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Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010065-4 On file DOC release instructions apply. Mr. ftrold Bas~tet aaateiz .> Chi, 1sfia~y Coil Rom 72, 11 umotment at Cc rce I wish to b you for r eta letter. Of 14 bwmdxw 1 and to tall 1 soh I en- JOY" vith the Bstainess M)krUwy mil. I have few am the Ca eil. rip a 1* m=ber of rams vha we not Qay a f i. s tog-Atjg but ifto have rendered so in m Vark here wfat1ing a tIon vhenewr I have S"ed it. It vaa a gleaswe to have bed thi.a further qpport=ity of tieg with you. Allen W. Dulles Director AWD/c Distribution: DCI file ER,-'- f- -7 . Reading Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010065-4 HONORABLE SINCLAIR Approved Ex Officio General Chairman HAROLD BOESCHENSTEIN Chairman WALTER WHITE Executive Director BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ROOM 7527, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUILDING WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Vice Chairman EUGENE HOLMAN Vice Chairman REUBEN B. ROBERTSON, Jr. Vice Chairman SIDNEY J. WEINBERG Vice Chairman S. C. ALLYN R. R. DEUPREE *E. H. LANE T S PETERSE W. L. BATT *S CHARLES D. DICKEY *FRED LAZARUS, Jr. . . N CLARENCE B RANDAL . D. BECHTEL .J MARION B. FOLSOM DONOLD B. LOURIE . L WINFIELD W RIEFL OHN D. BIGGERS . WILLIAM C. FOSTER .GEORGE H. LOVE . ER ALDEN G OAC HAROLD BOESCHENSTEIN FRED 0. BOHEN ERNE JOHN M. FRANKLIN G. KEITH FUNSTON * J. SPENCER LOVE DEANE W. MALOTT . R H *REUBEN B. ROBERTSON, Jr. JOHN W SNYDER ST R. BREECH * CRAWFORD H. GREENEWALT GEORGE C. MARSHALL . JOSEPH P SPANG J LUCIUS D. CLAY * F. 0. GURLEY J. W. MCAFEE . , r. KENNETH A SPENC JOHN L. COLLYER JOSEPH B. HALL THOMAS B. McCABE . ER ROBERT T STEVEN RALPH J. CORDINER * ROBERT M. HANES PAUL B. MCKEE . S R DOUGLAS STUAR JOHN COWLES .EUGENE HOLMAN L. F. McCOLLUM . T GARDINER SYMON C. R. COX CHARLES R. HOOK JAMES H. MCGRAW, Jr. DS JUAN T TRIPPE HARLOW H. CURTICE * PRESTON HOTCHKIS GEO, 0. MONTGOMERY . THOMAS J WATSON J DONALD K. DAVID T. V. HOUSER THOS. A. MORGAN . , r. .SIDNEY J WEINBE G PAUL L. DAVIES A. W. HUGHES GEORGE L. MORRISON . R JOHN HAY WHITNEY FRANK R. DENTON JAMES S. KNOWLSON AKSEL NIELSEN LANGBOURNE M. WILLIAMS * MEMBER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE P. 0. Box 901 Toledo 1, Ohio 14 December 1954 Honorable Allen W. Dulles, Director Central Intelligence Agency 2430 E Street, N. W. Washington 25, D. C. We are deeply grateful to you for joining up with us last Wednesday evening and for giving us the very comprehensive and clear picture of our position in relation to Soviet physical and man power resources and political purposes. You gave us an intensely interesting, if not entirely comforting, picture. It is a grim business, but many of us feel that we are more fortunate than perhaps we deserve to be in having the exper- ience, understanding, acumen and loyalty you bring to a field that is comprehended by so few in our country. We are also indebted to you for your willingness to serve. Many thanks too for violating your personal rule against making Washington appearances and talks, in order to meet with your friends in the Council. I enjoyed my visit with you during dinner. With warm best wishes and highe regards, I am HB:gc For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00080001006?-4 6,-Lf0/ BECHTEL Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 25 Dooodwr 4 1 -" Gy"Ing With th SUSIM" A3vie y 0oumil. It me a rma tri., l to Mve had this amity or Ming eo friend& tee have alvWu been of !:'nil. b to ee in' pr.eent k. F&ithtully Ten N. gal3as W ter ait& ' ~iasct+~.~ ieesea Adviaot- Co33 D e t iC C e WXOi,, D. C. AWD/c Distr ution: DC*r Reading Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Confidential DecivmberlO, 1954. The Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. / V/' 6. Z"/ Thank you for your letter of December 6, 1954, supplementing the formal reply regarding the appointment of a man on the interdepartmental committee dealing with strategic information. Our people are happy to have representing your group. Your personal feelings in this matter are most helpful and we are fully aware of the complexity of the problem that we are facing. Particularly is it helpful for you to point out that much of the information we are concerned about is emanating from government sources. Mr. H. Karl Honaman who is heading the new office has already told me he has become acutely aware of this phase of the problem and he is endeavoring to make progress in tackling it. Thanks also for sending the reprint of the interview with David Lawrence. This will be helpful to our folks. Sincerely yours, Secretary of Commerce ---Ufive Reg:#Xy Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010065-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010065-4 Confidential Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 -6.31631A Prepared in 0/ -fI ibutian: Orig - Addr-esse men ii. l:b Ijrectar I cc - 1/coPy of basic 1 cc - L cc - DCI cc .. Reading I cc - EB Lbasic v-- STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 proved For Release 2003/0,0 '(Imp&aB01676R000800010065-4' ?~ G o THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON 25 The Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: The National Security Council in NSC Document 5427, dated July 19, 1954, has directed this Department to establish a unit to develop policy regarding the flow of information which may possibly be harmful to the security of the United States. This office has now been activated in my immediate office as the Office of Strategic Information to attack three problems set forth by the Security Council: To reactivate clearing house for business and industry which provides ervoluns a consideration of the voluntary public release of unclassified d information where such publication might be prejudicial to the defense interests of the United States. This contemplates voluntary participation. (2) To establish an advisory committee with representatives of appropriate agencies for the purpose of furnishing guidance to executive agencies of the government on the publication of unclassified information originating in various agencies of the executive branch. (3) To activate the program proposed by ICIS for controlling the direct export of unclassified government technical publications to Soviet bloc countries. This includes consideration of the value of exchanges in situations where such exchanges may prove of value to the United States. One of the problems which must be recognized is that the Federal Government itself is a large source of information of strategic value. In consultation with ICIS as directed, steps are now being taken to create the advisory committee mentioned in item 2 above and I would appreciate it if you would designate an individual on your staff to represent the Central Intelligence Agency on this committee. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/04/22: 8W-09 O'f676R000800010065-4 Mr. Allen W. Dulles Page Two In setting up the Office of Strategic Information, I have secured the services of R. Karl Honaman, Director of Publication, Bell Laboratories, to be Director of this office. It is suggested that your designated member of this inter-departmental committee contact Mr. Honaman as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, Secretary of Commerce Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : A@,76R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 December 1954 The Honorable Sinclair Weeks Secretary of Commerce oa ,erce Dear Sinclair: written you a torlwai reply to your letter f o 24 November, not ting one of our very senior moon an your co ee to prevent n ecessary disclosure of strategic for- wanted to add this personal line as I feel va t ry s rongly about this matter and sincerely hope that your committee will comp thu _ __ roblesars. Also, l may say I branches of the government itself also bear responsibility. e is ter too much written about my own shop and I am in any event. I just wanted to assure you of mY keen interest o ct And desire to help in any way. As of possible interest, ago which touched an this subject and got a good bit of lic ... t +i-~ Publicity a att the Sincerely yours, Alien W. Dulles )rector Fuel. .A' D: at Orig - Addressee I cApprHt1. Release 2003/04/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010065-4 1 cc - DD/I 1 cc - Reading Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010065-4? STAT In acC kaz-ce With Your i t i ors he Will Promptly r t*wh with 1w. Eonn. Allen W. " Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 13 November 1954 re Business Advisory Council Department of Circe Washington 25, D. C. Dear Walter: Following my telephone conversation with you, had a talk with Sidney Weinberg, and is reply evember 10th 1 wish to confirm that e for me to dine with the iiasiaese December Oth and speak briefly on the work of the CLA. I suggest that I 0 for IS or 20 antes, and then if this is nasal procednte, as Sidney Weisberg indicated, it might be appropriate to have some question* and general discussion. Faithfully Yours. Allen W. Dulles Director AWD:hea Distribution: Addressee - Orig DCI file - I cc (White) - i,, c (Speech file - w/basic) ER I cc I Reading - I cc Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 tAppr vgg6f Rp se 2 ,;/0(02eaCIA-RDP8OB01676R0008p0010065-4 of the contents of this letter. is just starting on this Job. - 1 r t~teTT~r-~~ber 19 1~ pproved For Release 2003/04/22: CIA-RrI~S TW 676R0008000 0065-4 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT -YAS Ay Address reply: Room 2322 Department of Commerce September 14, 1954 The Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Dulles: I appreciate your kindness in permitting of your staff to serve as a up hat the Secretary of Commerce has asked me to get together to advise him on possible applications of modern machine methods and techni ues to various Patent Office operations. special knowledge and experience in the field of machine operations will, I am sure, contribute significantly to the group. I hope to organize methe mbersminimum demand study in such ayinas to dividualmake on the time of the Any improvements in the processes of the Patent Office that may emerge as a result of this study not only enhance the value to our country of the entire patent system, but may very well contribute, f also, to greater efficiency in hoaeeoperations ofth ccerned both government and industry that patent matters. V. Bush, Chairman Committee on Application of Machines to Patent Office Operations Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 LE 5-926Z/a Approved For Release ,0 _ T4 . ~' r4 t - P B 1676R000800010065-4 Zt August I{ 54 The honorable Sinclair Week* The Secretary of Circe Department of C o rc. Washi tston 25. D. C. Secretary.. X1 e of Mr. Dulles who in away a short trip. I vrsm to ackaawief,e and thank ycu for Your kind letter of iS Rat Concerning I OUl bring it to the Directors au i~iiatte y upon his, return. Sincerely yours. 25X1 5X1 C/SCI :icP (19 Aug 54) Distribution. I - RWFChrono I - Exec. Registry I - DCI File I - AD/COMMO - w/cy basic Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010065-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0008000100 '4 u 3 $' ER 3I/c. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington 250 D. C. 1554 The Civil Aeronautics Administration issues airman certificates to aliens in accordance with the standards prescribed by the Civil Aeronautics Board in the Civil Air Regulations. These certificates are issued to such aliens as qualify with the technical standards prescribed in the Civil Air Regulations. Since various law enforcement agencies of the United States Govern- ment may have an interest in aliens holding such airman certificates, the Civil Aeronautics Administration is considering the feasibility of preparing and distributing to these agencies such lists setting forth the name of the alien, date of birth, country of citizenship and class of airman certificate issued. Inasmuch as the preparation of these lists will involve approximately 180 man-hours of labor, your advice is solicited as to whether these lists would be considered of use to your Department. Your opinion would be appreciated at your earliest possible convenience. Sincey yours, Administrator of Civil Aeronautics Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010065-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CIA-RDP80B017R60O`8 E"Cullve DEPARTMENT OF COMMERC ur.. y