has be- come a non functionable organism, because of the com- munist infiltration within itself, and the fact that some delegates are gambling ana cl8.ekmailing for their own profit. The Central Intelligence Agency and its group called "the f'rienas ` sector, " neaded by not American born, STAT is responsable for the direct control of the help supplied to Cubans, to overthrown the Castro regime. Manual Artime's delegate in Cuba, known as "Francisco," nas been about the only person, who has T ents o eating great Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 great trouble among the "braves" who operate in the underground, since "he" speculates with the armaments in order to achieve the subordination of the despera- te patriots, dearegarding the organization they are linked with, Also, in too many occasions, "Francis- co* failed his promisees. Only a few days ago, in or- der to have an excuse for themselves, in case of ce- nunciation, they have supplies some weapons -in a ve- ry small scale- to other groups. Mr. President, I want to call your attention also In regard of the training camps; those camps that have become the worry of almost every Cuban in exile, as well as the lughter of .'idel Castro; those camps where anarchy, terror and unjustified arbitrariness reigns by the force and influence of "the rriends' sector," Humid prisons, electrifies fences and unhuman treat- ments for those who -rra.r or unfairly- have been con- fined to cells, They have to eat with their own hands since the indispensable spoon has been denied. It is unbelievable to know that, in many cases, a gun has been nacklec and -pointing at their temples- have teen threaten to be killed, And so many more things that witnesses can testify; 3).- The Revolutionary Democratic front and Its leaders, because of the prostitution in the administration of this organism; and their excesive ambitions and per- sonal worries. 4).- Those people who have oommited crimes in both the for- vresent one. dafi ni ti1 v nonnt with Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 .~ , Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1 with the hate and repudiation or the entire Cuban People. Theme "gangsters" are considered "common- delinquents," rather than "war-criminals," obstruct -with their sole presence- the achievement for the unity of honest Cubans. 5).- The "1.ovlmiento Revolucionario del Pueblo" aeclares publicly in a booklet its doctrine, which in its es- sence, is identified with the communist one, due to its ideals &no aims. Zti._ ._ L1 c rganiaation is re- ceiving -somehow- the necessary supply help. This group can be placea, in the communist tactics, as the second front, whenever Castro's fall becomes a fact. 6).- Other revolutionary organizations and groups because of its divisionist policy, due to their personal be- lieves and ambitions. (). Some "intelectualem -Americans among them- who still sustain the thesis that it is too soon to judge the Castro regime, since we ahoula spare several years more to acquire a fair aeciclon. These "intelectuals" seem to aprove the massive executions produced by liberal trials; the strip of properties; the private enterprises annulment; the suppression of any form of rreedod; eradication of the woraa "God" from our Constitution; the foreign policy in favor of the 81no- Soviet-Block, openly against the "yankees;" the series of lies built by Castro and rile Red clique. These "inteleotuals" seem to aprove the communist ways or ____ Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1 Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 of justifying the unjuetifyable; the crimes perpe- trated in the name of "social-justice;" the commu- nist principle of murdering generations on behalf and for the welfare of the People, like it happened in Russia, Poland Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Conclusions: Everyone in a (iiiferent way is con- tributing to the communist plot against the tree World through the Cuban situation; but still, we are on time to ammend this misrortunate policy by: 1);.. The prompt-strict checking on every individual and organism envolved, in order to really know "who" is "who," and "what" is the thinking ana intentions of everyone or them. Those surfering lack or vision or negligence, are still on time to rectify, Those wno act with evil and bad faith, shall not ha'Ve any part in this task., 2).- To establish rapidly the only possible way or help- ing, by not having any direct control over the patri- ots, but supplying abundantly the necessary help, ana blocking out those who harm the war process and iur- ther more, Democracy and Peace. 3).- To start a well-directed-propaganda to awake up The United States' and Latin America's Peoples, where the ideals and alms of democracy shall to expreacea to oppose the devastating communist doctrine, On behalf of the Cuban People's ideology; on be- half of the preservation of the good name of your country, Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1,,~,. Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 country; on behalf of the r r** World, i request from you, Mr. President, to act now, severe and promptly, berore it be too late to save Democracy from the communism's claws. We will chalange the Cuban-Red-Puppetl We will vanquish nimt But to do it, we "do" need your supply help -not money- but war equipments. I avail myself of this opportunity to present to you, Mr. President, th? testimony of my highest and most distinguished consideration. STAT Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1 +~ ??'' Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800050064-1 Approved I _ _- _ _ YII IVV V __ _ ",Jtry UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE I Chief, WH Division 2- 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY X PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : For preparation of an appropriate reply for the Director's signature. Please expidite. SUSPENSE: 14 April 1961 FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE asst. to the DC! 411 61 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM NO. 00-7 Replaces Form 30-4 (40) Approved For Release 2008/12/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800050064-1