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Document Release Date: 
November 15, 2006
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Publication Date: 
June 30, 1949
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Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220029-2 liso.vrar "moor JUN 3 0 1949 Mr. Ismer Baruch Chief, Personnel Classification Division Civil Service Commission Washington 2$, D. C. Dear 1.ir. Jarucht At the tiss of the passazo of the Central 'atmIligence Agenci- Act of 13149, we were informed by Mr. Dirks of your division that In his opinion certain provisions of this Act .o.ade it unnecessary for the Civil Scirdeu CC?ruission to continue to ob ifications of this lo-iancy. rolls opinion has since been co :4 I perso--r=nvorsations with Mr. Davi-Joie who is your specially cleared representative to perform such audits. It is now ter understandin?L that as a result of the above opinions and furth>r personal. convursatiQns ,An your part with air, J, Kelly, our Personnel Offio..,r, that the Civil Service Commission would like to oitiOraw from the responsikility given to them under the Classification Ant of providing, for audit of all CIA civilian positions, basioo; this action on Section I of the Central Intallizence kency Act of 1949. I mrsierstond thorough.ly tho difficulties encountered oy your representative perforinz jo;) cla.2?4...,fioation,audits in this Aormi, particularly with regard to the lar ze nmobor ok pOlitions the responsibilities of which cannot be filly described to hirt for eseentisa semritr reasons. / :fish also to ezpress at this time our very deep a2prociation for the understandinz with which your representative alvroaches his re s?criestAlition in this connection and the very reol assistance 1.e has alsta;,-s rendered to us in *witting and establishing our 7ositions. o to not desire under 1E4 circuokstances to be completeLr cut off frorst this assistance. Should it be determined that th4 Ccpmmiscion ha5 no furtLor responsibility in law to render this services I wish to make a very etronz request that we be peraitted to call upon you for assistance in our classifiootionprolleon in ani oases where we feel such need. D Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220029-2 r Approved For Release2006/11/15 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220029-2 "Ii11101111r It is reqaestod that this 'ency be informed of the official position of the Civil Service Commission on the pro1isions of Section 7, of the Central Xntelligonce Agency At of 1910 fed the denims or the Commission as to future action in connection with audit, classification and establish- ment of positione in this Agency. Sincerely, Sgd & dispatched by hind byl 'Personnel N. HILIENVETTER 6/30/49 Rear Admiral, usr Director of Central intelligence lacd 30 June 1942 'Distribution: Central Records Signer's Copy Personnel 'Budget Vanagement len. Couns Chrono Approved For Release 2006/11/15*: IA-RDP80B01676R000700220029-2 STAT STAT