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Document Creation Date: 
December 19, 2016
Document Release Date: 
November 16, 2006
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Publication Date: 
March 30, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200075-3.pdf422.06 KB
Approved For Release 2006/11/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200075-3 . 4 vri ? /. 30 March. 19 E ion* rabl e J. M. ....nalbrifW hnirrnan Committee on Foreign Relations nited State* Senate ashingtan. D. C. Dear Senator Fulbright: I am happy to respond to your request for comments on S. a am to create the Freedom Commission and the Freedom Academy. I believe the objective to be laudable. As / stated in an address to the Veteran* of Foreign 'Wars in August 196*. we need In this country more- education on the history and policies of International COM132imism, particularly more knowledge of tbe nature of the Communist threat to our way of life. I believe it is essential for educational institutions throughout the United States to develop facilities for extending the knowledge of the dangers of Conantv,nism in all its ramifications and to give some of its historical background. There are already several departments and agencies in the k *dere' Government which devote time and effort to the subjects with which the proposed Freedom Commission would be concerned. As you undoubtedly know. this Agency hes a considerable effort devoted to the study of Cemmunism. including a School. of Internet/Antal Communism to educate those who enter an duty with as. regard to the Freedom Academy there are these factors to be considered: (1) Many universities and research institutions (such as the Council an Foreign Relations. Foreign Policy Association. and Brookings) are already making an effort in studying the menace of Comunmism and in educating their students or members. In thee* universities and institutions are found most of the real es:parts. outside those in Government, who are competent to deal with this subject. ' Approved For Release 2006/11/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200075-3 Approved For Release 2006/11/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200075-3 (2) A study of International Communism and related Soviet problems would provide a more rounded program if it were tied in with general studios of world problems. Suck a general course *night be more attractive to the type of individual who could be effective lin such work. (3) The Academy would be an overt institution. and its personnel and student body would almost certainly become well known. This factor would be quite important in selecting students and in determining the nature of their future activities in the field of anti-Communism. I trust that time. remarks will be of some use to you. DDP/ CA/PRO Mar61) Rewritten: 0/I0 LBKirkpatrick (15 Mar 61) Rewritten: 0/DCl/AWD:WE:bec (21 Mar 61) Rewritten: 0/ DCV.AWD:ji Orig & 1 1 - Addressee. - DCI ue-a_ 7' 1 - DDCI 1 - 1 - IG II 1 - OGC/ 1 - DD/10 Sincerely Allen W. Dulles Director STAT , ? Approved For Release 2006/11/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R000700200075-3 C._