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Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020038-3 on ()rabic Maurice H. $tans/ Director Bureau of the Budget Washington 25, D. C. Lear Mr. Awns: There is forwarded herewith a proposed L.cecutive Order to uthorise the Ceram' Intelligence Agency to communicate, in accordance with the terms and conditions of agreements for co- operation arranged pursuant to subsections 144a, b, or c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, such Restricted Data, as is determined to be transmissible under the agreement for coopera- tion involved. Subsection 1444, which was added to the Atomic knergy Act of 1954 by Public law 85-479, dated July 2, 1959, specifically provides for such authorisation by the Preaident for any agency of the United States. It was specifically added to cover the Central Intelligente Agency problem and agency representatives supported it in testimony before the Joint Committee on Atorroc :2,,nergy. The background relating to the transfer of Restricted Data for intelligence purposes was summarised in part in our letter of September 19, 1958, in commenting on the provisions of the draft of Executive Order 101141, dated September 30, 1959, entitled Providing for the Carrying Out of Certain Provisions of the Atomic tmergy Act of 1951, as amended, Relating to biternational Cooperation." As was indicated in that letter, a very effective and profitable exchange of atomic energy intelligence information has been developed and conducted with The Central Intelligence Agency has provided the focal point and channel for the exchange of this information, and pursuant to a letter from President Truman to the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, dated June 25, 1952, has prescribed the mechanism for disseminating for intelligence purposes the limited amount of Restricted vats information r e 791!: Approved For Release 20.018gfr/ : CIA=RbP80601676R000800020038-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP801301676R000800020038-3 authorised for exchange. Public Law 85-479 and thel make possible significant in- creases in this collaboration, and the cooperation authorized by the President in the exchange of United States nuclear weapons design data provides a meaningful frame of reference for the exchange of corresponding Restricted Data information on Soviet nuclear weapons. Authority granted to the Central Intelligence Agency to communicate for intelligence purposes will permit the continuation of the previous practices in this field in providing a focal point for this effort and insuring adequate coordination and representation of the various intelligence agencies which have a keen interest in this vital area. It ill avoid the necessity of authorisation by the President presently required in each instance where transmission under the authority of subsection 144d of the Act is desired. With regard to Executive Order 10841, which was approved on tier 30. 1959, a determination was made by the Duress of the Budget that it was desirable to include in that Order only the delega- tion of certain responsibility vested in the President under sub- sections 31(c). 144a. 144b, and 144c of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended by Public Law 85-479. and to exclude the delegation of authorities under subsection 144d which was requested in our letter of September 0, 1958. It is now necessary to provide by separate order the delegation authorized by subsection 144d of the Act. Authorisation by the President if transmission of .8 ifetricted Data for intelligence purposes under subsection 1444 of the Act has been under consideration for well over a year and has been the subject of many discussions with representatives of the Atomic ,nergy Commission and the Department of Defense. The proposed Order submitted herewith has two major changes from one prepared and forwarded to us informally under date of August 18, 1959. by representatives of the Atomic Energy Commission. First, there has been deleted a requirement that each cornroimication made in accordance with agreements under the Act be specifically approved by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of Defense. Secondly, the requirement has been removed that each recipient of a communication be approved by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of Defense. Both of the items are unacceptable to this Agency for the religion that they constitute additional procedural requirements and are inconsistent with existing exchange agreements relating to transfer of military and other Restricted Data. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020038-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020038-3 Order 10841 was approved on :Jeptember 30. 1959, without the iucluaion of authorisation for the Central Intelligence Agency under subsection 1444 of the Act for the transmission of Restricted Data for intelligence purposes. It is requested that a review and approval of the proposed Order forwarded herewith be provided as expeditiously as possible. cerely. len W. ea 7-tirectop .E,:nclosure (1GC/LC:JGO:rnmw:ieb 9/41-addressee /1-DCI nDr.T 1- OSI gislative Counsel Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020038-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020038-3 TIVI. ORD F. AUTHORIZATION FOR TI-IZ COMMUNICATION OF RLSTJt1CThD DATA BY THE CENTRAL- INTELLIGL,NCE ACik;NCY vLrtue of the authority vested in me by the Atomic nergy Act of 1954, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the Aet; 44 U S. C. IOU et seq. ). and Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code. and as President of the United States; I hereby authorize the Central latell.gencs Agency to comm unicste for intelligence purposes, in accordance with the terms and conditions of any agreement for cooperation arranged pursuant to subsections 144a, or c of the Act, such Restricted Data and data removed from the Festricted Data category wader subsection 1424 of the Act (42 U.S. C. 2,16.2d) as ie determined by the Atomic Lnergy Commission and the Department of Defense, in consonance with the provisions of the Act to be transmissible under the agreement for cooperation involved. Such communications shall be through mechanisms established by the Central intelligence Agency in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement for cooperation involved. OUSE 9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000800020038-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80601676R00080002003873 o o,utiet NEMORANDUK : Director et Central Inteliieence etiReTECT: Proposed Jenecutive Order o Authoress, elA te CommenLcate t:or Intelligence Purpoees in Accordaece wie.eue Preeviatena of the Atomie nnerey Act 1954, As Amended. 1. This memorandum contains a recommendaeien ;or eeeeen by tee nerector ef Central Intelligence. eemn revommendaeion is eoetaieed in paraerape 4. 2. Public Law 05-479 coutained an amendment tu eecetun 3.44d ex Idle Atomic Energy Act of 1954 proviaine that "the Fresident may authoriee and aeeney of the United etate e to communicate in auverdance wite She Levee an conditiOne of an agreement eor cooperatiou arranged pureeant to euneeceiene e44a, b, and c :inch Restricted Data as ie determiaed to be transmisaibee -nder the agreeeent for coeperweion involved. ile eeciusion or tuie laneuaee ie the law wee a direce reeule ue tee eieerts of eels. Aeenc5 te eletain a provieion whicn would epecificalee sietnerise teie Aeenc. to die- eeminate such Reetricted Data fer inteleleence purposes. In woreine with eee Atomic Energy Commissien ann ene Depareweet ce veiniest' eor an appropriaee prevision, the Aeency agreea to ;he general laneueee containee in the law ee anscted. The President siened tee legislatioe on e Jely 1)56. 3. On 15 ,eeptember 115, while the Aeency waa in eae proceee ol preparing an appropriate Exec itive Order 0 enerimine Lag-Z Aeaucy ee come eunicate Restricted Data for ineelligence ptrpoacs, the Bureee of Lee Budeet forwarded a joint Atomic _Energy Commission . Departmeee oi Defenee proposal for our comment. This proposed executive Order cid net, Auclude an authorisation for communication or ilesLr'clea iieea lee intellieence perposes. However in view of the weltmiesioe of eee Aeeeic eneree Commiseleu Departmene of Defense proposal, it was deternined an ateeept eheued be eade to obtain aetheriSation tnrougn an amenament to eeee prepouese retteer ta8fl teroteell the sebmiesien of a 'separate Execeeeve Order. Accordingly, on ptember 19, 1958, General Cabell 'signed a letter to the bureau or tie Dedeet eueeesting cane e te include tee Central Ineellegence Agency re- 'pavements. The atte Department also eugeeeeed ciasn6eb in the Atomic e;neree' Commiesion Departmene or Dere-else Tne Aeomic enerey Coeeleeion and the Department of Defense objected to tiLe Central intellieence Aeency and 3tate Department recommendations. On final review trio bureau of tee Budeet determined that the deleestion of authority regeeseeu ly leie Aeenc not be included In that Order. Approved For Release 2003/05/23: CIA-RDP80601676R000800020038-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP801301676R000800020038-3 4.. 3ie that time, Mr.'sousto ux 1 :lave eee -vt Au:sic Jnery xinton, Department of Defenam sad. Bur4au of the B4et riessntativee in an effort t rah an azreemeot on the lendusee of an appropriate iececutive-Order. The sttached draft Order use resulted from those nee;otiationa. 5. The attached propoeee iwtocutive Ord=x ku4;tic major cies from one prepared sod forwarded informally to ea by representatives of the Atomic Energy Commission. rirst, there hoe been deleted a requirement that each communication made in accordance with acre:meanie under the Act be speeifically approved 1.1:! the Atomic twarey Commission and the Department of Defense. .;econd, the reqeirteeet has been removed that .sell recipient of a communication be approved by the Atomic: Energy CommisaiOn and the Departrent or Defense. Both or these iters are unacceptable for the reason that they constitute additiouel procedural requiremente and are inconsistent with existirw, estehende agreements relating to tranefer cf military and ot. Restricted Data. We do not feel that fther netotittWn will provide 9-'reement on these points. Although 1 have no ?,uarentee -i, ,i. 1:,..?0nic ergyc : be Department of Defentie v511 fremseIly accept ti.e eroposal, oral recommendatitim of the Generol Couneal, i:iureau or the 4 our request for the &operate -4Llicutve er to the Bureele An7, ibtleS'att.&bt be reGtAved exp-At!i7,-1/4-- 74 d an 'i.x44.1ti4e he co despite Pre Pr to exchatTre this - thia difficulty. C 'we Or for taa by he Central Inteilieence lac ley. I STATfor istricted Data I eLline Wrialki 444 in Netleh iy t440 ACO and JIG have rued to honor this channel 1 euthoriastion fol the Central intellivence Agency ial. The proposetL utiV de 'will clear 4P Distribution: Orig. - Legis1ative Counsel - DCI 1 - DDCI 1 - ER 1 - OSI OGC/LC:JGO:mmir (3 November 1959) Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800020038-3