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November 6, 1964
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Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CI A- K8B01676R000700090022 MM . MQ? ANDUM FOlt: Deputy Director for Science and 'Tecbnolo; Reducing Can-may Strength Dunn 1965 1. 'rho Director Personnel recently compiled and forwarded to me the first report of current Agency-wide plans and efforts to reduce our on-duty personnel strength to approved ceiling levels. Z. Tice report indicates that within the Directorate of Science and Technology there is at present no real problem with respect to reducing strength levels to ceilings. On the contrary, the existing problem is one of selecting additional properly qualified and essential personnel to meet approved objectives. 3. We must not assume that the Agency's manpower goals have been achieved when each of its components is thiin its approved personnel ceiling. -r repeatedly stated objective reach minimum levels of qualified and essential personnel and such a level in a given component might most properly be well below its established ceiling. The component which does not exceed its ceiling is in no way relied from further responsibility for continuing aggressive action to achieve maximum personnel economies, while meeting approved objectives. The aggressive attention you must continua to give DDIS&T component strength its unfortunately never-ending. I believe you will agree, however, that in the face of t heavy requirements facing your Directorate, this attention must be accepted by all supervisory levels. Lyman B. lUrkpatrick Executive Director-Comptroller cc. Director of Personnel BPAM/I kfh_e(6 Nov 64) Distribution: Orig and 1 - Addressee 1 - Executive Registry Sub ect 1 Man ower r Peva- gp Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700090022-4 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : C!N-JF ~Q B01676R0007Q0Q 4 (1 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Support Attention: Director of Personnel Director of Budget, Program Analysis and Manpower SUBJECT : Coordination of Actions Required to Reduce On-Duty Strength During FY 1965 Memorandum for Executive Director- Comptroller from Director of Personnel, Subject as above, dated 28 October 1964 1. Referenced memorandum, submitted in response to Action Memorandum A-417, Is the Director of Personnel's first report to me of current Agency-wide plans and efforts to reduce our on-duty personnel strength. I have found the report to be thorough and informative; it meats the requirements stipulated in paragraph 4 of the Action Morn ''l'YA..ndum which requested it. 2. As we begin and improve the reporting aspect of our program to reduce the Agency's personnel strength to the minimum levels essential to each component, I wish to call to your attention once again the responsibilities for the program which Action Memorandum A-417 assigns to its addressees. It is not enough that practical and working plans are being devised and are being reported regularly. There is the further responsibility for insuring that these plans are actually implemented in orderly and timely fashion. We cannot allow plans to fall short of becoming actions, nor should we allow the reduction program to lose its momentum or to become a last minute race against a deadline. Throughout the Agency we must be constantly aware that the dollar amounts available to us for personnel costs are based upon the established personnel ceilings. Our reduction program must have an atmosphere of reality, inevitability and even urgency. Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700090022-4 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : Ch -ii#80B01676R000700090022-4 3. With respect to subsequent reports to be compiled and submitted by the Director of Personnel, the following modifications of the reporting procedure are requested: a. Paragraph 4 of the reference proposed that components "which reduce their manpower quotas satisfactorily before the end of the fiscal year will be so noted and dropped from the reporting format. " It is not clear whether it is proposed that the individual office reports from such components continue to be collected for Tab B but not be included in the Tab A summary or if the offices would be released altogether from responsibility for reporting. Regardless of the intent behind the proposal, it to necessary to disapprove it. Not only should each component continue to report its plans and achievements in the field of personnel reduction regardless of its standing with respect to ceiling, but the Tab A summary should include all components even though some may have reduced to ceiling or below. The Agency'* objective (adequately stated in Action Memoranda A-410, A-411, A-417 and others) is to reduce personnel .strength in each of its components to minimum essential levels. The component which does not exceed its personnel ceiling is in no way relieved from further responsibility for continuing aggressive action to achieve personnel economies. The reporting requirement assures at least periodic direct attention to the program and permits my office to be aware of over-all manpower savings, not just savings down to ceiling levels. b. Please arrange also for Tab A in each successive report to reflect the on-duty strength for each of the preceding reporting periods back as far as the first report. For many components the difference between current on-duty strength and the authorized ceiling strength represents planning and work needed to reach a goal. A cumulative record of successive on-duty strengths of a given component gives a measure of both achievement and pace in reaching reduction goals. c. On 27 July 1964 Action Memorandum A-410 (Reduction in On-Duty Strength Levels) directed, among Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000700090022-4 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : 80B01676R000700090022-4 other things, immediate actia4 `to jzAtiate the separation of persons whose performance was substandard. The plans of components to meet year's end target strength levels must include full attention to this method of achieving needed attrition. As presently organized, however, Tab A does not reflect plans to accomplish attrition by this specific ethod; the pertinent category within Tab A is entitled "Attrition - Vol and Invol. " In order to have measurements of the degree to which components plan to initiate separation of substandard personnel as an aspect of their reduction programs, please modify the Tab A format to have separate entries for this category of planned losses. d. Action Memorandum A-410 also noted the need for a "position-by-position review of military personnel on auty to determine whether or not an active-duty military officer or enlisted man is absolutely essential in each case. " The Director of Personnel was instructed to initiate this survey in concert with the Deputy Directors and to submit recommendations to me by I November 1964. I presume that the results of the survey were, with the exception of the Plans Directorate, reported in the referenced memorandum and its tabs. There are so few military personnel in the three Directorates covered by the first report that there is little indication of the accomplishment of the Agency-wide survey. I am aware, however, that the vast majority of military personnel on duty with the Agency are associated with the Plane Directorate and it is equally significant that many components of that Directorate must arrange sizeable personnel losses to meet ceiling requirements. The Director of Personnel is requested to devote special care to advising and assisting the Plans Directorate components in an actual position-by- position review of the duties of each military man. Each report submitted to me as a result of Action Memorandum A-417 should hereafter contain a summary of plans and completed actions within the Plans Directorate with respect to returning surplus military personnel to their parent services. 25X1 BPAM fh (9 Nov 64) Dynan B. Kirkpatrick Distribu ion: Orig - first addressee 1 - second addressee 1 - Executive Registry 1 - Manpower Subject (- "c~CI~_vi c? Executive Director-Comptroller Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000700090022-4