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Approved For Release 2003/08/18?:4R14p801301676R0005001 =MORAN= Director of Central Intelligence THROUGH Nxecutive Director-Comptroller Eltecutive Registry 19EiS Procedures for the Handling of Intelligence Requirements Attached per your request of 20 September is a description of the procedures followed for generating, levying, monitoring and satisfying of intelligence requirements. Attached also ere samples of various types of intelligence gap statements and intelligence collection requirements. The paper has the concurrence of DDP and WSW, although the latter notes that the procedures described are more applicable to the Intelligence Directorate than to the 0 A T Directorate. Attachments: a/s (C Deputy Director (Intelligence) 4.2Z. DI Y ------- Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SECRET Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SETREI These era the steps by which intel motion instituted to rectify the s re tdentifi.d . Seeoralt n of at Need for Additional nformation The anslyst should continually search for mays to woke his k000leggs of his *Object matter more complete. In mm*3'114 his field of interest, he should determine what he dew not know and what he suet knew in order to predate the most professional work peestble. An intelligence gap is thus identified. A specific and formal example of this process is a POst Orton to a National artimate which states in general terns what important elements were not /mown about the subject when the estimate was written. 2. Development of an tatellleenn* Negniremmet mg identified his need for new isformstiou, the analyst to the DDI*s Collection Guidance Steil' for aid in espreesing his need to the appropriate collectors. An intelligence eollection requirement is then written and aosigned to s 044 officer for levying and followup monitoring. 3. uoytog of oiremeuts on Intelligence Collectors Degrading en the type of information needed, its urgency and the capabilities of the various collection sgemcieo, requirements are thee levied on one or more *8***1**. They say *19* be given wider disseminetten by being included in the COS's Current Intelli- pace Sequiremeats List which is distributed to all human source collection agencies anti to NSA. If an information need le particularly urgemt or complicated, it may be referred to one of the OSIS Committees, such as CMOS, the SWINT Committee, the 250, or the Critical Collection Problems Committee, or it may be stated as Priority ;rational Intelligence Objective, in which case it is Approved For Release 2003/08/1e:'ClAtR6P80601676R000500160025-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 :LIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SECRET automatically assigned to all agencies for collection or analytical action. Then a requirement is accepted by a collectionagency, the manner of execution is the responsibility of that agency. 4. Ilenitoring,Collection Action The on maintains a machine filo of all outstsnding require- aenti to elimInste duplication of requirements and to close cases outdated by UMW needs. COO monitors the flow of information in response to the requirements and, as new collection opportunities *via*, may refer the requirement to additional agencies. 8. V ofPew Intora t to Anal ical *laments New information from the collectors is returned to the anslys am partial or complete fulfillment of the origtl requirement. The new information gives the analyst new insight into his subject natter and should raise additional, more refined, questions In the Mind at the analyst. These questions should appear as new, more penetrating, statements of intelligence gape and give rise to new requlremente. The above process Is them repeated. Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENT FLOW CHART Recognition of Intelligence Collection Need II Development of Intelligence Requirement Feedback of New Information 25X1 NPIC FBIS FDD Collection Action Monitored JIV COMOR DDS &T Levying SIGINT USIB DDP of Collection IPC NSA Collection Action Requirement CCPC DIA Army III Navy Air FBI AEC State Non-USIB Agencies 52400 9-65 CIA Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SECRET GlIOUP 1 1 Approved For Release 2003/08/tIMDP80B01676R000500160025-5 These are . Mertens to by which Intelligence XBtJmates and st initiated: National Intelligence Eatimatee are either self-initiated by OAS as annual !lepers on important aub3ects or aew estimates or updates of older papers, or they are requested by another USIB agency or consumer. A program of forthoomi 'mates ie drawn up each quarter. Special Ahtional intelligence latimateal which concern developments in crisis or neer-crisis situations-, are usually requested on Short notice by the White use Staff State, the ao or the I. POO Nertems to estivates are written when it is recognized that important elements of information were not available for preparetion of the estimate. In such cases the So*rd of Antioaal Setimates will recommend to the USIS that individual agencies take appropriate steps to fill the gape noted in the Post Mortems, and, Li unusually important cases, that the matter be tweed over to the Critical Collection Problems Committee for recommendation on remedial collection action. Approved For Release 2003/08/18-:tTA-RDP80B01676R000500160025-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R0005001600 r'T Executive Registry 8 SEP 'i96.5 *210BA11US POR: Dirctor of Central Intelligence 81:14/2CT Reorganl.zation of DDI 1. This memorandum contai.ns a reeowendaton, in 17 below, for your approval. 2. As you know, I have been studying the DDI organizattor for several month* to insure that our budget and *imam resources are in balance with our essential long-term tasns. I have also been seeking ways to increase our efficiency and the quality of our product and, if possible, effect reductions in personnel aseigaed to present tasks wherever eonsolidaton or centralisation of effort would permit. 3. My review to date has led to two in conelus-lonE: a. All non-operational Intelligence research and analysis iictivitiee in CIA should be reconsolidated ender one Directorate; and, b. The finieted intelligence production comp? Of the Dtrectorste of Intelligence shOuld as far as functienal speelalties allow be placed under unified direetion and orgailimed on a regional or area-oriented basis, and this regional organization ehould be closely flaked by exchange of staff officers with the Area Divisions of D. ApprovedatniftMpsa "frmg/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500160025-5 7111 FILE 4;1?2: - 25X1 Approved For Release 2003(08/184,91A-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 4. This memorandum deals with the first of these conclusions. I present it now, with the second to follow, because you recently spoke to se of your belief that similar functions should be groped under single =nage- sent and duplication ?nominated n order to effect savings in use of manpower. I suggest the rigorous application of this principle to the intelligence research and analysis effort, one of CIA's meet essential functions and the oae which our most -sportant customers are daily aware of. 1AM01101DID 6. From its LLrst days the Agency's policy for the production of ninhed intelligence A has been that it shall be integrated, coordinated and duplicatory. This policy is still in force and currently eet forth in which also provides that the Deputy Director for Intelligence is responsible for ensuring that the policy is tmplemeeted, including dissemination control and the initiation of new publications. 6. ii Sc tifie I believe provide a nue which the DST immediately created production problems, which T pointed out at the time and which have been only reduced since not solved. Tho validity of the policy of placing overall responsibility for intelligence prodeetion in the DDI was reaffirmed shortly after the creation of the ODIT Directorate, and attempts made to provide for its implementation in full force by oral and written directives. traas tarred the Office of OBI) from MDI to IT, entirely o collocate scientists and to easel actually on duty around could be organized. This T. The directive which this was most explicitly set forth is the DOW* mmmorandum of 30 October 1963 to the deputies on the 'subject of relationships between DDI and DOM? This memorandum provides that Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 7." Approved For Release 2003/8il8 -RDP80601676R000500160025-5 Over-ell reapons bittty for production and tie* of finished intelligence, and Its nation outside of CIA, remains assigned SDI. ? SSW earrtes the baste responsibility ? productive and publication of scientific haical intelltgence. Dissemination outside will have prior DDI coordination. ? ame carries the basic responsibility integration of scientific and timbales' gence produced by MOST with other types of tatefligene. in the developeent of finished intelligence. S. The MD% wilt Mate all finished iatelligenee which noorporates scientific and teebnieal material with the DOM prior to dissemination, outside CIA, using existing channels for this coordination. "11. the CIA rely heavily on position on matters emientifie and techai umreaolved substantiv le for establiehine IS matters. Me will in framing the Agency are primarily and will ensure that fferences between DSOS and board Setimates are clearly evident. The VS% will furnish the VDSkT with copies of all pertinent MIS briefing memoranda for the DMCI and DC/. S. Arrangenente for producing intelligence pursuant to that Wrective have worked as veil as could be expected considering the difficulties inherent in a situation vire the Agency's production capability has been fractured and Approved For Release 2003/08118 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 cr.PFT Approved For Release 2003/08/18 -: A-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 divi depu . I have tact cool of comma ION th wide y di/ vor folt that mad* to work eii uthority. rasa arrant review of this La ht*ti. I have sot, for example, on personnel commonage the Latoraal fine. I haws dose Imo less in the view of 01036T's plea to transfer and apace DIvisioa fro* OBI to another fracture in the finished itiol it suet also be, considered in eat orgaaisatioa. 10. Thera aro, I baltive, a aumbor of reasons, sass *spelling, others nere3.y persuasive, for considering at this time the return of 001 to DPI. The reasons for its staylag in tbe NAT are to se not very persuasive. (The goestioa of MAC, an oatgrowth fro* the, former fallistics Wane,' of 001, ban similar aspects. I would only say here that it should probably be roincorporated into 011. If sot, it has a good deal more to do with ead-product reportin4 than do other MOW activities other thole 001 and therefore it should come to DOI as wilt.) 11 1 should say a ward about ay immoral schens for coesolidatiag cOapoaeats and latogratiag production in order to plass the OBI proposed novo in context, though the writs of the novo ia no way depeed %poi a goaeral reorganisation of DM. The tentative *chime (blocked out in Tab A) calls for four sate grompiag of offices: Z.nezy AnalysiK WIC CIA Detachseat) Informatioa Borvicos ratelligenoo Mesa:rah Group 001, MAC) 1) Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP801301676R000500160025-5 C'711Pi T Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 Ju d. 12. Intellige line and Nat nal IR elligence Gr ONN, 0111? organised insofar as possible basis -- e.g., Office of Chimes* Aft Akc indicated In e above, OBI would- be in the nee- Research Group- (see Tab B for present ommand Tab C for proposed grouping), 13. The advantages to you of having OBI in the BDI to at these It woulltirence ero Univac, problems at the level of national interest are not disciplinary but Luterdiscipl ary It is important to the quality of output to focus all pertinent disciplines on a given problem in an Integrated fashion, Nixed management makes the attainment of this Ctftcult goal more difficult. b. It would iagrove our research programming effort. By consolidating our research pro4ramming efforts Into one, we would have a better balanced overall progran more responsive to our consumers. It would fammove eUi ur We could, for examp arraamsesats, eonsol product ton control e editing functioa*, deal prOdnetion for support of typing, etc. In short, people doing the samo Sm. of w diffarent research components in a sammassarata reduction in *verb he staff rative staffs, the review and printers, ntelligenc fewer ? by with tion. Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 Approved For Release 2003t08/18.: CIA-RDP801301676R000500160025-5 ffort would h weapons of fields -- instance -- OBI ts and qualitattve tion and he sums BB to stitatlyc fac re could redress a trend away from production. Sine, the transfer out of DDI, we have noted a depreciation of the scientific intelligence output, attributable, we believe, to 4 natural preoccupation with intolligonce support of the technical collect Ion activitios owing to the environment in which OBI now finds itself. cam Buarant4P0 OU telimumtarAtAtemskte. Though total TiO savings cannot now be spocif sally arrived at, they would be mme_nag_sesima and oould be made in the face of iegrevisig pro:Auction. Preliminary calculations on the basis of the present OBI lead as to conclude that a minimum cut of S% I- can be guaranteed, and that the total may well be more. (Bee Tab D for our arithmetic.) 14. On the nogat et this move would se scientists from scientists, the bringing together of which was the principal reason advanced for moving OBI from MIDI to WOW in 1963. We are not in a position to know how important this consideration has actually turned out to Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 r?,17.7 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : %.,1A-RDP80B01676R000500160025-5 that OBI 04 rt out SkT ontist btred to loss so Lu the case of OCS and fLniIarttj of interest with tot of Intel *goatee. I would 051 personnel who wished to remain in the doing ao, and of sours, closest coordination 14 remain in the autual ioterost of the two ration w*nld be simpler and better, however, s of responsibility as between the R&D ion operators on the 044 hand and the on the other. 4 note that the of the decision t at prosiest ideaview of Dr. Wheolon s on to caphasise and expand OWAT work on Technical Collection Program* (OSA taff, 02L) dissuasion is suffic ant reason to su this sort in our organizatio for the ^ coat-offoctiveomass saving manpower, en and establishing clam functional ti I recommend in view of the sbwe, you approvein the transfer beet to 504 of 051 subjoct to to you for filial review and approval the &Anil* now* as worked out by DDI in coordination with the Emecutivo Director'a SPSK Staff. (AAT S. CU= Seputy Director for Intelligimce Attachments Approved For Release 2003/08/1?. ,g1A-RDP80B01676R000500160025-5 - f"rat'llE Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 ILLEGIB but toe: - Lei L if DOI cItz3u (..lbreika - CVDDI )rauiattn iile Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 41-11 fth Approved For Release 2003/06/18 Cfr Tab A: Tab 5: DP80601676R000500160025-5 ATTACININITS ping of Off tees UR V OM.** Ingaged in ysis in Support of National C: Proposed inteI1igice Tab D; Tab It Organization Char Tab Ft Organization Chart of OW Tab Gt Organization Chart of PNBAC Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-/RDP80601676R000500160025-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SECRET Proposed Grouping of Offices Under DDI Direction DDI Imagery Analysis Group 49693 9-65 CIA Information Services Group SECRET Intel Ii gence Research Group Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 National Intelligence Evaluations and Estimates Group Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SECRET Present Group of Offices Engaged in Intelligence Research and Analysis in Support of National Intelligence DDI Research Staff Director of Research and Reports 1 25X1 DDS&T R EC AP ORR Os' FMSAC RESEARCH STAFF _ Total Economic Military- Economic Office of Foreign Research Research Scientific Missile and Space Area Area Intelligence Analysis Center 48692 9-65 CIA LI SECRET 25X1 25X' Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SECRET Proposed Intelligence Research Group 25X1 of the Directorate of Intelligence Executive Staff DIRECTOR Intelligence Research Group 11 25X1 RECAP DIRECTION EXECUTIVE STAFF: Production Control Administration RESEARCH STAFF: Current Support Strategic Studies OEI OSI OAISPA FSC Reserve Total new T/O 25x1Present T/O Reduction 25X1 j Research Staff 25X1 Li Office of Economic Intelligence 25X1 1-1 49694 9-65 CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence 25X1 SECRET 1 Office of Military Systems and Programs Analysis 25X1 I Foreign Space Center 9X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 I. Approved For Release 2003/008 CIA-FDP80601676R000500160025-5 OF PROJ7S II. 111 i of du elee agricu TAB D V1NOS 'units effected III. Mai ion of resume maz'gisa1 intelligence value Ti ef In chemicals, of duplication and reassignment military intelligence among Division, OBI ORIVIDA load on COS Total Direction Administrativ Production Control Current Support Teta New ?Vine on 25 *1 ** fl&u1sI I=1La target reduction and repr Bee TAB C or recap of minimal 25X1 reduction of F-1 representing the probable probable ted range. Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 2 5X 1 25X Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 SECRET OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH AND REPORTS DEPUTY DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF BudgetangoSnervices Section Documents Support Section Personnel and Training Section PUBLICATIONS STAFF ? Accounts Section ? Control Section _ Editing and Review Section ? Production Section ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA OFFICE OF CHIEF ECONOMIC RESEARCH CURRENT SUPPORT STAFF PLANNING AND REVIEW STAFF ANALYSIS DIVISION - Eastern Europe - Far East Branch Strategic USSR Branch 51895 7-65 INTERNATIONAL DIVISION ? Africa Branch ? Asia Branch ee Latin Anserine Branch .= Near East Branch - WestgrrLExope RESOURCES AND INDUSTRIES DIVISION ? Agriculture Branch ? Chemicals Branch Electronic Equipmen Branch Fuels and Power Branch TRADE AND SERVICES DIVISION ? Manufacturing Branch Minerals and Metals _ Branch _Communications Branch - Construction Branch International Shipping ? Branch Policies and Organizations Branch Trade and Finance ? Branch Trangnrron SECRET 25X1 MILITARY-ECONOMIC RESEARCH AREA OFFICE OF CHIEF MILITARY-ECONOMIC RESEARCH FORCES DIVISION ..Aircraft Systems Branch Defensive Missiles Branch _Ground Forces Branch Navira a:Snhtems E _Stratwa.i lcMssiles Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 PLANS AND SUPPORT STAFF PROGRAMS DIVISION ?Free World Branch MilitaryElpnrditures . Space and Support Branch _Strategy and Trends Branch Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R0005001600251-5 SECRET OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER L- SERVICES BRANCH COLLECTION SUPPORT OFFICER INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION STAFF INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT BRANCH PROGRAM AND PUBLICATIONS BRANCH 1...1 SIC SECRETARIAT 1 1.- _1 GENERAL SCIENCES DIVISION -ASTRO-GEOPHYSICS BRANCH [-CHEMISTRY AND CW BRANCH __PHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS L BRANCH L MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING BRANCH 51996 8-65 [ ...BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND BW BRANCH CONTROL SCIENCES BRANCH LIFE SCIENCES DIVISION MEDICAL SCIENCES BRANCH NUCLEAR ENERGY DIVISION WEAPONS AND TEST BRANCH NUCLEAR MATERIALS BRANCH NON-SOVIET NUCLEAR BRANCH JAEIC SECRETARIAT I L? ? ?S SECRET BALLISTIC MISSILES SPACE DIVISION 4 August 1965 DEFENSIVE SYSTEMS DIVISION BALLISTIC MISSILES SYSTEMS BRANCH ?AIR DEFENSE BRANCH ? TECHNICAL SUPPORT BRANCH SPACE SYSTEMS BRANCH E ANTI-BALLISTIC MISSILES BRANCH NAVAL BRANCH NON-SOVIET WEAPONS BRANCH AIRCRAFT AND CRUISE MISSILES BRANCH Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 I -"N a ? 7z1 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 :-CIA-RDP80B01676R000500160025-8; FOREIGN MISSILE AND SPACE ANALYSIS CENTER DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE OFFICER DEF iSMAC. RE.pRE.S e fo-rxr vie GMAIC Secretariat ACTIVITIES INTERPRETATION DIVISION TRAJECTORY ANALYSIS DIVISION SIGNAL ANALYSIS DIVISION REENTRY PHYSICS DIVISION (IA t3 CONTROL ROOM (24-hour operation) _ Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500160025- Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5 Note for the Record: Per STAT this is a dead issue. 11 June 1966 Approved For Release 2003/08/18 : CIA-RDP80601676R000500160025-5