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Publication Date: 
November 9, 1964
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Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00070009 3 i,?,E ORA?WU i FOR: Deputy Director for -Support Reducing On-Duty Strength During 'Y 1965 1. As you are aware, the Director of Personnel has recently prepared and forwarded to me the first report of current Agency-wide (temporarily not covering the Plans Directorate) plans and efforts to reduce our on-duty personnel strength. The report indicates that within the Support Directorate 25X1 there are only three components which face problems of reducing strength levels to authorized manpower ceilings. These components are the Office of Security, the Office of Logistics, and The separate reports submitted by these components do, however, indicate plant to reduce to authorized ceiling strengths by the end of the fiscal year. I am sure that these plans are well- considered but feel it necessary to express a few words of caution as follows : a.. The components which have project personnel losses through regular attrition factors such as resignation should be alert for unexpected and unpredictable changes in these attrition rates. Alternate plane for accomplishing losses may be necessary. t? When planning the specific personnel losses needed to reach ceiling levels, the components should continue to keep in mind the types of actions irecteci by Action M=emorandum A-410, dated 27 July 1964. c. On two occasions the Director of Personnel's report mentioned that one or more of the components within Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700090023-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700090023-3 the Support Directorate might be faced with the problem of absorbing an unpredicted and possibly unpredictable number of their careerists as the Plans Directorate executes its own reduction program. The Office of Personnel states that it will "monitor this situation" and report such events "if and as they become fact. " I suggest that Office of Personnel representatives might devote special attention to this matter by anticipating such occurrences as far in advance as possible and advising the Support components concerned rather than merely notifying these components of unexpected iinrnediate gains. Likewise the matter is sufficiently explosive as to warrant your personal attention t ith L D/ P as it relates to career planning in the separate units of your Directorate. 3. The reporting system initiated by Action Memorandum A?417 will be continued and improved. It plays a definite role in our program to reduce the Agency's personnel levels. As I have indicated in a separate communication to the hector of Personnel and the Director of Budget, Program Analysis and Manpower, it is not enough that apparently practical plans for personnel reduction are being devised and will be reported regularly. There is a further need to insure that theme plans are actually implemented in both orderly and timely fashion. We cannot allow plans to fall short of becoming actions, nor should we allow the reduction program to lose its momentum or to come alive only as a last minute race to meet a deadline. Throughout the Agency we must be constantly aware that the dollar amounts available to us for personnel costs are based upon the established personnel ceilings. Our reduction program must have an atmosphere of reality, inevitability, and even urgency. I ask that you continue to create such an atmosphere within the Support Directorate. '. As the Agency continues its efforts to reduce its personnel strength, we must all avoid the false belief that the Agency's manpower goals have been reached when each of its components is within its personnel ceiling. Our repeatedly stated objective is to reach minimum levels of essential personnel and such levels may be below existing ceilings on occasions. The component which does not exceed its ceiling is in no way relieved Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700090023-3 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIAr88B01676R000700090023-3 from further responsibility for continuing aggressive action to achieve maximum personnel economies while meeting approved abjectives. I also ask that you take action to insure that the personnel of the Support Directorate have this latter understanding of current manpower objectives. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick ecutive Director-Comptroller BPAM kfh (9 Nov 64) Distribution: Orig and 1 - Addressee 1 - Executive R 1 - Manpower S + egistr ubject L y V QQ c ( f~ o C,< Ak / UJ i) c t, Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700090023-3