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Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 DD/S a)-4339 9 December 19E0 Honorable Barbara Bates Gunderson Cotmnissioner U. S. Civil Service Commission 8th and F Streets, N. W. Washington, D. C. I wish to comnend you and the Board of Trustees for establishing the first annual award honoring distinguished women in the Federal Service. I have discussed with a number of our senior officers the nomination of career women in our Aaenc:v for the Federal have selecte as our nomin _L ees. I have brought to their work throughout their dis- tinguished careers in Government the qualities of intellectual maturity, leadership, and unusual competence. Both of these women have made significant contributions t:o the progress of the Central Intelligence Agency and to the effectiveness of the STAT Federal career service. We welcome the opportunity of giving wider attention to the achievements of two of the many outstanding career women in the Central Intelligence Agency. Sincerely, C. P. Cabell General, USAF Acting Director Attachments Concurrence on original draft: Dir/Security. OP/Pcrs J my (7Dec60) Rewritt n or c ing Dir signature 9Dec60 0 & 1 - Addressee (to be delivered by 0/Personnel c- ER w/att. 2 - DDS w/ att 1 - DDCI 1 - DDI w/att 1 - Dir/Sec w/att 1 - D/Peru, Dir/PersonnF AT MORIiCDF Pages, 8 terra 1. Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 A J r'- - n_i____ nnnr_ Inn Inn ni n O4 f-1-7cnnnnrnnnnnnna r_ 8 DEC 1950 T'lEMORANDUt'I FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT . Nomination of the i irst or er omua s Award 1. This memorandum transmits a letter D Intelligence nominating the STAT and for the Federal Woman's Away . 2. A group of outstanding community leaders and high-level Federal officials formed a Board of Trustees to establish an award honoring distinguished women in the Federal STAT service. Mrs. Barbara Gunderson; U.S. Civil Service Commissioner is chairman of the Board of Trustees and Mr. Robert Hartley of the Brookings Institution is vice chairman. The STAT names of other Trustees are listed in the attached announcement which invites nominations by heads of Government agencies. 3. The Deputy Directors were notified of the opportunity natin-; candidates rl W' aomans Awards. STAT was nominated b lale e I'll-rector STAT nominated by the Deputyir t was ec or Intelligence . The Career Coun reviewed these nominations t i a ts meeting on 14 Novemb 1Q60 ' decided to r unan d ecommend theiti nomnaons o as Agency candidates for the First Annual Federal war.s . Woman's 4. The Board of Trustees of the F d e present these awards at a ceremony + eral Woman S Award plans to ebru must be submitted to Mrs. Barbara Gunderson by 9 De Nominations however, y 9 December er 1960. Chairman, CIA Career Council Attachments I i Lkat -Directorof Security Date Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 uorabl Barbera Bates Gunderson Cssi rice Cc fission U. S. Civile r S cats. N. W. I wish to c rid you and the Board of Trustees for establishing the f t armual wiwd bonor ? distinguished the Federal ervice. I as our s:. S TAT have brotight to their k th careers in Oiov'"r nt trhe q% a of Intellectual maturity, leadership.. and unusual effete Both of these wca en have =ade significant coutr but ons to progress of the Central Intelligence Age=y and to t] e e eer service. I welcome the opportunfty of giving leer attention to the ach ev nts of two in the Central Int+elligex Agency. ALIen W. Dull Director xzIrect6t rsl 4~ DEG I hO Distribution: 0 & 5 - Addressee 1 - D / g e c u r i t y 2 - f v/att 1-DCI 1-DDCI p#tre 1 - ER wx att 1 - DDI v/att 1 - D//ers f / sr mv (7 Dec 60) , Approved Fo 006/09/22: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO 1676R000700220008-5/ . cr . ivil Service Commission. ashington 25, D. C. Mrs. unnderson: fhb you very much indeed for your cherndng 1 very thoughtful suggestion. I em most gratified that you and yaw o itee had a pr fitable visit, and it was a real pleasure for tus to '`have you aboard. " o the name of the installation which you visited, I 'must agree with you that the resent one does have certain dour connotations, if not of Siberia then perhaps of dungeons. Your suggestion, "CAUNT ET, " is at once appealing and appropriate, but I must tell you that it to already in use and refers to another hich you would find even more intriguir . I must confess as well that the present name has "run the gauntlet" of sever) studied efforts to change it, but it has endured for nearly eleven years despite the grim mental images it conjures In any event, your suggestion has not been in vain, for we ling. Meanwhile, may I close by reiterating the satisfaction expressed to me by the staff of that installation for the opportunity to discuss their activities and experiences with such an attentive, interested, intelligent audience. :Sincerely, Distribution: Orig. & 1 Addressee ?,1' ER Allen W . Dulles Director 1 - DCI I - DDCI STAT 2 -- DD/S ~.ics t i b4a, .. 1 - L. K. White ' Deputy Director (Support) Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO 1676R0007002200?8,fne 1960 i Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION WASHINGTON 25, D: C. May 27, 1960 L Honorable Allen W. Dales Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington 25, D. C. ADDRESS ONLY "CIJIL SERVICE COMMISSION" IF YOUR REPLY REFER TO it was a great pleasure to visit you and your associates on Tuesday. I enjoyed luncheon so much and and the provocative talk that followed. I know that Chairman Jones, Mr. Eugene Lyons and Mr. Johnson share my reaction to our field trip. It was a reve- lation, an education and a patriotic experience. Nothing could have made us so receptive and appreciative of President Eisenhor's broadcast of Wednesday evening as the experience of learning we all had with your staff. I thank you sincerely. What a genius for timing you people have, too. Now to an important matter. I am referring, of course, to my self-assignment of a suitable name to replace the flat ne- gation implied in the word now being used for the scene of our visit. At first I was drawn to the plane's appellation - Willie. I played with "WILLY NILLY" but discarded it at once. Too flip- pant, too juvenile and, of course, non-churchilliaaan in concept. Later, I learned "WHISKEY" is also a cognomen for the plane and I was rather taken with using the term "SHOT GLASS. This seemed a designation with zip as well as implications of action and reflection. If it were not for the pedestrian "end I should like "PERRY AND THRUST." But not very much. My final nomination and and the ones I em quite serious about is one word which has the proper style and is consonant in my mind with the overtones of Intrigues with which your work will always be associated even if you and your hard-working staff are weary of it. Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 I propose "GAUNTLET." Sir Winston would, I am sure, savor its swash and buckle. Moreover, the dictionary shows its precise application by definition: "Gauntlet - 1. A medieval glove, usually of leather covered with metal plates, worn to protect the hand from injury in combat. 2. A long glove with. a flaring cuff covering the lower part of the arm." Here, we have the thought of the darkness of a glove, the hand-in-glove concept as well as the (left, quiet approach of gloved hands as opposed to raw knuckles. The protection of hand and arm implied is also significant as is the ringing phrase - "Take up the Gauntlet;' which Webster says means: 1. Accept e challenge; 2. Undertake the defense of a person. With the sure knowledge that "GAUNTLET" would serve your purpose, I rest my case and, forgive me for this, throw down the gauntlet. Again, my thanks to Colonel White and all the others who contributed so much to a great experience. You must be very proud of these men. They seemed to me intelligent, zealous and, in the best sense, serious without being Joyless. You and they have my thanks and admiration. Sincerely, Barbara Gunderson Commissioner Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5 Approved For Release 2006/09/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700220008-5