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Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 7- 7a5( Ch..1.(4'7 InvestigationIflvisii uaiti:d Ante:, Civil Service Oomed 4tel-Leit.,,teti Z5, D. C. ati returning herewith, properly executed,? V form you sent no with malt to the spplicant investigation you are conducting into the beekeraund ,a44 q4alifiostioas of catzaLvteli Itortga rLmerarticate ithatzoe r,t.eorniaid her highly. VDCIl 1 - DCI 1 - Reading FIC (throne 1-11' (6 Dee 55) SinaCray Allen W ? Dulles Director IMORICDF Paces 22 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release2006/11/08 : CIA-RDP80B01676R009700220015-7 laa: 1- 4-- e Ci A ilonorable III! ii, Yonne elairmen 'i ted States Civl Service Commission ashineton 25, D. C. -Lear Mr. Youne: - - 3 As tae proposed Executive Pay Act of 1955 will be pending before the Congress when it reconvenes, I believe it important to set forth my view of the proper place of this Agency in that legislation for incorporation in any further action tee Adremistration may take at that t;.me. As eassed by the Aouse, Section 103 of H.R. 7619 provides conpensateon for the Director of Central Intelligence at an annual rate equivalent to teat to be provided for the Secretaries of the eA.etary departments and the Director of the Federal Bureau of investieation. Under Section lOe of A.R. 7619, the annual rate ef- compensation for the Deputy Director of Central Intellieence le placed at the level of that provided for the Under Secretaries of the military departments, the Deputy Under cecretaries of the Department of State and several like positions. This places the salary of the Deputy Director one category above that to be paid Assistant .cretaries of the Executive Departments. the Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil service, in reporting S. 2628 to the Senate, established the rate of basic compensation of the Director of Central Intelligence in the same relative category as in H.R. 7e19 (Section 102(a)). Howevere eection 192 (e) of S. 2628, as reported, establishes the rate of compensation of the Deputy Director of Central Intellielnce at the same rate as that established for Assistant secretaries of the Executive Departments, although the compensation of $2C,e0e eee annem is the same as that authorized by H.R. 7619. Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 I do not desire to comment on the amount of coensation that be provided for the positions of Director and Deputy Director Intelligence. / do wish to stress, however, the necessity these positions established at the appropriate level within ive branch generally. Otherwise the functioaing of all is of the Agsncy is impaired by an implicit dova-gredimg s obstacles to our establishing veyking relationships ropriate officials of other governmental departments. 'rector of Central Intelligence is ampler participant Ma the deliberations of the National Security Council and is a fell memberof the Operations Coordinatieg Board. As Director of Central Intellieence he !.s acting in his capacity Os senlor intelligence advisor to the Gowereeent in addition to his responsibility am the head or the Agency, sod It is felt that the Congress recoenized this distinction in the National Secnrity Act of 1947 which estabilehed doth the position and the Agency. It would, therefore, seem eppropri- te for the Director to be bracketed with the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Under Secretory of State, an& the senior Administrator* Assistente to the President, with whom he works on completely equal terms. rate of censatiou of theposition of Director of Central mem is established at the level of the Deputy sec- retary of Defense and the Under Secretary of State or remains as proposed in Z. 2628 and N.R. 7619, the position of Deputy Director of Central Intelligence should be equated to that of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State and the Under recrateries of the military depart- ments, an proposed in the Nouse version, rather than at the level of Assistant Secretaries of the executive departments, as proposed hy the Senate Committee. This is essential not golly froa the point of view of the broad responsibilities of the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence but also because the principal operating deputies below him in the Central Intelligence Agency must deal as *goals with assistant secretaries of other departments, paoticularly State ant Defense. This de facto evality has long been recognized in the cvepoeition of interdepartmental hoards such as the Planning Board of the Nationel Security Council. As you are undoubtedly, aware, the Ucover Ciseion its report on the intelligence activities of the Federal Government to the Congress on 29 June 1955. The Cowl ion Task Force, heeded by General Nark Clark, which was concerned with intelligence act Ities Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 carefully considered the appropriate establishment of the positions of the Director and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence within the executive branch of the Government. It vaa the opinion of the Teak Force that the position of Director of Central Intelligente Should be equated with that of the Deputy 34scretary of Defense end that the position of the Deputy Director of Central intelligence should he equated with those of the Under Secretaries in the Flecutive Departments. I therefore hope that the Administration's position on this legislation will neke clear that the relative positions or the Director and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence should he established as befits their functions and responsibilities as set forth shove and, incidentally, substantiated by the Hoover Commission. I shall happy to provide you with any further data or to discuss NW aspic of this matter with you. Sincerely, 1710 Allen w. Dulles Director SA-DD/S:CFC:dlc (19 Oct 55) CONC Distribution: On-addressee del-DCI reading file V. - 1-Executive Registry 1-DD/S chrono 1-DD/S subject 1-Legislative Counsel 1-Comptroller 1-Inspector General 1_D/Personnel STAT ? 4 L. K. WHIM Deputy Director (Support) Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 7 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: THE DIRECTOR AttaCheltare proposed letters to Mr. Philip Young, Chairman, U. S. Civil Service Commission, and Mr. Rowland R. Hughes, Director, Bureau of the Budget, requesting that the Director and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence be appropriately included in the executive pay proposal. Recommend signature. L. K. WHiTt; Deputy Director (Support) OCT 2 2 1955 (DATE) FORM NO. I01 REPLACES FORM 10-101 1 AUG 54 WHICH MAY BE USED. (47) Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220015-7 STAT