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? Approved Fo\ lease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601 R000600120016-8 7,2 MEMORANDUM : Assistant to the Director George: Certain actions were requested by the Office of the Director in recent weeks and, according to our records, have not been fully answered. It is quite possible they have been overtaken or have been satisfied, but to bring our records up to date, I should appreciate a brief word from you on the status of a study to set forth guidelines for employee authorship of articles for publication. ExDir:HK:jrf Distribution: 0 & 1 - Adse - ER 1 - ExDir L. K. White Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 1 Approved F9Iplease 2003/05/05 : CIA-R 6R00060012091 -8 IIEMORAMUM pm TIM DEPUTY DPIECTOR SUBJECT: Deatheo itency Pe room:lel 6 December 1965 3 ; - 1. This memorandum 1E3 for information only. 24 The following information WOB compiled for possible press inquiries: STAT George F. Moroi acpir.coupt ? Approved For Release:2-003/05/05 : CIA--R15P80130,11676R00080-0f,200.184...:.. STAT Approved Fipelease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP8013041.000q00120016-8 Or' 4 October 5 MENORANDEN MR THE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Letters Sent to President Johnson 1. This memorpridinm, written at the request of the Executive /rector-Comptroller, is for information only. 2. During Septether? Peter Jessup, assistant to NeOeorge Bundy, sent this office 13 letters mailed to President Johnson containing comments on CIA. Twelve of these were critical, and one expressed etbarrasament for the Nation while admitting "the importance of intelli- gence activities." 3. Attached are relevant quotations trots the letters. . Tab Aquotes the text of the letter expressing eMbarrassment at the denials which have been issued About intelligence activities. Tab B quotes excerpts from letters calling for the President to "abolish" the Agency. Tab C quotes excerpts from letters occasioned by in Singapore, the Domini. an Bepublie, end Pekistan. Tab D quotes excerpts from letters occasioned by newspaper columns and editorials critical of CIA. 4. In a memorandum dated 14 September covering lettere, Nr. Jessup stated in part: eh of six "An ingrowing nutber of letters a:Unwed to the President conoerningClAare routed to me for reply. It is diffieult to get any positive ruling as to what Should or should not be answered. The President himself is on record as wanting all mall answered without delay. This, of course, is impossible azzl bitter experience has dhow that replies in many Instances open up ',permanent useless correspondence with all sorts of nuts and near nuts. In the attached batch most of the writers are sounding off... 'It is difficult to gauge whether an innocuous aoknowledgs. merit doesn't offend the writer more than no reply at all. it is impossible to lar bare the facts and straighten out erroneous conceptions. I suggested the only possible reply to (one) letter to be roughly as fellows: 'It is gratifying to know that there are citizens who feel so strongly and will take the trouble to concern themselves with problems that are besetting all of us,' etc. ate.... However, you know what a Pandora's box is opined by such a reply, and the rink is run of the individual turning the reply over to the press. Approved For Release 2003106105.:.CIA-RDP80001676R000600120016-8. Approved Firlease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01lir000600120016-8 u knew, the State Department aystem of mailing in bulk official releases on sUbjects? particularly Vietnam, infuriates letter writers, especially intelligent ones. You can't win;- you can only try to keep the score down." 5. Mr. Jeasup's consent that nothing is generally gained by answering such letters is well taken. Certainly &cryptic telegram soot to the President on 19 September by deserves STAT no reply: Your present use of maser transmitter to cloak past CIA activity in Chicago is illegal an& inhumane. Moreover this prostitutes the PSI." Attachments Tabs A0.1) cc; /MCI EsDir.Ccapt Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 STAT Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 TAB Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 tekpproved Fo elease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP8OBOOR000600120016-8 en rdinary eit zen of our country, a housewife sad mother, I feel convened to write you of my growing feelings of embarrassmont for this nation. If I pato believe Whet is reported in the press we are lying publicly and 1 cringe. "1 refer to incidents ouch as our denial or promised support for the Say of Pigs invasion, the U.2 planes over Russia and the denial of charges of =bribery in Singapore. "Realizing the importance of intelligence activities for our country, I feel strongly that having been 'caught at it,' we don't need to issue denials, in a wards lie. "'Sheet is the purpose or defending the honor of our country on the fields of battle When, afterwards, there is no Moor to cherish?" Most respectfully yours Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 STAT, Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 TAB Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 Approved For lease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 'Wit it time to abolish the CIA: It is doing untold harm to the eeuntry, and very little good. Jr oin information on 'Vietnam, Cuba and Santo Domingo, from the Sew York Times, the Mall Street Journal and mOveral other publications hes proved better it the event than that furnished to the last three Presidento by the CIA, the State Department and Theses Mann. And the cost is under 4150 a year. "Furthers none at IV sources has ever dagras.d the United States, as the CIA has done repeated4. 'A thing that angers me particularly is the irr*nsibje and immoral activity IS the C.I.A. This monstrous bureaucracy seems to repudiate all the noble principles upon Whieh the U.S. vas founded. If you would use your influence to get this infamous and ineffective agency anon/hods, Americans for generations to come would praise your name." "May 2 take this opportunity -of suggesting that abolithed?... President Kennedy's Bay of Figs Ciao* example of C.I.A. blundering and misinformation." C.I.A. be an outstanding Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 TAB Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 Approved FeRelease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 go "Temterdsy vben I he that a CIA Officialbeen caught trying te buy Information frost a Blegmpor* intelliasnol officer/ I thGuallt 'Wall, there epos more ef our oversees imege.'... Why didn't me. Neoloekey cheek with Mr. Rusk beftWe Issuing a lie for ill the vorld to hear and laugh? Why did my 18 year old son say this morning, 'great country we've got *ea" "Isn't it long ordu. that something be done activities of the Central Intelligens* Agen0Y1 The organization 'out of existence' is surely urgent. It seem* to me that they have diequalified themeelves by the methods they have used in various countries Singapore, Vietnam, and finally Santo Domingo...." Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 STAT Approved FibRelease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000600120016-8 "1 was shocked to read la the newspaper that our State Department and CIA officialS have attempted to bribe or rnai eff' two or the leading anti-communist generals of tbe Dominican Repalla in an apparent attempt to give the control of the 'country to the Communist rebels." "1 have been horrified to read of the betrayal of PlUitan by your administration. I understand from reliable sources that tbe actually enaouraged India to attack Pakistan." Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 TAB Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 10 Approved Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP8011r000600120016-8 "The neighbors ( ral columns) and you knowrwhat Mr. 'resident1 They agreed unanimously that these eouple of aim more euectnetly put into words their selSsan* feelings than it thew had written to express them vidually. (Enclosed column by admit Starnes on Singapore which began: "the vast, bumbling bureau.. crony *fib* Central Intelligence Agency lately has been revealed as the profligate disbursing agent of millions of unaccountable U.S. dollars.") Atter reed think that our high CESIMAN SCUMS =MOM co has had to admit thet_an agent *bribe of 43.3 tiirti soma five Years Yew of Singapore...This is diegrametal we ever know just Vim% the Mhos been I as ahoehed to low." (Enclosed Deportment Agenay offered to Prins Mil:deter Les Mon questions: Will yeare?") STAT STAT\ "I hare been nuch concerned, *out the activltims of the CIA and an enclosing an editorial free our daily paper that expeesees that I have been thinking prebably better than I amid." (Enalosed editorial which begant "Although It happened under the directorship of Allen Wiles bank in the Steinhauer administration, the Central Intelligence ligency owe more has been the AMMO of American embarrassmeat and humiliation. There can be no doubt that the CIA is a vital mvernment operation. There is every reason to believe that, on the working 'level,' the CIA is the acitalt 4:if any intelligence organization in the world, with brave, dedicated and iiitalligiut operatives. But with the U2 insident, the Bey of Pigs and the now resurrected Singapore episode, the confidence of the American people lathe atainistrative level of the CIA Si badly shaken.") Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-R 16-8 STAT ?Approved Fitelease 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80B0il.R000600120016-8 "The cloak and 4agger activities of th?exA at times appear to be a fourth branch of government, but not answerable to the other three. It is both frightening and fanteetie. "More disturbing than the fiasco* of the CIA, however, is this government's lack of a positive foreign policy save that of anti. Communiam.? (Enclosed BAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE column Which stated: "The Central Intelligence Agency is apparently involved in that news stories described as an episode edbarressing to the American EMassy in Saigon, with at least three CIA officers reportedly declared persona non grata by the Vietnam government.' Approved For Release 2003/05/05 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600120016-8 STAT