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Document Release Date: 
August 9, 2006
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Publication Date: 
December 12, 1963
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000700070031-6.pdf84.86 KB
N't Approved For Release 2006/0810 A P80BO1676R000700070031- OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ral 141 BIT (1, ". Deputy Director/Intelligence Deputy Director/ Plans Fiscal Year 1965 Budget Levels 1. Would you have undertaken on a priority basis an. examina- tion of the consequences of reduced levels of operation on the assumption (1) that FY '65 allocations will not exceed those in the FY '64 Congressional request, and (2) that FY '65 allocations will not exceed FY '63 obligation levels. 2. For your information the DD/S has already Instituted such an action within his offices and I will be examining directly with the DD/S&T the consequences of cutbacks in his area. In making these studies I would suggest that consideration be given to not only the priorities within your directorate but also overall priorities as far as the Agency and the total U. S. intelligence effort to concerned. I would also suggest that if there are areas in which your components are engaged and in which other agencies are also engaged, you forward suggestions as to whether you believe that your activities should cease or those of other agencies. In making this examination I would strongly recommend that all unite bear in mind that in examining manpower controls henceforth we will be looking not only at the utilization of staff employees but also at the utilization of contract personnel or individuals in any way compensated by the Agency through subsidiaries or proprietaries. 3. It is requested that these studies be completed by, not later than 20 December. We will be contacting your office at that time to set up meetings to revieow Agency requirement SUSPENSE DA LB K: drm ' Lyrae B. Kirkpatrick Distribution: O-DD/I I -John Clarke Executive Director-Comptroller 1-DD/F ER - - --' - Action Memorandum No. A-32 Date 12 Doceexr-Aber 1963_ MORI/CDF A C T I 0 N J dL ~J (~. s ! 4- ~ i`;~$(JC1 Approved For Release 2006/0 0ET-RDPBf4~(07 0070031.- a