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Approved For Release 2~~1 ~~~i~T-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 3 U J U L 1965 MEMORANDUl'vr FORS- Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Plans . Deputy Director for Seience and Technology Deputy Director for Support General Counsel inspe+etor General Director, Office of Budget, Program Analysis an+d Manpower SUBJECT: Annual Report far the' President's Foreign . Intelligence Advisory Board 1. Last year the Presid~ant's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board changed its request for periodic reports from CIA (as wall as DIA.) to an annual, rather than a ~mi,-annual, basis. 'This report is now to be submitted each. year for the year ending 3 Q June. Currently we are required to prepare one for the year ending 30 June 1965.. 2. Attached is the outline used. last year, which remains unchanged. The components responsible. ifor preparing each section are indicated. 'W'here two or more components share responsibility. please coordinate informally so as to avoid dup;Eication. The outline is r-ot meant to be restrictive; that is, all eomponex-ts should feel free to expand on it if they believe the outline does not cover adequately all. pertinent infarma- tiara. Also, the General Counsel and Inspector. General should contribute if they feel they can report developments in their areas which would be of value to the Board. 3. This year's report should not, of course, .repeat basic informa- tion contained in last year's version, except se necessary to explain developments of the past year. Last year's version -being the first comprehensive annual one ? c:ontaiaed, under a number of headin ;s, expla+ nations of why or how certain. activities have come into being. What we want to do for Fiscal 'Year 1965 is to carry the x~epart forward from the Fiscal Year 196 base. 4. Without in any way prejudging the sine of thv final repast, it is suggested as a guide that each element tailor its subznissioa to about the uR~J'JP 1 Ex~lu~"^?i f;?am artomatic 10~ SEC~~1 T~ 188697 Gopy #4 _.____Ap~roved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 ,Approved For Release 20 / DP80B01676R000500010050-3 same length as appeared in iaet year's report ? or toss. to tans wttn paragraph 3 above., 5. Ae the Deputy #o they DCI for National Intelligence programs Evaluation has bean charged with relations with the pFIAB, I am asking him to deal directly with co~alponents of the Agency concerned with the prapaxation of the annual report. Accordingly please submit drafts is duplicate, double-space, by ?September 1965 to Mr. Fsrrott 25X who will be prepared to assist you or your officers with any as this assignment. It would ba appreciatmd if each addressee would give him. the name of the offices directly r~eaponsiblo for th? snbmfesiaa. 25X1 L. K. White executive Diaroctor?Comptroller cc i Z7DCI za/ DGItN'IpE ~ro~ sECR~r Approved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP806U1676R00050U010050-3 Approved For Release 2003T'~~4~ P80B01676R000500010050-3 RE~P4RTING C3'IXT~.INJ~ i~Gentral Znteliiganca A~~ency} Action Office Information concerning major intelligence-related activitiies including the following (identifying in each instance, where appli- cable, the govexning National Security Council Inte211gence T~irectives, Director of (Wentrai Intelligence bxxectives, or other national policy di;rocti~es. pursuant to vrrhich such activities are performed); SPAM /A. !C7rganiz nal arrangements lox h+sadquarters and hold direction of in igence?related functions, including organi~a- tlonal char BPAM B. T'atal cost figux~ss, and manpower totals at headquarters and in tlia field, with prajectians far each of the suc+~eeding fixe y+0ars. {include subtotals of cost and maapowex figures applicable to ,each sepazate major program car activity, Including re~earch- and?developm?nt, etudie.s ox other projects conducted on gn ''in-h+ause" or contract basis. } DD/S ' S ~`~ ~C. Training of in~~iigance pexsonnei. DD/Z ~ D, Inteliigenc+s coil,eetion ~equirem~ants. {Codrditxation. for~- rnuiation and tasking of requirements gesxerated tntexnally ox by . a#h?r agencies fox purposes of meetfng intelxi~nce needs j /~< Intelligence coll.s-ction activitiees f zafiectin,g significant xt,suits achieved during #~~hox~o~rt~ing period] includ3~4g thos+s pro- grams t>n the following li,s ~n which yaout s~ge~ncy pexf.orma a coiiectit-n functiaa: ~" (1 } Basic i~gte~ligex~ce. .?~ v ~2j Biagrap~cintelligence. ~~3} Paiitical~l~elligonce< ~~` v~4} ~conomtc +~~11#gence. ,r i TDP 5~~~~T Approved For F2elease 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R0005000100,5~ ~ 6 ~ 7 ``~ ~ Approved For Releas~3~~~1A-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 DD/S&T ~ DTI/P +( DD/sa~~ DD/x Scientific rand tech~#~al intelligence. Guided miasil? and~~tronautiaa irxte~lligeuce. Atc>znie energy intellt~+~~aco. DD/S8rT >~-"E9~ Signals i'elidge~nce. ~ ,. DD/I ~ { I q~ Geo~gxaph~iff#ci~~l coven t~xxangernents and numbexs c-f personnel utiliz~rd' (b~ Nonofficia~~cove~x arrangements, including numb~trec of p+~rsonnel; anti tae of progre-es in the development of imnzediatm and 1< g-te7Cm~ deep?cQVex~ assets for coverage o# critical int?~r~gence targets. L1D/~ DD/I / ~ 16y C>t~6r. DD/P ~' ~'. Scraezsing cif xar~~ ~#eZligence. +~l~xoceduxes employmd !En & the field and at he+adquax~`re including description of pxog~ams DD/I ~ design+~~ to reduce vur~~'~ential, duplicat#~ve xep~-xting. ~ TOP S~CR~i Approved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 -25X1 }~D/I ~ ( & # Dols&T Approved For Release 2003/1~i: ~I 0B01676R000500010050-3 '- G. Ynnfelligaace psad~uc#ioxx, '/ (i ~ Cursen'# ilr~'tslligen~ce tional and pracedu~rai arraxYg quarters, p~roceduses fox ? of early ~traarning and in csisis .situations vs-a govornme~tt levels process. ~ yeas. #,Yxaciuding organi~- nts in the field and a+t headw ely ideas#4ficatiazx end +~xpioitaxiun Gatos-type data conc+~snfng +deueXopin~ ting psamp~ co~teid+exatiaa at highest. (~~ Na'~.cros.I Arid Special ~n igence Ee#imates, ~5uppozr to and pas#icipatfon i:n the parap anon of National eund Sp+~cial txetelligezYCe ~s#itma#+es i'os a iu tha nat~cu~.i paiicY-making ~ ~3) Natitmal Y~cateliigoncp Susvt~ys. (Support to end participation in ~o p:repasa~on of I~atiawal ~ntelifgenca Surv,~ys, includfxig tiro statue cif fzx~plament~a.#lar~ ~f i~TIS p~soduc#itm sahedule~~+ #a meet natiox~l and :rrt3iftary xequir~rxx~nts. ~ UDI~ ~ ( ~~` (4} tJtliex' sigx~.9fican~ iateliigerace p~roductione. (Ydeatifica- & ~ ~ tion of inteilig~-nco inxhi4`cations produced ~vn a reguis.riy scheduled l7~/S&T ~ bads for oitiz+~s int+~~~~-agez~cy- ox' ilntsa-agemcy ce>sumpiion. ~ I~bIS '~H. ~ P~ro~ictiori of ~~nsitiv;e t!. S,,.izateli3gence data, sources and & methods. ~(Speciffc progx^ame~ whi h"ase designed to affoz~d this protso- ]~E>IP ti+~ and which ~~ro additfom~at to +~ gen+esal pxogsams outliz~gd ~ the counterintelliga:nce sact3ox~ cxf,, a Dual xeports (1 } Comtrals and csnixpastmen~.#icm of past~tcul~siy~ s$z~sit4.v+~ iln~lligonc,~ data sand techxiiquea. (2~ +Gontsois an reie~~e~s off` cis:ssffied ~nf'orrnat3c~m to fos~ign govosument~ ~F ofi'?~iais, aced intex~atios~al bodies. ~' (3~ Gtmtacois tin other; s~eiea~es of intolligeric~r~s~-lated tr~ormationi fzaclud~:g s$iaasas tca thm psess... `~(4~ U~Sar appl;~cable psCig~'~ernit. ~ _ . ~; bL~/S ( ~. Research and dev+~lopment. ~lttxs psog~'ams u-x:des *~v8y ~-fth DI1/SST ;~~:{~%-v~+~w to achiavixtg ox imprc-~i~e~d capabilities for the coliectf?n! DDI P {p~rcacessing. ar~s~iyw+is, ward a~#ati+c~rt of iYetelligerlca data.. T0~ _S~CREi Approved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 DD/S&'T Approved For Release 20 / - DP80B01676R000500010050-3 ~~. Scieati#ic axed tochxxical.. ` (4rgaYxixatian and application o? .scientific and tvchxxalogicai re~ou~rce~s ?oz intellig+~nce-related puxposes; and azran.gements fox coordixxation with othex intellig~gnc+e agencies. ~ `~ ? . ,. DDIF in ~?1{. +~ounterinte~iiigance a;ctivitiea abroad. Pz+~grama foa~ pxo~scting coord. w/ V. S. Governxr~ant pereonnel~ and sensitive D. S. irxforx~atiEni, irt$talM ~ecuxity' iaticme and uperation+~ aga'~Zast eap~onage, sabotage and aubvezaicm. including. 17D/P ~ `~~ 1 ~ Pasiiiv~ coaxntexin~~lligence ps~ogxa~ri,s far the pexysCratioa t~ hc-~cf~,1~.#~t?llig~r,~c~s ~~zvfc~a.:. ; ; ; ~~~~ Phys~,cai ga:~rxxity~ . "'^(4~, , Ca~riunics.tians ~ recur~,tlr, ix~clur~Lrig s~cua~i~y c~y~tographic e~y~at6ms. ` ~ ; , DJ3/P, Dr3l~ & DDIS&~' ,~5} Audioeurveilianca ~ccrunt~rm~saauar~a< Dl~/P `~ ~b~ f~oardinatica~ o~c~unterin~~igc+~ p-xogzaxn~ with othex intetpste~d ag+enci DD/P ~ `f~'L. Cpvc~zt action gro~;~ram+~.,:'`~Th~e A.gency'a~ ~c+l~ ~w4,t~i z~tapect''``~ . to the fozmulation, ~x~cution ~ pmriodtc ~revi?w` of pl~agrazx~.e coxduat~d pursuant tc N5C 59~ 1~/~. ~ ~uda .annex ~~r~rna~3x3ng highlight, t~f mayor ~pvc~~rt action pro~ma.,} . All 1Wt. Defici~rnct~~s. ~~l,grilficant gaga' and daf'~c9~~+nciee ire d+~pazt4 x~nental pzpgrams and ef#o~cts to m0~-t intalligence and cov~raG't action n~aeds, , ~arid iatep~a be~ang taken tc~ z+~rnc~ve such ~a~sa -and` deficieneie~. ,~ DDIi' ':,, N. Pla.n~ng ?o ; tel;lig~nc~~>x~iat~d actiiviti~+~- ~ tuns a? ~ai~, . including euppo milf~ta:ry op~iza~am~r ,in v~r~rtirn~~. T0~ ~~~R~T _~,Approved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 25 ~ ER ~o"fSECRET~w en fl11~~~Ftt"l~~i~t~8~o~lElj~~~ddtri3nf~hi~~~~~~~~~l~y downgraded CONTROL AND COVER SI:IEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE Ex Dir-Com t CIA CONTROL N0. 188697 DOC. N0. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE 30 Jul 65 COPY N0. #4 LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES vbf/er NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS Re ortin O>rtline __ _ ATTENTION: Jorm will be placed on top o/ and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classtJted Top Secret within the CIA and mil! remain attached to tlae document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret mattes is limited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose ofl4cial duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Opicers who receive and/or release the attached Top Secret material will sign this Jorm and indicate period o/ custody in the left-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document will sign and indicate the date of handling in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE ~ DATE TINIE DATE TIME SIGNATURE OFFICE/DIV. DATE ~Qt>u~ ~9;'i;~~ . 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DOWNGRADED DESTROYED DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) TO BY (Signeture) TO BY (Signature) WITNESSED B1' (Signature) BY (Signature) I OFFICE DATE OFFICE DATE OFFICE DATE FORM 2 6 USE PxEVI0U8 EDITIONS. 6-64 TOP SECRET GROUP i Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification STAT gpproved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 Approved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 Approved For Release 2003p/11/04:CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 iQ65 ~ig~ac~ ~~~! ~ e~t~xl~ita~a T i~-1rt~tor c~~ ~~. ~~tiQates X1 9~LT8J~C'~' R~q~x~e ete trerrx~ th~a 'E'~?ea~+d+~~` a~ :~`rnr ~IIi~~~e~e~ ,v~~~ry Attac~rd i~ ~ copyr ~i a e~sx~-sA~du ir~-~ra t~.+~ P~e~td~as~t's the Ts~r~t~x/ 2~w~~~ ~~1 ~r~ 4h~ ~ ~~fc~~.ticu~. ~'~+s~ ~ ~tall~~-ac~ .t~idviaq~ry ~crsrs~ li+r +~+ ~ ~L r~ic~ted by tha k~ansl; ~w~var, ire etxv?~na- Rm Cb.~a axed ~r+~lato~ ~r~a~ by +~t~urk ~~~ff~+rd . ostas~rfbly ~a b~h~ ~~ #h~a ~~r~~ad~at, At o~.~ ~~~~~ txsat ~rO a~hat~Ic~ e s gr~4s~tg. ~, ~~-ea y+~t~' ~apo~a~~-e t~ phis ~Lt#,~~e iQ~ crana~ti.tfa~ ~~rp~~ t~ ~~ t+~xwat.rd aid ~~ iax cur ~.~~. ~ a~-y cu~rsticros /s/ John A. Bross ~~ ~RJS~~7 ~P.w e rvbjeccts Qn ~r~ic}x ~ sad ~~r~, of cau~ a~u, ~avi#hia ~13~- ~' ~ ~a~~ +~vo~d p~raba-kxl~ b~~~ d~ by fJl~r gar~spa ~ ~''~~., ~te~r~ ~ ~~ ~ tc~ call ~o~ a fat 'DL~JP- c~' s~a,~ac-~c~. ~,vidt ~rtt~-k~a to get tk+e~ ~tsr~f~+~d ,with the c~acd. !~~_ SV~; Executive Director Approved For Release"'~23/1~7.Q ~' ~... . DP80B01676R0005Q0,6~1 188738 Copy ~6 '' $SIFIED wA,~1pfAAA~Id-~br R O~Sk1A1C1@gA~},~,676F~@0~6fla~FbQ~'$~~ally downgraded ~'$ECRET when fllle_d Jn form5lr.detached frolz~ controlled document. - ~ `~+? I CON'T'ROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY _ SOURCE D DCI NIPE CIA CONTROL N0. 188 8 ___ _ _ DOC. N0. RECEIVED DATE DOCUMENT / DOC. DATE J+ NOV 6 / ~ NOV 65 COPY N0. 6 LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES ], __ Vbf'/2Y' _ NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS 188 8 -A _--- _ - ATTENTION: This Jorm will be placed on top o/ and atfaclted to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret matter is iirnited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose ohictal duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Officers who receive and/or release the attached Top Secret material will sign this /orm and indicate period o/ custody in the le)t-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document wtll sign artd indicate the date o/ handling in the right-hand columnar. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME SIGNATURE OFFICE/DIV. DATE ~xi~ Di E E r x -~ a?s _-_ ____- _ NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: Wlten this )orm is detached Jrom Top Secret material it shat! be completed !n the appropriate spaces below and transmitt~t to Central Top Secret Control Jor record. DOWNGRADED DESTROYED DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) TO BY (Signature) TO BY (Signature) WITNESSED BY (Signature) BY (Signature) OFFICE Appr DATE ved For Rel OFFICE ase 2003/11/04 :CIA-F DATE ~DP80B01676~ OFFICE ~2000~00010050-3 DATE FORM 26' USE PFEVIOUS EDITION 6. 6-64 TOP SECRET TOP SECRET GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and r),...l,... Approved Fo~Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP80B016 ~R000500010~05~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~" l i.j s..~'lr ~ i L PRESIDENTS FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY BOARD November 2, 1965 MEMORANDUM FOR: MR. JOHN A. BROSS CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUBJECT: Intelligence and Related Activities With Respect to Con~rnunist China and North Vietnam. Attached is the of items which were requested by Board members General Taylor and T~Ir. Murphy in con- nection with the briefings which were pr?vided on October 29, 1965. It would be appreciated if you would forward the desired information to this office. Thanks very much :E?or the assistance which your Agency has furnished in these matters. L-~~ Russell Ash Attachment. 188738-A Copy #6 Ser "A." Approved For Release 2003/11/04: CIA-RDP80B01676R0005000,~D ~-~,s-~'` ~-((- k ~ t.1~~U~~ 1 25X1 gpproved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 Approved For Release 2003/11/04 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000500010050-3 25X1 CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT T DESCRIPTION REGISTRY __ DOCUMEN SOURCE ~,~ CIA CONTROL N0. 188738-A _ __ DOC. N0. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED GATE ' DOC 6 ~ NOV 65 . ~ OV COPY NO-. ~'er t1A It LOGGED BY ' NUMBER OF PAGES 1 ~,-2 er _ ___ V~Jf NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS ATTENTION: Tisis Jorm will be placed on top o/ and atfac7Led to each Top Secret document received by the Centra! 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