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Approved For Release 2003/02/27 P80B01676R000500080042-5 DIA review(s) completed. 26 'arch 1964 Major General Alva R. Fitch Deputy Director Defense Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. Sorry for the delay in replying to your letter of 1 i February, but I've been in the Far Last and found your letter waiting upon my return. I appreciate very much .our looking into the matter of the F and if weddevelop any more specific et you know. We agree that this is a good time to establish a policy base for coordination of our research and develop- ment efforts. As you note, there has been a working level exchange of infor- mation between our respective Agencies on research and development programs since the formation of DIA. We have engaged in such exchanges on a case-by-case basis where it has been determined that Information derived from CIA research and development projects complemented and aosisted research and development programs of I)IA undertaken in support of its assigned missions. It is our desire and intention to continue these exchanges. In order to broaden this coordination effort to a comprehensive one covering both Agencies, I see no problem in our providing DIA with a descriptive statement of our R&D program in exchange for the RDT&Z protiun of your Consolidated General Intelligence Progrrac . We would want this closely held in DIA as it is in CIA for reasons of comparfrnentatlon and sensitivity, and we would naturally reciprocate Approved For Re /sA 0.31/02/27 CIA RDP80BOl676R000500080042-5 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CtA 1 80B01676R000500080042-5 in ree asrd to your program. This would provide nation, and avoidance of duplication and the servi However, so that there will be no misunderstanding would to go into detail in those areas of R&D where operational s, clandestine and otherwise, create conditions of vity requiring the tightest cosnpartm#ntation. This was spelled dI* surveillance and countermeasures field by the memo- randum of General Carter to Mr. Bundy of 12 March 1964. This is not to say that we would not provide assistance in those areas of concern to DIA. and if any problems arise in this regard, you and I can work them *%t. In spite of these constraints. I believe that we can collaborate on selected projects to our mutual benefit. Accordingly. at MY request, the Deputy Director (Science and Technology) has appointed Mr. to serve, as the initial point of contact on all matters concerning CIA.-DIA coordination and information exchanges on research and development programs. If your re, re- Utuiveas will contact Mr. I 25X1 am sure that a satisfactory working relationship can be established. I Will, Of course. continue to give it my close personal attention and will be happy to work with you in giving the effort specific high- level Iapetus. Sincerely yours. (signed) Lyman B. i(irkpa4rick Lyman B. irkpatrick .ive Director Originated in DD/S&T Rewritten: Executive Director:rkg Distribution: Original & 1 - Addressee 1 - DDCI 1 - A/DD/P 1-C/TSD 1 - D/NPIC I- D/Commo 1-ADT 1 - :Ex ut?ve Director Executive Registry Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : .GIA-.RDP80B01676R000500080042-5 Approved For Release 200 iYT IA-RDP80B01676R00050008 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D. C. 20301 S-308/RD-3 Mr. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr. Executive Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 11 February 1964 Recalling our conversation about coordination of the research and develop- ment activities of our agencies, I find that a great deal of thought has been given to this subject in the DIA, and that quite a bit of working level coordination is already being carried out. If this coordination has not always been as complete or successful as we both might have wished, this is at least partially understandable. Your R&D structure has only re- cently passed a major transitional stage while the DIA equivalent is still in its formative period. In addition, there has been no specific, high level impetus in this area. It seems to me that now, for the first time, there is a real opportunity to formalize this and to establish a basis in policy at our level. I would like to propose that a joint working party be set up to work out a statement of policy and a mechanism of R&D coordination for our consideration. The DIA is reaching a point where it will be feasible for us to coordinate in a way not possible before. This year we expect to have an RDT&E portion of our Consolidated General Intelligence Program. A copy of this can be made available to your offices for consideration in connection with your program. For this arrangement to work, it seems to me it will have to work both ways. That is, if you ca upply the DIA with a descriptive statement of your program, we can also act to avoid duplication and to divert the effort to other important but unfunded work. With the present emphasis on economy, we certainly have neither the wish nor the incentive to repeat what you are doing if the results of your work can serve our mutual needs. 25X1 and I have had these matters checked for the facts. We can find no CIA You asked spvpral stions about work in progress in :f ;JDE3 : -()M AU1014ATIC REGRADING; DOD DIR 5200.10 DOES NOT APPLY SECRET Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CI; S-308/RD-3 M01 676 R000500080042-5 R&D Program that is directly, or even obviously indirectly, concerned with secret writing. Of course the volume of R&D performed or sponsored bylis enormous and our sources may have overlooked the single work order or contract that concerned you. If you can give me more specific details of the reported work (contract number, contractor, or such), I would like to look further into this matter. There is, indeed, a considerable amount of R&D in the audio surveillance field going on at0 Incidentally, interested portions of your TSD staff were recently given a thorough briefing on the E I The 25X1 basis for this work is the requirement of the Air Force or greatly improved audio countermeasures equipment. Accordingly, the principal purpose of the effort has been defensive. The DIA feels that it is impossible to separate R&D for audio countermeasures from R&D for audio collection. The two areas are completely interdependent and neither can proceed intelligently in a vacuum, with no consideration of the potential of the other. For this reason, th Ioes, in fact, contain R&D in the areas of sensors, transducers, and other aspects of positive audio collection. I feel that this work is a com- pletely necessary adjunct to the defensive effort and, to the extent that the results are made available to your staff, of mutual benefit. There is always the possibility of basing our defensive work upon a predicted opposition threat which is represented by your very latest audio collection devices. Certainly your latest state-of-the-art should be considered when the sensitivity of the device will permit. But in trying to predict the opposition's technical ingenuity, it seems to me that two heads are more prudent, if not better than one. The audio collection work in this light, can be 25X1 considered as insurance rather than duplication. The security measures surrounding the work and our levels of 25X1 classification are, I believe, adequate to safeguard the sensitivity of our work. However, there is a procedure used in your developmental con- tracts that we would like to investigate and possibly use. This is the provision which , in effect, prevents the contractor from admitting he has the contract. We will pursue this further in connection with our discussions on a joint R&D coordination policy. If you agree in the desirability of a joint ad hoc group, charged by us jointly to develop a working procedure for coordinating the DIA/CIA research Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000500080042-5 SECRET Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDQa,001676R000500080042-5 S-308/RD-3 and development efforts, would you please designate a point of contact for your agency with whom my designees may begin. I intend to personally follow the course of these negotiations in close detail, and I hope that your time will permit you to add your own emphasis, experience, and priority to the effort. Sincerely, ALVA R. FITCH Major General, USA Deputy Director Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000500080042-5 Appro frau 1 1: DP E 4 s, R -5 UNCLASSIFIED CO1 IDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP Appro TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I DDCI .2{n ? / Z7 2 thera -for fu tion 3 r TDCI itl. 1-"r 4 5 1G 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : I have asked DD/S&T and TSD to designate a representative and an alternate; I will then prepare a response. Sent copy to Mr. Bross for info. FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE zed For Release 28MM27 OVA-RDP80B01676R0 DSO UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET 2-5 FORM NO. 237 Use previous editions (40) 2-61 - U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1961 0-587282 25X1