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Document Release Date: 
July 16, 2008
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Publication Date: 
October 20, 1962
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Approved For Release 2008/07/16: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400180046-1 ctober LQ, l96L MEMORANDUM FOR: 1,Ar. Theodore G. Sorensen Special Counsel to the President The Nhite House On the attached copy of draft number two of the speech I have indicated some suggested changes. on page 3. the reference to Polaris and minuteman is question- able. The Minuteman is not operational, and being intercontinental could not be transferred elsewhere. Our attempts to turn over Polaris submarines to NATO under some appropriate arrangement has been given wide publicity. On the other hand, we have trans- ferred Thors to England and Jupiter* to England and Turkey under e our operational control. An important point is that everything we have done in this connection has been done openly and the public has been fully informed. On the same page. I suggest dropping out the last sentence. Numbered paragraph Z on page 5 does not see n to me to meet its purpose. In serving notice that we reserve the right to take military action of an appropriate nature if our surveillance indicates that the Cubans and Soviets persist in the build-up of this ?nissile capability, I think the President should through this speech place himself and this country in a position to be absolutely free of the accusation or indictment of a "surprise attack", if we are forced to act in our own interests after the blockade has run for a li,-nited period, and this period might be very short indeed. 214y views are expressed in the attached final paragraph of any talking paper which I used in today's meeting. The final sentence may suggest so:ne wording. Approved For Release 2008/07/16: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400180046-1 Approved For Release 2008/07/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400180046-1 Along this line I think numbered paragraph 4 on page 4 nullifies the above, for I could envisage the OAS and the United Nations very quickly appointing inspection teams to investigate and report back at their leisure, and once this action has been taken, then it seems to me our hands are tied with respect to any unilateral action we ;night wish to take. You will see some suggested wording in numbered paragraph l on page 6, as the present text would cover everything including surface -to -air missiles. no r Page 7 should be card to the closing out M of Guantanamo, a condition which would lead should we lose sight of the fact that Castro and his government are avowed Communists with a stated purpose of spreading Communist revolution throughout Latin America, a'drwhile we do not wish to blew up in this aps anon. ;nnix the Castro problem and the missil p nevertheless let us be sure out our intent of helpidagthe aCuban people we do not insert necessary actions to carry replace Castro with leadership of their own choosing. I know the speech will go through many drafts. 1 therefore have not attempted to deal with other points which to me do not seem as important as the ones mentioned above. ~_.__. u'. g:ed Cohn A. ,ricCone ')irector Approved For Release 2008/07/16: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400180046-1