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December 6, 2006
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December 3, 1964
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Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80BO1676R0004001e{ e27r4
3 - DEC ;j64
TIN i s ttot ti$ t* 4p"3i`e to your rr4- cs#
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Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160027-4
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
t maa no trss why ti W*- V is cast xhouw It,
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Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
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Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
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D/DCI/NIPE:JABA0SS:ag (2/12/64)
Orie & 1 _ Addressee
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1 e NIPE -4-
A 1pMr. Ecker)
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Approved FgrR se2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160027-4
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80BOl676R000400160027 * .7 /4
to Hou
ton. D.C.
. President:
This is in response to your request for a statement froxue the bead
of each depart department and agency concerning desirable retorms in ore?gc ing
programs as indicated in your statement to the Cabinet on L9 l.vember.
ish to assure you that the Central Intelligence Agency is deevotg
considerable effort to effecting tough-minded reforms &no discarding
ed programs in order to get every possi-bae dollar's v orth out of
scarce budget resources,
have established a system to 4eep sunder
constant review all of our work in all fields from intelligence prceuctiou
methods of intelligence collection, including science
and technology, to the many forms of administrative support tur our
Specifically. we have been condstctiag in recent rr"O"ths. 1v leere
sos sib ee. time studies in various areas of int*lltgeence proOtCUOf not
only to insure that our reports in suds fields as photographic interpretation
are produced most efficiently, but also to provide guidance aau criteria
to those areas of the intelligence comauxsunity which levy require rents for
intelligence collection or production. +A e feel that we are achieving
increased productivity and greater efficiency because our , oruioad has
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160027-4
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
continued to increase and the volume azaaf of reports haMMK:xtA=
and the quality has continued to improve,
continued to growl but we are accomplishing this with fewer ppoople.
The Program Analysis Staff of my Budget Office conducts a continuous
review of all existing programs and reports on a regular basis to the
cy or to eliminate marginal acti?rities.
Your call for boldness strikes a particular note in the intelligence
effort because our studies are rapidly "aching the point where only bold
decisions as to what should or should not be undertaken will "salt in any
appreciable reforms in the intelligence effort. Is this area I speak
particularly of the constantly growing manpower and money resources
required in the signal intelligence field which can be limited only
cisi as to the size of the effort. I will be making reco mendations
egard at an early date.
Finally, the Central Intelligence Agency plans a vastly greater
Congress in general with its activities during the
thcom ing session. IN. will make a particular effort to :meet with the
nate and give them a fan iliayrization
Ping on the orgaanization so that they will be better acquainted with
our work and thus more willing to support us when required.
s ?rectf-Ally yr+
John A. N cCone
l) rec. for
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
Washington, D. C. 20503
November 23, 1964
At the Cabinet meeting November 19, the President made a
statement on the Great Society which he wishes to direct to the
heads of all Departments and Agencies. A copy of the statement
is attached hereto.
The President desires that each agency head make a search-
ing review of his agency's activities and transmit to him a
statement of desirable reforms in ongoing programs -- responsive
to paragraphs 4-7 of his statement -- which would help to free
funds in the 1966 and subsequent budgets to meet more urgent
The President has requested that in preparing these state-
ments, each agency head
Consider actions that require new legislation as
well as actions that can be accomplished administratively.
-- Consider actions that involve program substance as
well as actions that relate to administrative
matters (such as field office organization and
user charges).
Estimate the budgetary effects of the proposed
adjustments and reforms for fiscal year 1966 as
well as for subsequent years.
The President would like to have these statements from each
agency head by noon Monday, November 30.
Kermit Gordon
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160027-4
The Great Society
1. Building the Great Society will require a, major effort on the part
of every Federal agency in two directions:
-- First, formulating imaginative new ideas and programs;
-- Second, carrying out hard-hitting, tough-minded reforms
in existing programs. x. W
2. All of you, I am sure, are convinced of the need of new ideas.
I have been impressed with the imagination and vision you have shown in
this area. But I want to impress on you the equally essential need to be
bold in reforming existit rrams.
3. The Great Society will require a substantial investment. This means:
--- That as a nation we cannot afford to waste a single dollar of
our resources on cutrnoded programs, which once may have
been essential, but which time and events have overtaken.
-- That as a Government we must get the most out of every
dollar of scarce budget resources, reforming old programs
and using the savings for the new programs of the Great
Society. The Congress and the American people will pro-
vide the budgetary means to build the Great Society only
if we take positive steps to show that we are spending only
where we legitimately need to spend. Only if we are
imaginative in reform will be 'allowed to be imaginative in
Reform comes in two packages:
First, we simply cannot afford to keep on doing the same
thing year after year merely because that's the way we d;d
it in the past. In partcular, we cannot afford to spend scarce
budget dollars
to meet needs that no longer exist;
-- to alleviate hardships that have long since been overcome; or
-- to subsidize services that can be provided adequately at
full cost.
Second, in what we do undertake, we must get the maximum
value per dollar spent. I will continue to insist, as I have in
the past, on increased productivity and greater efficiency.
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Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4
5. Each of you m 1st take a cold, hard look at your existing programs.
I c o~ect each of you to be as bold and as irna inative in reforming ongoing
programs as in proposing new ones.
6. I think there are m;:rly cases where boldness in reform will pay off.
To be sure, every Program needing reform has a pressure group
which will fight reform. Bat I .want to make the decisions as to those
fights which it will be worthwhile to take on and those which it won't. I
want oou to give me plenty of such decisions to make.
If we are goin g to rake an impact -- and history will find no excuse
for us if we don't -- there will be no better time than this coming session
of Congress.
7. I need you..ir help in this. I depend upon your sharpness of vision.,
and your knowledge of thf.- programs in your Department to identify the
reforms needed.
The speed with which we can move ahead to the Great Society will
depend upon how well you do this job
-- in this bud, :et, and
-- in this legi 4lative program.
I think it is also very important that each of you get to know personally
the new members of Gon-ress, Republicans as well as Democrats.
We are planni ig a reception here from six to eight p.m. , on
December 9, for th:! new Democratic members of the House and Senate,
and I want each of y ,,u to attend. This will not suffice, of course, for
personal efforts on your part to get to know these men and women. In
the long and short r ins, believe this personal relationship between
senior members of he Administration and new members of Congress will
return handsome di-idends.
Approved For Release 2006/12/06: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160027-4