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Approved For Release 2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP80601676R00060001 SECRET MIDIDDMIVAD OCRs Donnrahle Herald Opecial Assists's% Washington, D. O. /4 A e sident for Disarmement Deeply to Action Ass intton ? D. C. 2 MAY 1957 1. the Army leak Peres, In essollanm with your request made at Ahe March lst onetime: Task Threes, hme eonsidered whether a previously agreed reduction ta armed firms and commatimal armements could be Implemented emeurrently with ihe installation of an impectim system, generally as proposed in the dimmest "Comprehensive Inspection Fise, dated Jelusr7 20, 1956. 2. De believe that a redmc toe suCh as embalms eensidered at the Loudon Disarmement Camderence een he integrated with the progressive Installation of an impeetima system. Detailed plans for the establish,. mut at an inspection eystm under such a mosso% shealdl be developed by technical representatives of the respestive lartleipetiag State.. 3. Our muskmelons and receemem4W4Jems, slang with a suggested outline of a schedule far the integration or an armei formsfarummest reductloa with the installation or as isepeetion sostemy are included as Inclesure 1. looloeure LKT:mfb 2May57 Distribution: Orig and 1 - Addee - LKT File Si '7 I/seise K. gruseett, Jr. Demerol, VA. Army (Retired) Acting task Awes Chairmaa SECRET Approved For Release 2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 DOS, JCS reviews completed Approved For Release 2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 SECO It is smoldered that The "Comprehensive Inspection Pim", as vell as the Depertmemt of Defame (JCS) "Draft Plea for a ibmprehemeive Armement and Armed /Woe Inspection *Sem% (1) provides fOr the progressive installation of as armed terms and mamma impaction systea by MIMS of tado Wedge]. sgpalleatioa at steeps of disclosure emd Twin cation throggb atomise ofsamp-bysetep latemifiestime of the system, and (2) MO' to road14 adaPtat to tool adothe addled objective of providimg survelllasee to insure that agreed armed forces gad arguments limitations are serried out and miataimed Aestrietim of so aerial and groumd limps los system to s geographisal ores, atilt, seemimgly offering the best chimes of oepteme hp the OMR amd preesstimg some sefegmerds aemiust surprise attack, dem met empletely !Ulf= the reqpiremem for surveillemee of reduction. Ible deficismor might be overegm by outtootatal a lialtad maiber at ground imperilsa teems to hews unimpeded emcees to the setimmel territory of Perticipatimg SUMO far the speelflo purpose of ehedkimg complies* with the reduetiom empeement. e. Is event agreed redmetioss are initiated oomourremtlY with the actual iortellatImi of the lempectim system', Pertielpstimg States should be required to plum ermemeste is enema of agreed first- stags authorisations Is a audition of operational storage subject to unrestricted surveillemes, wading final dimpositim. 4. A possible method of determimiag the quantities of comeetiemil moment to be retained !Or the authorised 2..5 million empower limitation is through epplioetiom of the Istermatimal sliest system anspeesd by the M. It is emticipsted, however, that agreement os the eppllestion of this or any other method will be difficult to Obtain. t. the WO agreement semommigg comprehemive tampeetioa represents the integrated views of Appear to be to gemerel atom sod requirement for however, an ome plan which mumtriee. Approved ForRelease2001/07r31:UA-RDP801301676RD00600010007-0 ?.Li Approved For Release`2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP801301676R000600010007-0 f. A schedul. could be developed Au' the in ion of a mempoveriermement reduction with the progreseive instillation of a comprehensive teepee system. A suggested brood outline for mall a schedule, basically a composite of previous proposals, is at Appendix A. 2. It is recommended that a. lb' Depertmet of Defame, as the probable 11.0. executive meat for the operation of the impaction system, provide technical rePresegtation for the Welted States in the development of any inspection PlAgui? It. Any lespeetion plan far the purpose of providimg (1) safeguards against surprise attack and (2) surveillant., cesempoveri moment reductions be In etasenence with the principles contained in the "Cteprehensive lampectim Plan", doted 20 Jemmy 190, the Department of Defense (JCS) !Weft Plan fair a Comprehensive Argument and Armed Parc* Inspection Systeme, and the visas expressed in paragraph 1. Shove. Technical representatives of the Western Poems detailed plan for integreting an aereed conventimel mempover *rumen reduction into a comprehensive inspection system an that ? united position my be presented to the tan in Mare discussions. Smeh a plan Should include providions for, (1) Sefiegemds eopinst surprise (2) Surveillance of agreed convent reduction, sok, (3) Cheeks to insure meterials will be used or nosmveepons purposes. of exclusively for lamaxemects d. Y011ovieg the preprstion of *plan seeepteble to the Western Pagers, technical representatives fron all Participatios States convene for the purpose of preparing &mutually somptable comprehensive inspection plan vhidh ineludes the Wove mentioned provisions. List of Appendices Appendix "A" Approved For Release 2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 Approved For Release A . CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 OULUIMAfor the SCRS= =MAMMON Ot AS 3363110230S BMW vith Olt& 1. This is primarily following: b cipating to providing ce to insure hat t end maintained. . Upon agreement to an effective inn* Participating State 'will submit to the Zmicutive Committee a complete set of military 'blueprints, including smong other thinget (3.) est military strength in turnover end exaeutS existing when the redaction begins' and as it will *xis in cords:au with the reduction schedule (a) information concert:tag bye the pomr and ermements reduction is to be accomplished -- in sufficient detail to facilitate checking and suzveillance by the inspecting organisation which wi.U. include ground and aerial elements. (3) Diaposttiou of excess areiments inclwii_ng the schedule for placement in operational. storey. 2. When the 1Cxecutive Committee determines that ?have I hes been completed satisfactorily, the earliest possible date for the beginning a Phase 32 will be determined. Approved For Release 2003 7131 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 Approved For Release 2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 Approved For Release 2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 Approved For Release 2003/07/31 : CIA-RDP80601676R000600010007-0 nap' xx (1 year) Progressive Ustallation ;if the Inspection Systen closures and ifLcsti of Ilusprint Areements ,and Arms. 'Dross Bedestion /bit:WO/Leh adminietret tramemork of the ors:miss. : time, e.g., Sdreating Ii, $ District bps, select A:server yest sites and pre-: pare abbreviated commuales. Una network. Do not 'too' 2 tor loosiootio oloorotria00. . t IMP 2 (9 Staff and operate installs.. I Exercise ground and air sibeines ea a meethlY tins listed la Step 1, s surveil/mace to insure that *pro-rata basis including verification & I a. Scheduled persoanel amd :a. Agreed perseenel inspection teems per 2 ermement reductions are : IRO* for Phase II District awe. as agreed. s actually made and maintained. tb. And place in opera- 'k? 'bitting armed fermis do not: tionel storage as 2 attempt a surprise attadk. I declared in the nilitary blueprint:: 2 the agreed quota of oath type of conven- : %tonal arms. A RIME I= Carry out surveillance gesmnialy as is Phase II on an enlarged scale. Intensify the inspection 2 organic:aloe through *stab- litit of intermediate 2 headwerters and Increasing 3 the number of Observer teems as required. 3 via s 3* IA :Seduce on a monthly :pro-rata:basis ma, Agreed personnel quota for Phase Ill eb. And place in opera- tional storage as : declared in the ellitarybiammInts I the agreed :pots of conventional arms. IIMT---uy en Uncut Committee after determiaing %bet preCeding Steps and/or 'Mies have been satisfactorily wmpleted, will authorise %be esxt Step or Phew. (2) In event Phase Il is restricted geogreghically? wary into Phase III could be contingent upon expansion of t3. tem into additional Oroos. Approved For Release 2003/07/3V P80601676R000600010007-0