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Document Release Date: 
August 1, 2003
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Publication Date: 
September 19, 1964
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4d .1.9trUir.7,:i.'42Vrin4CWRIMM Jiarl. far M,It ,1,217j11275TW, _ ApprovtiVor Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80411676R000700070003-7 SECRET BPAM 1 9 SEP 1964 I ), he tior.nramie ikerrnit t.lordon: 1,irector IludLet sehlivi ton Z.. ra, P. C. Deer Mr. tt9r_ton: Vuri,xg our itmettags with you twit members a your etc& le July, v. 1-iar.;4ne advised you of the Armor, plans to irttprove personnel utilisation and to 70dOCC requested irt the Aveacy TY 1%6 budget. ActiAns to this smd tave Lee* tahel, 2 this writing the Agency is plaunlag to *starlit a ay 1966 1,441;set udlich irlU identify a reductio4 In TY 1165 t) Liositio .s end...year 'Orel th level a is ieY iihS. A further rediAiltiCon of =positions is reflected f.ar FY 1966. To achieve this dou-award trend in ha4get sod else to for useessary iqtreases to selectee. hith pri.prity Age-.ey programs. vee have rnaqie 114 1.;:iftAtiVII review of all cksimk_pu.lek,tel operational prograrodt. The teelf.to of this review are iflentified la the itpcon4ing bed&et suhrnissioo. They 1-1,clude orgailisatiensicCit'llaUdiktitir1 uhich will provide f>r traprovtJ inaslegerrent sod resiNtovier *eying* tuld direct pee* SIMI cots irt fern* field activittelis *. g. tbv Stati4.3.1. 1!..yold thie some tuactio.4 Pe iiisserninatiog alWmvtas1 reforerlse activities if the Agency are prograrrured for roductio!. aa4 reeseett rnanptmer allocatiooa have tog r road* ty 'nal:1y of the ;more traditional latellitence productioza anti support u.tttuai ae. for example. aconort.le Inersonnei., logistics end amine*. Tho epecifite of these aotions will be reVilronte S.Ath your staff In, the colvilg r 25X1 25X1 r ECRET GRO1P I Excluded fni. ntaize i nringra?, -044)k 007000700037 4atla 1.4.77121E ale-rnt sve Approvetigor Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80419676R000700070003-7 SEtig t:1 In regard to the oil...duty strengths of the last quarter ILIT4 attachlivg a tech, iiireiposas to the Burehule requiremielt. You will :tote that our an.tuty strength as of 11 Actinet e=eiow that of 30 ?Twin, Tide drop le exploit-ad toy the ".? continuing isiNit turnover a aerie..1 person-tel. ft else reflect* the immact of the Agericy'v control ever the e,itre.nce-oe-duty of ncro protossionot employees. During the tie* suartnr we hope this level can Le sai44ained. Some increase over Ws fl.Ture may lair.* plan* early sort epriuga. recruitment tai pereetinal for new programa produce* result*. The Ageiley policy to reduce me.Apower Uvula presents tie with several aerioue rhausgemest considaratione. TLe reprograrnmint; of interim/ manpower avin,,riaatiot.e soul reductions tic+ the authorized strengths of some of tbe "alder" ,tetn.t 4 the Agency hat created problepie in the rnalsrekuiktee of shill* welavces career dirrelop.---tent. retratalas and seperetiois. Nurrnal attritios &loos cannot he relied upo4 accorriplieh our iranwroger objective,* W. are lohing to the retirement of officers who have qualified. throe** age ar.,d eervico, for imirouliate azinuitiee. Ms 'limitation of military poeitio-0 wherever possible awl the Werttiiiest!n und aeperatith-1 of employee& who may not be epate el es?tainod satiefertory perfermence es further matho?le to sullevo thir preeeure. The gap tetwein 44.duty ear: enC.yoer cottliagwtU * wird to provide the flexibility zote4e0 to meet our ohjectieee ad *vote wales! mule program imbalances. Sant,ge which are indirectly related to mar,power have also accrued during the vaster. Our oble-ctive to reduce overticne comreoestion has been achieved La net large elements et the Agency. Simplification of priating requirerneote see, reductlo,ve lo the reports being printed sire reflectint savings. The application of computer* to varifiui stetistital eorrtplistion protoleroe bas redeeed insolioure previously reouiriag manual construction of atatietical data by the research sAige. Subecriptione to periodical* sod the purchase of all publications are being eeversly ecrutirised shd eliminated vitererer a strong justification for retention cannot he prested. kaay other ritettOr artiers have been impiennonte These ranee irom an e.14nuall *aviator of as a result of 25X1 sEeRgIApproved For Release 2003/08/05.: 11 -RDP80B01676R000700070003-7 '''... ? garanaaffiZeSitgAdViReAr...1.k. Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDPW1676R000700070003-7 Nwe SECRET chanies 1.4 cool* re-addrsisias procedures to aogual asviuga oX tirrattsb a reduction in shuttle hut aervice *so !pard servie*S. hit* it is unneceseary to attempt to list in entail ail of these 14.34s of savings* it is most aratifyini t the Pirector erre to rne that they are swerg1a4 throw:AI the eupervieors at the grass root*" levels of the Agency and reflect clearly the itact twit OUT persoar-al are committed to the OCOnwilLy praityivi. Sincerely yours, (signed) Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Lyntan litrkpatrick Exec4tive Direater -Ccerptroiler Attach t BPALIONIClarkeikfh (18 Sep 64) Distribution Orig and 2 - Addressee 1 - Executive Registry 1 - Director of Personnel 1 - D/BPAM 1 - Manpower Subject 1,-- Reading SECRET Approved For Release 2003/08/05 ; CIA-RIDp80B01676R00070007000377 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700070003-7 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000700070003-7