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Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 :d. 61-8309/a STAT o& r r. Y Tik you for your Iattff of 20 1 ere+ t veletlos with hint. We acre concermod by his all.g i o o* *e relo of tIe eacy thou "me of ear etaff her t had no o cial cwt wit weicatloe '_i r r. o3rds "Veal that skis may bas ainpaign of chose. Ind be graimfai for amt is formation which the par""elt of Jus ice, the g' eral *s gat , or tho m eat of STAN i efeaee a develop which would bear on r. '~'3a!'~!!e. 7117 i DO4 REVIEW COMPLETED C. P. Cabal USAF 3irector STAT i STAT rotary of rfenaa a of i)irsctor. Federal Sureaa of levostiga STAT Jrap (30 Oct); Rewritten: O/DCIjWElder:bd (11/9) ApprovegFor ~ J fL/1;wj: - 01?,6 9030008-5 D, 1 - ER via reading STAT Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 STAT STAT Chris ER-_--- aca i._ i*+ .s. Q. Sbe te&*+e of t Ca unist Prty of th* 7a wt amended t land C rsss at th* Co ?aa setrt ya r' a** t .* ` 1*16Mt! a ar z e tit esy tease t.ir A r at-i+ $a tike a`. C P members a ad vrul be 1 an 1 an st. b I gr*t4d ter year ems to die***& tN a ett ctelve Aer act C+ si Act t opea ~ ? LW'~. .+, feral GOWISSI, to you. ecer ly. ou Distribution /. ~r, STAT b- ddxesarre;(2? rl 2-13 1 (I w/beial); 1-COPS; 1-0CC w/ey incoming 1-C/Cl w/incoMisg; i?Ct/[= 1-GilI STAT Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 COQ"R : $CL $ RICAN L: t IP' C - No seba t,s C1 $agra w&d# in retyping DDP/CI/I ?a Oct bkaeb4 fl ect r P *ty'pa41 OCFCTIIMK:J&U 'err 41 AT Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008 2 t C, V 19'31 to your 10t+er *1 20 October MI, 1 have any information wideh the Cozet Party of the Z .4 ress the :. - +et union tame their pans rta after posts for information on the activities of CP~PA members abroad will be lamed on , as in the pact, by .deral f-area. a, of Inv .stigefi . We e ll co ie a to cir nattoar on this matter to the Bureau. or to di Act an a e* ratlmm. rat C e1, to study the +esa our gkStions to T", if this shMI4 be STAT DDP/Ci/1 t 3xuetlc+e Attorney General r Yeagley 31 oct 61 SIG116TURE RECOMMENDED: Distribution: I - General Counsel: % 0&i - Addressee ---/--- Approved6or anae 2003/12/9 r DDP w 2 Chief, CI Wtor i1t1j 5731B , I _ CCPS wL+~~~ 1 - CI 1 - CI Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 2 NOV 1951 ashinaton D.C. Departm t of Justice Assista Attorney General Walter Yeagle}r shall contins as in the past, the activities of C 20 October. I pre rnunist Party of the United Staters ao we may receive an ho asked our appropriatewfice In response t our letter s matter to the Bureau. eful for your offer to df s the affects of the ?v n and to address our questions to your this should be Subvers Activities Control Act on our raatir . I have asked . Larry Houston, General Course to study the fSIC7t C d.. i' . vleabell General, USAF 20 October 1961, 1 have d you any information which ders of the Communist Party of the 22nd Congress of the C.tm - Acting Director STAT 31 oct 61 SIGNATURE RECOMMENDED: Distribution: O&1_- Addressee 1 - General Counsel STAT oved STAT i ner w/ c incmn ?r eBig 5 9,49LU 2/19: &II 1-COPS k~- 1 1-CI/ 1-CI use their passports after *quests for information on broad will be levied on as. U Of Investigation. )A. ,e ASSI9-rANT ATTORNEY ENERA~ s. , INTERNAL StCURITY Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R0008000 !eittrtx itt of iJu fice ashirtgtnrt October 20, 1961 Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency 11ashington 25, D. C. The order of the Subversive Activities Control Board requiring the Communist Party to register with the Attorney General as a Communist-action organization pur- suant to the provisions of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 781, et seq.) becomes final on October 20, 1961, by virtue of the recent order of the Supreme Court. Pursuant to Section 13(k) of the Act (50 U.S.C. 792(k)), the Board will publish, on or about October 21, 1961, in the Federal Register, the fact that such order is final. The numerous disabilities which attach under the terms of the Act to a person who is a ,Member of the Com- munist Party are now operative. These disabilities include ineligibility for employment in the Federal Government and in defense facilities listed by the Secretary of Defense; ineligibility to hold office or employment with any labor organization; ineligibility to receive classified security information; and disqualification from applying for or using passports. In addition, the Communist Party as an organization now must label its public utterances (mail, radio, television, interstate and foreign transmittals) and is denied tax exemptions. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 A printed copy of this Act is enclosed. I shall be glad to be of assistance to you in answering any inquiry you may have concerning its effect on the operations of your Agency. J. WALTER YEAGLEY Assistant Attorney General Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Ap Ap D ILL C IF T 9LA TOP AND BOTTOM c c CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS Chief, CI Staff '11 2 3 4 5 ttit~ 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL _ DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : For your information and for preparation of an appropriate reply for General Cabell's signature. ISPENSE: 3?" October 1961 FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER ESS AND PHONE NO. DATE ved For Release 2003/1 c 0/2+/61 F 2 M610. 237 Use previous editions (40) U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1961 0-587282 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 :. CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 [PUBLIC LAw 831-81ST CONGRESS] [CHAPTER 1024-2D SESSION] [H. R. 9490] AN ACT To protect the United States against certain un-American and subversive activi- ties by requiring registration of Communist organizations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Internal Security Act of 1950". TITLE I-SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES CONTROL SECTION 1. (a) This title may be cited as the "Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950". (b) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize, r uire, or establish military or civilian censorship or in any way to limit or infringe upon freedom of the press or of speech as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and no regulation shall be promul- gated hereunder having that effect. SEc. 2. As a result of evidence adduced before various committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Congress hereby finds that- (1) There exists a world Communist movement which, in its origins, its development, and its present practice, is a world-wide revolutionary movement whose purpose it is, by treachery, deceit, infiltration into other groups (governmental and otherwise), espionage, sabotage, terrorism, and any other means deemed necessary, to establish a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in the countries throughout the world through the medium of a world-wide Communist organization. (2) The establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship in any country results in the suppression of all opposition to the party in power, the subordination of the rights of individuals to the state, the denial of fundamental rights and liberties which are characteristic of a representative form of government, such as freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, and of religious worship, and results in the maintenance of control over the people through fear, terrorism, and brutality. (3) The system of government known as a totalitarian dicta- torship is characterized by the existence of a single political party, organized on a dictatorial basis, and by substantial identity between such party and its policies and the government and gov- ernmental policies of the country in which it exists. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 ; CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 (Pus... W 331.1 2 (4) The direction and control of the world Communist move- ment is vested in and exercised by the Communist dictatorship of a foreign country. (5) The Communist dictatorship of such foreign country, in exercising such direction and control and in furthering the pur- poses of the world Communist movement, establishes or causes the establishment of, and utilizes, in variou> countries, action organizations which are not free and independent organizations, but are sections of a world-wide Communist organization and are controlled, directed, and subject to the discipline of the Com- munist dictatorship of such foreign country. (6) The Communist action organizations .o established and utilized in various countries, acting under such control, direc- tion, and discipline, endeavor to carry out the. objectives of the world Communist movement by bringing about the overthrow of existing governments by any available means, including force if necessary, and setting up Communist totalitarian dictatorships which will be subservient to the most powerful existing Commu- nist totalitarian dictatorship. Although such organizations usually designate themselves as political party-s, they are in fact constituent elements of the world-wide Communist movement and promote the objectives of such movement by conspiratorial and coercive tactics, instead of through the democratic processes of a free elective system or through the freedom-preserving means employed by a political party which operate:: as an agency by which people govern themselves. (7) In carrying on the activities referred to in paragraph (6) such Communist organizations in various countries are organized on a secret, conspiratorial basis and operate to a substantial extent through organizations, commonly known as "Communist fronts", which in most instances are created and maintained, or used, in such manner as to conceal the facts as to their true character and purposes and their membership. One result of this method of operation is that such affiliated organizations are able to obtain financial and other support from persons who would not extend such support if they knew the true purposes of, and the actual nature of the control and influence exerted upon, such "Com- munist fronts". (8) Due to the nature and scope of the world Communist move- ment, with the existence of affiliated constituent elements working toward common objectives in various countries of the world, travel of Communist members, representatives, and agents from country to country facilitates communication and is a prerequisite for the carrying on of activities to further the purposes of the Com- munist movement. (9) In the United States those individuals who knowingly and willfully participate in the world Communist movement, when they so p 1rticipate, in effect repudiate their allegiance to the United States, and in effect transfer their allegiance to the foreign country in which is vested the direction and control of the world Communist movement. (10) In pursuance of communism's stated objectives, the most powerful existing Communist dictatorship haa, by the methods Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2063/12/19: CIA-RDP80B0l676R000800030008-5 3 [PUB. Lew 831.1 referred to above, already caused the establishment in numerous foreign countries of Communist totalitarian dictatorships, and threatens to establish similar dictatorships in still other countries. (11) The agents of communism have devised clever and ruthless espionage and sabotage tactics which are carried out in many instances in form or manner successfully evasive of existing law. (12) The Communist network in the United States is inspired and controlled in large part by foreign agents who are sent into the United States ostensibly as attaches of foreign legations, affili- ates of international organizations, members of trading commis- sions,i,and in similar capacities, but who use their diplomatic or semidiplomatic status as a shield behind which to engage in activ- ities prejudicial to the public security. (13) There are, under our present immigration laws, numerous aliens who have been found to be deportable, many of whom are in the subversive, criminal, or immoral classes who are free to roam the country at will without supervision or control. (14) One device for infiltration by Communists is by procuring naturalization for disloyal aliens who use their citizenship as a badge for admission into the fabric of our society. (15) The Communist movement in the United States is an organization numbering thousands of adherents, rigidly and ruth- lessly disciplined. Awaiting and seeking to advance a moment when the United States may be so far extended by foreign engage- ments, so far divided in counsel, or so far in industrial or financial straits, that overthrow of the Government of the United States by force and violence may seem possible of achievement, it seeks con- verts far and wide by an extensive system of schooling and indoc- trination. Such preparations by Communist organizations in other countries have aided in supplanting existing governments. The Communist organization in the United States, pursuing its stated objectives, the recent successes of Communist methods in other countries, and the nature and control of the world Com- munist movement itself, present a clear and present danger to the security of the United States and to the existence of free American institutions, and make it necessary that Congress, in order to provide for the common defense, to preserve the sover- eignty of the United States as an independent nation, and to guarantee to each State a republican form of government, enact appropriate legislation recognizing the existence of such world- wide conspiracy and designed to prevent it from accomplishing its purpose in the United States. SEC. 3. For the purposes of this title- 1 The term "person" means an individual or an organization. 2) The term `organization" means an organization, corporation company, partnership, association, trust, foundation, or fund; ana includes a group of persons, whether or not incorporated, permanently or temporarily associated together for joint action on any subject or subjects. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 CIA-RDP80BO1676R000000030008-5 (3) The Perm "Communist-action organization" means- (a) any organization in the United States (ether than a-diplo- matic representative or mission of a foreign government accredited as such by the Department of State) which i) is substantially directed, dominated, or controlled by the foreign government or foreign organization controlling the world Communist movement referred to in section 2 of this title, and (ii) operates primarily to advance the objectives of such worla Communist movement as referred to in section 2 of this title; and (b) any section, branch, fraction, or cell of any organization defined in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph which has not complied with the registration requirements of this title. (4) The term "Communist-front organization" means any organi- zation in the United States (other than a Communist-action organiza- tion as defined in paragraph (3) of this section) which (A) is substantially directed, dominated, or controlled by a Communist- action organization, and (B) is primarily operated for the. purpose of giving aid and support to a Communist-actioxr organization, a Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 2 of this title. (5) The term "Communist organization" means a Communist- action organization or a Communist-front or-ganization. (6) The term "to contribute funds or services" in ?ludes the render- ing of any personal service and the making of any' lift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit, of money or of anything'of value, and also. the making of any contract, promise, or agreement t contribute funds or services, whether or not legally enforcible. (7) The term "facility" means and plant, facto y or other manu- facturing, producing or service establishment, airpo#'t, airport facility, vessel, pier, water-front facility, mine, railroad, pudic utility, labora- tory, station, or other establishment or facility, or ny art, division, or department of any of the foregoing. The term .'defense facility" means any facility designated and proclaimed by the Secretary of Defense pursuant to section 5 (b) of this title art included on the list published and currently in effect under such subsection, and which is in compliance with the provisions of such subsection respect- ing the posting of notice of such designation. (8) The term "publication" means any circular,.nnwspaper, periodi- cal, pamphlet, book, letter, post card, leaflet, or other publication. (9) The term "United States", when used in a geographical sense includes the several States, Territories, and possessions of the United States, the District of Columbia, and the Canal Zore. (10) The term "interstate or foreign commerce" means trade, traffic, commerce, transportation, or communication (A) between any State, Territory, or possession of the United Stat=.~s (including the Canal Zone), or the District of Columbia, and any place outside thereof, or (B) within any Territory or possession of the United States (including the Canal Zone), or within the Dis, ritt of Columbia. (11) The term "Board" means the Subversive Activities Control Board created by section 12 of this title. (12) The term "final order of the Board" means an order issued by the Board under section 13 of this title, which ha.,; become final as provided in section 14 of this title. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 5 [PUB. LAw 831.} (13) The term "advocates" includes advises, recommends, furthers by overt act, and admits belief in;- and the giving, loaning, or promis- ing of support or of money or anything of value to be used for advocating any doctrine shall be deemed to constitute the advocating of such doctrine. (14) The term "world communism" means a revolutionary move- ment, the purpose of which is to establish eventually a Communist totalitarian dictatorship in any or all the countries of the world through the medium of an internationally coordinated Communist movement. (15) The terms "totalitarian dictatorship" and "totalitarianism" mean and refer to systems of government not representative in fact, characterized by (A) the existence of a single political party, organ- ized on a dictatorial basis, with so close an identity between. such party and its policies and the governmental policies of the country in which it exists, that the party and the government constitute an indistin- guishable unit, and (B) the forcible suppression of opposition to such party. (16) The term "doctrine" includes, but is not limited to, policies, practices, purposes, aims, or procedures. (17) The giving, loaning, or promising of support or of money or any other thing of value for any purpose to any organization shall be conclusively presumed to constitute affiliation therewith; but nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as an exclusive definition of affiliation. (18) "Advocating the economic, international, and governmental doctrines of world communism" means advocating the establishment of a totalitarian Communist dictatorship in any or all of the countries of the world through the medium of an internationally coordinated Communist movement. (19) "Advocating the economic and governmental doctrines of any other form of totalitarianism" means advocating the establishment of totalitarianism (other than world communism) and includes, but is not limited to, advocating the economic and governmental doctrines of fascism and nazism. CERTAIN PROHIBITED ACTS SEC. 4. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to com- bine, conspire, or agree with any other person to perform any act which would substantially contribute to the establishment within the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship, as defined in paragraph (15) of section 3 of this title, the direction and control of which is to be vested in, or exercised by or under the domination or control of, any foreign government, foreign organization, or foreign individual: Provided, however, That this subsection shall not apply to the pro- posal of a constitutional amendment. (b) It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or of any corporation the stock of which is owned in whole or in major part by the United States or any department or agency thereof, to communicate in any manner or by any means, to any other person whom such officer or employee knows or has reason to believe to be an agent or representa- Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 [Poe. LAw 831.1 6 tive of any foreign government or an officer or member of any Com- munist organization as defined in paragraph (5) of section 3 of this title, any information of a kind which shall have been classified by the President (or by the head of any such department, agency, or corporation with the approval of the President) as affecting the security of the United States, knowing or having reason to know that such information has been so classified, unla ss such officer or employee shall have been specifically authorized by the President, or by the head of the department, agency, or corpora? ion by which this officer or employee is employed, to make such disclosure of such information. (c) It. shall be unlawful for any agent or representative of any foreign government, or any officer or member of any Communist organization as defined in paragraph (5) of section 3 of this title, knowingly to obtain or receive, or attempt to obtain or receive, directly or indirectly, from any officer or employee of the United States or of any department or agency thereof or of any corporation the stock of which is owned in whole or in major part by the. United States or any department or agency thereof any information of a kind which shall, have been classified by the resident (or by the head of any such department, agency, or corporation with tb approval of the President) as affecting the security of the United States, unless special authorization for such communication shall first1ave been obtained from the head of the department, agency, or corporation having custody of or control over such information. (d) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000, or imprisonment for not more than ten years, or by both such fine and such imprisoment, and shall, moreover, be thereafter ineligible to hold any office, or place of honor, profit, or trust created by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (e) Any person may be prosecuted, tried, and punished for any vio- lation of this section at any time within ten years after the commission of such offense, notwithstanding the provisions of any other statute of limitations : Provided, That if at the time of th? commission of the offense such person is an officer or employee of tbi- United States or of any department or agency thereof, or of any corporation the stock of which is owned in whole or in major part by tle United States or any department or agency thereof, such person may be prosecuted, tried, and punished for any violation of this section at any time within ten years after such person has ceased to be employed as such officer or employee. (f) Neither the holding of office nor membership in any Communist organization by any person shall constitute per se a violation of subsec- tion (a) or subsection (c) of this section or of any other criminal statute. The fact of the registration of any pper on under section 7 or section 8 of this title as an officer or member of any Communist organization shall not be received in evidence against such person in any prosecution for any alleged violation of subsea tion (a) or subsec- tion (c) of this section or for any alleged violation of any other crim- inal statute. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2063112/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 7 [Pus. LAw 831.J EMPLOYMENT OF MEMBERS OF COMMUNIST ORGANIZATIONS SEC. 5. (a) When a Communist organization, as defined in para- graph (5) of section 3 of this title, is registered or there is in effect a final order of the Board requiring such organization to register, it shall be unlawful- (1) For any member of such organization, with knowledge or notice that such organization is so registered or that such order has become final- (A) in seeking, accepting, or holding any nonelective office or employment under the United States, to conceal or fail to disclose the fact that he is a, member of such organization; or (B) to hold any nonelective office or employment under the United States; or (C) in seeking, accepting, or holding employment in any defense facility, to conceal or fail to disclose the fact that he is a member of such organization; or (D) if such organization is a Communist-action organiza- tion, to engage in any employment in any defense facility. (2) For any officer or employee of the United States or of any defense facility, with knowledge or notice that such organization is so registered or that such order has become final- (A) to contribute funds or services to such organization; or (B) to advise, counsel or urge any person, with knowledge or notice that such person is a member of such organization, to perform, or to omit to perform, any act if such act or omission would constitute a violation of any provision of sub- paragraph (1) of this subsection. (b) The Secretary of Defense is authorized and directed to designate and proclaim, and from time to time revise, a list of facilities, as defined in paragraph (7) of section 3 of this title, with respect to the operation of which he finds and determines that the security of the United States requires the application of the provisions of subsection (a) of this section. The Secretary shall cause such list as designated and proclaimed, or any revision thereof, to be promptly published in the Federal Register, and shall promptly notify the management of any facility so listed; whereupon such management shall immediately post conspicuously, and thereafter while so listed keep posted, notice of such designation in such form and in such place or places as to give reasonable notice thereof to all employees of, and to all applicants for employment in, such facility. (c) As used in this section, the term "member" shall not include any individual whose name has not been made public because of the pro- hibition contained in section 9 (b) of this title. DENIAL OF PASSPORTS TO MEMBERS OF COMMUNIST ORGANIZATIONS SEC. 6. (a) When a Communist organization as defined in paragraph (5) of section 3 of this title is registered, or there is in effect a final order of the Board requiring such organization to register, it shall be unlawful for any member of such organization, with knowledge or Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 SPuB. Lew 831.1 8 notice that such organization is so registered or that such order has become final- (1) to make application for a passport, or the renewal of a passport, to be issued or renewed by or under the authority of the United States ; or 2) to use or attempt to use any such passport. order of the Board requiring an organization to register, as a Com- munist-action organization, it shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the United States to issue a passport to, or renew the passport of, any individual knowing or having reason to believe that such individual is a member of such organization. (c) As used in this section, the term "member" shall not include any individual whose name has not been made public because of the pro- hibition contained in section 9 (b) of this title. REGISTRATION AND ANNUAL REPORTS OF COMMUNIST ORGANIZATIONS SEC. 7. (a) Each Communist-action organization (including any organization required, by a final order of the Board, to register as a Communist-action organization) shall, within the time specified in subsection (c) of this section, register with the Attorney General, on a form prescribed by him by regulations, as a Communist-action organization. (b) Each Communist-front organization (including any organiza- tion required, by a final order of the Board, to register as a Communist- front organization) shall, within the time specified in subsection (c) of this section, register with the Attorney General, on a form Vre- scribed by him by regulations, as a Communist-front organization. (c) The registration required by subsection (a) or (b) shall be made- (1) in the case of an organization which is a Communist-action organization or a Communist-front organization on the date of the enactment of this title, within thirty days after such date; (2) in the case of an organization becoming a Communist- action organization or a Communist-front. organization after the date of the enactment of this title, within. thirty days after such organization becomes a Communist-action organization or a Communist-front organization, as the case may be; and (3) in the case of an organization which by a final order of the Board is required to register, within thirty days after such order becomes final. (d) The registration made under subsection (it) or (b) shall be accompanied by a registration statement, to be prepared and filed in such manner and form as the Attorney General sbalhby regulations prescribe, containing the following information : (1) The name of the organization and the address of its princi- pal office. (2) The name and last-known address of each individual who is at the time of filing of such registration statement, and of each individual who was at any time during the period of twelve full calendar months next preceding the filing of such statement, an officer of the organization, with the designation or title of the Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved. For Release 2003/12/19 :.CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 9 IPuB. LAW 831.) office so held, and with a brief statement of the duties and func- tions of such individual as such officer. (3) An accounting, in such form and detail as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe, of all moneys received and expended (including the sources from which received and the purposes for which expended) by the organization during the period of twelve full calendar months next preceding the filing of such statement. (4) In the case of a Communist-action organization, the name and last-known address of each individual who was a member of the organization at any time during the period of twelve full calendar months preceding the filing of such statement. (5) In the case of any officer or member whose name is required to be shown in such statement, and who uses or has used or who is or has been known by more than one name, each name which such officer or member uses or has used or by which he is known or has been known. (e) It shall be the duty of each organization registered under this section to file with the Attorney General on or before February 1 of the year following the year in which it registers, and on or before Feb- ruary 1 of each succeeding year, an annual report, prepared and filed in such manner and form as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe, containing the same information which by subsection (d) is required to be included in a registration statement, except that the information required with respect to the twelve-month period referred to in paragraph (2), (3), or (4) of such subsection shall, in such annual report, be given with respect to the calendar year preceding the February 1 on or before which such annual report must be filed. (f) (1) It shall be the duty of each organization registered under this section to keep, in such manner and form as the Attorney Gen- eral shall by regulations prescribe, accurate records and accounts of moneys received and expended (including the sources from which received and purposes for which expended) by such organization. (2) It shall be the duty of each Communist-action organization registered under this section to keep, in such manner and form as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe, accurate records of the names and addresses of the members of such organization and of persons who actively participate in the activities of such organization. (g) It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to send to each individual listed in any registration statement or annual report, filed under this section, as an officer or member of the organization in respect of which such registration statement or annual report was filed, a notification in writing that such individual is so listed; and such notification shall be sent at the earliest practicable time after the filing of such registration statement or annual report. Upon written request of any individual so notified who denies that he holds any office or membership (as the case may be) in such organization, the Attorney General shall forthwith initiate and conclude at the earliest practicable time an appropriate investigation to determine the truth or falsity of such denial, and, if the Attorney General shall be satisfied that such denial is correct, he shall thereupon strike from such registration statement or annual report the name of such indi- vidual. If the Attorney General shall decline or fail to strike the Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19.: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 name of such individual from such registration statement or annual report within five months after receipt of such written request, such individual may file with the Board a petition for relief pursuant to section 13 (b) of this title. (h) In the case of failure on the part of any organization to register or to file any registration statement or annual report as required by this section, it shall be the duty of the executive officer (or individual performing the ordinary and usual duties of an executive officer) and of the secretary (or individual performing the ordinary and usual duties of a secretary) of such organization, and, of such officer or officers of such organization as the Attorney Gent=ral shall by regu- lations prescribe, to register for such organization, to file such regis- tration statement, or to file such annual report, as the case may be. REGISTRATION OF MEMBERS OF COMMUNIST-ACTION ORGANIZATIONS SEC. 8. (a) Any individual who is or becomes a member of any organization concerning which (1) there is in effect a final order of the Board requiring suchorganization to register under section 7 (a) of this title as a Communist-action organization, (2) more than thirty days have elapsed since such order has become fi al, and (3) such organization is not registered under section 7 of tYis title as a Com- munist-action organization, shall within sixty day3 after said order has become final, or within thirty days after becoming a member of such organization, whichever is later, register with the Attorney General as a member of such organization. (b) Each individual who is or becomes a member of any organiza- tion which he knows to be registered as a Communist-action organiza- tion under section 7 (a) of this title, but to have fa'led to include his name upon the list of members thereof filed with the Attorney General, pursuant to the provisions of subsections (d) and (e) of section 7 of this title, shall, within sixty days after he shall have obtained such knowledge, register with the Attorney General as a member of such organization. (c) The registration made by any individual under subsection (a) or (b) of this section shall be accompanied by arregistration state- ment to be prepared and filed in such manner and form, and contain- ing such information, as the Attorney General shill by regulations prescribe. KEEPING OF REGISTERS ; PUBLIC INSPECTION ; REPORTS TO PRESIDENT AND CONGRESS SEC. 9. (a) The Attorney General shall keep and maintain sepa- rately in the Department of Justice- (1) a "Register of Communist-Action Organizations", which shall include (A) the names and addresses of all Communist- action organizations registered under section 7, (B) the registra- tion statements and annual reports filed by such organizations thereunder, and (C) the registration statements filed by indi- viduals under section 8; and (2) a "Register of Communist-Front Organizations", which shall include (A) the names and addresses of a Communist-front Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved-For Release 2003/12/19 : -CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 11 IPUB. LAW 83L1 organizations registered under section 7, and (B) the registration statements and annual reports filed by such organizations thereunder. (b) Such registers shall be kept and maintained in such manner as to be open for public inspection : Provided, That the Attorney General shall not make public the name of any individual listed in either such register as an officer or member of any Communist organization until sixty days shall have ela sed after the transmittal of the notification required by section 7 (g to be sent to such individual, and if prior to the end of such perio such individual shall make written request to the Attorney General for the removal of his name from any such list, the Attorney General shall not make public the name of such individual until six months shall have elapsed after receipt of such request by the Attorney General, or until thirty days shall have elapsed after the Attorney General shall have denied such request and shall have transmitted to such individual notice of such denial, whichever is earlier. (c) The Attorney General shall submit to the President and to the Congress on or before June 1 of each year (and at any other time when requested by either House by resolution) a report with respect to the carrying out of the provisions of this title, including the names and addresses of the organizations listed in such registers and (except to the extent prohibited by subsection (b) of this section) the names and addresses of the individuals listed as members of such organizations. (d) Upon the registration of each Communist organization under the provisions of this title, the Attorney General shall publish in the Federal Register the fact that such organization has registered as a Communist-action organization, or as a Communist-front organization, as the case may be, and the publication thereof shall constitute notice to all members of such organization that such organization has so registered. USE OF TIIE MAILS AND INSTRUMENTALITIES OF Ii' TERSTATE OR FOREIGN COMMERCE SEc. 10. It shall be unlawful for any organization which is registered under section 7, or for any organization with respect to which there is in effect a final order of the Board requiring it to register under section 7, or for any person acting for or on behalf of any such organization- (1) to transmit or cause to be transmitted, through the United States mails or by any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce, any publication which is intended to be, or which it is reasonable to believe is intended to be, circulated or disseminated among two or more persons, unless such publication, and any envelope, wrapper, or other container in which it is mailed or otherwise circulated or transmitted, bears the following, printed in such manner as may be provided in regulations pre- scribed by the Attorney General, with the name of the organization appearing in lieu of the blank : "Disseminated by , a Communist organization" ; or (2) to broadcast or cause to be broadcast any matter over any radio or television station in the United States, unless such matter Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 ,(Pus. Lew 831.1 12 is preceded by the following statement, with the name of the organization being stated in place of the blank : "The following program is sponsored by , a Commmniist organization'. SEc. 11. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no deduc- tion for Federal income-tax purposes shall be allowed in the ease of a contribution to or for the use of any organization if at the time of the making of such contribution (1) such organization is registered under section 7, or (2) there is in effect a final order of the Board requiring such organization to register under section 7. (b) No organization shall be entitled to exemption from Federal income tax, under section 101 of the Internal Revenue Code, for any taxable year if at any time during such taxable year (1) such organ- ization is registered under section 7, or (2) there is in effect a Rfina1 order of the Board requiring such organization to register under section 7. SEC. 12. (a) There is hereby established a boavd, to be known as the Subversive Activities Control Board, which shall be composed of five members, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Not more than three members of the Board shall be members of the same political party. Two of the original members shall be appointed for a tern of one year, two for a term of two years, and one for a term of three years, but their successors shall be appointed for terms of three years each, except that any individual chosen to fill a vacancy shall be appointed only for the unexpired term of the member whom he shall succeed. The President shall designate one member to serve as Chairman of the Board. Any member of the Board may be removed by the President, upon notice and hearing, for neglect of duty or malfeasance in office, but for no other cause. (b) A vacancy in the Board shall not impair the right of the remain- ing members to exercise all the powers of the Board, and three mem- bers of the Board shall, at all times, constitute a quorum. The Board shall have an official seal which shall be judicially noticed. (c) The Board shall at the close of each fiscal wear make a report in writing to the Congress and to the President stating in detail the cases it has heard, the decisions it has rendered, the names, salaries, and duties of all employees of the Board, and an account of all moneys it has disbursed. (d) Each member of the Board shall receive a salary of $12,500 a year, shall be eligible for reappointment, and shat' not engage in. any other business, vocation, or employment. (e) It shall be the duty of the Board- (1) upon application made by the Attorney General under section 13 (a) of this title, or by any organization under section 13 (b) of this title, to determine whether any organization is a "Communist-action organization" within the meaning of para- graph (3) of section 3 of this title, or a " Communist-front organi- zation" within the meaning of paragraph (4) of section 3 of this title ; and Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 :.CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 (2) upon application made by the Attorney General under sec- tion 13 (a) of this title, or by any individual under section 13 (b) of this title, to determine whether any individual is a member of any Communist-action organization registered, or by final order of the Board required to be registered, under section 7 (a) of this title. (f) Subject to the civil-service laws and Classification Act of 1949 the Board may appoint and fix the compensation of a chief clerk and such examiners and other personnel as may be necessary for the per- formance.of its functions. (g) The Board may make such rules and regulations, not incon- sistent with the provisions of this title, as may be necessary for the performance of its duties. (h) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Board such sums as may be necessary.to carry out its functions. SEC. 13. (a) Whenever the. Attorney General shall have reason to believe that any organization which has not registered under sub- section (a) or subsection (b) of section 7 of this title is in fact an organization of a kind required to be registered under such sub- section, or that any individual who has not registered under section S of this title is in fact required to register under such section, he shall file with the Board and serve upon such organization or indi- vidual a petition for an order requiring such organization or indi- vidual to register pursuant to such subsection or section, as the case may be. Each such petition shall be verified under oath, and shall contain a statement of the facts upon which the Attorney General relies in support of his prayer for the issuance of such order. (b) Any organization registered under subsection (a) or subsec- tion (b) of section 7 of this title, and any individual registered under section 8 of this title, may, not oftener than once in each calendar year, make application to the Attorney General for the cancellation of such registration and (in the case of such organization) for relief from obligation to make further annual reports. Within sixty days after the denial of any such application by the Attorney General, the organization or individual concerned may file with the Board and serve upon the Attorney General a petition for an order requiring the cancellation of such registration and (in the case of such organ- ization) relieving such organization of obligation to make further annual reports. Any individual authorized by section 7 (g) of this title to file a petition for relief may file with the Board and serve upon the Attorney General a petition for an order requiring the Attorney General to strike his name from the registration state- ment or annual report upon which it appears. (c) Upon the filing of any petition pursuant to subsection (a) or subsection (b) of this section, the Board (or any member thereof or. any examiner designated thereby) may hold hearings, administer oaths and affirmations, may examine witnesses and receive evidence at any place in the United States, and may require by subpena the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books, papers, cor- respondence, memoranda, and other records deemed relevant, to the Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 matter under inquiry. Subpenas may be signed and issued by any member of the Board or any duly authorized examiner. Subpenas shall be issued on behalf of the organization. or the individual who is a party to the proceeding upon request and upon a statement or showing of general relevance and reasonable scope of the evidence sought. Such attendance of witnesses and the production of such documentary evidence may be required from any place in the United States at any designated place of hearing. Witnesses summoned shall be paid the same fees and mileage paid witnesses ii:. the district courts of the United States. In case oFdisobedience to a .r?ubpena, the Board may invoke the aid of any court of the United Stales inrequiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of docu- mentary evidence. Any of the district courts of the United States within the jurisdiction of which such inquiry is carried on may, in case of contumacy or refusal to obey a subpena is{_ued to any person, issue an order requiring such person to appear (arid to produce docu- mentary evidence if so ordered) and give evidence relating to the matter in question; and any failure to obey such order of the court may be punished by such court as a contempt thereof. All process in any such case may be served in the judicial district whereof such person is an inhabitant or wherever he may be fours#. No person shall be held liable in any action in any court, State or Federal, for any damages resulting from (1) his production of any documentary evi- dence in any proceeding before the Board if he is required, by a sub- pena issued under this subsection, to produce thi,, evidence; or (2) any statement under oath he makes in answer to a question he is asked while testifying before the Board in response to a subpena issued under this subsection, if the statement is pertinent to the question. (d) (1) All hearings conducted under this sectim shall be public. Each party to such proceeding shall have the right to present its case with the assistance of counsel, to offer oral or documentary evidence, to submit rebuttal evidence, and to conduct such cross-examination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts. An accurate stenographic record shall be taken of the testimony of each witness, and a transcript of such testimony shall be filed in the office of the Board. (2) Where an organization or individual declineE- or fails to appear at a hearing accorded to such organization or individual by the Board pursuant to this section, the Board may, without further proceedings and without the introduction of any evidence, enter an order requiring such organization or individual to register or denying the application of such organization or individual, as the case may he. Where in the course of any hearing before the Board or any e: aminer thereof a party or counsel is guilty of misbehavior which obs ructs the hearing, such party or counsel may be excluded from further participation in the hearing. (e) In determining whether any organization : is a "Communist- action organization", the Board shall take into consWeration- (1) the extent to which its policies are formulated and carried out and its activities performed, pursuant to directives or to effectuate the policies of the foreign government; or foreign organ- ization in which is vested, or under the domint Lion or control of Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved for Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800030008-5 15 troa. rAW eat which is exercised, the direction and control of the world Com- munist movement referred-to in section 2 of this title; and (2) the extent to which its views and policies do not deviate from those of such foreign government or foreign organization; and (8) the extent to which it receives financial or other aid, directly or indirectly, from or at the direction of such foreign government or foreign organization; and (4) the extent to which it sends members or representatives to any foreign country for instruction or training in the principles, policies, strategy, or tactics of such world Communist movement; and (5) the extent to which it reports to such. foreign government or foreign organization or to its representatives; and (6) the extent to which its principal leaders or a substantial number of its members are subject to or recognize the discipli- nary power of such foreign government or foreign organization or its representatives; and (7) the extent to which, for the purpose of concealing foreign direction, domination, or control, or of expediting or promoting its objectives, (i) it fails to disclose, or resists efforts to obtain information as to, its membership (by keeping membership lists in code, by instructing members to refuse to acknowledge mem- bership or by any other method) ; (ii) its members refuse to acknowledge membership therein; (iii) it fails to disclose, or resists efforts to obtain information as to, records other than membership lists; (iv) its meetings are secret; and (v) it other- wise operates on a secret basis; and (8) the extent to which its principal leaders or a substantial number of its members consider the allegiance they owe to the United States as subordinate to their obligations to such foreign government or foreign organization. (f In determining whether any organization is a "Communist- front organization", the Board shall take into consideration- (1) the extent to which persons who are active in its manage- ment, direction, or supervision, whether or not holding office therein, are active in the management, direction, or supervision of, or as representatives of, any Communist-action organization, Communist foreign government, or the world Communist move- ment referred to in section 2; and (2) the extent to which its support, financial or otherwise, is derived from any Communist-action organization, Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 2; and (3) the extent to which its fundst resources, or personnel are used to further or promote the objectives of any Communist- action organization, Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 2; and (4) the extent to which the positions taken or advanced by it from time to time on matters of policy do not deviate from those of any Communist-action organization, Communist foreign gov- ernment, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 2. Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 2003/12/19: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 (g) If, after hearing upon a petition filed undei subsection (a) of this section, the Board determines- (1) that an organization is a Communist-a -tion organization or a Communist-front organization, as the ca-e. may be, it shall make a report in writing in which it shall. state its findings as to the facts and shall issue and cause to be served on such organiza- tion an order requiring such organization to register as such under section 7 of this title; or (2) that an individual is a member of a Communist-action organization (including an organization required by final order of the Board to register under section 7 (a), it shall make a report in writing in which it shall state its fin ngs as to the facts and-shall issue and cause to be served on such individual an order requiring him to register as such under section 8 of this title. (h) If, after hearing upon a petition filed under subsection (a) of this section, the Board determines- (1) that an organization is not a Comnnm, t-action organiza- tion or a Communist-front organization, as the case may be, it shall make a report in writing in which it shall state its findings as to the facts; issue and cause to be served upon the Attorney General an order denying his petition for an or=ler requiring such organization to register as such under section of this title; and send a copy cf such order to such organization; cr (2) that an individual is not a member of any Communist- action organization, it shall make a report in ti riting in which it shall state its findings as to the facts; issue and cause to be served upon the Attorney General an order denying )yis petition for an order requiring such individual to register as siich member under section 8 of this title; and send a copy of $ ieh order to such individual. Si' If, after hearing upon a petition filed under subsection (b) of this section, the Board determines- (1) that an organization is not a Commun rmbers of the organiza- tion in behalf of any plan or enterprise of the it rganization; (7) Has been accepted to his knowledge a w an officer or member of the organization or as one to be called upo,i for services by other officers or members of the organization; (8) Has written, spoken or in any other vay communicated by signal, semaphore, sign, or in any other f trm of communication 68 Stat. 776. orders, directives, or plans of the organization 68 Stat. 777. a ared documents, pamphlets leaflets, books, or any other type of publication in behalf of the objectives and purposes of the organization; (10) Has mailed, shipped, circulated, distributed, delivered, or in any other way sent or delivered to others n=aterial or propaganda of any kind in behalf of the organization; (11) Has advised, counseled or in any other ;ray imparted informa- tion, suggestions, recommendations to officer.S or members of the organization or to anyone else in behalf of the objectives of the or- (>anization; (12) Has indicated by word, action. con&rct, writing or in any other way a willingness to carry out in any miauner and to any degree the plans, designs, objectives, or purposes oft he organization ; (13) Has in any other way participated hit lie activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of the organize- ion; (14) The enumeration of the above subjectl-; of evidence on mem bership or participation in the Communist 'arty or any other or- ganization as above defined, shall not limit the inquiry into and Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 ,f. Approved For Release 20b3/12L19 . CIA-RDP18Qg0W,6RQQ0800030008-5 consideration of any other subject of evidence on membership and participation as herein stated. SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES CONTROL ACT AMENDMENT SEC. 6. Subsection 5 (a) (1) of the Subversive Activities Control unlawful aot. Act of 1950 (50 U. S. C. 784) is amended by striking out the period at 64 Stat. 992. the end thereof and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon and the following: "or "(E) to hold office or employment with any labor organization, as that term is defined in section 2 (5) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (29 U. S. C. 152)? or to represent 61 Stat. 138. any employer in any matter or proceeding arising or pending under that Act." SEC. 7. (a) Section 3 of the Subversive Activities Control Act of Definitions. 1950 (50 U. S. C. 782) is amended by inserting, immediately after paragraph (4) thereof, the following new paragraph : "(4A) The term `Communist-infiltrated organization' means any organization in the United .States (other than a Communist-action organization or a Communist-front organization) which (A) is sub- stantially directed, dominated, or controlled by an individual or indi- viduals who are, or who within three years have been actively engaged in, giving aid or support to a Communist-action organization, a Coin- niunist foreign overiunent, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 2 of this title, and (B) is serving, or within three years has served, as a means for (i) the giving of aid or support to any such organization, government, or movement, or (ii) the impair- ment of the military strength of the United States or its industrial capacity to furnish logistical or other material support required by its Armed Forces: Provided, however That any labor organization which is an affiliate in good standing of a national federation or other labor organization whose policies and activities have been directed to opposing Communist organizations, any Communist foreign govern- inent, or the world Communist movement, shall be presumed prima facie not to be a `Communist-infiltrated organization'." (b) Paragraph (5) of such section is amended to read as follows: 68 Stat. 777. "(5) The term `Communist organization' means any Communist- 168 Stat. 778. action organization, Communist-front organization, or Communist- infiltratec organization." (c) Subsections 5 (c) and 6. (c) of such Act are repealed. Repeals. SEC. 8. (a) Section 10 of such Act (50 U. S. C. 789) is amended 50 USC 784(o), by inserting, immediately after the words "final order of the Board 785(o). requiring it to register under section 7", the words "or determining Mailing require- that it is a Coin munist-infiltrated organization". ments, eto. (b) Subsections (a) and (b) of section 11 of such Act (50 U. S. C. Taxes. 790) are amended by inserting immediately preceding the period at the end of each such subsection, the following: "or determining that it is a Communist-infiltrated organization". SEC. 9. (a) Subsection 12 (e) of such Act (50 U. S. C. 791) is Subversive Ao- amended by- tivities Control (1) striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting in Board. lieu thereof a semicolon and the word "and"; and (2) inserting at the end thereof the following new paragraph: "(3) upon any application made under subsection (a) or sub- section (b) of section 13A of this title, to determine whether any organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization." Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved 3993/.12/19 : CIA fDP80B6f676R00080U030008-5 (b) The section caption to section 13 of sugl+ Act. (50 U. S. C. 792) is amended to read as follows: "REGISTRA,'IIONIaOCEEDINGS BEFORE THE BOARD" SEC. 10. Such Act is amended by inserting, in inediately after section 13 thereof, the following new section : "PROCEEDINGS WITH RESPECT TO COMMUNIST-INFILTIIATI:n ORGANIZATIONS "SEC. 13A. (a) Whenever the Attorney General has reason to believe that any organization is a Communist-iiiiltrated organization, he may file with the Board and serve upon such organization a peti- tion for a determination that such organizatiOnt is a Communist-nnfil- trated organization. In any proceeding so h stituted, two or more affiliated organizations may be named as joint rt spon dents. Whenever any such petition is accompanied by a certificat of the Attorney Gen- eral to the effect that the proceeding so institute d is one of exceptional public importance, such proceeding shall be -yet for hearing at the earliest possible time and all proceedings them!n before the Board or any court shall, be expedited to the greatest pra < ticable extent. "(b) Any organization which has been Bete mined under this sec- tion to be a Communist-infiltrated organiztion may, within six months after such determination, file with the Board and serve upon the Attorney General a petition for a determi tion that such organ- ization no longer is a Communist-infiltrated oranization. "(c) Each such petition shall be verified unaor oath, and sliall con- tain a statement of the facts relied upon in support thereof. Upon the filing of any such petition, the Board shall serve upon each party to such proceeding a notice specifying the time and place for hearing upon such petition. No such hearing Shall be conducted within twenty days after the service of such notice. "(d) The provisions of subsections (c) and, d) of section 13 shall apply to hearings conducted under this section except that upon the failure of any organization named as a party in any petition filed by or duly served upon it pursuant to t.11 is set?tion to appear at any hearing upon such petition, the Board may cp +duct such hearing in the absence of such organization and may eater such order under this section as the Board sliall determine to be` .-arranted by evidence presented at such hearing. Evidence for "(e) In determining whether any organization is a Communist- determination. infiltrated organization, the Board shall consi:Tr- 68 stat. 718. "(1) to what extent, if any, the effectie management of the 6a at. 7779. a airs o such organization is conducted be one or more individ- uals who are, or within two years have been, (A) members, agents, or representatives of any Comm( ist. organization, and Communist foreign government, or the wjirld Communist move- ment referred to in section 2 of this title,pa ith knowledge of the nature and purpose thereof, or (B) engti=ed in giving aid or support to any such organization, governn c tit, or movement with knowledge of the nature and purpose the y, of; "(2) to what extent, if any, the policies of such organization are, or within three years have been, f6i niulated and carried out pursuant to the direction or advice ofiny member, agent, or representative of any such organizations, 'overnment, or move- ment; "(3) to what extent. if any, the personnel and resources of such organization are, or within three years hay( been, used to further or promote the objectives of any such Communist organization, government, or movement; Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved~ For Release A03/12 j19 : CIA RD 1JU~9q0800030008-5 ~ r - ~i~OL "(4) to what extent, if any, such organization within three years has received from, or furnished to or for the use of, any such Communist organization, government, or movement any funds or other material assistance; "(5) to what extent, if any, such organization is, or within three years has been, affiliated in any way with any such Communist organization, government, or movement; "(6) to what extent, if any, the affiliation of such organization, or of any individual or individuals who are members thereof or who manage its affairs, with any such Communist organization, government, or movement is concealed from or is not disclosed to the membership of such organization; and "(7) to what extent, if any, such organization or any of its mem- bers or managers are, or within three years have been, knowingly engaged- "(A) in any conduct punishable under section 4 or 15 of this Act or under chapter 37, 105, or 115 of title 18 of the 62 Stat. 736, United Stites Code; or 797, 807, "(B) with intent to impair the military strength of the United States or its industrial capacity to furnish logistical or other support required by its armed forces, in any activity resulting in or contributing to any such impairment. "(f) After hearing upon any petition filed under this section, the Board shall (1) make a report in writing in which it. shall state its findings as to the facts and its conclusions with respect to the issues presented by such petition, (2) enter its order granting or denying the determination sought by such petition, and (3) serve upon eac party to the proceeding a copy of such order. Any order granting any determination on the question whether any organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization shall become final as provided in section 14 (b) of this Act. "(g) When any order has been entered by the Board under this sec- tion with respect to any labor organization or employer (as these terms are defined by section 2 of the National Labor Relations Act, as 61 Stat. 138. amended, and which are organizations within the meaning of section 3 29 USC 152. of the Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950), the Board shall 50 USC 782. serve a true and correct copy of such order upon the National Labor Relations Board and shall publish in the Federal Register a statement of the substance of such order and its effective date. "(h) When there is in effect a final order of the Board determining that any such labor organization is a Communist-action organization, a Communist-front organization, or a Communist-infiltrated organi- zation, such labor organization shall be ineligible to- 68 Stat. 779. "(1) act as representative of any enip oyee wit in the meaning 6 Sta . 78 . or for the purposes of section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended (29 U. S. C. 157) ; "(2) serve as an exclusive representative of employees of any bargaining unit under section 9 of such Act, as amended (29 U. S. C. 159) ; "(3) make, or obtain any hearing upon, any charge under sec- tion 10 of such Act (29 U. S. C. 160) ; or "(4) exercise any other right or privilege, or receive any other benefit, substantive or procedural, provided by such Act for labor organizations. "(i) When an order of the Board determining that any such labor organization is a Communist-infiltrated organization has become final, and such labor organization theretofore has been certified under the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, as a representative of 29 use 167. employees in any bargaining unit- Approved For Release 2003/12/19 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800030008-5 Approved For Release 1003/12/19 : CIA-6RDP80BO1 Ef76R000800030008-5 Pub. Law 37 All 68 Stat. 780. a question of representation affer-ting commerce, within 29 use 159. the meaning of section 9 (c) of such Act, -hail be deemed to exist with respect to such bargaining unit ; air=i. "(2) the National Labor Relations B