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Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010040- THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Lieutenant General C. P. Cabell, USAF Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Thank you for your letter of 24 April con- cerning the Central Intelligence Agencyts repre- sentation at our appropriation hearings. You ask if the Commerce Subcommittee desires your presence. I can assure you that they do. As a matter of fact, I telephoned the chairman of this Subcommittee recently on this point, and it was upon his advice that my earlier request was made. C\ ftederick H. Mueller Assistant Secretary of Commerce V-- / Gc 3 0 A- `' . Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000800010040-1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1 le / 1 -. h- STAT *t #I# of t * . A atr# + . x p L u l " 4 to ult. J 1-o -Act* of joar 1 : till *. q*** d it is O"Walm t TOP"S tta* iri Ae dowmenta and to *44,ko, s STAT "it I ?r-6 "4 * s to Ike o wo" *04 C=ap aAm ( AC'S) (:'~U REMY FILE Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1 cc~~ a_.. -....~-c.,w..c~. STAT AqEt RANVr efft :LOf(Rj}fWb7pR0008 0010040-1 Attached is the proposed letter for your signature to Assistant Secretary Mueller of Commerce which was prepared in line with our discussion of last night. In discussion with Mr. Green this morning he informs me that Mueller did talk with Congressman Prince Preston about CIA and otter witnesses and Mr. Preston urged that Commerce bring any representatives of other agencies who could assist. tHN S. ~WN egisiative Counsel QL -I*kL N _oril 1958 (DATE) FORM 54 10 1 WHICH REPLACES MAY F BE M USED. 10-101 I AUG STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : RDP80B01676R0008 0010040-1 FOR: Cam' MEMORANDUM Mr. Warner and Mr. Borel would like to +4ik with You about the attached. May we schedule them tor -"-~O-Wednesday afternoon? REPLACES FORM 10- 101 F1ORM AUG MNO. 4 101 WHICH MAY BE USED. 5 Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1 ,Approve ENO Fq~ le~ ~ 2003/014 1-F 1 ~01676R00080 Reference attached, Mr. Mueller's office called to advise that the hearings which had been scheduled for Friday have now been postponed. They're hoping to have them rescheduled Monday or Tuesday, but aren't yet sure of the date. 23 April (DATE) FORM NO. Ijyl REPLACES FORM 10.101 1 AUG 54 V WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1 ,E/ is - ac7 proved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1 THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Lieutenant General C. P. Cabell, USAF Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. Dear General Cabell: You will recollect your recent letter to me in which you outlined the views of the Central Intelligence Agency concerning our proposed Foreign Technical Information Center. Since then we have presented a budget request to the House and Senate Appropria- tions Committees and have had some preliminary discussion with the House Subcommittee on Commerce appropriations in connection with the general budget request of the Department. I regret to say that the plan appears to be in jeopardy. A substantial part of our dif- ficulty lies in a feeling by members of Congress that we are attempting to "move in" or duplicate work which your agency is performing or is prepared to perform. I am confident that the two lines of effort are distinct and that we can rely on the full cooperation of C.I.A. in distribu- tion. However, our position would be greatly strengthened if a responsible official of C.I.A. could attend our hearings and be prepared to describe your mission and the limitations which do not permit you to undertake national distribution. Naturally we do not feel that we should call on you to support the precise details of our plan. However, a general concurrence and an assurance that it does not duplicate work which C.I.A. is prepared to encompass would be most useful. May we look forward to your assistance? Our hearing will be on Friday at 10:00 a.m. in the offices of the House Appropriations Committee. Frederick H. Mueller Assistant Secretary of Commerce Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1 8. D. BECHTEL Chairman GEORGE A. WYETH, JR. Executive Director WALTER WHITE Consultant ROBERT B. ANDERSON ^JAMES BEC BLACK 'HA ROLD MBOESCHENSTEIN .ERNESTOR EBBREECH KENNETH C. BROWNELL "PAUL C. CABOT JAMES V. CARMICHAEL WALKER L. CISLER rJOHNU L. COLLYER *CHARLES E~DANIEL PAUL L. DAVIES BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ROOM 7424. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUILDING WASHINGTON 25, D. C. STERLING 3-9200, EXTENSION 3811 MARION B. FOLSOM 0. KEITH FUNSTON CRAWFORDAH GREENEWALT ALFRED M. GRUENTHER JOSEPH B. HALL ROBERT M. HANES HERBERT HHOOVER. JR. 'T. V. HOUSER GILBERT W. HUMPHREY 'DEVEREUX 0.JOSEPHS F. R. KAPPEL ELANE J64011 L. LANIER FRED LAZARUS, JR. 'MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE BARRY T. LEITHEAD AUGUSTUS C. LONG J. SPENCER LOVE ROSWELL MAGILL J. W. MCAFEE NEIL MoELROY EARL M. MoGOWIN AKSEL NIELSEN C. H. PERCY A. G. PETERSEN 'T. S. PETERSEN PAUL PIGOTT GWILYM A. PRICE REUBEN B. ROBERTSON, JR. WILLIAM E. ROBINSON DONALD J. RUSSELL COMMITTEE April 22, 1958 The Honorable Allen W. Dulles Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D, C. RALPH J. CORDINER Vice Chairman Vice Chairman DEVEREUX C.JOSEPHS Vice Chairman CHARLES SAWYER C. R. SMITH 'J. P. SPANG JR. A. E. STALE'Y, JR. 'FRANK STANTON B. DOUGLAS STUART GARDINER SYMONDS A. THOMAS TAYLOR 'CHARLES ALLEN THOMAS B. J. THOMAS JUAN T. TRIPPE JOHN C. VIRDEN THOMAS J. WATSON. JR. JOHN HAY WHITNEY LANGSOURNE M. WILLIAMS There will be two seats available for you and Mrs. Dulles on the Commerce plane leaving Hangar 6 at the National Airport at 8:30 a. m. , D. S. T. , on Friday, May 9th, for Hot Springs. I hope this will be convenient for you. It is my understanding that you will arrange your own return transportation if you have to leave on Saturday afternoon, which I hope will not be the case. Approved For Release 2003/04/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000800010040-1