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I EXocutvo t~?y^^iL'': j Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-~- ./ NSC Referral Not Required October 24, 1966 j h A. Califa The President has asked me to transmit the attached report to him on the record of the 89th Congress to you. Approved For Release 2003/05/29: CIA-RDP80B01676RO0400',70032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 24, 1966 Office of the White House Press Secretary THE WHITE HOUSE FINAL REPORT TO PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON ON THE 89th CONGRESS BY LAWRENCE F. O'BRIEN AND JOSEPH A. CALIFANO, JR. Here is our final summary of the 89th Congress. A. Our overall assessment In a word, this was a fabulous and remarkable Congress. We say this not because of its unprecedented productivity -- but because what was passed has deep meaning and significance for every man, woman and child in this country -- and for future generations. A particularly striking feature about the 89th was that its second session was as equally productive as the first. Attached is a detailed appendix. It tells an impressive story of achievement. In brief summary this is the record of the major legislation this Administra- tion initiated and sponsored: F irst session: 87 measures 84 passed Second session: 113 measures 97 passed Grand total 200 measures 181 passed 19 did not (see Section C. } Batting average . 905 $. The Major Accomplishments Of this list of 181 measures passed, we regard the following 60 as of landmark and historic significance: The First Session 1. Medicare 2. Elementary and Secondary Education 3. Higher Education 4. Farm Bill 5. Department of Housing and Urban Development Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 2 6. Omnibus Housing Act (including rent supplements, and low and moderate income housing) 7. Social Security Increases 8. Voting Rights 9. Immigration Bill 10. Older Americans Act 11. Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke Research and Facilities 12. Law Enforcement Assistance Act 13. National Crime Commission 14. Drug Controls 15. Mental Health Research and Facilities 16. Health Professions Education 17. Medical Library Facilities 18. Vocational Rehabilitation 19. Inter-American Bank Fund increases 20. Stepping up the War Against Poverty 21. Arts and Humanities Foundation 22. Appalachia 23. Highway Beautification 24. Air Pollution (auto exhausts and research) 25. Water Pollution Control (water quality standards) 26. High speed ground transportation 27. Extension and strengthening of MDTA 28. Presidential Disability and Succession 29. Child Health Medical Assistance 30. Regional Development The Second Session 1. The Department of Transportation 2. Truth in Packaging 3. Demonstration Cities 4. Funds for Rent Supplements 5. Funds for Teachers Corps more Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 3 CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 6. Asian Development Bank 7. Water Pollution (Clean Rivers) 8. Food for Peace 9. March Anti-inflation package 10. Narcotics Rehabilitation 11. Child Safety 12. Viet-Nam Supplemental 13. Foreign Aid Extension 14. Traffic Safety 15. Highway Safety 16. Public Health Service Reorganization 17. Community Relations Service Reorganization 18. Water Pollution Control Administration Reorganization 19. Mine Safety 20. Allied Health Professions Training 21. International Education 22. Child Nutrition 23. Bail Reform 24. Civil Procedure Reforms 25. Tire Safety 26. Protection for Savers (increase in Federal Insurance for savings accounts) 27. The CI Bill 28. Minimum Wage Increase 29. Urban Mass Transit 30. Elementary and Higher Education Funds C. The Unfinished A genda Nineteen bills were not passed. Some of these are less important than others. But in the interests of a complete record we are including them all. 1. Civil Ri hts: Passed the House. Held in the Senate after two cloture motions failed by 10 votes. A majority of the Congress favored this bill. (second session) 2. Re eai of 14b: Much the same story as Civil Rights. Passed the House but held in Senate on a late session filibuster (first session). Cloture motion failed twice in second session (15 votes short) and bill remained in Senate. Here again, a majority of the Congress wanted this bill. Approved For Release 2003/05/21 4(dK-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 3. Unemployment Insurance Amendments: House hearings completed (first session). In second session, House and Senate passed differing versions with Senate including federal standards, but not House. No final agreement was reached in last days of session. 4. D. C. Home Rule: House and Senate passed differing versions (first session). No action in second session. 5. Truth in Lending: No action in either first or second session. 6. Election Reform: Hearings completed in House and early attention to be given to measure next year. No movement in Senate. (However, Long's tax proposal to finance Presidential campaigns passed.) 7. Four Year Term For Members of the House: Hearings held in House and Senate but no action taken.(second session) 8. East West Trade: Bills introduced but no hearings held. (second session) 9. Gun Bill: Hruska bill (covering hand guns only) cleared but not reported by Senate Judiciary Committee after Dodd bill (including rifles) dropped. No action on Senate floor. (second session) 10. International Health; House Commerce Committee reported this out in March. No action beyond this. (second session) 11. Special Amortization Formula For Hospital Modernization: No action taken. (secondsession) 12. Rural Community Development Districts: Passed the Senate. House Agriculture Committee reported out favorably. No final action taken in House. (second session) 13. Electoral College Reform: Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings. No further progress. (first and second sessions) 14. Consolidated Federal Correctional System: Only action was House subcommittee hearings. (second session) 15. National Wild Rivers System: Passed the Senate in January, 1966. No final House action. (first and second sessions) 16. Transportation User Charges: (highways, airways, waterways) House Ways and Means Committee held hearings on airways user charges. No action beyond this. (second session) 17-18-19. Three Stockpile Bills: (silicon carbide, metalurgical grade bauxite, and diamond tools) Hearings held by House Armed Services Committee but not reported out. (second session) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 5 DETAILED APPENDIX MAJOR LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS (84) ENACTED BY THE 89TH CONGRESS -- FIRST SESSION Farm Ownership Loan Authorization. Expands the program under which the Farmers Home Administration assists in development of rural areas by loans and grants to provide rural water and waste disposal systems. [P. L. 89-117 (Title X)] Tobacco Acreage. Reduces surplus supplies and improvesthe quality of the tobacco crop by restricting the amount of tobacco which may be produced. (P. L. 89-12) Food Marketing Commission Extension. Permits the Commission (established in 1964 to study and recommend improvements in the structure of the entire food industry) to do justice to its assignment by extending its life until July 1, 1966. (P. L. 89-20) Farm Bill. Establishes major agricultural supply adjustment programs for the next four years. (P. L. 89-321) Cotton. Sets the support price at about the world price of 21 cents per pound and provides for additional payments to cooperating producers and small farms, (P. L. 89-321) Extension of the Sugar Act. Revises and extends through December 31, 1971, domestic and foreign sugar quotas; increases domestic mainland cane and beet sugar quotas by 580, 000 tons a year and grants foreign quotas to 31 countries. (P. L. 89-331) COMMERCE AND TRANSPORTATION Public Works and Economic Development Act. Provides Federal financial and technical aid to economically depressed areas to enable them to take effective steps in planning and financing their future. (P. L. 89-136) Appalachia. Establishes a regional commission to carry out a variety of public works, vocational training, and demonstration projects in cooperation with State and local governments in the 11 Appalachian States to revise the region's economy and to improve the skills and health of its residents. (P. L. 89-4) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 6 Rapid Rail Transportation. Authorizes research and development in high-speed ground transportation to increase the ease and speed with which Americans can travel in heavily traveled corridors, such as the one from Washington to Boston. (P. L. 89-220) State Technical Services Act. Authorizes Federal assistance to States in making the fruits of scientific and engineering research and development available to American business- men, large and small. (P. L. 89-182) Highway Beautification Program. Authorizes controls on roadside advertising and junkyards and provides for financial assistance to states for landscaping and scenic easements along highways. (P. L. 89-285 of October 22, 1965) Reorganization Plan #2 of 1965. Provides for consolidation of the Coast and Geodetic Survey and the Weather Bureau to form a new agency within the Commerce Department known as the Environmental Science Services Administration. Reorganization Plan #3 of 1965. Provides for the reorganization of the locomotive inspection functions of the ICC. Export Control Act Expansion. Extends for four years -- until June 30, 1969 -- the Export Control Act of 1949, which contains the basic authority to control exports to Communist Nations and to regulate exports for foreign policy purposes. (P. L. 89-63) :Military Procurement. Authorizes appropriations during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, totaling $15. 4 billion for the procurement of aircraft, missiles and naval vessels and for research and development functions of the Department of Defense. (P. L. 89-37) Vietnam Supplemental Appropriation. Provides $799 million in supplemental funds to meet mounting military requirements in Vietnam for arms, ammunition, planes and helicopters. (P. L. 89-18) Military Pay Bill. Substantially increases the basic pay of enlisted members and officers of the uniformed services and requires annual review of the adequacy of military compensation. (P. L. 89-132) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 7 Servicemen's Group Life Insurance. Authorizes a contributory group life insurance program providing up to $10, 000 coverage for members of the uniformed services. (P. L. 89-214) Military Construction Authorization. Authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 1966 in the amount of $1. 8 billion for construction at military installations in the U. S. and abroad. (P. L. 89-188) HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Medicare. Establishes two major new national health insurance programs for 19, 000, 000 older Americans designed to provide protection against the high cost of health care. The basic plan, financed through the contributory social security system, covers hospital services, post- hospital care, outpatient hospital diagnostic services, and home health services. The supplementary voluntary plan provides protection against the costs of physicians' and surge ma' services whether in the home, office or hospital. (P. L. 89-97) Community Health Services Extension Act. Extends grant-in-aid programs of the Public Health Service under which Federal assistance is available to States and communities in financing four major public health service programs: (1) immunization of very young children against various diseases, (2) public health services for domestic migratory agricultural workers, (3) grants for general public health services and the twelve schools of public health, and (4) demon- stration of ways to improve public health services. (P. L. 89-109) Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke (Medical Complex Bill). Authorizes Federal grants to develop regional cooperative arrangements for research, training and related work in order to plan, develop and mobilize all of our medical resources to combat cancer, stroke and heart disease and related diseases and to make available to patients the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment of these diseases. (P. L. 89-239) Druz Abuse. Provides an important tool in our fight against crime and delinquency by authorizing special controls to prevent misuse of potentially dangerous drugs, especially sedatives and stimulants. (P. L. 89-74) Child Health and Welfare. Establishes a new five-year grant program to assist the States in providing comprehensive health care and services for low-income school and pre- school children, and expands existing maternal and child health and crippled children's programs. (P. L. 89-97) Community Mental Health Centers. Broadens the Community Mental Health Center Act of 1965 by authorizing Federal assistance in the initial staffing of these centers, and expands the training of teachers of handicapped and retarded children. (P. L. 89-105' more Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 8 Health Research Facilities Act. Extends and expands the program of grants for the construction of research laboratories to wage war on disease and crippling illnesses. (P. L. 89-115) Older Americans. Authorizes Federal grants to States to stimulate communities to develop a variety of services for the elderly, and authorizes funds for the study, development, and evaluation of techniques which can assist the aged to enjoy wholesome and meaningful lives. (P. L. 89-73) Social Security. Social Security benefits for over 20 million current beneficiaries were increased by 7 percent and an estimated $1. 2 billion in additional benefits, covering increases retroactive to January 1, 1965, were paid in 1965. (P. L. 89-97) Education. Provides Federal financial assistance to elementary and secondary education by authorizing grants (1) to school districts with large numbers of children from low-income families to support special educational programs for these children; (2) to assist schools in the purchase of books and other library materials; (3) to set up supplementary centers to help schools deal with educational problems; (4) to foster educational research, the development of new classroom materials and the training of teachers in their use; and (5) to strengthen the leadership of State educational agencies. (P. L. 89-10) Clean Air - Solid Waste. Provides important new authority to protect the health and comfort of all .Americans by prescribing standards for emissions from new auto- mobiles, and establishes a new program of financial and technical assistance in developing methods of removing the trash, garbage, and junk which litters the Nation. (P. L. 89-272) Medical Libraries. Provides for a program of grants to assist in meeting the need for adequate medical library services and facilities. (P. L. 89-291) Extends the Health Professions Educational Assistance Act to establish new programs for support and improvement grants for health professions schools and for scholarships for students from low-income families. (P. L. 89-290) Higher Education. Provides for strengthening the community service programs of colleges and universities, provides financial assistance for students in post- secondary and higher education, authorizes a National Teacher Corps and broadens programs of teacher preparation. (P. L. 89-3Z9) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 9 Vocational Rehabilitation. Greatly expands and improves vocational rehabiltation programs. (P. L. 89-333) HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Department of Housing and Urban Development. Creates a new Cabinet Department in recognition of the rapid urbanization of this country and the increasing necessity for focusing attention on the problems of our cities. (P. L. 89-174) Housing Act. Establishes a new program of rent supplements to assist in obtaining new housing for people who are displaced by city rehabilitation activities. Extends and expands urban renewal, low rent public housing, and community facilities programs to meet problems created for our cities by the forces of growth and decay. (P. L. 89-117) INTERIOR River basin. Provides valuable tools for planning for meeting our future water needs by establishing a Federal Water Resources Council, authorizing river basin commissions, and providing Federal grants to States to assist them in planning the development of river basins. (P. L. 89-80) Water Pollution Control. Amends the Water Pollution Control Act to require the establishment of water quality standards for the guidance of industry, local govern- ment and others, provides grants for water quality management projects and for solution of problems created by combined storm and sanitary sewers, and increased funds for the existing waste treatment program are authorized. (P. L. 89-234) Federal Water Project_- Recreation Act. Recognizes recreation as a purpose of Federal water projects and establishes policies for allocating recreation costs in the development of water projects. (PL 89-72) Saline Water. Provides for continuation and expansion of the research and experimentation now under way to develop practical and economical methods of desalting sea water and brackish groundwater. (P. L. 89-118) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Assateaque Island National Seashore. Creates a national seashore accessible to one-fifth of the Nation's population, and stretching 33 miles along the Maryland and Virginia coastlines.(P. L. 89-195) Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area. Authorizes the creation of a 72, 000 acre recreation area in Pennsylvania and New Jersey which will serve almost 30 million people who live within 100 miles of the recreation area. (P. L. 89-158) Garrison Reclamation Project. Authorizes the initial stage of the multi-purpose Garrison diversion unit of the Missouri River Basin project, consisting of a canal and related facilities to convey water stored by the existing dam to irrigate '250, 000 acres initially. (P. L. 89-103) .Auburn-Folsom U_ nit, Central Valley Project. Authorizes the construction of a major, multi-purpose water resource project on the American River in California, to serve the Central Valley. (P. L. 89-161) Whiskeytown-Shasta National Recreation Area. Establishes the Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area in California. (P. L. 89-336) Guam Or anic Act Amendments. Permits the Guaira' legislature to fix its own salaries and expenses and provides for their payment from local revenues. (P. L. 89-100) Virgin Islands Organic Act Amendments. Permits the Virgin Islands legislature to fix its own salaries and expenses and provides for their payment from local revenues. (P. L. 89..98) Spruce.Knob-Seneca Rocks Recreation Area. Authorizes this recreation area in West Virginia. (P. L. 89-207) Voting rights. Ensures the right to vote to millions of Americans who have been deniec. that right because of their color. Protection provided includes the appoint- ment of voting registrars, the barring of literacy and other tests, and machinery for invalidating poll taxes. (P. L. 89-110) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Immigration. Abolishes in three years the highly discriminatory system by which we select on the basis of place of birth among persons who wish to immigrate to the United States and substitutes a selection system based on relation- ship to persons already living in this country and the possession of professional and occupational skills needed in the United States. (P. L. 89-236) Juvenile delinquency. Authorizes appropriations for the fiscal years 1966 and 1967 to carry out the purposes of the Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Offenses Control Act of 1961. (P. L. 89-67) Law Enforcement Assistance Act of 1965. Authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 1966 of $10 million for assistance to programs and facilities for training of law enforcement personnel and to projects for developing or demonstrating effective methods for increasing security of persons and property and controlling of crime. (P. L. 89-197) LABOR Manpower Training Act Extension. Carries forward training. programs which equip men and women who are unemployed to hold productive and useful jobs; and to encourage greater participation in the program by the States, it reduces the matching requirement. (P. L. 89-15) STATE -AID Foreign Aid. Authorizes appropriations to carry forward programs of military and economic assistance vital to our security and necessary for humanity. (P. L. 89-171) Disarmament Act. Continues the authorization for appropriations for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for three fiscal years to permit that agency to continue its important work and make clear to all our never-ceasing quest for a peaceful and secure world. (P. L. 89-27) U. N. Charter Amendment. Enhances the effectiveness of the United States mission to the United Nations by giving the chief of the mission greater flexibility in assigning duties to members of the mission and providing for the appointment of a United States representative to the European office of the U. N. at Geneva. (Ratified 6/3/65) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 12 Peace Corps. Authorizes appropriations for the Peace Corps for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, to enable it to carry on even more effectively the splendid work it has been doing in underdeveloped areas of the world. (P. L. 89-134) Coffee Agreement. Carries out the United States' obligations under the International Coffee Agreement which was developed in order to stabilize coffee prices for the protection of consumers in this country and of Latin American countries whose economic well-being is tied to coffee. (P. L. 89-23) Agreement with Canada on Auto Parts. Implements agreement with Canada concerning automotive products and provides special adjustment assistance for firms and workers suffering dislocation as a result. (P. L. 89-283 of October 21, 1965) TREASURY Excise Taxes. Lifts $4. 7 billion of onerous taxes from the American economy through January 1, 1969 including repeal or reduction of excises on a wide variety of products, appliances, automobiles and communications. (P. L. 89-44) Balance of payments. Authorizes the President to consult with representatives of banks and other financial institutions to formulate voluntary agreements which will serve,to check the outflow of dollar funds in the interest of improving our international balance of ayments position. (P. L. 89-175) Interest equalization tax. Extends and broadens the interest equalization tax, which has demonstrated its effectiveness and importance in assisting the balance of payments through restraining foreign use of U. S. capital markets. (P. L. 89-243) Silver coinage. Makes the first fundamental change in our coinage laws since 1792 by eliminating the use of silver in the minting of dimes and quarters and reducing the amount of silver in half dollars in order to help meet our rapidly growing need for coins and industry's need for silver and to conserve the Government's stock of silver. (P. L. 89-81) Reorganization Plan #1 - Bureau of Customs. Abolishes all offices in the Bureau of Customs filled by Presidential appointment in an overall modernization of the Customs Service with eventual savings of over $9 million a year. (Effective May 25, 1965) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 13 International Monetary Fund. Enables the United States to join with other countries in increasing their contributions to the International Monetary Fund so that it may continue its important contributions to the economic health of the Free World. (P. L. 89-31) Reduction of duty-free tourists exemption. Aids in eliminating our balance-of-payments deficit by reducing the value and kinds of articles which returning tourists can bring in to the United States without payment of duty. (P. L. 89-62) Inter-American Development Banc. Strengthens the Bank's role as the Bank for the Alliance for Progress by authorizing a $750 million increase in the U. S. contribution to the Fund for Special Operations. (P. L. 89-6) Gold Cover. Repeals the requirement that Federal Reserve banks maintain a reserve in gold certificates of at least 25 percent against their deposit liabilities and makes possible the monetary expansion necessary for the Nation's continued growth and prosperity. (P. L. 89-3) Debt Ceiling Increase. Establishes a temporary debt limit for the fiscal year 1966 of $328 billion to provide flexibility in the financing of the Government's operations. (P. L. 89-49) MISCELLANEOUS Poverty. Continues the war on poverty and increases the funds available to wage that war. (P. L. 89-253) Arts and Humanities. Creates a National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities to support and promote the theater, opera, ballet, art, sculpture and other forms of the creative and performing arts and the humanities. (P. L. 89-209) Presidential Disability and Succession. A Constitutional amendment, now before the States for ratification, which provides a procedure for filling a vacancy in the Vice Presidency and makes provision for continuity in the leadership of the Executive Branch during periods when a President may be unable to perform his duties. (transmitted to States for ratification 7/9/65. ) Presidential Assassination. Establishes clearly the jurisdiction of the Federal Government to investigate attempts to kill, kidnap or assault the President, Vice President or potential successors. (P. L. 89-141) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 14 Atomic Ener Authorization. Authorizes appropriations for the fiscal year 1966 to finance the activities of the Atomic Energy Commission, including the design, development and construction of advanced research equipment and production plants. (P. L. 89-32) Coast Guard Authorization. Authorizes appropriations of $114, 250, 000 for fiscal year 1966 for pro- curernent of vessels and aircraft and construction of shore and offshore establishments for the Coast Guard. (P. L. 89-13) Foreign Official Time Deposits. Extends for three years through October 15, 1968, the authority for commercial banks to pay higher rates of interest on time deposits of foreign governments, central banks or other monetary authorities and international financial institutions of which the United States is a member, than those interest rates permitted on domestic deposits. (P. L. 89-79) Secret Service Arrest Authorization. Authorizes members of the Secret Service to make arrests without warrant for (a) any offense against the United States committed in their presence or (b) any felony under the law of the United States if they have reasonable grounds to believe the person to be arrested has committed or is committing such a felony. (P. L. 89-218) Reorganization Act. Extension. Extends until December 31, 1968, the period during which the President is authorized to transmit for the consideration of the Congress plans to make desirable reorganizations in the agencies of the Executive Branch. (P. L.89-43) N.IASA Authorization. Authorizes appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, for the prosecution of the space program, including research and development, construction of facilities and administrative operations. (P.,. 89-53) Patent Fee Increase. Increases the patent filing and patent issue fees and doubles the sales charge per copy of a patent in order to recover about three quarters of the cost of operating the Patent Office. (P. L. 89-83) D. C. Transit. Authorizes the first stage of a rapid transit system which is vital to the orderly growth and development of the National Capital Region. (P. L. 89-173) Federal Salaries Adjustment. Increases the basic pay of civilian employees by 3. 6 percent and provides various fringe benefits. (P. L. 89-301) Civil Service Retirement Act Amendments. Increases pensions for retired Federal employees and their survivors and revises the method of determining cost-of-living increases. (P.L. 89-205) Reorganization Plan #4 of 1965. Provides flexibility to make changes in, or to abolish, various statutory committees. Approved For Release 2003/05I2at&IA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 15 MAJOR LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS (97) ENACTED BY THE 89TH CONGRESS -- SECOND SESSION AGRICULTURE Food for India. Provides congressional endorsement and support for the program to assist in meeting food needs, shortages, and malnutrition in India and to help Indian agricultural production. (P. L. 89-406 of April 19, 1966) Child Nutrition. Extends and expands the child nutrition program including new programs for school breakfasts and for food preparation and serving equipment. (P. L. 89-642 of October 11, 1966) Food for Freedom. Revises and extends expiring Food for Peace Program. (Enacted by the Congress) COMMERCE AND TRANSPORTATION Transportation Department. Establishes a new Cabinet Department to consolidate the pr r.cipal transportation operating programs of the Government (exce St "'.1e Maritime Administration) in one agency. (P. L. 89-670 of October 15, 1966 Truth-in- Packaging. Improves protection of the consumer by new standards of labeling and by providing for bringing order into the chaotic pattern of paci:age sizes. (Enacted by the Congress) Traffic Safety. Provides for establishment of safety standards for motor vehicles and for research and development in traffic safety. (P. L. 89-563 of September 9, 1966) H Zhway Safety. Provides Federal assistance for the development and carrying out of comprehensive highway safety programs throughout the nat; -an and authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to conduct a research, develop- ment and demonstration program in highway safety. (P. L. 89-564 of September 9, 1966) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 16 Federal Add Highway. Extends and increases authorizations for the Interstate Highway System, the Federal Aid primary, secondary and urban highway programs and for roads on Federal property. (P. L. 89-574 of September 13, 1966) DEFENSE Vietnam supplemental. Authorizes appropriations of $4, 857 million for fiscal year 1966 for procurement, research and development and for construction primarily to meet additional military needs in Vietnam. (P. L. 89-367 of March 15, 1966) Military medical program. Expands the medical care and health benefits provided for dependents of military personnel and for retired personnel and their dependents. (P. L. 89-614 of September 30, 1966) Military construction authorization. Authorizes appropriations of more than $1 billion for military construction, including family housing, for fiscal year 1967. (P. L. 89-568 of September 12, 1966) Military procurement authorization. Authorizes appropriations of $17. 5 billion for fiscal year 1967 for military procurement and also authorizes a 3. 2 percent increase in the basic pay of all members of the uniformed services. (P. L. 89-501 of July 13, 1966) HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Elementary and secondary education. E-.tends for two years the landrnark Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and continues the impacted area assistance program. (Enacted by the Congress) Higher education. Extends for three years programs of assistance to higher education. (Enacted by the Congress) Teacher Corps funds - FY 1966. Appropriates $9.5 million to initiate activities under the National Teacher. Corps program. (P. L. 89-426 of May 13, 1966) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 17 Teacher CCorps funds - FY 1967. Appropriates funds to finance the first full academic year under the National Teacher Corps program. (Enacted by the Congress) Medicare enrollment extension. Extends for two months the initial enrollment period for supplementary insurance benefits for the aged under the Medicare program. (P. L. 89-384 of April 8, 1966) International education. Establishes a program of assistance to American universities and colleges to develop and expand their activities in international studies and services. (Enacted by the Congress) Library services. Expands and extends the Library Services and Construction Act for five years, including new provisions for interlibrary cooperation and State library services. (P. L. 89-541 of July 19, 1966) Health services. Provides for assistance to the States to develop and support comprehensive health planning and services, including the strengthening of community health services. (Enacted by the Congress) Public Health Service. Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1966 transfers statutory authorities of health constituents of HEW to the Secretary to permit him to reorganize and modernize the performance of health functions -- effective June 25, 1966. HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Urban mass transit. ~.xtends for two years the capital grant authorization under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 and provides new authority for research, development, training and demonstration, including grants in the field of urban mass transportation. (P. L. 89-562 of September 8, 1966) FNMA. Increases the supply of mortgage money by providing $3. 76 billion additional authority for secondary market mortgage purchases and $1 billion of authority for new lower cost housing. (P. L. 89-566 of September 10, 1966) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 18 Rent supplement funds - - FY 1966. Provides $12 million to initiate in fiscal year 1966 this major new effort in improving the lot of our disadvantaged urban citizens. (P. L. 89-426 of May 13, 1966) Rent supplement funds -- FY 1967. Provides $20 million for the first year of operation of the rent supplements program in fiscal year 1967. (P. L. 89-555 of September 6, 1966) Demonstration Cities and urban development. Provides financial and technical assistance to cities to plan, develop, and carry out programs to rebuild and revitalize entire areas of slum and blight and to expand and improve social programs and services available to the people who live in such areas. (Enacted by the Congress) INTERIOR Water Research Expansion. Expansion of Water Resources Research Act to increase and improve the national program of water research. (P. L. 89-404 of April 19, 1966. ) Water Pollution - Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1966. Transfers authority for conduct of Federal water pollution control programs from HEW to Interior. (Effective May 10, 1966) Cape Lookout National Seashore. Establishes the Cape Lookout National Seashore in North Carolina. (P. L. 89-366 of March 10, 1966) Third Grand Coulee Power Plant. Authorizes the construction and operation of a third power plant with a capacity of 3,600, 000 k. w. at Grand Coulee Dam. (P. L. 89-448 of June 14, 1966) Metallic and Nonmetallic Mine Safety. Provides for the establishment and enforcement of Federal health and safety standards in mining operations not subject to the Federal Coal Mine Safety Act. (P. L. 89-577 of September 16, 1966) Coal Mine Safety. Strengthens the provisions of the Federal Coal Mine Safety Act and removes the exemptions now applying to small mines. (P. L. 89-376 of March 26, 1966) Clean Rivers. Stimulates a basin-wide approach to cleaning our rivers and extends and expands the basic water pollution control program. (Enacted by the Congress) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 19 Revolutionary War Bicentennial. Establishes an American Revolution Bicentennial Commission for the Commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the Nation's birth. (P. L. 89-491 of July 4, 1966) Guadalupe National Park. Authorizes a Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas (P. L. 89-667 of October 15, 1966) Fish and Wildlife Preservation. Authorizes program to set aside areas for protection of endangered species of fish and wildlife. (P. L. 89-669 of October 15, 1966) JUSTICE Narcotics. Improves and modernizes handling of narcotics addicts by providing for civil commitment and greater flexibility in sentencing offenders. (Enacted by the Congress) Community Relations Service -- Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1966. Transfers Community Relations Service from the Commerce Department to the Justice Department so that its activities can be better coordinated with related activities. (Effective April 22, 1966) Revises bail practices in Federal courts to assure that persons, regardless of their financial status, shall not needlessly be d~-'I;ained pending their appearance in court. (I'. L. 89-465 of June 22, 1966) Crime package. Two bills: (1) authorize additional appropriations for the Law Enforcement Assistance Act (enacted by the Congress), and (2) establish a Commission to revise Federal criminal laws (enacted by the Congress). Civil Procedure Reforms. Four statutes to reform civil procedures: (1) increases the authority of Federal agency heads to settle tort claims administratively with recourse to the courts (P. L. 89-506, of July 18, 1966); (2) requires heads of Federal agencies to collect debts owed to the United States which arise from their activities and authorizes them to settle or compromise certain claims (P. L. 89-508 of July 18, 1966); (3) estab- lishe s statutes of limitation which apply to contract and tort actions brought by the United States (P. L. 89-505, of July 18, 1966); (4) corrects disparity of treatment between private litigants and the U. S. by providing that judgments for court costs may be awarded to the prevailing party. (P. L. 89-507, of July 18, 1966) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/059(9 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 LABOR Minimum Wage. Greatly extends the coverage of the Fair Labor Standards Act, including certain farm workers, and raises the minimum wage in steps to $1. 60 an hour for most covered workers. (P? L. 89-601 of September 23, 1966) STATE -AID Vietnam supplemental. Authorizes appropriation of $415 million in supplemental funds for fiscal year 1966 to meet urgent economic assistance requirements in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and the Dominican Republic. (P. L. 89-371 of March 18, 1966) Economic and military aid. Authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 1967 of $3, 502 million for foreign aid, of which $2, 627 million is for economic assistance and $875 million is for military assistance, and authorizes appropriations for fiscal years 1968 and 1969 for development loans and for the Alliance for Progress. (P.L. 89-583 of September 19, 1966) Foreign aid appropriations. Appropriates $3. 5 billion for foreign aid, including military assistance, and related activities for fiscal year 1967. (P. L. 89-691 of October 15, 1966) Florence Agreement. Implements the Florence Agreement (opened for signature in 1950) dealing with removing tariff and trade barriers to the free flow of educational, scientific and cultural materials between nations. (P. L. 89-651 of October 14, 1966) Bierut Agreement. Implements the Bierut Agreement (proposed by the U. S. in 1948) dealing with the movement of Audio-visual materials between countries and to permit such materials to enter the U. S. duty-free. (P. L. 89-634 of October 8, 1966) Water for Peace. Enables the United States to organize and hold an International Conference on Water for Peace in the United States in 1967 and authorizes an appropriation for that purpose. (enacted by the Congress) TREASURY Tax Adjustment. Revises withholding tax system to include graduated withholding rates, accelerates payments of estimated corporation income tax and provides quarterly payment of estimated Social Security tax for self-employed and provides minimum Social Security benefits for uninsured individuals who h ve reached a e 72. (P. L. 89-368 of March 15, 1966) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 frWe DP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 Public Debt limit. Establishes a temporary Public Debt limit of $330 billion for fiscal year 1967. (P. L. 89-472 of June 24, 1966) Sale of Assets. Authorizes Federal agencies to pool their obligations and to perma.t the Federal National Mortgage Association to sell certificates of participa- tion in such pools. (P. L. 89-429 of May 24, 1966) Coast Guard authorization. Authorizes the appropriation of $126 million for fiscal year 1967 procurement of Coast Guard vessels and aircraft and for construction activities. (P. L. 89-381 of March 30, 1966) Asian Development Bank. ,Authorizes membership of the U. S. in the Asian Development Bank and the appropriation of $200, 000, 000 for the U. S. subscription to the bank's stock. (P. L. 89-369 of March 16, 1966) Copper tariff suspension. Suspends through June 1968 the duties on certain kinds of copper and copper products. (P.L. 89-468 of June 23, 1966) Foreign investors tax. Revises the present method of taxing income derived from the U. S. by foreign individuals and corporations in order to increase the equity of the tax treatment accorded foreign investment in the U.S. This included H. R. 10 and the Financing of Presidential Campaigns Amendments. (Pending Congressional action 10/22/66) Suspension of the Investment Credit and Accelerated Depreciation. Suspends for a temporary period the provisions of existing law permitting an investment tax credit and accelerated depreciation of buildings. (Enacted by the Congress) MISCELLANEOUS G.1. bill. Provides a permanent program of educational assistance, home and farm loans, hospitalization and medical care, job counseling and placement services, Federal job preference and other benefits to veterans who served after January 31, 1955. (P. L. 89-358 of March 3, 1966) Parcel post. Increases the size and weight limits and the rates on parcel post packages and simplifies the basis on which rates are calculated. (P. L. 89-593 of June 20, 1966) Peace Corps authorization. Authorizes the appropriation of $110 million for the Peace Corps for fiscal year 1967. (P.L. 89-572 of September 13, 1966) mo r e Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 22 Civilian pay. Provides an average civilian pay increase of 2. 9 percent and improved retirement and other fringe benefits. (P. L. 89-504 of July 18, 1966) Office of Economic Opportunity authorization. Extends the war on poverty for another year and authorizes the appropriation of $1.75 billion to wage that war. (Enacted by the Congress) Supersonic trans ort funds. Appropriates $280 million for research and development in the civil supersonic aircraft program. (P. L. 89-555 of September 6, 1966) Atomic Ener Commission authorization. Authorizes appropriation of $2.26 billion for the AEC for fiscal year 1967. (P. L. 89-428 of May 21, 1966) Box car bill. Authorizes the ICC to increase rates for freight car rental in order to encourage freight car ownership and more efficient utilization of cars. (P. L. 89-430 of May 26, 1966) NASA authorization. Authorizes the appropriation of more than $5 billion for fiscal year 1967 for NASA programs. (P.L. 89-528 of August 5, 1966) public information. Establishes standards for guiding executive branch agencies in making information available to the public and authorizes court review of decisions to withhold information. (P. L. 89-487 of July 4, 1966) TVA revenue bonds. Increases by $1 billion the amount of revenue bonds which the TVA may issue to finance capital improvements. (P. L. 89-537 of August 12, 1966) Small Business Administration authorization. Increases the level SBA's L. 89x409 of May disaster uthoritaesg authority 1966) and other loan program 23 stockpile bills. Authorize the disposal of various surplus items in the national and supplemental stockpiles with an estimated value of approximately $1 billion. (19 bills are public laws; 4 bills have been enacted by Congress and are awaiting Presidential signature) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 23 Financial Institutions Supervisory A. Strengthens the regulatory and supervisory authority of Federal agencies over insured banks and insured savings and loan associations, and increases maximum insurance on deposits and share accounts from $10, 000 to $15, 000 (P. L. 89-695 of October 16, 1966) Interest Rate Controls. Provides for more flexible regulation of interest rates paid on bank deposits, broadens Federal Reserve authority over reserves required on member bank deposits, and permits open market operations by Federal Reserve Banks in obligations of Federal agencies. (P.L. 89-597 of September 21, 1966) Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400170032-7 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7 DATE rITANSMITTAL SLIP 10/25/66 TO: E it ROOM NO. I BUILDING REMARKS: F. Y. I. DCI noted the original and forwarded to Mr. Houston,.. FROM: ER ROOM NO. BUILDING EXTENSION FORM D .() A 1 REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) FEB WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400170032-7