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Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9! The Menortible Barris Ellsworth' Chairman, Civil Service Commission Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mr. Ellsworth: - The Suggestion Awards Committee of this Agency has voted to recommend an sward for a suggestion which achieved *Exceptional Benefits of General Application,' in the field of intelligence dissemination affecting not only this Agency, but the entire inr. telligenoe Community. In our use of thi term *Intelligence Community* we include the follewingt Dspartments of State, Army, Navy, Air; The joint Chiefs of Staff; The Secretary of Defense; The National Security Agency; The Operatices Coordi- nating Beard; The Atomic Energy Commission; The Treasury Department (Foreign Assets Coatrol and Coast Guard); The Department of Coramezve (Bureau of Foreign Commerce); The 'Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation and immigration and Naturalisation Service); The International Cooperation Administration; The Dated States In.. formation Agency; and such ether elemonte of the Executive Branch which have established a need for these Intelligence Reports. The recommendation to reward this achievement of four head- quarters employees ie for a total sum of to be divided se follows: ziI Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 t-CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 The position of our Agency in this matter is fully supported in the attached tile. I earnestly recommend that the Civil Service Commission approve our recommendation for this sward. I am convinced that the contribu- tion is highly exceptional and unusually outstandlng an required by Section 304(g) of the Goverment Employees' Incentive Awards Act (763, 83rd Congress). Sincerely, C. P. Cabell Lieutenant General, WU Acting Director MgtS/SAS:JKL:eh Rewritten: ADD/S:HOL:milo (6 Aug 57) Distribution: Ogg & 2 - Addressee te- ER 1 - A-DC1 1 - DD/? 1 - Mgmt Staff 1 - Mgmt Staff/SAS 1 - D/Personne1 1 - Comptroller 2 - DD/S - 2 - Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220013-9 NFP7ri ?%, 19 July 1957 TO: Director of Central Intelligence Acting Deputy Director (Support) SUBJECT: Employee Awards - Intelligence Information Reporting and Dissemination Improvements This memoranium contains a recommendation submitted for your approval. Such recommendation is contained in paragraph 4. 1. PROBLEM: What awards are proper to recognize adequately, the suggestions of four CIA employees which contributed to improved intelli- gence information reporting and dissemination to the Intelli- gence Community. 2. FACTS BEARING ON THE PROBLEM: a. In our use of the term "Intelligence Community" we include the following: Departments of State, Army, Navy, Air; The joint Chiefs of Staff; The Secretary of Defense; The National Security Agency; The Operations Coordi- nating Board; The Atomic Energy Commission; The Treasury Department (Foreign Assets Control and Coast Guard); The Department of Commerce (Bureau of Foreign Commerce); The Department of Justice (Federal Bureau of Investigation and Immigration and Naturalization Service); The International Cooperation Administration; the United States Information Agency; and such other elements of the Executive Branch Which have established a need for these Intelligence reports. b. Old System - Before June 1956, "hot" positive intelligence information obtained by Clandestine Services (CS) was usually given an externally teletyped-internally dittoed preliminary dissemination as "PD Reports" (PD); then fol- lowed up at some later date by similarly worded, editorially perfected and multilithed Clandestine Services Reports (CS Follow-ups). Examination of Tab A. at this point is essential to seethe gross aspects of the old system. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : tiA:RDP80B01676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 errarZT New System - In June 1956, the PD-CS Follow-ups were re- placed by a single new Teletype Dissemination Report (TD). Follow-ups were eliminated. All "hot" positive intelligence information is now given a single timely dissemination which reduced teletype traffic by approximately 75%. The bulk of all dissemination, both internal and external, is now mul- tilithed and hand carried to the customer (mentioned in a. above) by fast courier. Examination of Tabs B and C at this point is essential to see the effect of the change. d. Line of Duty Status - None of these employees is concerned with establishing reporting procedures. Their duty status is clearly that of using, digesting, evaluating or typing the reports. e. Recap of Suggestions - Four employees in three suggestions proposed substantial changes in reporting and dissemination methods. These suggestions also served as catalysts for subsequent improvements by others. (1) 25X1 WE/ DD/P, jointly proposed a simultaneous preparation of PD and CS Follow-up Reports to eliminate separate ditto and multilith preparations. (2) (3) rrE, DD/P, noted RW's consid- eration of the preceding suggestion; then assailed the reports system as a whole, strongly urging elimination of the follow-up itself. Cable Secretariat, 0/DCI, recommended a sterilization process during the original typing of PD's, to provide that all information required to be masked out for steri- lization be placed either on a special form, or typed on a separate ditto Form 12. f. Other Contributions - Official evaluators completed favorable initial evaluations. Concerned supervising officers also found these suggestions basically sound. Stimulated by wag- gesters' proposals 8 concerned officers of several major components cess of tearing the suggestions apart, reworking them, dis- carding unworkable parts after trial and developing new began the time consuming and involved-pro- - 2 - Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDF'80B01676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CliTIF10B01676R000700220013-9 procedures to meet difficult administrative and technical operating problems not even contemplated in the original suggestions. Ultimately, the combined contributions of the suggester-operator-staff team paid off in development and installation of the present effective and workable TD System. 3. DISCUSSION a. Advantages of New System Adoption of the new system prevented writing, typing, editing, disseminating and other processing of approximately CS Follow-up Reports each year. This has saved, and will continue to save each year, at least man-hours on the part of all CIA/DD/P personnel who are with these CS Reports. (Rt estimates man-hours and Cable Secretariat estimates man-hours.) An analysis submitted by KM as to grade levels of personnel throughout DD/P who deal with these reports produces a dollar transla- tion of these man-hours in the amount of approximately annually. concerned In addition to these savings there are other categories of savings which do not lend themselves to a dollar assessment without very costly expenditures of time. This Agency has taken into consideration the great benefits accruing to the members of the entire Intelligence Community. Therefore these suggestions would not be subject to referral to those agencies for additional award consideration. The Committee feels that recognition of savings in these categories can be made via the intangible award procedure: Category 1 - The elimination of a number of writings and rewritings, typings and retypings, editings and re-editings, and coordina- tions of each CS follow-up report issued. Category 2 Curtailment of extensive teletype trans- mission by the Signal Center; elimination of an extra reproduction and dissemination by Printing Plant #2, Office of Logistics; simplification of sterilization practices for DD/P and Cable Secretariat. Category 3 Elimination of extensive and excessive dup- licate mail handlings, receiptings, loggings, readings, extractions and filings throughout - 3 - :- Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220013-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : cir,te NE -101676R000700220013-9 the Agency. It also follows, of course, that this last category of savings was ex- tended throughout the entire Intelligence Community. In summary, as a result of these improvements, the reporting work load has been cut more than half (see Tabs 13 and C) and backlogs of routine CS Reports have been substantially reduced. While the above shows a substantial cut in man-hours pre- viously consumed, no personnel have been eliminated. Rather, Improved utilization of time on the part of personnel handling CS Reports in DD/P has contributed to better quality finished intelligence reports now being written, with corresponding improvements in customer services and evaluations. Further- more, Reports Officers now have more time to devote to such 4 essential and sometimes previously neglected Intelligence Officer functions as: developing requirements; directing field collection efforts; providing guidance to field per- sonnel in producing more pertinent, accurate and complete reports. The new procedures, systems and forms completely proved themselves during the past year of actual operations, par- ticularly during the Middle East and Hungarian crises. b. Recommendations of the Evaluators In a final evaluation (Tab E) the Chief,' PDF, Cable Secretary, 0/DCI, and Chief, Records Management Staff/Mgt/S, DD/S, jointly recommended adoption. c. Recommendations of the Suggestion Awards Committee After lengthy and careful study the Committee recommended a total award for Suggestions in the amount 25X1 of for present and continuing "Exceptional Intan- gible Benefits of General Application" and L 1 Tangible Savings of an estimated I in the first year of adoption. This total of I to be rounded off 25X1 to and divided as follows: 25X1 - 4 - - Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA7RDP801301676R000700220013-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CltBriree501676R000700220013-9 Mini: I The Committee then recommended an awari for Suggestion in the amount of for "Moderate Intangible Benefits of General Application andfor Tangible savings estimated at I lin the year of adop- tion - this total to be rounded off to Both of these motions were voted upon and were unanimously carried. 4. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that you approve these awards, as described in paragraph 3c above, and that you approve the release of this Staff Study together with the attached letter to the Civil Service Commission. FOR THE SUGGESTION AWARDS COMMITTEE: ANNEXES: Tab A - Diagram of Old System Tab B - Diagram of New System June '56 to Jan. '57 Tab C - Diagram of New System now in effect Tab D - Memo re Additional Recog- nition of Staff Officers Tab E - Final Joint Evaluation CONCURRENCE: 2 3 JUL 1957 Chief of Operations, DD /P Date The recommendation in paragraph 4 is Approved: n Date C. P. Cabell Lieutenant General, USAF AMMONMWITKOOLESS Acting Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2003/05/23. p0P80601676R000700220013-13 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CiSferr01676R000700220013-9 SUBJECT: Employee Awards - Intelligence Information Reporting and Dissemination Improvements DISTRIBUTION: Orig. Civil -Service-Commi-asion 1 - Executive Registry i?)!?: - DD/S - MgVS 1 DD/P /- Mgt/S/JX17:.ee (19 July 1957) /7- -/-) e 1-- /.1-/ct S- Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : 86B01676R000700220013-9 SECRET III PD REPORT rApplymilirer DISSEM INATION eledbermuoiz .,-s-,-1/4 !;"-?'-''? DISSEM- *: -"- ' UtigWVoUIJUltit" FOLLOW-UP -R.tIeaELT__.____ u wiNg2uu 3-* AFTER 41,L DISSEM- NAT *4' . DISSEM- INATION ORGANIZATION 0 PD REPORT DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE FOLLOW-UP 41111 CS REFORT DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE AREA BRANCH 1.. Writes Report 2. Types Draft 3. Edits 4. Types Ditto Master 1,,.. 19. Updates-Refines PD;)Writes New OS Follow-up 20. Types Draft 21. Edits 22. Types 0/Master 23. Reviews-Edits 24. Corrects or Retypes 25. Coordinates AREA DIVISION , . Reviews and Edits 6. Corrects or Retypes 7. Coordinates . RQM/RC 8. Reviews Edits 9. Corrects Retypes 10. Releases 11. Processes Passes Signal 12. Dittos 13. Disseminates Few Copies and or and Copy to Center Copies by - Basis *, At 26. Reviews-Edits 27. Corrects or Retypes 28. Releases CABLE SECRETARY N_ , "k'? , v \ ' ? SIGNAL CENTER N -, ..N"- -...- --, -,?:? ??...-\.???? -..-N' 4 1. Processes 15. Transmits Teletype Extensive OL/PSD PLANT #2,,..--, ,-,..?-:-----' N ,NN ,.',.' ',,,,..? ,?-....-. -;,N --..-... .-....N.` -.N.", .:-..-- I 4004t' eAr iti, ? ? iti* 41" ??? 4 ??? hoP. sto? 41,0* P 29. Processes 50. Multiliths Copies 51. Disseminates, Same Basis as Other CS Rpts. INTERNAL CIA ,N..... -..--?N N.NN ,NN' ,-...': ..?-..,--.: tl LN'? :-....-,-, '4.....N,?1 16. Reads Confirm- ation Copy 17. Extracts or? Files 18. Action (if Required) ? 4 4404, 14, 52. Reads Confirm- ation Copy 33. Relates to PD 54. Extracts-Files 35. Action (if Re uired) 32. 32. Reads Inform- ation Copy 33. Relates to PD 54, Extracts-Files 35. Action (if Required) i73 EXTERNAL CIA III 16. Reads Inform- ation Copy 17. Extracts or Files 18. Action (if Resuiredl 18 lin ate lllll III plus 1111111111 TOTAL ....my. OLD SYSTEM ? (SMALL _D.ETA4.-S..OMITTED) SECRET Approved For Ti) REPORT ORGANIZATION AREA BRANCH SECRET Relea e * 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B0 676 0700220013-9 BEFORE DISSEMINATION L AFTER DISSEMINATION Ti) REPORT AREA DIVISION RQM/R0 CABLE SECRETARY SIGNAL CENTER INTERNAL CIA EXTERNAL CIA ? TOTAL ACTIONS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DESCRIPTION of PROCEDURE L. Writes Report 2?, Types Draft 3,, Edits 4,, Types Offset Master 5. Reviews and Edits 6. Corrects or Retypes 7. Coordinates 8. Reviews and Edits 9. Corrects or Retypes 10. Releases 11. Processes; Passes Copy to Signal Center 12. Produces Multilithed Copies 13. Disseminates LARGE Number of Copies 14. Processes 15. Transmits by Teletype ? Limited Basis 16. Reads Confirmation Copy 17. Extracts or Files 18. Action (if Required) 16. Reads Information Copy 17. Extracts or Files 18. Action (if Required) musuins.1111118 NEW SYSTEM ? JUN'56-JAN '57 ? (SMALL. peTAILS m111E0) Approved For R lease 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220013-9 SECRET SECRET Approved Forf elea 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B0 676R 0700220013-9 TD REPORT BEFORE DISSEMINATION ORGANIZATION 11110 TD REPORT AREA. BRANCH AFTER DISSEMINATION DESCRIPTION of PROOEDURE 14, Writes Report 2. Types Draft 3. Wits 4. Types Offset Master Set AREA DIVISION CABLE SECRETARY SIGNAL CENTER INTERNAL CIA EXTERNAL CIA TOTAL ACTIONSqu 11111111111 111111111.11111111.11111111111111111111111111 5. Reviews and 'Edits 6. Corrects or Retypes 7. Coordinates 8. Releases 9. Processes; Passes Copy to Signal Center 10. Produces Multilithed Copies 11. Disseminates Extensive Number of CopkeS___ 12. Processes 13. Transmits by Teletype - Limited Basis 1 . Reads Conformation Copy 15. Extracts or Files 16. Aotion (if Required) 14. Reads Information Copy 15. Extracts or Files 16. Action (if Required) uluturninsul6 Approved For Release 2003ft5fflE:TCIA-RDP80B0 676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 SECRET Memorandum of 2 April 1957 from Gordon M. Stewart, Director of Personnel (Formerly Chief, Foreign Intelligence), SUBJECTI Awards for the Revision of PD Form and Followup Procedure This memorandum sets forth in considerable detail, the complete complicated story of the changes made in CIA's PD Dissemination System and gives credit to the many other people, other than the Suggeeters, whose work and ideas were of vital importance in these developments. 171 iA:tom,!! Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIATEtir0,1676R000700220013-9 11 fAAL. LiA 2 APR 195 7 MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman of the Suggestion Awards Committee SUBJECT : Awards for the Revision of PD Form and Followup Procedure 1. I have read with interest the recommendations relative to Employee Incentive awards for three suggestions designed to improve and speed up Dp/P disseminations of significant and timely intelli- gence information. This memorandum, however, does not begin to tell the complicated story of the changes made in our dissemination system or to give credit to the many other people whose work and suggestions were of vital importance in these developmente. Since much of this work was done by members of the Foreign Intelligence Staff during my tour of duty as Chief, Foreign Intelligence, I.believe that these contributions should be made a matter of record. 2. In the first place, the suggestion for the elimination of the P.D. or T.D. follow-up was not a procedural or ideological "breakthrough"; it did not spring to life MU-panoplied, as Athena from the brow of Zeus. The wastefulness of doing the same thing twice was long recognized. The first successful attempt to solve the problem was made in mid-1952 when RC devised this procedure for routine PD's: the report was typed on a multilith mat and run off by Reproduction. The text was pasted on a cable form and sent to Cable Secretary for tele- type transmission. This system enjoyed great success. It eliminated the follow-up in most cases, and was received with delight by the Reports Officers. This time-and money-saving procedure had to be abandoned in early 1954, however, when Cable Secretary adopted the new snap-out, carbon-copy cable form which universally eliminated the re-typing of all cables and teletype messages. Then, RC had to go back to the double typing of PD' a, but it was planned to devise some system to enable a revival of the one-shot procedure. And, when a plan was worked out later, although it did use some of the ideas of the Incentive Suggesters, it was forced more by circumstances than by the suggestions. Crisis situa- tions in world affairs had so multiplied, with TD's following suit, that it was no longer possible to tolerate dual typing. Furthermore, the final system put into effect was the result largely of the inability of Signal Center to take care of the enormous volume of traffic. Prr,' Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 SEINITZE Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : C isouB01676R000700220013-9 3. The development of new procedures to eliminate the CS follow-up dissemination and accelerate the dissemination of timely information to customers, although stimulated by the three employee suggestions under consideration, was a time-consuming and involved administrative and technical operation that required the services of personnel in several components of the agency. In order that our dissemination procedures might be revised, it was necessary to undertake the following: a. Survey all customer agencies regularly receiving the old Preliminary Dissemination, to determine their need for permanent copies of information reports, changes in routing and distribution systems that would result from revision of dissemination procedures, and effect of such revision, if any, on the efficiency of CIA intelli- gence distribution systems. Our survey showed that only the State Department would be seriously affected by the change. Lengthy negotiations were conducted with State before a reasonably satis- factory system could be worked out. b. Revision of Cable Secretariat procedures, including conversion to multilith reproduction, development of efficient masking and sanitation procedures, and dispatch of all possible teletype disseminations by messenger to reduce the load on Signal Center. c. Design and preparation of new multilith forms. All forms passed through several complete drafts. d. Preparation of detailed instructions on use of new forms for reports officers in operating divisions. e. Testing courier runs to ascertain if routine teletype disseminations could be delivered to customer agencies in sufficient time. The Dp/p requested the development of such a system in order to reduce the traffic load on signal center. f. Instructing operating divisions and other interested personnel in the operation of the new system. g. Testing the new dissemination for bugs and eliminating them. 4. These tasks, which were performed in the period from autumn 1955 to the initiation of the new dissemination system on 1 June 1956; required the services of a sizeable contingent of medium-and upper-level personnel. While not, of course, in any way responsible for originating the employee suggestions under reference, these people took the suggestions apart and - 2 - ?01rnrirlr Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP801301676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 ; 80601676R000700220013-9 reworked them, discarded unworkable parts after trial, and developed new procedures to meet problems not contemplated in the suggestions. They built an efficient and workable dissemination program from the suggestions under reference. The persons principally concerned in developing the teletype dissemination program were: 1 lInitiated program for elimination of follow-ups to preliminary disseminations; consulted customer agencies relative to effect of such elimination on their distribution and filing systems; maintained high-level liaison on project with operating divisions and senior staffs; gave general supervision to project. 25X1 25X1 Igave general supervision to project and continued high-level liaison on project. At all times served as advisor to personnel implementing the project. Because of his lengthy experience in intelligence reports,' Ircae of 25X1 advisor was a unique and major factor in the 25X1 successful completion of this project. 'assisted in the preparation of forms for teletype dissemi- nations and preparation of instructions for their use. After March 1956, he supervised the work of this project. Supervised such reorganization o/ Uable secretariat as Was required to put new 25X1 T.D. system into effect, and assisted in revisions of draft forms. /maintained liaison with Forms Control, supervised the development of 25X1 procedures and instructions for the new system and assisted in the preparation of required new forms./ [_ - 3 - Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-Rrik0B01676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA0- 1676R000700220013-9 assisted in drafting required forms, particularly Form IR-2, and formulating Cable Secretariat procedures for processing T.D.'s. designed the teletype dissemination forms. His work on these forms, done under heavy pressure of other work, was more than a major contribution to its success. It is not too much to say that success in developing the new form was absolutely vital to effecting the new system. assisted in developing T.D. forms, prepared detailed pro- cedures and instructions for their use, consulted operating divisions and other organizational components relative to such procedures and instructions. His work on this project, which was of a uniformly high caliber, was a major factor in its successful completion. 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. Under the regulations governing the Employee Incentive programs, these persons can receive no financial reward for their considerable role in revamping the DD/P system for the dissemination of significant and timely information. It is only fair to say, furthermore, that they desire no such reward. I believe, however, that all those listed in paragraph 4. above, deserve some recognition for their achievement. I recommend that competent authority place in the personnel file of each individual named in paragraph 4 a statement setting forth the part that each played in the establishment of the teletype dissemination system. - 4 - GORDON M. STEWART Director of Personnel Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA[1411*?-0b01676R000700220013-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP801301676R000700220013-9 SET Evaluation of Employee Suggestions This final joint evaluation seta forth in great detail, and sumnarizes the past history in the development and implementation of these suggestions. It also suggests awards to suggesters. Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CM'Wo.'i.801301676R000700220013 LFTTEREX TO MAKE iffjUIL ] NOTE: COPIES, IF THEY ARE R UIRED. EVALUATION OF EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION TO: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, CA Cable Secretariat, & C/RMS INCENTIVE AWARDS COMMITTEE ACTION RECOMMENDED FROM: SUGGESTION NUMBER 25X1 I. INDICATE ACTION 2? RECOMMENDED BY 3. PLACING ACTION 4? NUMBER IN BOX 5. 6. 1 7? ADOPT FOR USE. (DATE ADOPTED illine_1956 ALREADY IN EFFECT BUT THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDEC CONTRIBUTION. (SPECIFY BELOW) DISAPPROVED FOR ADOPTION. ALREADY IN EFFECT AND NO PART OF THIS SUGGESTION MAKES ADDED CONTRIBUTION. REQUIRE FURTHER STUDY. (EXPECTED DATE OF COMPLETION OTHER (SPECIFY BELOW) REFER SUGGESTION TO (OTHER COMPONENT) REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION In order to guide the Incentive Awards Committee in making final determination, an analysis of the anticipated first year's savings and/or other benefits should be shown here. If applicable, indicate and explain below pro- posed disposition of savings AS (1) allotment savings, (2) increased output at same cost or (3) application of resources saved to some other necessary activity. If suggestion contains intangible value, such as morale, safety, etc., please indicate the extent of the area which you think the suggestion will affect, i.e.: the im- mediate area, office-wide, Agency-wide. Attach additional sheet if 'more space is needed. 1. SUMMARY OF SUGGESTIONS Four suggesters in three suggestions proposed major changes in systems, pro- cedures and forms used by CIA to report and disseminate "hot" (significant and timely) positive intelligence information to the intelligence community. a. SUGGESTION' 1(TAB A) - "That a system of simultaneous pre- paration of Preliminary Disseminations and followups be initiated through the use of an adaptation of Form 5l)-AA (Test), Dual. Master ("snap-out" form). This would replace the current procedure of requiring two separate processes in the preparation of PDs and followups: the first on a ditto master, the .secona on multilith." b. SUGGESTION' l(TAB B) - "... The elimination of the present DD/P practice of disseminating multilith CS follow-ups of reports already disseminated in PD form. ... arguments in this suggestion have therefore been aimed against the reports system as it presently exists." C. SUGGESTION (TAB C) - "in the original typing of a PD, I suggest tha el er: a. A special form be used for PDs which would provide for the placement within a prescribed area all of the infor- mation to be masked out in the preparation of sterilized copies, or b. A separate page be used (using the present Form 12) on which would be typed all of the info not to be included on the stcrilized copies." 2. REFERENCES (TAB D) a. 23 Mar. 55 memo from Chief, Reports Control for Chief FI/ Suggestion b. 6 July 55 evaluation of Suggestion c. 13 Jul r5 Comment # 2 from C/RC to DATE 4 April 1957 re 2E y Chief, Reports Control. 2E DD/P/PPC re Suggestien2E CONTINUED ON ATTACHED SHEET SIGNATURE OF EVALUATING OFFICIAL (Type name and tIfTey See Page 4 for Signatures FORM NO, 200, REPLACES FORM 37.164B I MAR 55 AppetiVecrroYFtelbase 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700220013-9 (431 X1 X1 X1 X1 prc-r Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIZEOPI8M01676R000700220013-9 25X1 SUGGESTION by C/FI/ to Chairman, 25X1 25X1 d. 29 July 55 evaluation of Suggestion e. 19 Aug. 55 memo from Deputy Cable Secretariat Incentive Awards Committee, Subject: Suggestion 25X1 f. Undated (Mar.-Apr. 56) Comment #4 from to 25)(1 FI/RQM/RC Incentive Awards Committee re Suggestion 25X1 g. 17 May 56 Memo from DC/1-]to re 2M5k1 manpower data as related to all three suggestions. 25X1 h. 28 Dec. 56 evaluation of all three suggestions by C/Records Management Staff. i. 8 Jun 57 Memo for Record re conversation between C/RMS 25X1 25X1 and 'O&M Staff (DD/S area). . Undated (compiled about 21 Jan 57) supplement to 28 Dec. 56 RMS evaluation, explaining computation of tangible savings. Prepared for Secretary, Suggestions Awards Staff Attachment to the Committee's 22 Jan. by 57 brier. I 25X1 k. 8 Feb. 57 memo from Commo, to Chief DC-S re suggestions 25X1 25X1 3. WHEN ADOPTED The suggestions, though somewhat modified by the evaluating components, (TAB E) were adopted in principle early in June 1956. The new procedures, systems and forms which finally stemmed from these suggestions have completely proved themselves during the past eight months of actual operations which have included both 25X1 They are vastly superior to any previous methods.25X1 4. OLD SYSTEM - DISADVANTAGES Prior to June 1956, advanced and sometimes condensed versions of significant and timely positive intelligence information reports were given priority handling and initial issuance as "PD" (Preliminary Dissemination) Reports. (TAB F) For the most part, PDs were teletyped for distribution, primarily to the policy making level of Government officials. A limited number of dittoed confirmation copies, some of which were sterilized, were disseminated within CIA. These PD Reports were then followed-up as soon as possible (delays might range from several days or a week to as much as several months) by a regular multilithed "CS" (Clandestine Services) Report. Except for minor editorial improvements, occasional added comments, etc., CS Follow-up Reports rarely differed greatly from the original PD Reports. A minimum of several writings, editings and typings; an extensive teletype transmission; separate ditto and multilith reproductions; and two distinct disseminations within CIA and to the intelligence community were required by this PD - CS Follow-up System. Extensive and excessive duplicate mail handlings, receiptings, readings, extractions and filings were also required of both CIA and other intelligence community personnel. -2- . Approved For Release 2003/05/23 . ClAt tr1401676R000700220013-9 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 IDA OB01676R000700220013-9 25X1 SUGGESTION 25X1 25X1 5. NEW SYSTEM - ADVANTAGES Since adopting the new "TD" (Teletype Dissemination) System stimulated by these three employee suggestions, the reporting work load has been cut almost in half. (TAB G) A considerably curtailed teletype transmission, supplemented or suplanted by a single, more extensive (dittoed originally, now multilithed) hard copy dissemination by Cable Secretariat, now suffices to get this "Hot" information reported to the policy making and all other working levels of the intelligence community in a timely manner. Unnecessary and duplicate handling, readings, extractions, filings and references are eliminated. Backlogs of routine CS reports have been reduced and better quality finished intelligence reports are now being written with corresponding improvements in customer services. Reports Orficers now have more time to devote to such essential and sometimes previously neglected, Intelligence Officer functions as: developing requirements, directing field collection efforts, and providing guidance to field personnel in producing more pertinent, accurate and complete reports. 6. SUGGESTED AWARDS Because all three of the suggestions are so closely related, and all treat with ways and means to improve the timely dissemination of "hot' information, they have been handled as a package. They all-played important parts in deveLopment of the present TD System. Without the contributions of any one of them it is doubtful whether the system would be as effective as it now is, or if there would even be a new TD Reports Dissemination System. Based on the following tangible savings and intangible benefits a package award of is recommended. 25X1 Suggested apportionment is also indicated. a. SUGGESTIONS i (1) Tangfble-Savings - Complete elimination of all follow-up CS reports to initial PD reports resulted from adoption of these suggestions. This will prevent issuance this year (June 56- June 57) alone, of more than such follow-u s which would25X1 have required the expenditures of more than I Iman hours 25X1 of DD/P reports personnel time valued at approximately Recommended Award 25X1 (2) Intangible Benefits - The intangible benefits stemming from these suggestions, affecting as they do, not only CIA, but the entire intelligence community, are quite obviously and definitely in the public interest throughout the nation and beyond. Benefits are considered to be EXCEPTIONAL and of GENERAL APPLICATION. Recommended Award 25X1 Recommended Apportionment - To the originators of 25X1 To the originator of Total 25X1 ( 3 ) 25X1 -3- Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA7RpfALB01676R000700220013-9 25X1 25X1 r8 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 :, " ik-g1)1380B01676R000700220013-9 SUGGESTION b. SUGGESTION (1) Tangibl-37674ags - While not as significant as Suggestiora 25X1 I hevertheless ties in with, and helps make possible the most effective realization of the myriad benefits of the other two suggestions. It lead to the develop- ment of the three TD Forms (TAB H) which now make possible the preparation and issuance of TDs as a standard 2-part document. Form lk-2, "Transmittal of Teletyped Information Report" contains only the information which is not to be disseninated outside CIA, while the second part of the TD, Form lk, "Tele- typed Information Report and its "Continuation Sheet," Form lk-1, contains only the information which may be disseminated to the rest of the intelligence community. This vastly simplified sterilization procedures, both for Cable Secretariat and all other Agency offices which are authorized to disseminate sterilized TDs to non CIA customers. Tanbly, Cable Secretarial will save annually! !man hour of I I yping and repro- 25X1 duction r 25X1ersonnel labor valued at Recommended 25X1 25X1 25X1 8 Attachments Award - (2) Intangible Benefits - Benefits are considered with GENERAL APPLICATION. Recommended Award - (3) Tab A - Suggestion Tab B - Suggestion Tab C - Suggestion Tab D - 12 References Tab E - Nemo from Director of Personnel (Former Chief of Foreign Intelligence) Tab F - Old Procedure Tab G - New Procedure Tab H - Forms lk, 1k-1 and lk-2 Total Award- Recommend that the total award of originator of Chief, RQM RC to be morERATE, 25X1 be given to the 25X1 25X1 Ch ef, Records Manage nt Staff Approved For For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RpPriB01676R000700220013-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 SECRET Approved For Release 2003/05/23 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700220013-9 SECRET