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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 11, 1955
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Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700170093-7'! 11 May 1955 Honorable Herbert Brownell,,- Jr. The Attorney General Washington, D . C C. I called you back today to answer your telephone inquiry of yesterday, but as you were out of town. I am giving you a report by letter. Attached is the Executive Order establishing the '"N onal Security edal,' together with a letter from the then President to the Director of ral intelligence dated 19 January 1953, authorizing the Director to make in accordance with the regulations. No further rules Lions have been promulgated under the Executive Order as none have seemed necessary. It seems obvious to we that the delegation at authority to the Director of Central intelligence in no way impairs the right of the. President to make a direct award of the Medal as he may desire. Personally. I should be very glad to see the award made and have available the necessary modal, ribbon and certificate; the citation could be prepared as desired by the President. So far only four awards have been made. These include Bedell Smith and three other persons whose names I could give you orally. but whose identity should not be divulged at this time. This raises the only problem I see in making the award you proposed; namely, the withholding of the names of all other recipient* with the possible exception of Bedell. if the President and you felt that this could be done. I see no obstacle whatever to proceeding to carry out the suggestion. Certainly the proposed recipient r iclyr deserves this tenor. Faithfully yours. . Pollee d-10 ' Encl en 1 9kPpW ed For Release 20031l2 : CIA-RDPP j R000700170093-7 Reading - 1 cc AWD:hea Addressee - Orig DCI - I cc ER- 1 cc...., ice, t~u_.f?a Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7 C t P Y TH WHITE HOUSE Washington. P. C. 3anu,aY 19, 1933 Dear Mr. Director: Pursuant tc Executive Order 10431 sigsed by me this date, I hereby authorise yen to make swards of the National Security Medal in accordance with the attached regulations, which I hereby approve. You are also authorised to prepare for the President's h further rules and regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of Executive Order 10431, as may be necessary from time to time to accomplish its purposes. Very sincerely youre. /*I Harry Truman Honorable Walter B. Smith Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7 Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7 (From the FEDERAL REGISTER Volume IS, Number 14 Washington, Thursday, January +72, 1953 Page 437) EXECUTIVE ORDER 10431 NATIONAL SECURITY M =AL By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and as Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows. 1. There is hereby setablisbed a medal to be known as the National Security Medal with accompanying ribbons and appurtenances. The medal and its appurtenances shall be of appropriate design, approved by the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council. The National Security medal may be awarded to any person, 'without regard to nationality,. including members of the armed forces of the United States, for distinguished achievement or outstanding contribution on or ter July Z6, 1947, in the field of intelligence relating to the a:tional security. 3. The decoration esstablisshed by this order shall be awarded by the President of the United States or, under regulations approved by him, by such person or persons as he may designate. 4. No more than out National Security Medal shall be awarded to any son, but for subsesquent services justifying an sward, a suitable device may be awarded to be worn with the Medal. the armed forces of the United States who are awarded fished by this order are authorized to wour the medal and ribbon symbolic of the e'awsrd, as may be authorized by uniform regulations pproved by the Secretary of Defense. 6. The decoration established by this order may be awarded posthumously. HARRY S. TRUMAN WHITE HOUSE, Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7 January 19, 1953 Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7 {Freese The FEDERAL RENTER Volume 18. Number 14 Washington. Thursday, January 22, pages 437 and 439 EXEUUTIVE ORDER 10431 * * a Regulations Governing the Award of the NATIONAL SECURITY MEDAL Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of the Executive Order 104331. the following e hereby issued to govern the award of the National Security 1. The National Security Medal may be awarded to any person without regard to nationality, including a member of the Armed Forces of the Uaited States, who. on or alter 26 July 1947, bas made an outstanding contribution he National intelligence effort. This contribution, may consist of either onally meritorious service performed in a position of high responsibility -.....m or of an act of valor requiring personal courage of a high degree and complete disregard of personal safety. The National Security Medal with accompanying ribbon and appurtenances, be of appropriate design to be approved by the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council. urity Medal shall be awarded only by the President or his designee for that purpose. 4. Recommendation* may be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the y Council by any individual having personal b nowedge of the exceptionally meritorious conduct or act of valor of the candidate he performance of outstanding services, either as an eyewitness or from the testimony of others who have personal knowledge or were eyewitnesses. Any recommendations, shall be accompanied by complete documentation, including where necessary, certificates, affidavits or sworn transcripts of testimony. b recommendation for an award shall show the exact status, at the time of Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7 Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7 the rendition of the service on which the recommendation is based, with respect to citisenship, employment, and all other material factors, of the person who is being recommended for the National Security Medal. 5. Each recommendation shall contain a draft of an appropriate citation to accompany the award of the National Security Medal. Approved: HARRY S. TRUMAN January 19, 1953 F`. R. Dec. 53-785; Filed, Jan. 19, 1953; 4:09 p. Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700170093-7